قناة بُحُورٌ مَقاصِدية @maqsed Channel on Telegram

قناة بُحُورٌ مَقاصِدية


📚إنّما قبلة المجتهد مقاصد الشّرع، فكيفما تقلّب وهو يراعي مقصود الشّرع فهو مستقبل للقبلة، كالذي أحاطت به جدران الكعبة📚

قناة بُحُورٌ مَقاصِدية (Arabic)

Welcome to قناة بُحُورٌ مَقاصِدية, a Telegram channel that delves deep into the principles and goals of Islamic law. Our channel username is @"maqsed. The title of our channel reflects our focus on exploring the purposes and objectives behind Islamic teachings, shedding light on the profound wisdom and guidance embedded in the Shariah. Just as the diligent seeker pays attention to the objectives of Islamic law, ensuring that every action is in alignment with its principles, we aim to be a source of enlightenment for those on a similar journey. Join us on this intellectual and spiritual path as we navigate the intricate dimensions of Islamic jurisprudence. Let قناة بُحُورٌ مَقاصِدية be your compass in understanding the essence and true spirit of Islamic teachings.





