Welcome to the official Telegram channel for Kumasi High School, also known as 'THE MMERANTE3'! Established in 1964, this channel is your go-to source for daily updates and news from the school. Stay connected with us to receive newsletters, interviews, and entertainment content. Whether you're an alumni, a current student, or just interested in the happenings at Kumasi High School, this channel has something for everyone. Join us today and be part of the MMERANTE3 community! For collaborations and cross-promotions, feel free to reach out to us at @Genius_71.
07 Jan, 23:02
07 Jan, 13:09
07 Jan, 03:06
07 Jan, 01:12
07 Jan, 00:32
07 Jan, 00:20
06 Jan, 11:19
05 Jan, 00:20
05 Jan, 00:18
04 Jan, 06:29
03 Jan, 04:23
01 Jan, 01:51
31 Dec, 15:47
31 Dec, 09:49
31 Dec, 02:40
31 Dec, 02:01
30 Dec, 22:45
30 Dec, 19:32
30 Dec, 14:53
30 Dec, 14:53
30 Dec, 12:52
30 Dec, 12:49
29 Dec, 17:08
29 Dec, 11:36
29 Dec, 11:36
28 Dec, 19:02
26 Dec, 12:48
25 Dec, 00:37
24 Dec, 13:07
24 Dec, 13:05
24 Dec, 13:05
21 Dec, 10:45
20 Nov, 23:07
20 Nov, 22:20
20 Nov, 22:20
20 Nov, 22:20
20 Nov, 22:20
20 Nov, 22:20
20 Nov, 15:56
20 Nov, 08:46
20 Nov, 03:43
19 Nov, 11:54
19 Nov, 00:29
18 Nov, 07:38
17 Nov, 18:24
17 Nov, 16:34
16 Nov, 20:28
16 Nov, 16:37
16 Nov, 12:06
16 Nov, 11:54
15 Nov, 17:44
15 Nov, 14:01
14 Nov, 21:55
14 Nov, 11:55
14 Nov, 07:20
13 Nov, 22:16
13 Nov, 12:46
13 Nov, 12:07
13 Nov, 11:37
13 Nov, 11:18
13 Nov, 08:55
13 Nov, 02:28
12 Nov, 23:03
12 Nov, 19:38
12 Nov, 17:19
12 Nov, 17:19
12 Nov, 15:48
12 Nov, 10:37
12 Nov, 07:42
10 Nov, 16:14
09 Nov, 00:57
08 Nov, 14:29
07 Nov, 13:41
31 Oct, 21:13
31 Oct, 11:54
31 Oct, 11:24
30 Oct, 19:42
27 Oct, 03:22
24 Oct, 13:16
24 Oct, 12:21
24 Oct, 11:56
23 Oct, 19:11
23 Oct, 11:42
20 Oct, 14:20
20 Oct, 14:02
20 Oct, 13:51
20 Oct, 13:34
20 Oct, 13:32
20 Oct, 12:03
20 Oct, 11:53
20 Oct, 11:35
20 Oct, 11:31
20 Oct, 11:22
20 Oct, 11:16
20 Oct, 10:59
20 Oct, 10:59
20 Oct, 10:43
20 Oct, 10:42