Introducing M I J UU™ - a Telegram channel dedicated to promoting Oromummaa, diversity, and unity within the Oromo community. Created by the talented @yomi_Man, this channel serves as a platform for sharing stories, poems, and discussions that celebrate Oromummaa and highlight the rich cultural heritage of the Oromo people. Whether you are looking to connect with like-minded individuals, learn more about Oromo traditions, or simply appreciate the beauty of Oromummaa, M I J UU™ has something for everyone. Join us today and be a part of our vibrant community dedicated to preserving and promoting Oromummaa for generations to come!
13 Oct, 20:45
01 Oct, 11:47
25 Oct, 10:41
22 Oct, 18:11
20 Oct, 18:59
20 Oct, 09:49
18 Oct, 13:41
18 Oct, 13:31
02 Oct, 19:11
27 Sep, 18:30
20 Sep, 18:49
19 Sep, 06:11
18 Sep, 19:39
18 Sep, 11:01
17 Sep, 18:42
16 Sep, 20:05
16 Sep, 19:32