لان البنات يضحكن بهذا اليبچي 😭
Welcome to جَوْهَرُ العَقْلِ Telegram channel, where intellectual discussions and thought-provoking ideas come to life. This channel, managed by the username @kwwwkw, is dedicated to exploring the essence of the mind and delving into the depths of intellectual discourse. The name 'جَوْهَرُ العَقْلِ' translates to 'The Essence of the Mind' in English, and that is exactly what you can expect to find here. Delve into philosophical debates, engage in stimulating conversations about psychology, and explore the intricate workings of the human mind. Whether you are a seasoned intellectual or simply curious about the mysteries of the mind, this channel offers a space for deep reflection and meaningful dialogue. As the famous quote goes, 'إنّ العذوبة في الكلام ليست عذوبة ألفاظٍ، وإنَّما هي عذوبة في النَّفس سقطت علىٰ الكلام فأصابها منها ما أصاب.' This channel embodies the essence of eloquence in thought and encourages members to express themselves with depth and insight. Join us at جَوْهَرُ العَقْلِ and embark on a journey of intellectual discovery. Expand your mind, engage in meaningful discussions, and connect with like-minded individuals who share a passion for the power of thought. Let your mind soar to new heights with the stimulating content and thought-provoking discussions that await you in this vibrant community.
31 Jan, 10:02
29 Jan, 19:05
28 Jan, 11:25
25 Jan, 20:25
24 Jan, 13:08
24 Jan, 12:00
21 Jan, 18:35
18 Jan, 23:42
17 Jan, 15:22
17 Jan, 09:00
17 Jan, 09:00
16 Jan, 14:35
15 Jan, 17:24
14 Jan, 23:20
14 Jan, 04:22
13 Jan, 00:15
10 Jan, 21:47
10 Jan, 12:08
10 Jan, 12:06
09 Jan, 11:30
07 Jan, 19:58
05 Jan, 18:20
05 Jan, 16:55
31 Dec, 22:13
31 Dec, 21:31
31 Dec, 11:41
29 Dec, 22:53
28 Dec, 22:25
27 Dec, 19:35
27 Dec, 14:54
27 Dec, 11:23
26 Dec, 16:55
25 Dec, 22:03
25 Dec, 07:01
24 Dec, 18:02
24 Dec, 18:01
24 Dec, 15:17
23 Dec, 18:33
22 Dec, 10:44
21 Dec, 15:23
21 Dec, 12:03
20 Dec, 11:42
20 Dec, 08:15
18 Dec, 22:02
18 Dec, 09:06
16 Dec, 18:42
15 Dec, 17:10
14 Dec, 16:32
13 Dec, 14:00
12 Dec, 15:10
17 Nov, 23:09
16 Nov, 09:05
12 Nov, 20:54
10 Nov, 03:05
08 Nov, 01:03
05 Nov, 00:45
03 Nov, 15:49
28 Oct, 09:35
25 Oct, 22:28
23 Oct, 22:12
19 Oct, 12:42
16 Oct, 12:30
12 Oct, 17:35
12 Oct, 06:51
11 Oct, 17:12
11 Oct, 12:00
06 Oct, 21:10
05 Oct, 21:07
05 Oct, 21:07
05 Oct, 21:00
05 Oct, 20:48
05 Oct, 20:26