🤣funny store🤣 @funnstore Channel on Telegram

🤣funny store🤣


Bunch of meme
cross @Wierd01

🤣funny store🤣 (English)

Welcome to the 🤣funny store🤣! Are you looking for a good laugh? Look no further than our hilarious collection of memes and jokes. Our channel is dedicated to bringing you the best in humor, from relatable memes to witty jokes that will have you laughing out loud. Whether you're having a bad day and need a pick-me-up or just enjoy a good laugh, our channel has something for everyone. Join us and get ready to have your funny bone tickled! Follow us on Telegram at @funnstore for your daily dose of laughter. Don't miss out on the fun, join our community today!

🤣funny store🤣

20 Nov, 16:39


🤣funny store🤣

20 Nov, 12:47


🤣funny store🤣

19 Nov, 19:20

Emotional damage

🤣funny store🤣

19 Nov, 04:02


🤣funny store🤣

18 Nov, 18:38

ህንዶች ሰው ሲሞት #ሬሳው ያቃጥሉታል🙄
እኛ ሀበሾች ግን
#ለሬሳ ክብር አለን😎
ሰውን የምናቃጥለው
#በቁሙ ነው 😏

🤣funny store🤣

16 Nov, 18:17


🤣funny store🤣

09 Nov, 03:36

Morning 🌅

🤣funny store🤣

08 Nov, 05:19

ከጀለስ ጋር ጠዋት ከእንቅልፋችሁ ተነስታችሁ ተጣጥባችሁ ምናምን ... አንድ ላይ ካፌ ሄዳችሁ በልታችሁ ከጨረሳችሁ በኋላ እሱ class የለኝም ብሎ ወደ ዶርም ሲመለስ ... አንተ ባለ classu ደሞ ልትዝግ ወደ classh ስትሄድ ልብ ይሰብራል ... 💔💔

🤣funny store🤣

08 Nov, 04:07


🤣funny store🤣

07 Nov, 13:42

Btw ተንኮለኛ ነኝ ግን ተንኮል ያቆምኩት ዝርዝር ብር እያለኝ ለረዳቱ 200 ብር ሰጥቼ ረስቼው የወረድኩበት ቀን ነው

🤣funny store🤣

07 Nov, 10:04


🤣funny store🤣

06 Nov, 06:31


🤣funny store🤣

03 Nov, 09:26

እናንተ ምትችሉትን ቋንቋ ሌላ ሰው ስላልቻለው ሙድ ምትይዙባቸው ኢትዮጵያውያን🙂

አመዳም of the week 🙂‍↕️👐

🤣funny store🤣

01 Nov, 13:12

ጓደኞቼ ዛሬ ቀኑ እንዴት ነበር?
.     .
#የናንተስ?🫵እስቲ በ #𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑗𝑖 ንገሩኝ

🤣funny store🤣

31 Oct, 12:17

😳ሰበር ዜና😳
አስደንጋጭ ሰበር ዜና በሀገረ ኬንያ አዲስ ዜና ተሰማ በቅረቡ መላው አለምን ያጠፋታል ተብሎ የሚታሰብ አስደንጋጭ ዜና
ትናንት በናሽናል ጂኦግራፊ ዋይልድ ቻናል ላይ
የተላለፈው ዜና አስደንጋጭ ነበር
, ማለትም ሳይንቲስቶች እንደገለፁት ከሆነ በጣም
አደገኛ እባብ ተገኝቷል ሳይንቲስቶቹ እንደተናገሩት
እባቡ ምግብ በበላ ቁጥር 0.5ሴ.ሜ ያድጋል
ምግቡን ደግሞ የሚበላው ቢበዛ በ 30 ሰከንድ
ውስጥ ነው ታዲያ ይህን እባብ በምንም አይነት
ሰው ሰራሽ መሳሪያ መግደል አለመቻሉ ነው ነገሩን
አስፈሪ ያደረገው ሊሞት የሚችለው እራሱን
በራሱ ከነከሰ ብቻ ነው ነገር ግን ሳይንቲስቶች
ሌላ የሚገድለውን ነገር እየፈለጉ ነው ይህ እባብ
በሰዉ ልጆች ታሪክ ከተመዘገቡ ገዳይ በጣም
አደገኛና መርዛማ ከሆኑ እባቦች ሁሉ ዋናው ነው
ታዲያ ይህ እባብ አንድ ቦታ ብቻ ነው የሚገኘው
NOKIA 3310 የስልክ ቀፎ ላይ የጌም ምርጫ
ውስጥ snake xenzia. ላይ ነው ፡፡


🤣funny store🤣

12 Oct, 06:53

The subconscious mind has no sense of humor.

🤣funny store🤣

11 Oct, 08:28

እመኑኝ ታገኙታላችሁ ተስፍና ትዕግስት ይኑራችሁ

🤣funny store🤣

08 Oct, 10:32

ማን እንደ dogs 😭

🤣funny store🤣

08 Oct, 10:30

ድመት ካያችሁ ግደሉልኝ 😡

🤣funny store🤣

16 Sep, 20:54

yihe channel ye temari (sifene) nw blo man asebe🤭🤭

🤣funny store🤣

16 Sep, 19:18

The best part of my day is talking to you🥰

🤣funny store🤣

16 Sep, 10:56

If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success.

🤣funny store🤣

16 Sep, 07:48

any time someone give you money, they take a portion of respect they have for you😔

🤣funny store🤣

16 Sep, 06:56


🤣funny store🤣

16 Sep, 04:29

You are alive but are you living?

🤣funny store🤣

15 Sep, 17:07

አዕምሮአችን ስንደክም ይበልጥ ፈጠራዊ (Creative) ይሆናል።


🤣funny store🤣

15 Sep, 06:29

“Remember, some of the best times of your life haven’t even happened

-Doug Carwright

🤣funny store🤣

14 Sep, 09:28

she never believed tha t i ignored other girl for her until she become one of them😐

🤣funny store🤣

14 Sep, 08:47

Stop chasing the wrong one
The right one won't run

🤣funny store🤣

13 Sep, 08:35

“The first step toward getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are.”
J.P. Morgan

🤣funny store🤣

12 Sep, 16:23

is this life lesson? or what😔

🤣funny store🤣

12 Sep, 13:53

“Fall in love with taking care of yourself.
Fall in love with becoming the best version of yourself but with patience, with compassion and
respect to your own journey.”

-S. Mcnutt

🤣funny store🤣

10 Sep, 18:34

As we grow older holidays don't give us the same sense of wonder as when we were children😔...

Anyways ...HAPPY NEW YEAR ....2017🤩

🤣funny store🤣

10 Sep, 08:45

All houses are dark until mother wakes up💞

🤣funny store🤣

08 Sep, 12:20

“Better to jump and make a mistake than sit there too frightened
to make a move.”

-Richard Templar