MPA @m_p_archive Channel on Telegram



My Personal Archive

Inspiration collected by Nick Shandra

My Personal Archive (English)

Welcome to My Personal Archive, a Telegram channel curated by Nick Shandra. This channel is a collection of inspiration in various forms, carefully selected and shared with the aim of sparking creativity and positivity in your daily life. Nick Shandra, the creator of this channel, has a keen eye for unique and thought-provoking content, making this channel a treasure trove of ideas and motivation. Whether you're looking for quotes to uplift your spirits, beautiful photography to admire, or interesting articles to broaden your horizons, My Personal Archive has something for everyone. Join us on this journey of discovery and let your imagination roam free with the diverse range of content shared on this channel. Stay inspired, stay motivated, and let My Personal Archive be your guide to a more enriching life!


17 Oct, 11:34

Paul Lowe, colour works.


17 Oct, 11:28

Paul Lowe.


10 May, 13:05

Leonid Burlaka.


10 May, 13:01

A few years ago, the Ukrainian cinematographer Leonid Burlaka started experiencing memory loss. His grandson, 25-year-old Igor Ivanko, found a personal archive of film negatives in the garage. He scanned them and realised, that along with this fading photo archive the last memories of grandpaʼs life were disappearing. The materials were severely damaged, providing a poignant visual narrative and inspiring the concept for a documentary titled "Fragile Memory".

Presented here are some of these photographs, providing insights into Leonid Burlaka's contributions to cinematography and life. Additionally, the damaged emulsion creates an allegory for memory loss.


09 May, 14:40

"Perfect Days" by Wim Wenders

Hirayama’s dreams.