Karin Kneissl official @karinkneisslofficial Channel on Telegram

Karin Kneissl official


Dr Karin Kneissl, Autorin, Analytikerin, 2017-19 österr. Außenministerin; zog im Sept 2020 mit ihren Tieren nach Frankreich, im Mai 2022 in den Libanon, da für russ.Unis etc tätig,
1.9.2023 Leitet das G.O.R.K.I. in St.Petersburg

Karin Kneissl official (German)

Willkommen bei 'Karin Kneissl official' auf Telegram! Hier finden Sie exklusive Einblicke in das Leben und Werk von Dr. Karin Kneissl, einer renommierten Autorin und Analytikerin. Dr. Karin Kneissl, die von 2017 bis 2019 als österreichische Außenministerin tätig war, hat im September 2020 mit ihren Tieren nach Frankreich und im Mai 2022 in den Libanon umgesiedelt. Aktuell ist sie für russische Universitäten tätig und ab dem 1. September 2023 übernimmt sie die Leitung des G.O.R.K.I. in St. Petersburg. Tauchen Sie ein in die faszinierende Welt von Dr. Karin Kneissl und erfahren Sie mehr über ihre Arbeit, Projekte und aktuellen Entwicklungen. Besuchen Sie auch ihre offizielle Website unter www.kkneissl.com, um mehr über ihre Publikationen und Expertise zu erfahren. Treten Sie unserer Telegram-Community bei und verpassen Sie keine Neuigkeiten von Dr. Karin Kneissl mehr!

Karin Kneissl official

16 Feb, 13:27

📄On February 7, the Russian newspaper Vedomosti published an article by Karin Kneissl, a partner of CSAI IOS RAS, Head of the G.O.R.K.I. Centre of St. Petersburg State University, former Austrian Foreign Minister, entitled «Russophobia: a 200-year-old disease».

🟢 In her work, the author notes that anti-Russian sentiments have a very long and deep-rooted history. The author concludes that on the territory of Eastern and Central Europe the spread of russophobia was caused by geographical factors, as well as historical competition between Russia and Austria-Hungary in the Balkans, which later developed into the First and Second World Wars.

🟢 At the same time, the author emphasises that in the case of Britain, dislike of Russia was based on the struggle for spheres of influence. In the author's opinion, this was most clearly manifested in the 19th century during the «Great Game» - the struggle between Russia and Britain for dominance in Central Asia.
The author notes that today's «Great Game» continues and the main battlefield is Iran. While London and Washington made attempts to destabilise Iran from within, Russia, on the contrary, advocates active cooperation with Tehran and the development of trade corridors.

🟢 Russophobia: a 200-year-old disease


Karin Kneissl official

16 Feb, 11:13

#107: Staatsversagen

In der neuen Folge dreht sich alles um die geopolitischen Spannungen, die in dieser Woche die Schlagzeilen beherrschten. Von Trumps überraschendem Telefonat mit Putin über die hitzigen Debatten auf der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz bis hin zu neuen sicherheitspolitischen Kurswechseln der USA – wir analysieren, welche Weichen für die globale Ordnung gerade neu gestellt werden. Besonders brisant: US-Verteidigungsminister Pete Hegseth stellt die NATO-Perspektive der Ukraine infrage, während Vizepräsident J.D. Vance die EU für mangelnde Meinungsfreiheit kritisiert. Ist das der Beginn einer neuen transatlantischen Ära?

Doch auch nationalpolitisch gibt es Zündstoff: In Deutschland sorgt ein schweres Attentat für Entsetzen und politische Debatten über Migration und Sicherheit. In Österreich sind die Regierungsverhandlungen zwischen FPÖ und ÖVP gescheitert – was bedeutet das für die Zukunft der Alpenrepublik? Und schließlich: Wird Russland bald wieder Teil der G7?

▶️Hört rein:

Karin Kneissl official

14 Feb, 13:16


Karin Kneissl official

14 Feb, 12:23

It was the first lecture for Charlie, but he did well behave. His boxers tell him what to do....

Karin Kneissl official

14 Feb, 11:50

Today at Ryazan State University named after Sergey Yesenin giving my first lecture of a cycle we organised in December.
The topic was the Crisis of the European Automotive Industry.

Given the new tariffs announced this week by the USA, the Europeans are truly sandwiched between their sanctions against Russia, once an important market, and US protectionism.

It was a pleasure to lecture to an attentive and well informed audience. Apart from students, the rectorate had also invited representatives from the regional industry, many in the car business.

I donated my book Mobiltaetswende, the last one I had published in Austria in 2020, to the library. Lots of young colleagues who speak excellent German.

See you again in late May!!

#Ryazan #cars #EUinTroubles

Karin Kneissl official

13 Feb, 18:24

This afternoon in Moscow at the Amur Tiger Center 🐅
I was officially appointed Goodwill Ambassador for the Amur Tigers in Russia.

My sincere respect to Minister Konstantin A. Chuychenko, head of the Supervisory Board of the Amur Tiger Center, for the trust he puts in my future work.

I keep an excellent impression of the Bikin Nature Reserve I visited in December. Tremendous achievements in terms of infrastructure for the rangers and those who work in wildlife conservation.

We did a first brainstorming and will formulate our schedule of common activities.

It is my honour and joy to serve the Russian Far East, its people and animals. The state and professionals, not activists, are in charge.

While wolves and bears in Germany and Austria are all considered problematic, I can perceive a positive commitment and pride when it comes to wildlife protection in Russia - for sure there are exceptions.

We live here with wolves in our region. All is a matter of geography and food....

#AmurTiger #Russia #wildlife

Karin Kneissl official

13 Feb, 13:13


Today in Moscow at a roundtable of the Society of Russian Historians hosted by Sergey Naryshkin.

On the agenda was inter alia the topic of borders throughout history
Having written my dissertation on the notions of frontiers and borders I dwelled on the instable frontier space as opposed to the stable border/boundary, which reflects mutual recognition.

World War I is not yet over, its legacy still matters. There are more frontiers than borders.The frontier is the Krajina, where in 1995 the Croatians did ethnic cleansing of the Serbian population. It is the kraj - the buffer.

On Central Europe: Joseph Roth from Galicia, one of my favourite writers, described well the Ruthens in Transcarpathia, the Polish and Russians, but no Ukrainians.

#Russia #border

Karin Kneissl official

12 Feb, 18:29

Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with President of the United States of America Donald Trump

🔹The leaders discussed issues related to the prisoner exchange between Russia and the United States. The US President assured the Russian President of the American side's commitment to fulfill all the agreements reached.

🔹The leaders also discussed a possible Ukraine settlement. Donald Trump spoke in favour of stopping the hostilities as soon as possible and solving the crisis peacefully. In turn, Vladimir Putin pointed out it was necessary to eliminate the root causes of the conflict and agreed with Donald Trump in that a sustainable settlement could only be reached via peaceful negotiations.

🔹Additionally, the Russian President expressed support for one of the US President's key arguments, which was that it was time for both countries to work together.

🔹The issues of Middle East settlement, Iran's nuclear programme, and bilateral economic relations between Russia and the United States were also brought up during the conversation.

🔹The Russian President invited the US President to visit Moscow and expressed willingness to receive visiting officials from the United States to discuss topics of mutual interest, including a possible Ukraine settlement.

🔹Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump agreed to maintain personal contact in the future, involving in particular in-person meetings.

Karin Kneissl official

12 Feb, 18:29

Today was certainly an interesting day in terms of international politics

Russia and the US are advancing their bilateral relationship

Trump has been officially invited to Moscow, 9th of May would be more than symbolic, commemorating together the sacrifices of the Great Patriotic War, World War II

The Europeans were clearly told that they have take care of the disasters they started

With EU sanctions against Russia and US tariffs against the EU plus the domestic chaos in many EU states, the immediate future for the 'garden' as Borrell called the EU is very gloomy

#Russia #USA #EUinTroubles

Karin Kneissl official

12 Feb, 15:11


US secretary of defence very clear at NATO on Ukraine:

1.Up to Europeans to clean up the mess and handle the mess

2. New Ukrainian map

3. New security arrangements

Tomorrow at a roundtable with Russian historians the topic of border drawing throughout history is our agenda

To a large extent World War one is not over.
The reshuffling of the maps after 1918 created a legacy full of conflicts both in Eastern Europe and in the Middle East.
Today's battlefields have old roots.

#history #Ukraine #Russia #borders #frontiers

Karin Kneissl official

04 Feb, 10:26

Тигрица Желтобокая, тигрята и их «папенька» по кличке Джек

Видео снято в Дурминском хозяйстве в районе им. Лазо Хабаровского края 29 декабря 2024 года. Папаня проходит за тигрицей и малышами не сразу, а спустя какое-то время. Видео проходов склеены.

Видео: Александр Баталов/ Сергей Баталов

🐯 Центр «Амурский тигр»

Karin Kneissl official

03 Feb, 17:49

Good evening,

Please find attached an interview in French which Thierry Thodinor conducted with me two weeks ago in St.Petersburg.

The main question we raise is, what has happened to the rule of law: Où est l'Etat de droit?


Karin Kneissl official

03 Feb, 17:23

Gaza death toll surges by over 14,000 as rescuers find more bodies under rubble

According to Gaza's Health Ministry, Israel's war on the strip claimed at least 61,000 lives, including over 17,000 children

Karin Kneissl official

02 Feb, 19:20

📰 Beitrag des Botschafters Russlands in Österreich, Dmitrij Ljubinskij, veröffentlicht in der Tageszeitung “Junge Welt”

Zum Genozid am sowjetischen Volk
Am 22. Juni 1941 überfiel Nazideutschland im Rahmen der „Operation Barbarossa“ die Sowjetunion. Auf Befehl Hitlers führte die Wehrmacht und die SS diesen Feldzug von Beginn an als Vernichtungskrieg, dessen Ziel nicht nur die Eroberung, sondern der Genozid an der sowjetischen Bevölkerung war.

Nach dem „Generalplan Ost“ sollte das Volk der UdSSR unterworfen, versklavt und deportiert werden, um für die überlegene "arischen Rasse" neuen Lebensraum zu schaffen - eine Blaupause für die „Germanisierung“ der eroberten Gebiete.

Gleichzeitig wurden Soldaten der Wehrmacht durch den „Kriegsgerichtsbarkeitserlass“ (13. Mai 1941) undden „Kommissarbefehl“ (6. Juni 1941) von der Strafverfolgung für Verbrechen gegen sowjetische Zivilisten und Kriegsgefangene freigestellt, auch wenn es sich um Kriegsverbrechen handelte. Ein Freibrief für die willkürliche Erschießung von Zivilisten.

Das Vordringen der Wehrmacht ging mit einer systematischen Ausraubung und Vernichtung der sowjetischen Bevölkerung einher. Das gesamte Getreide und andere Lebensmittel wurden aus den besetzten Gebieten ins Dritte Reich eingezogen oder von der Okkupationsarmee konsumiert. Das dies den Hungertod von 20-30 Millionen Menschen in der Sowjetunion bedeuten sollte entsprach voll und ganz den Plänen des Reiches.

Infolge der unzähligen barbarischen Gräueltaten der Nazis kamen in der Sowjetunion insgesamt 13 684 692 Zivilisten ums Leben. Ganze Dörfer wurden ausgerottet, Unschuldige wurden in KZ´s zu Tode gefoltert oder starben an den schweren Folgen des Okkupationsregimes. Alleine bei der Leningrader Blockade sind 632 253 Menschen verhungert – die doppelte Einwohnerzahl des heutigen Graz! 1710 Städte und 70 Tausend Dörfer sind vernichtet worden, viele davon samt der ganzen Bevölkerung. 25 Millionen Menschen blieben ohne Unterkunft. Fast 32 Tausend Industriebetriebe, 100 Tausend Kolchosen, 40 Tausend Krankenhäuser, 84 Tausend Schulen und Hochschulen, 427 Museen wurden zerstört.

Gerade vor diesem Hintergrund erscheinen die Versuche einiger westlicher Politiker die Mitschuld an der Tragödie auf die überfallene Sowjetunion aufzuerlegen besonders obszön.

Und was ist mit Österreich? In der Zweiten Republik wurde viele Jahrzehnte im außenpolitischen Narrativ die Rolle „österreichischer“ Wehrmachtsangehöriger als jene des Opfers festgelegt. Zeitgleich aber würdigten manche österreichischen Bundes- und Landespolitiker bei öffentlichen Gedenkfeiern und Denkmalweihen ehemalige Wehrmachtsangehörige und rechtfertigten den Dienst in der Wehrmacht als „Pflichterfüllung“. Diese zweideutige Interpretation der eigenen Rolle wurde im Bundespräsidentenwahlkampf 1986 brüchig und kippte schließlich im Zuge der Wehrmachtsausstellungen in den 1990er und 2000er Jahren. Trotzdem hat Österreich in Sachen Aufarbeitung der dunklen Vergangenheit noch einen weiten Weg zu gehen, denn der „Beitrag“ dieses Landes zum Holocaust und Genozid am sowjetischen Volk war schwerwiegend.

Nach dem Anschluss sind ca. 700 Tausend Österreicher (viele davon begeistert) der NSDAP beigetreten, nicht weniger als 1,3 Millionen dienten in der Wehrmacht, die meisten an der Ostfront. Gerade die Linzer 45. Infanterie-Division hat zum Beispiel am 22. Juni 1941 die Brester Festung gestürmt.

Was der österreichische „Anteil“ an den NS-Gewaltverbrechen und insbesondere an den Wachmannschaften in Vernichtungslagern sowie in SS- und Waffen-SS-Verbänden betrifft, so gehen die Angaben dazu auseinander.

❗️ Es ist das Gebot der Stunde, der größten humanitären Katastrophe der Menschheitsgeschichte zu gedenken und an das Leiden und den Opfermut des sowjetischen Volkes zu erinnern. Versuche westlicher politischer Eliten, die Geschichte zu verdrehen, sie umzuschreiben, sind zum Scheitern Verdammt. Die Erinnerung an das Genozid am Sowjetischen Volkdurch Nazideutschland ist in unserer DNA gebrannt, nichts wird diese verblassen lassen.

Nichts ist vergessen, niemand ist vergessen.

Karin Kneissl official

02 Feb, 19:11

Accordng to the Russian ombudswoman on Human Rights Tatiana Moskalkova the school building in the Kursk region that was attacked by Ukrainian strikes (western missiles) housed abducted Russian civilians.

She has called on the United Nations Commissioner for Human Rights and a number of European organizations to condemn the strike on a boarding school in Sudzha in Russia’s borderline Kursk Region.

This is another grave war crime in a series of massacres. Silence in the west.
see details below

Karin Kneissl official

02 Feb, 19:11

🇷🇺🇺🇦 Western media did not dare to support the Ukrainian version of the strike on Sudzha

Immediately after the strike on the boarding school in Sudzha, Ukrainian propaganda tried to blame the tragedy on an attack by the Russian air force.

However, this time the Western media decided to take a more cautious stance than in similar situations in the past. In most materials, the largest publications cite statements from both sides; they stipulate that they blame each other; the "editorial office is unable to confirm either version".

📌 And this is quite indicative, for at least two reasons:
▪️The attempt by the Kyiv regime to once again discredit Russia in the eyes of the international community through a new provocation did not succeed.
▪️Western media are now focused on the agenda around the actions of the new US administration, where Trump's statements about negotiations have become the main topic. Stories that deviate from this trend do not find wide support.

It is also worth adding that the same Western media did not even notice the story of the massacre in Russkoye Porechnoye, so the theses that the authorities of the so-called Ukraine are trying to divert attention from their crimes are rather controversial.

🔻At the same time, it is important to understand that information pricks against the authorities of the so-called Ukraine, which have happened many times before, do not mean a stop to Western military assistance to Kyiv. Even despite the emerging critical materials, weapons deliveries continue. And this is especially important to consider, since the strike on Sudzha was apparently carried out with Western weapons.
#Kursk #media_technologies #Russia #Ukraine

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Karin Kneissl official

02 Feb, 16:59

Good evening

The four-legged family has a new little member!
A six month young Cavalier spaniel arrived today. On Thursday I got the call whether I could take him, today he came.
He was born with one eye closed, is very affectionate and will hopefully enjoy living with us in between the village and our office weeks in St.Petersburg.
I had an old Cavalier Lady who passed away in November 2020. In France we were always Cordially welcome. Adele was her name and she conquered everyone.

The little boy will be called Charlie (Chaplin). That goes well with Winnie (Winston Churchill) and Jackie (Onassis).

The little wooden house can lodge all of us and we continue working on the renovation of the ruin.
Good night from a small village on Planet Russia

#dogs #Russia #boxers #kingcharlescavalier

Karin Kneissl official

02 Feb, 14:06

#105: Iron Dome

💥Die neue Folge unseres Podcasts steht ganz im Zeichen politischer Turbulenzen rund um den Globus. Donald Trump sorgt mit radikalen Maßnahmen für Aufsehen: Von der geplanten Inhaftierung zehntausender Migranten in Guantánamo über die Einführung eines „Iron Dome“ für die USA bis hin zu umstrittenen Umsiedlungsplänen für Palästinenser – sein Kurs nimmt klare Konturen an. Gleichzeitig verschärft die EU ihre Sanktionen gegen Russland, während Ungarn überraschend zustimmt. Welche politischen Konsequenzen drohen, und wie ordnen wir diese Entwicklungen ein?

Doch nicht nur in den USA und Europa spitzen sich die Ereignisse zu: Der Nahe Osten bleibt ein Pulverfass mit Rückkehrbewegungen nach Gaza, einer fragilen Waffenruhe im Libanon und einem radikalen Umbruch in Syrien. Auch in Weißrussland sorgt die jüngste Wahl von Alexander Lukaschenko für internationale Kritik. Was steckt hinter diesen geopolitischen Verschiebungen? Wie groß ist die Gefahr einer weiteren Eskalation? Darüber spreche ich in der neuen Folge mit Karin Kneissl.

▶️Hört rein:

Karin Kneissl official

01 Feb, 16:01

Today at the Dom Kultura in Zelo Giblitsy commemorating the 90th birthday of the late Cosmonaut Vladimir V. Aksenov, native of this village in Ryazan Oblast.

My thanks go to Vladimir Sergeyvich Trubochkin who introduced me to that charismatic personality Mr. Aksenov was.
I did a little speech in Russian and inter alia stated:

Владимир Викторович Аксенов был ребенком Зело Гиблицы. Здесь он узнал много нового о жизни, природе и космосе. Здесь можно увидеть звезды ночью. К сожалению, не в Москве.

Good night from Planet Russia!

#Russia #cosmonaut #Aksenov

Karin Kneissl official

31 Jan, 19:12

In Syria, the lunatics are running the asylum

As the dust settles in regime-changed Syria, a new reality emerges – one where the victors are not liberators, but former Al-Qaeda warlords restyled in suits, shaking hands with world leaders, and reshaping the state in their own sectarian image.

By Fuad Walid Itayim

Karin Kneissl official

31 Jan, 19:12

Please find attached a very revealing analysis of the terrorist profiles of those running Syria. A few days ago, Abu Sharaa nominated himself president and presented his government in the absence of a constitution or elections.

7 weeks have passed since those who had built up the Al Qaeda branch, An Nusra Front, in Idlib in northern Syria took Damascus. The West happily applauded the end of the Assad regime. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mr. Volker Türk, courts the "ex-terrorists" like many others. do. Meanwhile massacres take place across Syria - in total silence.

The author of this article published by the Beirut based The Cradle presents a sober summary of the crimes committed by the "government" of Syria. The German and French Foreign Ministers were among the first to rush to Damascus and start normalising relations. The EU Foreign ministers are about to lift sanctions, the WEF in Davos is delighted to receive the headchoppers and torturers.

It is a very bloody surrealism that we witness. Nobody should say in some years: Oh we did not know.

The new terminology is "moderate jihadists". In that logic all those EU-nationals who are jailed for having joined the IS in 2014/15 would need to leave prison, so they can freely move again in France, Germany, commit another massacre as they did at the Bataclan and elsewhere. It is just some "moderate jihadism".

It is hard to surprise me. I have seen a lot of cynicism that humankind is capable of. But what is happening right now in Syria and the action by the EU goes far beyond my capacities to understand.

And many people from Brussels to Berlin, Geneva etc. are complices in those killings that happened over the last 7 weeks and those to come.

#Syria #terrorism

Karin Kneissl official

31 Jan, 15:40

🤝🟤 Maria Zakharova recently spoke about her love for Chinese cuisine. In Chinese😄 🟧

Мария Захарова недавно рассказала о своей любви к китайской кухне. На китайском))

Boost | Support | 💜 👑 RD

Karin Kneissl official

31 Jan, 15:40

Please find below an interview with Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova not in Russian or English, in fluent Chinese!
This is truly impressive. My sincere respect for a busy lady. I am not aware of any US-spokesperson who speaks any foreign language.

First I need to master well Russian, but then one day I plan to study the basics of Chinese.
And in between I try to practice my Arabic. That was easier in France, where I spoke Arabic every day....

#MID #MariaZakharova #China

Karin Kneissl official

31 Jan, 15:16

Good evening,

Please find enclosed a very enlightning article by the press department of the St.Petersburg Mining University. A conference was recently held in Teheran on Artificial Intelligence and the current race on technological leadership. Very interesting statements by the Iranian political leadership.
I fully subscribe to the need of analog education and thinking in order to strive for digital excellence. The conversations I had with Rector Vladimir Litvinienko on that topic were always enrichring.
And that is why in my exams students have to use their logic and not just reproduce things they learnt by heart.

#MiningUniversity #SPbU #ArtificialIntelligence #Russia #Iran


Karin Kneissl official

30 Jan, 15:10

Russia’s 1994 world champions in figure skating, Evgenia Shishkova and Vadim Naumov, were on board the passenger plane that crashed in Washington, D.C., a source told TASS.

Karin Kneissl official

30 Jan, 15:10

My sincere empathy to all those who mourn the loss of Evgenia Shishkova and her husband Vadim Naumov, Russia's 1994 world champions in figure skating.
Together with them died eleven young skaters who were trained by them . They plus dozens of others are victims of the crash of a passenger plane with a military helicopter in Washington last night.

This is a tragedy not only for the world of sports, it is a loss both for their native country Russia and for their host country the US where they passed on their passion to the next generation.

#Russia #USA #sports

Karin Kneissl official

30 Jan, 12:21

Another day, another Russian 🇷🇺 and his bears. 🐻 WAIT…those AREN’T bears! 😳


Karin Kneissl official

30 Jan, 06:46

❗️SYRIA: Military Operations Department of the new HTS-led administration announces that Ahmed al-Sharaa (Abu Mohammad al-Julani) will assume the presidency of Syria during the transitional phase, and that the the Baath Party, the People's Assembly, national army, security services and all armed factions will be dissolved, and the constitution cancelled.

Karin Kneissl official

30 Jan, 06:46

Good morning,

Accomplished facts are announced in Damascus and apparently no voice of opposition. See the post below. Meanwhile massacres are committed across the country. Most of them in total silence.

Ever since the outbreak of fighting in Syria in 2011 - with lots of militias and governments involved from Day 1 - international mediators submitted drafts for new constitutions, agendas etc.

The first mediator was the late UN-Secretary General Kofi Annan. When he failed, I feared that none would succeed. And for sure those who assumed that mission impossible ever since never had Annan's talent.

i mention this because many drafts for a new constitution have been agreed upon by various Syrian opposition parties. It is nonsense to say that a new constitution will take three years and elections can only be held in four years from now.

If this experiment in Syria moves on, and the EU will lift their unilateral sanctions and do business, then my gloomy statement that terrorists have an easier life in the EU than those "considered to be on the wrong side of history" is unfortunately reconfirmed.

The wider implications for what we once called international law are evident. That is why I wrote a book called Requiem for Europe. Syria is another illustration.

#Syria #EU #terrorism

Karin Kneissl official

29 Jan, 18:47

🗓 The Chinese New Year falls on January 29, ushering in the Year of the Snake.

Subscribe to TASS Media

Karin Kneissl official

29 Jan, 18:47

With a little delay a happy new year according to the Chinese lunar calendar!

The Kasimov chocolate manufacture in our region of Ryazan has created fabulous chocolate serpents which we offered each other. The Dragons (like me) now give space to the Serpents.....

Russians celebrating with Chinese symbols started a long while ago. It is probably part of having a curious and open mind. That tradition is much older than the partnership and energy cooperation started by Russia and China in 2004.

#China #Russia #NewYear

Karin Kneissl official

27 Jan, 15:12

🌍В Санкт-Петербурге встретились руководители ЦНАИ ИВ РАН и G.O.R.K.I. СПбГУ

🔴24 января руководитель ЦНАИ ИВ РАН д.п.н. Николай Плотников встретился с доктором Карин Кнайсль, руководителем Центра G.O.R.K.I. Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета, экс-министром иностранных дел Австрийской Республики (2017 – 2019). Был обсужден широкий круг вопросов, касающихся мировой политики. Особое внимание руководители научно-исследовательских организаций уделили политическим процессам в странах арабского мира. Обсуждение показало схожесть оценок и мнений по актуальным международным вопросам.

🔴Стороны обсудили также возможное практическое взаимодействие двух центров. Договорились проработать вопрос совместного проведения в 2025 г. международной научно-практической конференции на площадке Центра G.O.R.K.I. СПбГУ по актуальной тематике с участием иностранных экспертов-партнеров ЦНАИ ИВ РАН в особняке Кельха в Санкт-Петербурге, участия представителей Центра G.O.R.K.I. СПбГУ в научных мероприятиях ЦНАИ ИВ РАН в Москве, проведения совместных поисково-прикладных исследований с последующей подготовкой по их результатам научно-аналитических материалов для возможного использования в практической работе федеральными органами власти.

🔴В беседе приняли также участие ведущий специалист ЦНАИ ИВ РАН Алексей Маринин и проректор СПбГУ Виктор Титов, предложивший разработать соглашение о взаимодействии, которое может обеспечить синергию обеих структур с целью реализации проектов и совместных научных мероприятий.

🌍Meeting of the Heads of CSAI IOS RAS and SPbU G.O.R.K.I. Center in St. Petersburg

🔴On January 24, Dr. of Political Science Nikolai Plotnikov, Head of CSAI IOS RAS, met with Dr. Karin Kneissl, Head of the G.O.R.K.I. Center of St. Petersburg State University, former Foreign Minister of the Republic of Austria (2017 - 2019). The heads of research organizations discussed a wide range of issues related to world politics, with special attention paid to the political processes in the Arab countries. The discussion revealed the convergence of assessments and opinions on many current international issues.

🔴The parties also discussed possible practical interaction between the two centers, in particular, agreed to work on holding in 2025 a joint international scientific and practical conference on current international issues, to be hosted by the SPbU G.O.R.K.I. Center in the Kelch Mansion in St. Petersburg and attended by foreign partners of CSAI IOS RAS. The heads also discussed the participation of the representatives of the SPbU G.O.R.K.I. Center in the scientific events of the CSAI IOS RAS in Moscow, as well as the conduct of joint exploratory and applied research and the preparation of scientific and analytical materials based on the results for possible practical use by federal authorities.

🔴The meeting was also attended by Alexei Marinin, Leading Specialist of CSAI IOS RAS, and Viktor Titov, Senior Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics of St. Petersburg University, who proposed to develop a cooperation agreement that would synergize the two structures for joint projects and scientific events.


Karin Kneissl official

27 Jan, 15:06

On January 27, 1945, Soviet troops liberated the Auschwitz death camp.

Over the course of the war, more than 1.1 million people died there. When soldiers of the 107th Rifle Division of the 1st Ukrainian Front approached the camp, there were only 7,600 prisoners left.

The Germans left in a hurry the day before. They executed about 700 prisoners, destroyed most of the archives and blew up several crematoria. Almost 60,000 of the most able-bodied prisoners, meanwhile, were driven to Germany.

Senior Lieutenant Ivan Martynushkin forever remembered the deplorable state of the people who had suffered from Nazi terror:

“They looked terrible, some kind of rags on their heads. Their faces were exhausted, emaciated, most importantly – exhausted. But, there was joy in their eyes that this hell was over. And some gratitude was passed on to us.”

Soviet doctors did everything possible to help the survivors. Unfortunately, within two weeks, several thousand of the former prisoners died of exhaustion and disease.

In 2005, the UN designated January 27, the day of the liberation of the Auschwitz camp, as International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Credit: Olga Ignatovich/Sputnik

🤓 Gateway to Russia

Karin Kneissl official

12 Jan, 19:21

Good evening,

Another week until the inauguration of the incoming US-President Donald Trump. Bilateral diplomacy is apparently getting on track.

The notion of comprehensive security guarantees for Russia has entered the new vocabulary in Washington, which is good., see the post below. Alas, it could have come three years earlier.

In December 2021, Moscow submitted a draft for a larger security arrangement to the OSCE, Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe. Unfortunately, the entire NATO licking its wounds from the Kabul disaster in August 2021 was determined to "bring Russia to her knees". The war machinery was in full swing,

Three year later, NATO has to understand that Russia cannot be defeated on the battlefield. Trump wants to spend US-taxpayer money on the US. Europe will have to do the military and above all economic and humanitarian clean-up.

The perspective of a dialogue between the US and Russia is a positive development in itself. Europe is on the losing end, for the simple reason that there is nobody to talk to in Europe.

If I correctly remember this quote by the late Winston Churchill, then the US will do the right thing after they have tried everything else. In the case of Ukraine, the loss of lives is dramatic. It could have been avoided, if diplomats in Vienna had paid attention to the Russian proposal submitted to the OSCE in December 2021...

#Russia #USA #Ukraine #security

Karin Kneissl official

12 Jan, 11:46

#102: Arktisches Monopoly

💥In der neuen Folge spreche ich mit Karin Kneissl über die imperialen Pläne von Donald Trump, Kanada als 51. Staat der USA anzuerkennen, den Panama-Kanal wieder unter US-Kontrolle zu stellen und Grönland zu annektieren. Außerdem thematisieren wir den angekündigten Rücktritt von Justin Trudeau als Premierminister von Kanada sowie die Enthüllungen von Elon Musk zu einem schwerwiegenden Vergewaltigungsskandal in Großbritannien, in den auch der aktuelle Premierminister Keir Starmer verwickelt gewesen ist. Weitere Themen der neuen Folge sind der bevorstehende Machtwechsel in Österreich, der Besuch von Benjamin Netanjahu in Polen sowie ein möglicher Haftbefehl gegen den ehemaligen französischen Präsidenten Nicolas Sarkozy.

▶️Hört rein:

Karin Kneissl official

10 Jan, 16:09


Gas reserves in the UK are at concerningly low level.

According to British reports, this means that less than one week of gas demand is in the storage....

For all those who moved out of fossil and nuclear: when the sun does not shine, when the wind does not blow, there has to be a back-up. Natural gas used to be most reliable back-up. Such weather situations are regular at this time of the year. In German it is called "Dunkelflaute". And the entire situation is a big quagmire, probably more for Germany than for Britain.

Ten days ago, Ukraine stopped all Russian gas transit.

#gas #energy #UK #renewables

Karin Kneissl official

09 Jan, 18:08

Nicolas Sarkozy, President of France 2007-2012, went on trial in Paris this week.The charges are: 50 million euros he got for illegal campaign financing.

It was Saif Gaddhafi, son of the late Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, who revealed in an interview with Euronews in 2011 notorious facts about Libyan money transfers to the French conservative party of Sarkozy.

In April 2012, the former Libyan Prime Minister Shukry Ghanem, was found dead in the Danube channel. Acc. to Vienna police he drowned. In my book "Mein Naher Osten", published in 2014, I dwell on the question, who might have pushed Ghanem, who knew a lot about those transfers, into the water. Ghanem was certainly not a suicidal character.

The "humanitarian intervention" the French started in March 2011 quickly turned into regime change. It led to the destruction of Libya and triggered tremendous violence across the region.

A lot still needs to be clarified, not only at a court in Paris.

#France #Sarkozy #Libya #money #war


Karin Kneissl official

08 Jan, 18:31

Since some asked for the references of the book I mentioned recently in our podcast, here they come.

I borrow the book from a French neighbour, good to a have a sort of library close by.
Unfortunately my books stayed in Austria, only a handful could be sent a few months ago.

One remark on the Great game: back then it was all about strategic depth and markets.

The next Great Game is underway in the Arctic. It started a while ago. We will discuss that in our
upcoming podcast. There are also plenty of good books on that topic. And at the G.O.R.K.I we organised a roundtable and a simulation last spring.

#Eurasia #greatgame #Arctic


Karin Kneissl official

08 Jan, 15:29



Karin Kneissl official

08 Jan, 12:49

Please find attached extracts of an interview with Russia-24 on the ongoing deindustrialization.

A few days ago, the head of the Austrian association of industrialists, Mr. Knill, stated some harsh facts on the dramatic economic decline of the country: "Austria does not anymore take part in the global economic growth."

Austrian companies had profited tremendously from the large export markets in front of their doors, but thanks to "red tape & green energy", they lost their competitivity. This diagnosis is correct, but it comes years too late. Austria has seen 3 years of recession and things will only worsen in 2025 with the decline of those who pay taxes and the rise of those who live on the welfare state.

When I wrote an editorial on that very topic in autumn 2022 for the Russian business daily Vedomosti under the title "Factories turning into museums", I was accused of "Russian propaganda". That is the usual reflex of the western public when confronted with an inconvenient truth. And that is why I call it the "teenager mentality". Instead of assuming responsibility and acting in a responsible way, those people - whether in politics, business of public opinion - prefer to see themselves as victims of "bad world out there"...just like those in the age group of 13, 14 years do.

EU countries like Austria can overcome a massive recession, but the fundamental problem is the loss of rule of law and freedom. In the absence of a functioning legal system, an efficient administration (not run by political parties) and the basic freedoms enshrined in the Basic Laws of 1867, it will take a very long time until the return of prosperity and freedom based on rule of law.

#deindustrialization #carindustry #Russia #Austria


Karin Kneissl official

08 Jan, 05:45


Good morning,

Some 45 years ago I started collecting clippings of instructive articles on international topics. Back then certain French, Swiss or German newspapers employed talented reporters. Being subscribed was worth the money.

Over the last decades polemics replaced facts in those European media. Furthermore, they all lost insight into global matters. European editors have turned a bit provincial.

When I want to know what is happening on a global level, it is useful to turn to an international media outlet like RT. I started reading RT in the various languages it provides some 15 years ago.

Let me share this article about the late Indian Prime Minister Dr.Manmohan Singh. The story of a life, and I remembered some of the facts described. I travelled to India back then and gave several guest lectures. So different from the tiny places in Central Europe I knew.

In contrast to the emotional black and white style of contemporary western "journalism" it is refreshing to read the more subtle approach that exists in the East and South.

Have a good day in this still young year of 2025. States like India, Russia will shape global politics and economics in addition to the US. So it is useful to continue reading and reflecting on these countries and their societies.
When it comes to Europe: I published my Requiem last June.

Karin Kneissl official

06 Jan, 20:49

С наступающим Рождеством Христовым

Karin Kneissl official

05 Jan, 15:39

#101: Fragwürdiger Aktivismus

In der ersten Folge des neuen Jahres spreche ich mit Karin Kneissl über die Neujahrsansprache des russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin und seine Worte zum Jahresbeginn. Außerdem geht es in der neuen Folge um den Flugzeugabsturz in Kasachstan, bei dem Einschusslöcher entdeckt wurden, das Ende des Gastransits russischen Erdgases durch die Ukraine sowie den Besuch der deutschen Außenministerin Annalena Baerbock bei ihrem syrischen Amtskollegen in Damaskus.

▶️Hört rein: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIvkhB5EAhk

Karin Kneissl official

03 Jan, 11:46

Let us see how the energy situation will develop in Europe
In 2009, Ukraine cut the transit for 2 weeks and it caused troubles for Slovakia and others. This time, though announced, the situation is not temporary.

European companies will have to buy gas wherever they find it. And it is a wild world out there...



Karin Kneissl official

03 Jan, 11:42

Warm regards from Planet Russia, a good place to live

Karin Kneissl official

01 Jan, 20:03

Good evening from the first day of 2025 on Planet Russia
It was a truly nice day with a good lunch in another tiny village at the Oka River, discussing books....

A 4th cat had moved in last night, so I called her Sylvester!
My neighbour said that probably more might come since the cats heard the rumours about regular food...so soon it might be like in the house of Ernest Hemingway

Luckily my boxers are very hospitable, all of us are probably very much Oriental in that sense and welcome four-legged guests as well.
There is the Arabic proverb, where is food for two, there is food for three, and where is food for three, there is for four....

And my thoughts are with all those who were victims of random violence in this young year from New Orleans and its burgeoning French Quarter, visited it once, to Germany etc

#RussianVillage #cats

Karin Kneissl official

30 Dec, 17:49

Dear Colleagues,

As 2024 comes to a close, we want to extend our heartfelt wishes for a joyful and prosperous New Year 2025!
This year has been filled with inspiring achievements and engaging events. Thanks to your dedication and support, we’ve accomplished so much together—holding seminars, lectures, and discussions that truly made an impact.

Looking ahead to 2025, we are excited to continue this journey with you! Our calendar is already filling up with new events, and we can’t wait to see you there, exchanging ideas and building on our shared success.
May the New Year bring you happiness, health, and new opportunities!

Kind regards,
G.O.R.K.I. Team

Video by Most SPbU

Karin Kneissl official

29 Dec, 16:10

Good evening,

Please find attached the link to a truly nice conversation with the film maker, actor and entrepreneuer Timofey Otkroev, which we did some weeks ago in St. Petersburg.

Discussing Central Europe, what means personal sovereignty, the many differences between Austria and Germany, who was King Hussein of Jordan, why life in Russia is a precious discovery.

My thanks got to Timofey Otkroev and his team for the pleasant encounter and time we spent together at the G.O.R.K.I.


#Russia #Austria #Jordan #Germany #diplomacy

Karin Kneissl official

29 Dec, 14:05

Today in Kasimov at the museum of Virkovskogo Promisla creating bear toys.

The very active director Irina Alexeyeva has turned this little museum into an inspiring meeting place where all generations can be creative.

It is like a journey back into a distant childhood. And on Planet Russia such journeys can be done very often.

#Kasimov #RussianVillage

Karin Kneissl official

29 Dec, 14:00

#100: Gewaltige Veränderungen

💥In der letzten Folge dieses Jahres spreche ich mit Karin Kneissl über die wichtigsten geopolitischen Ereignisse des Jahres. Dabei geht es um die Entwicklungen im Nahen Osten, die Wiederwahl von Wladimir Putin, den Niedergang des Westens und die Präsidentschaftswahlen in den USA. Außerdem blicken die beiden auf die Freilassung von Julian Assange zurück und werfen einen Blick auf die wichtigsten Ereignisse im nächsten Jahr.

▶️Hört rein:

Karin Kneissl official

27 Dec, 06:41

Good morning,

This week we conducted another series of interdisciplinary lectures. Our two universities, SPbU and Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University, started a cooperation this semester.
We work on topics of common interest like insurance, data, decision-shaping in the area of oil, gas and other minerals.

#Mining #SPbU #Russia #education

Karin Kneissl official

27 Dec, 06:41

Санкт-Петербургский горный университет императрицы Екатерины II сделал развитие междисциплинарных знаний одним из направлений своей стратегии реформирования в рамках пилотного проекта совершенствования отечественной вузовской системы (по президентскому указу от 12 мая 2023 года).

В вузе регулярно проводятся Актовые лекции по актуальным вопросам хозяйственной и общественной жизни, интересные для представителей всех направлений обучения.

Для координации процесса в Горном создан соответствующий институт. Он объединяет в единую методологическую систему работу Междисциплинарного центра «Молодежного творчества», Центра цифровых технологий, Учебно-научного полигона Саблино, взаимодействие кафедр и других специализированных подразделений.

По завершении пилотного проекта новая модель высшего образования будет реализована по всей стране.

На фото: директор центра G.O.R.K.I. СПбГУ профессор Карин Кнайсль на встрече со студентами

Karin Kneissl official

26 Dec, 20:59

For my guests and me it was the first visit of the Ballet Nutcracker at the Mikhailovsky Theatre in St.Petersburg.
For 2 hours forgetting this world and diving into a fairy tale of music and beauty
Thank you Master Chaykovsky

#ballet #Nutcracker

Karin Kneissl official

26 Dec, 20:50

Today our last G.O.R.K.I Business breakfast for 2024 dedicated to Westasia and Eurasia.
Together with Professors Ziad Shahoud, Nikita Lomagin, Stanislav Tkakchenko from St.Petersburg State University and a dozen more guests like Wadih Al Jundi we discussed the potential implications of the Islamist government in Syria, consequences for Iran and what does all that mean for Russia, will China wait and see ....

It was a truly good debate thanks to participants with insight
In 3 weeks we will have our next G.O.R.K.I activities at the Kelch Mansion

#SPbU #G.O.R.K.I #westasia #Eurasia

Karin Kneissl official

08 Dec, 11:38

Fwd from @ne_rybar
Here is the translation to English:

Against the backdrop of militants from prisons, including the notorious Sednaya, occupying more and more cities, they continue to release thousands of prisoners.

At the same time, in addition to petty thieves and real political prisoners, terrorists, including ISIS terrorists, are also being released. Among them are also people from CIS countries, who, by the way, have already begun to get in touch with their followers.

What does this threaten the region with? It's not hard to guess. In the conditions of the collapse of central power and a large number of groups that will, for the time being, finish off the remnants of Shiites and servicemen whom they consider guilty of some crimes.

Then a more traditional struggle for power will begin, as is typical for any post-revolutionary trends. In the past years during the siege in Syria, it was very bad to live, and it will be even worse.

And one must understand that those behind the HTS are unlikely to have planned to fully occupy a 13-million-strong state, in which nothing is left of industry. At best, people will be able to somehow feed a minimum part of the population through subsistence farming.

Therefore, in Syria in the near future, the released hundreds and maybe even thousands of terrorists, including ISIS, will be added to the horrific economic situation, which was barely hanging on even under Assad.

❗️Against this background, terrorists and Islamists of all kinds, including from the CIS countries, who have gained combat experience, will most likely want to return home to more, let's say, economically viable states, taking into account the possibility of relocation to Russia. Original msg

Karin Kneissl official

08 Dec, 11:38

This morning we sat in the guest house of the Amur Tiger Center and followed with distress the drama in Syria
An offspring of Al Qaida, the HTS Islamists, toppled the Assad government and has taken over Damascus
The west calls them rebels.....they cofinance the 'opposition'

What does this mean for the Syrian people? What is on the agenda for the region?

I will now write a text for Vedomosti and then prepare my lecture tomorrow at the Pacific National University in Chabarovsk

Good night from the Far East of Russia, where life seemed calm in the village and close to nature

#Syria #terrorism

Karin Kneissl official

08 Dec, 11:21

#97: Verwirrtes Europa

💥In der neuen Folge spreche ich mit Karin Kneissl zunächst über das Misstrauensvotum, das diese Woche das französische Parlament gestürzt hat. Außerdem diskutieren wir das Vorrücken der HTS-Terroristen in Syrien, die Proteste in Georgien gegen die neu gewählte Regierung sowie das zwischenzeitliche Ausrufen des Kriegsrechts in Südkorea. Darüber hinaus geht es in der neuen Folge um die OSZE-Konferenz auf Malta sowie um Aussagen des neu gewählten US-Präsidenten Donald Trump, der den BRICS-Staaten mit Strafzöllen gedroht hat, sollten sie sich vom US-Dollar als internationales Zahlungsmittel abwenden.

▶️Hört rein:

Karin Kneissl official

08 Dec, 11:17

For certain reasons I have seen many hospitals between St.Petersburg and Kasimov this year, I liked best this one in the village, maybe because I only came as visitor not patient! For once!
Bon voyage is written at the exit sign, nice surprise
First time in my life I drove this snow motorbike, wonderful. But still on horseback I feel better

I said goodbye to all those kind and hospitable people only to see you soon again in good health and spirits
This region of the Far East of Russia, bigger than Türkiye, has a special place in my heart - not only thanks to the fact of being Honorary Professor at the Pacific National University since last year.

The nature is simply breathtaking
And for someone like me who doesn't eat industry meat, the delicious meals the hunters and fishermen provide are unforgettable.
And these men are real hunters for the sake of providing food, not a trophy in a big party. Also refreshingly different from Austria and its truly strange hunters
#Russia #bikinnationalpark

Karin Kneissl official

08 Dec, 11:02

Good evening from Chabarovsk
Back to the city after 48 precious hours in the village of Krasya Yar in the National Park of Bikin, together with Alexey and Galina and their colleagues of the Amur Tiger Centre who have created here an mpressive infrastructure for supporting Wildlife conservation. The rangers and their families are in a village which is exemplary.
Tiger in the native language of the Udaigaitsi and Nanaitsi people is kufiman, a sacred animal. And the respect and enthusiasm for living with nature and not against are widely spread.
Children grow up with learning about wildlife, the woods, the rivers and the many animals that inhabit this region.
It is so different from the EU policy about hunting down wolves, who are the favourite object of hatred by public opinion....nothing has changed in centuries
The bear, the wolves, the tigers are not called "problem bears, problem wolves" in Russia. They are part of Life
That is what I call saying yes to Life in Russia
#AmurTigerCenter #Russia

Karin Kneissl official

07 Dec, 06:08

Good afternoon from the region between Chabarovsk and Vladivostok

We have been heading south since our departure this morning and paid tribute to the monument of Sysoev who initiated the first law for tiger protection in the Soviet Union in 1948. This remarkable scientist lived an entire century, born in 1911, he closed his eyes in 2011.
We saw one tiger on the road, but I was too slow to take the photo, he had already left for the woods.

Young tigers who cannot yet hunt big animals like deers risk getting too close to villages, in order to preempt conflicts, the rangers catch them and reintroduce them into nature farther away.

We made a stopover in one of the rangers' stations. Thanks to the sunshine in this region photovoltaik makes sense.
Continuing the journey
My thanks go to all the men and women from the Amur Tiger Center who contributed to make it happen.

#Amur #Tiger #Russia #wildlifeconservation

Karin Kneissl official

02 Dec, 20:05

What are your thoughts about this opinion regarding the Georgian protests🇬🇪:

“What’s happening in Georgia 🇬🇪 is more likely not to be an attempt at a coup d'etat, but rather an attempt to spend some budget money.

These are the [opposition] ‘grant-eaters’.

The authorities are working competently. Yesterday there were 36 victims [of the clashes] and all of them are strictly from the security forces [rather than the protesters]. And a ‘Maidan’ always needs corpses, ‘dead heroes’ killed by the "bloody regime." When the authorities do not want to be ‘bloody,’ unidentified snipers from the CIA and MI6 help them.

But when there is no opportunity for snipers and provocateurs to carry out their work, then all that’s left to do is to spend [foreign] grant budget money.”

- An opinion by the Russian pundit Nikolai


Karin Kneissl official

02 Dec, 20:05

The following repost is 3 days old and well illustrating the ongoing EU interference into Georgia where police men are injured by paid protesters every day. France is very heavily involved
France should have domestic priorities

Karin Kneissl official

02 Dec, 20:00

⚡️IDF announces new strikes against Hezbollah in southern Lebanon — CNN

Israeli forces attack, breaking ceasefire deal yet again.

Israel has “Violated Ceasefire About 100 Times”, CNN reported.

#Lebanon #Israel

Karin Kneissl official

02 Dec, 19:56

Good evening,

Gruesome developments again in Lebanon in addition to the fights in Syria and the massacres in Gaza
Israel has been violating the cease fire which went into force last Wednesday consistently and is now launching rocket attacks on "terrorist targets" in Lebanon in response to the response by Hezbollah....the old cycle 🥲

In order to obtain this fragile and unfortunately ineffective pause of fighting from Israel, Paris was ready to announce that it would not arrest Netanyahu on the basis of the ICC warrant

Meanwhile the French government of Prime Minister Barnier which is not even 3 months in office is about to break down
The draft budget is rejected by the left and right

The fall of the government would inevitably cause interest rates to soar again. This is very bad news for France, whose debt ‘has now reached 3,228 billion euros’, as the Prime Minister has pointed out in recent days. Rising interest rates will eventually have an impact on the annual cost of public debt. We are ‘going to end up with 60 billion euros a year’ just to pay interest on the debt

France would be off worse in terms of interest rates than.Greece

I remember the old fear in France that there might be a Lebanon style situation in terms of a fragmented society

In contrast to Lebanon no daily bombing, electricity working

But there are certain parallels between the former colonial power and Lebanon:

A total political stalemate and balkanized parliament, an executive out of touch with reality and maybe soon to come tremendous debt problems
The migration issue is low on the list of problems in contrast to what was expected by many in France.

#Lebanon #France

Karin Kneissl official

02 Dec, 18:18

Let's recall the highlights from the recent seminar "The State of Affairs: Analyzing Russia-Belarus Relations Today and Tomorrow"

Video by MOST SPbU

Karin Kneissl official

02 Dec, 06:23


Good morning,

On my way to Krasnojarsk, where I will give several lectures on the current state of geopolitics in Europe.

Please find attached the report by the Russian news agency TASS on my earlier statements concerning the nexus between Ukraine and the outbreak of new violence in northern Syria. The Ukrainian daily "Kyiv Post" published yesterday more details on this Ukrainian connection. In the past, it took much longer for official confirmation of such dirty games as I call them, namely the training of terrorists, and all the logisitcs for arms, cash and drugs - so to create unrest elsewhere.

All those sponsoring the big black hole of arms for Ukraine, i.e. the entire EU, including those called neutrals, are iindirectly involved in the new massacres in Syria - in addition to those who actively co-organize this fighting.

In 2018, I met Ursula von der Leyen, then German Defence Minister, and explained a demining project and resettlement of farmers for Syria which I had initiatied and we had tried to put on track with the Demining Fund in Slovenia. Here is what she told me after my exposé: "Assad must go". That was the only thing she had to say.

Many western capitals and in particular the European Commission which did its utmost to boycott my initiative have not accepted that Bashar al Assad has survived many of their governments.

I share the comments by many analysts who point out the lessons to be learnt from the freezing of the many proxy wars in Syria. We are not anymore in the time of "pacta sunt servanda", treaties, agreements are to be respected. Whether it was Angela Merkel in December 2022 in her interviews or later former French President Hollande in a Prankster phone conversation: they never cared about the Minsk agreements, it was all about gaining time.

As a teacher of international law and former staff member in the office of the Legal Advisor of the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs I deplore this total implosion of norms, treaties and loss of all legal thinking in Brussels - it is an irony of history, that the European integration was built on treaties ever since those concluded in Rome in 1952. Gradually, this European Union has given up all legal and diplomatic approach in favour of going to war apparently against many.

For evident reasons the relevant department in the Russian MFA is now called "Department of European problems".

#Syria #Ukraine #Europe

Karin Kneissl official

01 Dec, 13:41

Einen friedvollen 1.Advent aus einem kleinen russischen Dorf, wo Kinder und Hunde mit Ponys und Katzen im Schnee spielen. Dankbar für diese Momente.

Karin Kneissl official

01 Dec, 10:15

#96: Schreibtischtäter

💥In der neuen Folge spreche ich mit Karin Kneissl über den wiederholten Beschuss Russlands mit westlichen Langstreckenraketen, in diesem Fall den US-amerikanischen ATACMS, und die Frage, wie die russische Antwort darauf aussehen wird. Zudem diskutieren die beiden die Kriegsvorbereitungen im Westen, insbesondere die deutschen Bunkerpläne, sowie bellizistische Aussagen des Vorsitzenden des NATO-Militärausschusses, Rob Bauer. Weiterhin gehen sie auf den ausgehandelten Waffenstillstand zwischen der Hisbollah und dem Libanon, die fragile politische Lage in Frankreich und die Kriegsszenarien in Syrien ein.

▶️Hört rein:

Karin Kneissl official

30 Nov, 19:29

A Syrian friend who rightly calls them "dark forces" wrote: "The equipments they have, the uniforms, the drones and the training, these are internationally-supported and trained forces, not some bearded men with AK47''.

These terrorists from different fronts termed HTS - western media and governments usually call them moderate rebels - are heading south to Hama, home to many minorities in Syria.
Hama is about to fall, most of the heaviliy devastated Idlib province under control by the terrorists who encounter little resistance while the Russian airforce continues striking cohorts of the militants.

The keyy question remains: are the Syrian armed forces ready to fight for their country? Does the hierarchy work?

Syria has seen many dangerous moments, also bloody infights
In 1984 Rifaat Assad attempted a coup d'état against his brother Hafez, he lived in exile in France for 36 years and diverted millions of euros from the Syrian state. In 2021 he returned to Syria.

On a footnote of irony: persons like him never had a problem to have bank accounts in the EU ....

Is this a replay of June 2014 when IS terrorists declared their caliphate?

Ukraine is one battlefield and everything is interconnected.
The flow of arms, drugs. cash and mercenaries spills back and forth in West Asia and beyond.
It is a very dirty game played by several western capitals


Karin Kneissl official

30 Nov, 15:41

Terrorists have taken over the center of Aleppo, reaching the city's historic citadel for the first time since 2016.


Karin Kneissl official

29 Nov, 18:07


On Nov. 16th I was interviewed by RT channels on the Austrian decision to stop paying for Russian gas. I explained inter alia the tremendous rise in bankrupt companies and households.

It seems like a a very fragile house of cards, the Austrian economy, is falling apart. The reasons are manifold. A big one is the absence of genuine management based on meritocracy and the dominance of party politics from civil service to private sectors. Add to that red tape & green energy, labour costs etc etc. The rise in energy costs and the loss of the Russian market for the German car industry are only the tip of the iceberg.

In 2020. I sent several companies my book on the risks of moving avay form the combustion engine (Mobilitätswende), among them were VW, BMW and Pierer. None of them ever replied.

If ever Gazprom decides to consider again OMV - one day in the distant future - as a serious customer, the demand will certainly be much smaller, since both Germany and Austria are in the final stages of deindustrialization.

#deindustrailization #Austria #mobility


Karin Kneissl official

29 Nov, 17:21

They captured more Syrian government soldiers.

➡️ Join us! | @MyLordBebo

Karin Kneissl official

29 Nov, 17:16

🇷🇺🇸🇾 Let's be honest: the situation in Syria is becoming more complicated due to the behavior of the Syrians themselves.

The statements about the "cream of the nation" being lost in the first years of the war that began in 2011 are absolutely fair. But what remains has been consumed by corruption, nepotism, economic chaos, and an unwillingness to change anything.

We have written in detail about the risks of a resumption of the global conflict in Syria:

📍The start of an offensive by Idlib militants (which is already happening);
📍The rise of unruly tribes and banditry in the south (not yet observed);
📍The activity of ISIS fighters, fed by the US (so far only isolated raids).

🔻Putting all this together, the picture is extremely unattractive: Syria could simply be torn apart and divided, returning to the worst scenario of a decade ago. The current fall of Aleppo, which withstood then, is a direct consequence of the unresolved Syrian conflict at a time when it was necessary to do so.

📌And this is also a very difficult lesson that all people who believe that Minsk-3 could be possible will have to learn.
#Aleppo #Russia #Syria

Support us Original msg

Karin Kneissl official

29 Nov, 17:16

Good evening after a tough day,

Impossible to tell what is the situation now in Aleppo in Syria where fighting erupted the moment a fragile ceasefire was declared for Lebanon on Wednesday morning.

When the war started in Syria in 2011/12 I never used the word "civil war", it always was a proxy war with thousands of foreign fighters, mercenaries, among them many EU-citizens who where among those who massacred Syrians, tortured Syrian soldiers and destroyed the country.

The foreign fighters seem back, they speak Uzbek, English, they were waiting somewhere for the next order to kill; their salaries probably stem from US budgets. Idlib and Aleppo are again shaken by the horrors of war. In February 2023 major earthquakes hit the region... I have ceased to understand the volume of horrors people have to bear.

The reports are controversial. Some say Aleppo has fallen, other voices claim that the Syrian army has everything under control. Impossible to make exact statements. And of course all sorts of diagnoses are exchanged on all sorts of channels, see also the annexed report by Rybar.

Let us be much more prudent before putting the blame on this or that one. I am irritated by too quick conclusions.

Yes there is horrible corruption in the army, across the country, just like in Lebanon, and in many other countries, several of them I happen to know. But there are above all now human lives to be saved. This is the civilian population and these are the Syrian soldiers captured by the Islamist terrorists. See the video below which makes me suffer with those who served their country Syria.

Only one thing is certain: this new quagmire has a global dimension which reaches also into the Ukrainian battlefield: it is all about cashflows, drones, mercenaries and it is about the Russian army in Syria which saved the country from collapsing in autumn 2015.

Given all that, the battlefield of the information war is one thing. Human life is the very important other task. And we all know the danger of rumours. Once upon a time it was the well in the village, where rumours were spreading. Today it is the very vast field of social media.

Please see some soundbytes annexed.

"The Syrian Arab Army's 25th Special Mission Forces Division, the 'Tiger Forces', are now in Aleppo

The field commander says: 'There is no need to worry, the situation is now under control. Some HTS terrorists, along with sleeper-cells from inside the city, managed to enters some parts of Aleppo's suburbs, where some weak-willed defenders (of the SAA) unfortunately left their positions.'


#Syria #Aleppo #terrorism #humans

Karin Kneissl official

28 Nov, 16:46

Vladimir Putin's state visit to Kazakhstan: day one highlights

Karin Kneissl official

28 Nov, 16:46

These videos are really well done. Excellent camera and cutting.
Dynamic contents and certain messages do come across.

From a diplomacy point of view: protocol is still working in the east and south - in stark contrast to a wide range (not all) of western capitals

#diplomacy #Russia #Kazakhstan

Karin Kneissl official

28 Nov, 11:38


⚡️ Russia's leading military Telegram channel,
⚡️ more than 1.3 million subscribers,
⚡️ the channel that publishes the most detailed reports, quoted by Western media and military experts,
⚡️ the channel that finds topics of interest in a sea of information - and tells you about them in simple words,
⚡️ news about major world events (and those that remain in the shadows), comments from a team of analysts


📱 Subscribe ⬇️

Karin Kneissl official

28 Nov, 11:38

This channel Rybar which means like "fishing the news" was established by Mikhail Zvinchuk. He initially worked as translator for Arabic and English. Together with Andrey O. Kondrashov. Tass, and Vladimir Tabak, Dialog, we were on the panel about fake news hosted by Dialog in Moscow last week.
I presented the crisis of the Qatar blockade triggered by a deep fake video in May 2017.

#Russia #fakenews #dialog

Karin Kneissl official

28 Nov, 08:32

«Арабскому языку нужен свой Пушкин» - Карин Кнайсль дала комментарий для издания Ведомости.

«Когда два года назад я только начинала учить русский язык, я до конца еще не осознавала всю масштабность гения Александра Сергеевича Пушкина. Тогда он был для меня одним из великого множества русских авторов, пылкий поэт эпохи романтизма в некоем особом русском стиле – не столь трагичный, как поэты немецкие, но гораздо более плодовитый, нежели его современники к западу от Петербурга. И еще я ровным счетом ничего не знала о его вкладе в революционное преображение русского языка, его развитие. Осознание значения этой роли Пушкина пришло ко мне позже и не сразу»

Читать статью

Karin Kneissl official

27 Nov, 17:52

Russia considers itself free to use its weapons against Western military facilities – deputy UN envoy

"We believe we have the right to use our weapons against military facilities in those countries that allow their weapons to be used against our facilities,” Dmitry Polyansky said, commenting on the recent escalation of the Ukraine conflict.

“We warned you about this, but you made your choice,” he added.

#Russia #NATO #Ukraine

Karin Kneissl official

27 Nov, 15:11

Today I had a longer videocall with friends from Lebanon since childhood days. They are back to their work with a smile; they continue, not a word of lamentation.

You are amazing!

What I learnt about life and survival, I learnt in Lebanon throughout decades. Thanks for the precious lessons!

The israelis killed thousands, mostly women and children. But they cannot kill the spirit!


Karin Kneissl official

27 Nov, 15:11

Life returns to Beirut's southern suburb on the first day of the ceasefire with Israel.

Karin Kneissl official

27 Nov, 10:19

At 4 a.m. this morning a cease-fire has been put into force in Lebanon.
Israeli warplanes attacked Beirut until 30 minutes prior to that hour.

The cease-fire is fragile, may it be respected. Netanyahu claimed that the Israeli army needs to recover - indeed they are in bad shape.

Meanwhile no cease-fire in sight in Gaza. All efforts in the UN Security Council on that topic resulted in a vote or 14 vers 1. The US opposes all cease-fire efforts in Gaza.

Votes in the UN General Assembly for a humanitarian cease-fire have been opposed by 10 states out of 193 UN-members. Austria is one of those voting against a cease-fire in Gaza. Vienna is one of three UN seats.

This reporter from an Arab channel is among the many heroes, the known ones and the unknown ones. Cameramen, journalists at the frontlines trying to establish the facts on the ground and putting their lives at risk.

It is a pity for many EU-citizens that they have no access to the various RT channels, from Arabic to English, German, French etc. I regularly watch them. The RT reporters in Israel, Lebanon and Syria etc. are doing amazing work. It is very instructive, balanced and to the point. Working on such horrible dramas marks one for the rest of life. My respects for those who engage in this journalism.

#Lebanon #Gaza #journalism

Karin Kneissl official

27 Nov, 10:19

В первые минуты перемирия между Израилем и Хезболлой журналистка телеканала аль-Араби снимает с себя каску и бронежилет.

Karin Kneissl official

27 Nov, 03:54


Good morning

In today's comment for the Russian Business daily Vedomosti.ru let me share with you some thoughts on why the Arabic language misses a Pushkin.

One of the impressive discoveries for me in Russia is the bond created by one classical language free from regional dialects or social accents.

What a contrast to the German speaking world where it is fairly different to communicate from Hamburg to Zürich in one German, especially for those who studied German as a foreign language.
And the deeply fragmented Arab world has abandoned its rich linguistic legacy. It is in Syria that people still speak high-level Arabic, but elsewhere too many prefer English to Arabic.

Studying Russian during difficult times in Lebanon gave me lots of meaning. Russian grammar can help, it is like medicine for one's mind. My thanks go to Elizaveta and our online courses we did when I lived in a village in Mount Lebanon

Merci Monsieur Pushkin 🙏

#Pushkin #Russianlanguage #Arabic

Karin Kneissl official

26 Nov, 18:18

Praying for Lebanon!!! Non-stop Israeli bombing and a perspective for a fragile cease-fire totally in the Israeli hands.

acc. to Netanyahu it is all about "replenishing the arsenals", focus on Iran and "isolate Hamas". So it is just a "technical break in Israel's favour" but not a pause to work for an armistice

Who can stop the Israeli massacres? Neither the UN, also attacked by Israel, nor any capital seems capable. What cruel times! Israel will certainly not be "more secure" as announced by the government.

#Lebanon #Israel #war #Israelimassacres

Karin Kneissl official

26 Nov, 18:18

❗️Israeli Broadcasting Corporation (KAN):

Approval for a massive wave of attacks across Lebanon including Beirut in the coming hours.

Karin Kneissl official

26 Nov, 17:02


Good evening,

Today I visited Ryazan State University which is named after the poet Sergey A. Yesenin. We discussed with Rector Dmitry A. Bokov future lectures.

Twice per semester I will present a guest-lecture of apx. 2 hours.

The first one will be in mid-February on the automotive industry, a topic on which I published a book in 2020. Actually most of my conclusions proved to be right: namely that the internal combustion engine will prevail and that the remaining European car factories risk to be turned into museums.

Our do-tank, the G.O.R.K.I. at St.Petersburg State University is my professional priority. And we do a lot as you can see in this channel and via G.O.R.K.i talks @gorkispbu
Together with the Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University we have recently launched a series of common activities.
Furthermore, I continue doing guest lectures across the country. Russia is much more than Moscow and St.Petersburg and I appreciate the exchange with colleagues from across the country, from a small institute in Biysk in the Altai to the big campuses of the capitals! Recently I lectured in Veliki Novgorod, next week I will be for 3 days in Krasnjorask and then back to the Pacific National University in Chabarovsk, where I was awarded the task of Professor honoris causa a year ago.

But my capacities are limited - with or without broken bones 🙂 Also for me the day has only 24 hours and we often say good night to each other at our office in St. Petersburg around midnight - I am proud of my exceptional team at the G.O.R.K.I. Furthermore, I enjoy writing articles and tworking on the next book manuscript. And above all I cherish walking the dogs, caring for my four-legged and two-legged small friends and inchallah being back on horse very soon. Just a matter of some months...

Living in a small village in the beautiful Ryazan Oblast, where the woods meet the plains and where I feel at home, I am delighted to interact with the main university of this region. So, I gratefully accepted their invitation to do twice a term a guest lecture.

Let me wish you a fine evening from a small village on Planet Russia - as I keep saying and I mean it! Russia is a truly good universe. I only started discovering it. And I am impressed by the people, by nature and by culture.

Karin Kneissl official

25 Nov, 18:58


The Austrian OMV oil-and gas company confiscated Russian natural gas in October prior to its decision on November 15th to stop paying for Russian gas supply. In response to this action, Gazprom stopped delivering gas to the Austrian hub Baumgarten. Austria now needs to buy that gas on the global market. In the end it is still Russian gas but at higher prices.

In addition to the breach of contracts OMV, which is partially owned by the Republic of Austria, apparently took recourse to very dubious methods just as seizing property without any legal title. The nexus between Austrian government officials in the relevant state holding and this very deicision by the company deserves some scrutiny.

The overall narrative by the Austrian and western media - with the notable exception of Reuters - is of course a different one: "Russia weaponizes energy." Alas, the exact opposite has been going on for years.

After the military chapter there will have to be a legal chapter. Western governments, companies etc. should pay compensations for all the losses incurred by Russian companies, individuals and ultimately also the Russian government. I admire the Russian kindness to pardon again and agan. But there are times one needs to remind the other side of certain civlizational achievements such as the old legal principle of "pacta sunt servanda", treaties have to be respected.

The case of OMV is only another telling example for the decline in legal standards and work ethics. That is why I called my book "Requiem for Europe". And every week I could add more examples.

as a reminder: OMV started in December 2002 a project called Nabucco to get rid of Russian gas, it was then very much supported by the EU-commission. I wrote in my book "The Energypoker" (Munich 2005), that the project should have been called "Vienna blood" like the operette by Strauss since they would be unable to obtain a gas supply contract. And such was the case. They looked for gas in Iran,Iraq, Turkmenistan and lost lots of money. In 2013 the huge marketing story called Nabucco after Verdi's opera was given up. And then OMV wanted to do business again with Russia... certain lessons should be drawn and brought to court.

#Austria #Russia #OMV #Gazprom #gas

Karin Kneissl official

24 Nov, 17:36

❗️Hezbollah military media publishes: "Tel Aviv for Beirut - Secretary General Naim Qassem's equation is in place: 'Strikes on central Beirut = strikes on Tel Aviv'"

Karin Kneissl official

24 Nov, 17:36

Good evening,

It was a brutal first working day of the new week for Israelis today. Persistent rocket fire from Lebanon hit Northern and Central Israel.
This heavy response is defined by Hezbollah and other actors in the region as a retaliation for all the bombings of Beirut during the last weeks. More than 4000 Lebanese, mostly civilians were massacred so far- from fishermen at the beach of Tyre to medical staff, shopkeepers plus UN peacekeepers and members of the Lebanese army.

Apparently Hezbollah mahaged to regroup its operators after the elimination of most commanders via drones throughout 2024, the attack on the pagers and walkie-talkies on September 11th and the subsequent killing of the entire leadership of the party cum militia - the definition western journalists often give. Hezbollah is definitely in the political equation of Lebanon and the region. Iran has invested a lot ever since 1983 and will not just drop it.

Israeli troops invading South Lebanon are ambushed by Lebanese resistance fighters. Suicide attacks again. It all started in Lebanon back in 1983. But this situation is incomparable with 1982 or 2006. The carpet bombing and flattening of villages in South Lebanon have not broken the back bone of Hezbollah.

Furthermore, according to Mr. Larijani, advisor to Ayatollah Khamenei, Iran is preparing its response to the last Israeli attack on Iran on October 26th.

The Israeli army is in a much more troublesome situation than it was in October 1973, when only US intervention saved it from a major defeat due to shortage of fuel and ammunition.

The military and political leadership of Israel has run out of war-goals, soldiers and popular support. Hostages could have been liberated long time ago, had Netanyahu accepted previous agreements. Maybe even the Israelis evacuated from the northern border could have returned if Israel had acted in a more farsighted way. Just shooting around did not solve anything.

A balance of deterrence could have been upheld between Israel, Lebanon and Syria. Israel destroyed the many fragile but functioning tacit agreements and is now lost in confusion. When 4 million Israelis have to get into the shelters again and again, no government will be able to convince them that everything is under control.

As of October 7th, 2023 it was clear that "this time" everything is different.

It is big "Fawda" (mess) to paraphrase the title of an Israeli TV series on "counterterrorism". They urgently need a "Doron" (name of the hero of that series) to find an exit strategy. By the way the last part of that Netflix series was watched by most Lebanese I know back in May 2023. I also watched it while living in Lebanon. And it was set in Lebanon.

#Lebanon #Israel #Hezbollah #war

Karin Kneissl official

24 Nov, 11:53

#95: Kriegsgeilheit

💥In der neuen Folge spreche ich mit Karin Kneissl über die aktuelle Eskalation im Ukraine-Krieg, insbesondere über die Freigabe durch die USA, die es der Ukraine ermöglicht, mit westlichen Langstreckenwaffen Ziele auf russischem Territorium anzugreifen. Was dies für Europa bedeutet und wie Russland nun reagieren wird, diskutieren wir in der neuen Folge. Außerdem geht es um den Haftbefehl gegen den israelischen Ministerpräsidenten Benjamin Netanjahu, dem in Ländern, die das Römische Statut unterzeichnet haben, nun die Verhaftung droht. Des Weiteren werden der G20-Gipfel in Brasilien und die Ermordung des Medienchefs der Hisbollah im Libanon thematisiert.

▶️Hört rein: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8hIEYi2NCQ

Karin Kneissl official

22 Nov, 18:18

A peaceful evening from the Oka river on Planet Russia.
Grateful to be able to walk again the dogs. The three of us we have survived a lot, each one of us. And the big miracle is that we could start a new life ...with old bones
Merci to all those who welcomed us

Karin Kneissl official

22 Nov, 16:39

22 ноября - день независимости Ливана.

Karin Kneissl official

22 Nov, 16:39

Good evening,

This is a beautiful but also sad reminder by @KedrLubnany that today is the Independence day of the Lebanese Republic.

The name Lebanon is as ancient as the Bible, where it is mentioned dozens of times. Mount Lebanon with its snow-covered tops between the Mediterranean and the Syrian desert, mysterious and hospitable Lebanon exile for millions throughout history.

This "small country that makes so much noise" as Metternich stated in 1830 when European powers intervened in the Ottoman Empire, the first socalled humanitarian intervention by the way.... The French Senate long debated that "ingérence humanitaire" some 200 years ago.

That special little country has always played an important role in my life. It was my school for life, for survival. From May 2022 to September 2023 I was allowed to live and work in Lebanon after having been kicked out from Europe.

I found a small village in the north for my animals and myself. The circumstances were tough without electricty and 300% inflation. But there were no Israeli bombs!

400 Israeli attacks in 48 hours last week on a country of 10453 square km. And the world watches in silence the daily Israeli war crimes.

In response to the arrest warrant for Israeli PM Netanyahu and his former defense minister Gallant, Israeils and US call the International Crime Court antisemitic.
As long as the ICC sued Africans the West praised it, when President Putin was wanted for dubious reasons, Europe applauded, and now the ICC has been reduced to an act of antisemitism. I never was a fan of the ICC and other such tribunals, but what happens now might result in total lawlessness.

Norms the world community had agreed on have become irrelevant - see respect for treaties, protection of civilians.

Beirut was once the polis Berytos where eminent legal scholars like Papinian and Ulpian taught some 2000 years ago.

I studied their cases in Roman Law which was once taught at Vienna University... when Austria still had legal scholars. Gone times.

And still I try to believe that Lebanon will resist and persist.

Dear people of Lebanon,
my respects and my condolences. May we be able to celebrate better moments in the near future....somewhere in the port of Byblos or in the wide plains of the Beqaa valley.


Karin Kneissl official

22 Nov, 05:50


Good morning

The western press coverage of yesterday's use of a supersonic missile by Russia in response to NATO's provocation is mind-boggling: the bottom line is that all what matters are the war heads and as long as they are not nuclear, they don't care....

What is crucial is the fact that this type of missile cannot be intercepted by existing defence shields, see the TASS article.

Until some years ago I counted on rational western decision-makers, but irrationality is unfortunately on the rise among them. It seems they don't understand what is happening and what might happen.

Please find below also the link to last night's conversation with Dmitry Simes in "The Big Game" on Channel 1. We discussed the loss of Austrian neutrality and the looming gas crisis prompted by OMV's breach of contract.

Some 50 years ago there were credible neutral states that contributed to a rational diplomacy. But the neutrals are gone.

#Russia #media #war

Karin Kneissl official

21 Nov, 18:25

President Putin on the possibility of medium-range missile strikes against NATO countries: We are conducting combat tests of the Oreshnik missile system in response to the aggressive actions of NATO countries against Russia. The issue of further deployment of medium-range and shorter-range missiles will be decided by us, depending on the actions of the United States and its satellites. The targets for destruction during further tests of our newest missile systems will be determined by us based on threats to the security of the Russian Federation. We consider ourselves entitled to use our weapons against the military installations of those countries that allow their weapons to be used against our facilities. And in case of escalation of aggressive actions, we will also respond decisively and in a mirror manner. I recommend that the ruling elites of those countries that have plans to use their military contingents against Russia seriously think twice about this.


Karin Kneissl official

21 Nov, 18:25

While the Biden administration builds up an explosive legacy of missiles for the next tenant of the White House, Russia responded today to the many recent provocations by NATO.

There is more in the Russian arsenal than many believe.

Russia carried out a combined strike on targets in Ukraine by using a novel intermediate-range hypersonic missile

In a western world ruled by simplified black and white instincts such a response highlights the complexity of what is at stake in general and more precisely for their anti-missile systems.

Neither the US nor other countries of the world currently possess air defense systems capable of intercepting Russia's new hypersonic missiles.

Tomorrow is another day, good night from a small village on Planet Russia.


Karin Kneissl official

20 Nov, 14:21

Ziad a much appreciated colleague from Damascus took those photos of a very intense morning in THE capital
Moscow truly is one of the best cities i had the honour to visit. It is vibrant and serious.
Now heading back home to the small village where I found and build a home

I always enjoyed wandering in between the worlds of village and big city. It was nice to speak again in Arabic and French with some guests and journalists

#Russia #RussianVillage

Karin Kneissl official

20 Nov, 14:12


Karin Kneissl official

20 Nov, 12:23


Today in Moscow at the Dialog conference on fake news and how to handle those dangerous news which can trigger huge problems, kill lives and destroy billions of wealth.

In my presentation I dwelled on the deep fake video fabricated and broadcasted in May 2017 of the Emir of Qatar, Tamim Al-Thani.
A speech the ruler never gave led to the blockade of Qatar of four years.
The royal court proved nerves of steel to resist the ensuing cutting of all ties with the number one LNG exporter
The confrontation with Saudi Arabia was harsh in every aspect

But the case of Russia is unique, the hatred against anything that is Russian from media to culture and sports etc seems to me pathological.

Once upon a time the west was the cradle of rational thinking. That is gone.

My thanks go to the organisers Vladimir Tabak, his colleagues, Andrey Kondrashev, Tass, many others who made it happen


Karin Kneissl official

19 Nov, 12:42

⚡️Ukraine fired 6 ATACMS missiles in Russia's Bryansk region overnight - Russian Defense Ministry

Five missiles were shot down, the Defense Ministry clarified, and one was damaged with fragments falling on the territory of a military facility, causing a fire that was extinguished shortly after.

There are no casualties or serious damage, the Ministry confirmed.

The strike is Kiev's first use of ATACMS since the news that the Biden administration gave Ukraine permission to fire the US-made long-range missiles on Russian territory.

#Ukraine #Russia #ATACMS

Karin Kneissl official

19 Nov, 12:39

In the US terminology pressing one party into a signing a text is called coercive diplomacy
That has little to do with diplomacy
The Dayton agreement pushed by Richard Holbrooke in December 1995 was such an outcome of coercive diplomacy
The canons were silenced but little was solved

What is going on in Gaza carries all the features of genocide according to the UN reports, increasingly it also is the tragic reality of Lebanon

Karin Kneissl official

19 Nov, 12:39

Lebanon hit by over 300 Israeli strikes in 48 hours

As Israel continues to bomb civilian gatherings and residential buildings all over Lebanon, officials in Beirut say the country is negotiating with US officials 'under constant escalation'

Karin Kneissl official

19 Nov, 11:32


Good afternoon,

Meanwhile in Lebanon Amos Hochstein, for some more weeks still US envoy on Lebanon, announces "good chances" for a cease-fire. The previous drafts were in total contradicition with the realities of Lebanon and did not work for logical reasons.

Currently Israeli officials are confident that they can turn:
1) South Lebanon into one huge security zone for their own military purposes where the Israeli army would freely move around - as a reminder: they did that between 1982 and 2000, huge losses and no achievements
2) Gaza into a new colonisation project and bring back those 7000 settlers who were more or less carried out upon the order of Ariel Sharon in summer 2005.

It is still worth while reading the speech the then Prime Minister Sharon did in August 2005, which reminded me a tiny bit of De Gaulle asking the French to quit Algeria in 1960. Sharon had clearly understood one thing at the end of his life: it does not make sense to keep up those settlements among millions of Arabs "who hate us" - and might have good reasons for that.

I fear that senseless killing will continue since there is nobody ready to stop Netanyahu.
All the destruction by Israelis in Lebanon, Gaza and Westbank have not resulted into "security" for Israel. On the contrary. Haifa, Tel Aviv, Eilat are under attack. It is not anymore about bringing home the hostages or the return of the settlers in Galillee, it is about engaging in a war without any clear goals.... that is why the former defence minister Gallant resigned

Karin Kneissl official

18 Nov, 19:26

Good evening from a small village in Russia,

Fortunately I dedicated some time in my life to reading archive material, some good books among lots of less good ones, could listen to people who were 60 years older than me when I was in my twenties. That generation had seen two world wars and they told me many tragic stories. All that helps in times of high speed "reporting" - it all is about communication but not journalism.

On the current situation of US-missiles for "deep strikes into Russia" or which ever other target such as "fighting North Korea" in the Kursk region as certain US voices claim, reminds me of the following:

In December 1992, G.H.Bush launched media-style invasion into Somalia. President elect Bill Clinton inherited that quagmire which turned into a total military disaster for the US. Remember the film Black Hawk Down?

For sure, a US intervention in the Horn of Africa some 33 years ago, when it was all about CNN but not yet social media, cannot be compared with the escalating comprehesive NATO attack on Russia. But the analogy remains: the vacuum between two administrations is a fragile season, above all for the US.

And when it comes to the old pathological hatred of Russia let me remind us how "smart" Berlin and Vienna were 120 years ago. Count Hoyos, diplomat in Vienna, telegraphed in 1906, when the catholic Austro-Hungarian Empire was at odds with the orthodox Tsarist Empire in the Balkans: Russia cannot be defeated on the battlefied, the coloss has to be destroyed from inside.

By then, both Vienna and Berlin heavily funded the Bolsheviks and Ukrainian nationalists. The rest is history, notably the train ride by Lenin from Switzerland to Petrograd. By the way, Ayatollah Khomeiny travelled via AirFrance in 1979 from Paris to Tehran to start his Islamic Revolution.

In 2022, the EU head of foreign affairs Borrell stated that the Ukrainian question will be solved on the battlefield. In retrospect, the often degenerate officials at European courts before 1914 were more realistc than today's warmongers. They understood certain military realities and geography, a science ignored by the so called "geopolitical EU commission".

What might happen next: in case of such ATACMS strikes deep into Russia? NATO will be formally at war with Russia. This is not the priority for the incoming US President Trump. There might be turmoils, resignations within the US hierarchy.
Trump had announced a sort of purge of the US army due to the defeat in Afghanistan in August 2021. So there might several careers at stake.

On the military level, given the situation on the ground both the US and Europe will have to twist the narrative and find a way out of their self imposed dilemma. That might be easier for the US. Trump can clearly say: That is not the US war, I have nothing to do with it. Leave it to the Europeans.

History never repeats itself. And actionism is now the last thing Europe needs. The war enthusiasm across so many spectres in the EU is the real problem for the remainder of what once was Europe. Every human who knows war, hates war.

Karin Kneissl official

17 Nov, 19:38

Back home to the village
Grateful for my home after many years without a place of my own
My thoughts are with all those who are losing their homes, their beloved ones, their lives every day in Lebanon and Gaza and beyond
Today more than 200 Israeli attacks on Lebanon

What is the war goal in Lebanon?
Israeli is violating the very basic concept of warfare which is all about useful targets from a military perspective
It is only about random killing and destruction
Lebanon was so fragile when I lived there, now it is at risk of being burnt down by Israel

#Lebanon #Israeli

Karin Kneissl official

17 Nov, 19:38

❗️A large fire has broken out as a result of the Israeli raid that targeted the Mar Elias area in Beirut.

Karin Kneissl official

17 Nov, 18:20


Karin Kneissl official

17 Nov, 18:20

In response to my interviews last night to RT German and RT international several Russian media commented my statements on the price hikes for a landlocked country that relied more than 90% on Russian natural gas imports via an important gas hub

See my previous summary in English last night

Austrian medium and small sized companies are going bankrupt on a nearly weekly interval
It is a homemade crisis.

Karin Kneissl official

17 Nov, 18:15

#94: Moderner Renaissance-Fürst

💥In der neuen Folge spreche
ich mit Karin Kneissl über die Nominierungen von Donald Trump für sein neues Kabinett. Dabei gehen die beiden vor allem auf die brisanten Ernennungen rund um den neuen Außenminister Marco Rubio, die neue Direktorin der Geheimdienste, Tulsi Gabbard, und den pharmakritischen Neffen von John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, ein. Außerdem sprechen die beiden über die aktuelle Lage im Nahen Osten, neue erschreckende Befunde von Human Rights Watch zur Situation im Gazastreifen und zur Rolle von Katar, das angekündigt hat, nicht mehr zwischen den Konfliktparteien vermitteln zu wollen.

▶️Schaut rein: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yGBvDNa8bw

Karin Kneissl official

17 Nov, 13:29

Из-за прекращения поставок российского газа в Австрию местные жители и предприятия могут массово обанкротиться.

Об этом в эфире RT заявила экс-глава австрийского МИД и руководитель Центра G.O.R.K.I. СПбГУ Карин Кнайсль.

Она отметила: в 2021 году зависимость страны от импорта топлива из РФ была около 75%, а к 2024 году выросла до 90%. При этом у Австрии нет выхода к морю, а поставки сжиженного газа обходятся дорого.

Напомним, австрийская энергетическая компания OMV объявила о прекращении выплат «Газпрому» — якобы из-за «нарушений» условий контракта по поставкам газа в Германию.

В ответ с 16 ноября «Газпром» полностью прекратил поставки топлива в Австрию.

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Karin Kneissl official

16 Nov, 18:39

And in between we also did an interview with Russia 24 for a film on nationhood and motherland to be broadcasted in February 2025.

To my knowledge it is only in Russian that Motherland and Fatherland are both used.

Another intense day. Thank God, it all went well and my seven broken ribs are still with me

Tomorrow heading home to the village 1100 km. Not so far by Russian standards ....

Karin Kneissl official

16 Nov, 18:34

Russia halts gas deliveries to Austria

Russian gas giant Gazprom shut off deliveries of natural gas heading to Austria starting November 16, Austrian energy company OMV stated.

The move came after Austrian energy company OMV announced that it would stop paying for deliveries of Russian energy after winning an arbitration award from the International Chamber of Commerce related to a contractual dispute with the Russian gas giant.

🔸 Austria had relied on affordable and dependable pipeline-delivered Russian gas since the 1960s, with deliveries helping to ensure the Central European nation’s energy security, and fueling an ‘economic miracle’ which made Austria one of the wealthiest countries in the EU by per capita GDP.

🔸 As recently as July 2024, Austria was buying over 80% of its natural gas from Russia.

🔸 Vienna is now expected to buy gas from Germany, presumably paying a premium for the privilege, since Berlin itself now relies on imports of liquefied natural gas – which is more expensive owing to the need to transport it by ship, compress and decompress it.

🔸 Austria’s economy slipped into recession in 2023, with 3 in 4 local companies fearing deindustrialization, according to a recent Deloitte survey. Industry accounts for about 22% of Austria’s GDP. A prolonged shutoff of Russian gas would likely exacerbate the country’s economic woes, with European gas prices hitting their 2024 high late last month amid tight supply as winter approaches.

🔸 Although Chancellor Karl Nehammer said that Vienna had been “preparing” for Gazprom’s decision in a televised address to the nation Friday, his coalition government earlier announced plans to end Russian gas imports only by 2027.

🔸 The government suffered a dramatic defeat in elections in September, with the opposition Freedom Party of Austria winning 28.8% of the vote and a plurality of seats. Nehammer has vowed not to form a coalition with the opposition party, which has urged Vienna to keep Russian gas a part of Austria’s energy mix.

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Karin Kneissl official

16 Nov, 18:34

In the evening after our seminar, I was invited by RT German and RT international to discuss the possible consequences of the Austrian OMV's decision to stop payments to Gazprom in response to a court's decision in favour of OMV.
It is all about the price hikes which have already hit hard the industry, households and small sized comanies in gastronomy and tourism. They cannot afford anymore their electricity bills.
Furthermore, Austrian officials failed to reserve gas supply contracts via the Turkish gas hub which delivers Russian natural gas for instance to Hungary.

Given the stop in transit of Russian gas via Ukraine as of Dec. 31st this missing gas volume will pose the real problem. And as a reminder Austria bought more Russian natural gas in 2024 than prior to 2022. Bringing LNG gas via Germany or Croatia will add more costs in transport for the landlocked country without sea terminals. The Austran gas hub has become history. It was created in 1968 at the peak of the Prague Spring when the Red Army crushed the upheavals in Czechoslovakia. Back then OMV and the Austrian government had fewer second thoughts about gas purchases from the Soviet Union which always honoured its contracts.

Back in 2002 OMV started the Nabucco project which was all about circumventing Russian gas, that project was strongly supported by Brussels. But the OMV led consortium never managed to obtain a gas supply contract. Lessons should have been learnt from that management disaster...And it was clear already some 2 decades ago that there was political will in the EU to reject Russian gas. It was certainly not Russia that "weaponized the energy market". But easy propaganda is currently once more in full swing from Brussels to Vienna. Energy politics should be done rationally not emotionally - for the sake of those who try to pay their bills and taxes. Alas, they are left in the cold.

#Austria #Russia #gas #OMV

Karin Kneissl official

16 Nov, 17:52

Good evening from the G.O.R.K.I in St.Petersburg

Today we conducted our simulation of an EU Council on China. Please find enclosed some impressions of the good atmosphere at our venue.
Ilya Balashov and his colleagues who are now studying at MGIMO in Moscow joined us and played the Hungarian EU presidency. Thanks to their draft we had constructive negotiations on the final wording.
Students who are between 18 and 21 years old played very seriously and realistically their roles: Lithuania as a persistent objector, Hungarians very self-confident and top professional, Italy was so pragmatic and refreshing in contrast to the deeply ideological EU commission very well played by Timofey Kuznetsov who coordinated the preparation of this seminar.
You did well dear young colleagues, let me say that also on behalf of boxer Winston Churchill who kept an eye on all the statements. He has seen so many of such meetings

#EU #China #tradewar #negotiation #Russia

Karin Kneissl official

15 Nov, 16:32

🇷🇺🇩🇪 President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany Olaf Scholz, held for the first time since December 2022 at the initiative of the German side

The leaders had an in-depth and frank exchange of views on the situation in Ukraine. Vladimir Putin reiterated that the current crisis was a direct result of NATO's long-standing aggressive policy aimed at creating a staging ground against Russia on Ukrainian soil, while showing disregard for Russia's security concerns and trampling on the rights of Russian-speaking residents of Ukraine.

Speaking on the prospects for reaching a political and diplomatic settlement of the conflict, the President of Russia pointed out that the Russian side had never rejected and was still open to resuming the talks broken off by the Kiev regime. Russia's proposals are well known and have been outlined, in particular, in the President’s speech at the Foreign Ministry in June. Any possible agreements must address security concerns of the Russian Federation, rest on the new territorial realities, and, most importantly, eliminate the original causes of the conflict.

The discussion also touched on the state of affairs in relations between Russia and Germany. Vladimir Putin noted their unprecedented decline in all areas, caused by the unfriendly policy pursued by the German authorities. It was emphasised that Russia had always honoured its commitments under various treaties and contracts in the energy sector and was still willing to promote mutually beneficial cooperation, if the German side showed interest in it.

Recent escalations in the Middle East were also addressed. Vladimir Putin informed Olaf Scholz on the efforts made by Russia to deescalate and seek peaceful solutions for the regional crisis.

The leaders agreed that following their telephone conversation, their aides would keep in touch.

Karin Kneissl official

10 Nov, 16:15

🇱🇧 At least 27 people were killed on Sunday as a result of an Israeli strike on a residential building in the Lebanese town of Almat, 35 km north of Beirut

According to Lebanese media, women and children were among the victims and six people were wounded.

Almat is a mountain village with a predominantly Shiite population, located 15 km east of Byblos, one of Lebanon's oldest cities. The building that was attacked reportedly housed refugee families from the Baalbek district.

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Karin Kneissl official

10 Nov, 16:15

For centuries Shiites lived in Christian areas of Lebanon, especially Mount Lebanon
Shiites and Christians traditionally got along with each other

When I arrived first in Lebanon during the war of the 1980s which by then was an inner Maronite Christian bloodshed, I tried to understand the difference between the people of the mountains and those in the coastal towns. The latter were traders and more into compromise while those up in the mountains tended to be more stubborn: often Maronite, Shiite and Druze.

Every Israeli massacre in Lebanon and Palestine is shocking. Today's bombing in the Byblos region strucks me particularly, lived there many years ago.

Who can stop this senseless destruction by Israel?
The Lebanese will hopefully refrain from interethnic clashes despite all that pressure
Currently people help each other regardless of their belief

#Lebanon #israel #war


Thanks to all those reporting: RT, Sana, reuters, etc

Karin Kneissl official

10 Nov, 14:11

The Russian Defense Ministry reports that from 7:00 to 10:00 Moscow time, air defense systems intercepted and destroyed 70 Ukrainian drones

Of these, 34 were over the Moscow region, 14 were over the Bryansk region, seven were over the Oryol and Kaluga regions, six were over the Kursk region, and two were over the Tula region.


Karin Kneissl official

10 Nov, 14:11

Good afternoon
On my way to St.Petersburg
Intense week of seminars at our G.O.R.K.I
May it work smoothly.
Hope to get better, less pain would be helpful
But unfortunately there are moments when one has to smile against all odds. It is called contenance

Work has always helped me. And I am grateful that I can still work.

Now turning to contemporary warfare:
Artificial intelligence and drones chase soldiers in the trenches, the videos are shocking
Sometimes dogs helped, men throw stones on those flying objects
Drones hit cars anywhere in Lebanon
Thereby killing those just standing in the road
A match stick size drone can enter any room and kill those the software is programmed for

Today's drone attack on Moscow was the most severe since February 24th 2022

Warfare has changed profoundly.
And the history of warfare has taught us that the larger the distance between the fighters the less knowledge about each other
When the rifle replaced the sword the entire concept of honouring the enemy changed

Are soldiers fighting soldiers or are civilians the random target?

The Russian army fights soldiers of many nations on the battlefield
The targets of the Israeli army acc to UN figures: more than 70% are women and children

Today's drone attacks in Russia were all targeting residential areas.

#war #drones #Russia #Lebanon

Karin Kneissl official

10 Nov, 09:39

#93: Überlebenskämpfer

💥In der neuen Folge sprechen Karin Kneissl und Flavio von Witzleben über die Wiederwahl von Donald Trump zum Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten. Dabei diskutieren die beiden den zu Ende gegangenen Wahlkampf und die wichtigsten Positionen, die Trump vertreten hat, wie beispielsweise in Fragen der Migration oder der wirtschaftlichen Stärkung des Landes. Außerdem gehen sie darauf ein, was dieser Wahlsieg nun für die Konflikte im Nahen Osten und in der Ukraine bedeuten wird und wie China, der größte Konkurrent der USA, auf diese Wahl blickt. Zuletzt sprechen sie noch über den Rücktritt des israelischen Verteidigungsministers Joav Galant und das Regierungschaos in Deutschland.

▶️Hört rein:

Karin Kneissl official

08 Nov, 20:16

NATOland, you okay? Still think you can take on the Russians? 😉


Karin Kneissl official

08 Nov, 19:44

Germany in for Ukraine to get its lithium – MP

Germany’s involvement in the Ukraine conflict is motivated by access to natural resources such as lithium, said German Bundestag member Anton Hofreiter in a televised appearacne on ZDF.

Hofreiter noted that the formerly Ukrainian Donbas region holds approximately 80% of Ukraine’s mineral resources, including lithium, a vital element for battery production and essential in the technology and mobile phone industries.

“These resources are urgently needed here in Germany,” Hofreiter explained. “This has an immediate economic impact and aligns with our own interests,” he added, emphasizing that Germany cannot “simply stand by and watch what happens.”

#Germany #Ukraine

Karin Kneissl official

08 Nov, 19:44

Good evening,

Last week a German talk show highlighted a topic that was well known to persons in the commodities' business but not yet to a larger audience in Germany and beyond: Germany invests in lithium reserves in Ukraine and is especially eager to have access to the lithium reserves in the Donbass, which according to the Russian constitution is now part of the Russian Federation. Contracts on that topic have been drafted over the last years by German companies.

Lithium is considered a new strategic resource. It is essential in the battery production, besides its use as component in several other crucial industries, from pharmaceutical to IT.

And like in the case of oil, concessions are often not enough,it is a lot about physical control. And that often leads to conflict. Ukraine is resource rich.

Let me send below also an interesting Russian article about the geological history of this old coal basin. And various global investment funds are eager to gain control over the rich arable soil.

In the past, it was all about "no blood for oil", remember the Iraq war 2003. Now it should be increasingly about "no blood for our electric car."

See the German quote below on why Germany is so much interested in a phsysical akin military presence.

#Ukraine #war #ltihium #commodities

Karin Kneissl official

07 Nov, 17:58

⚡️ 7 ноября спецборт МЧС России доставил в Бейрут очередную, уже третью по счёту партию гуманитарной помощи.

ℹ️ В составе груза (24 тонны) - детское питание и продукты, предметы первой необходимости и медикаменты.

👥 В церемонии передачи гумпомощи участвовали Посол России в Ливане А.Н.Рудаков, Генеральный секретарь Комитета по чрезвычайным ситуациям ЛР М.Хейр, а также различные местные чиновники гуманитарного профиля.

🛫 Тем же бортом в Москву вывезены 89 российских граждан, оказавшихся в тяжёлой жизненной ситуации в результате продолжающегося военного конфликта на территории страны.

Karin Kneissl official

07 Nov, 17:46

The impunity of Israel.... so far more than 3000 Lebanese were killed, dozens of villages totally destroyed in Lebanon. The UN is systematically attacked by Israel and the UN is helpless.

I fear that Netanyahu will keep on destroying as much as remains of Gaza, of the Palestinian people, and neighbouring Lebanon, which I consider as my second home.

There is no defence minister or chief of staff that says stop. That was the case once upon a time, when Netanyahu gave some of his killing orders and the army did not go along with him.

There will not be any reaction by the US, the EU. It might only be Iran with more escalation as a consequence.

#Israel #Lebanon #war

Karin Kneissl official

07 Nov, 17:46

Deadly Israeli airstrike hits Lebanese army checkpoint, UNIFIL convoy

Israel has repeatedly targeted both UN forces and Lebanese army soldiers in a deliberate manner

Karin Kneissl official

07 Nov, 17:38

Regarding the shift from a hegemonic world to a multipolar one, 'no matter how well you swim, if you go against the current, it won't help you' – Putin


Karin Kneissl official

07 Nov, 17:38

Good evening,

One of many interesting statements in the speech by President Putin on 20 years Valdai Club.

And let me add whenever there was a multipolar setting like some 2300 years ago in the Mediterranean basin, remember Carthage and the other city states, or during the "European concert" in the post Napoleonic Europe diplomacy was flourishing and vice verse.

Karin Kneissl official

31 Oct, 14:33

Sitting at home with children from the village, they play chess, I write a text and the cats keep an eye on us. Franz Schubert accompanies us with his music

#RussianVillage #Russia #autumn

Karin Kneissl official

31 Oct, 10:56

After the BRICS Summit in Kazan now the Eurasian Conference in Minsk, there is definitely more going on in terms of shaping a multipolar world in Russia and Belarus than in Germany and France....
orientation stems from orient....

#Eurasia #multipolarity

Karin Kneissl official

31 Oct, 10:42


in September 2020 I published my book "Mobilitätswende" (mobility in transition). I predicted a major crash of the German automotive industry due to:
1. electric vehicles which can only be sold via subsidies
2. mismanagement and series of scandals (the woes started with dieselgate)
3. shortage of qualified workers
4. red tape and green energy

The German automotive industry was on the rise for the last 25 years thanks to the Chinese and Russian markets. Both markets have been lost due to sanctions, competition and a looming trade war.

The massive decline of the German automotive industry will have a major impact on
1. Slovakia - see the car cluster of Bratislava
2. Austria - 360.000 high skilled employements (not just "jobs") in the supply chain
3. Czech Republic and Slovenia for the above reasons.

The closure of important production plants which I called in my book "When factories become museums" will trigger social problems and eventually even social riots across Germany.

This quote from the article I may add as an additional deep problem for the EU in general:

“We are not experiencing a crisis in the automotive industry, we are experiencing a crisis in Germany as a business location,” a spokesperson for Germany’s auto association VDA said

#Germany #recession #socialriots #automotiveindustry

Karin Kneissl official

31 Oct, 09:42

The G.O.R.K.I. Centre of St Petersburg State University will host a round table ‘Russia - Belarus Relations: The Current State and the Future’. In the context of the formation of a new geopolitical reality, the bilateral relations of the two states are becoming especially relevant for researchers — both in the context of military cooperation and at the level of participation in international organizations.

Our objective is to formulate practical recommendations for the future development of Russian-Belarusian relations and submit them to the relevant department of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its affiliated organizations.

During the discussion, we will touch on topics such as the bilateral relations between Russia and Belarus before and after 2020, the impact of increasing confrontation with the West on the interaction between the two countries, and the personal factor in Russian-Belarusian relations.

The event will be attended by teachers of the Department of International Relations in the post-Soviet space of St. Petersburg State University, leading researchers from other universities in Russia and Belarus, as well as representatives of civil societies of both countries.

November 13, 2024
Time: 17:00
St. Petersburg, Tchaikovsky str., 28 (Kelch Mansion)

The working languages are Russian and English.

Please note that you must register in advance to participate in the event.

Karin Kneissl official

30 Oct, 18:59


This is just horror - another generation of Lebanese children burnt and marked by Israeli bombs for the rest of their lives. The press in Europe, especially Austria and Germany, simply ignores these war crimes. On the contrary, many of these attacks are applauded by the entire political class.

Karin Kneissl official

30 Oct, 15:41


The Lebanese media Al Mayadeen calls a spade a spade. And it is only the beginning. Deindustrialisation, high debts at high interest rates, green energy and red tape, endemic corruption and dysfuntional public administration etc. all that is part of today's EU.

Karin Kneissl official

30 Oct, 05:27

on Georgia and elections and Western surrealism

According to the Electoral Commission, to the OSCE monitors etc the ruling party "Georgian Dream" won by 54% last Sunday.

But the President Salome Zurabashvili, who initially came to Georgia as Ambassador of her native country France, called for protests against the government of the Prime Minister. So the streets were full with Ukrainian (sic) and also Georgian flags. In the annexed video you can listen to her word salad in which she claims that there is no need to prove Russian interference in the elections. She just claims that there was meddling by Moscow which has denied any interference.

Remember the years of allegations that Russia had made up the Trump victory in 2016... all allegations were dropped by US courts. But one just has to repeat a lie often enough so that it is not anymore a lie. That was the credo of Goebbels. And that professional of modern PR was well studied by communication experts in the US after 1945.

P.S: Several EU Ambassadors joined the protests... so much about non interference.

#Georgia #Russia #EU #protests

Karin Kneissl official

30 Oct, 05:05

🇭🇺🇪🇺 Orban: In the EU, only liberal victories are regarded as "democracy."

Orban congratulated Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze on his electoral success, as reported by 1TV. The Hungarian Prime Minister stated, "Discussions about elections in Europe shouldn’t be taken at face value. When liberals win, Brussels proclaims it a victory for democracy, but when conservatives win, suddenly, there is no democracy to speak of. This has become the norm."


Karin Kneissl official

29 Oct, 18:41

🇮🇷🇦🇹 Присутствие военных чиновников Корпуса стражей Исламской революции на церемонии, посвященной Национальному дню Австрии.

🌐 Подписывайтесь на ShiaNews

Karin Kneissl official

29 Oct, 18:41

Last Saturday Austria celebrated its day of independence. On the basis of a multilateral treaty signed in May 1955, guaranteed by the USSR (then Russian Federation), the UK, US and France, Austria regained its sovereignty. The status of neutrality was declared after the last allied soldier had left on Oct. 26th, 1955.

Given the Austrian involvement in the war in Ukraine via the EU Peace Faciiity Fund, the regular NATO arms transits etc. Vienna does not pursue a neutral foreign policy anymore. Russian diplomats have been excluded from all events, including the commemoration in the former concentration camps where thousands of Soviets perished in World War II.

But accroding to this video, members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards particpated in the neutrallity and independence festivities in Vienna last Saturday.

As a reminder during the Iran Iraq war 1980-88 the Austrian government delivered arms to both states and also back then committed a massive breach of the constitutional principle of neutrality. At least in the aftermath of that scandal several members of the then government were put on trial.

#Austria #Iran #neutrality #Russia

Karin Kneissl official

29 Oct, 18:24

The Geopolitical Observatory for Russia’s Key Issues (G.O.R.K.I. Centre of St Petersburg University) invites university students and young professionals to a seminar ‘EU – China: Systemic Rivalry or Room for Cooperation?’ that will be held on 14 and 16 November 2024 at the Kelch Mansion (28 Tchaikovsky Street).

The EU Council plays a key role in the areas of European integration where decision-making takes place at the intergovernmental level. Based on the provisions of the Maastricht Treaty, the Council is responsible for joint foreign and security policy. During our simulation of an EU Council meeting, which will begin on 16 November at 11:00, the participants will play heads of states and governments of the EU member states.

The moderator of the event will be Dr Karin Kneissl, Head of the Geopolitical Observatory for Russia’s Key Issues (G.O.R.K.I. Centre), Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Austria (2017–2019), who will share her experience of interacting with the EU institutions.

Briefings by Dr Kneissl, St Petersburg University lecturers, and participants from EU member states will help you understand the background of European–Chinese relations and the work of the EU Council and make an informed decision on the position of the country you represent. The lectures will be held on 14 November from 15:00 to 21:00.

Coffee breaks are scheduled on both days of the seminar.
The working language of the event is English.
You have to register for the seminar ‘EU – China: Systemic Rivalry or Room for Cooperation?’

Please note that the number of participants is limited and visiting the 14 November lectures is compulsory for participation in the simulation on 16 November.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: [email protected]

Karin Kneissl official

29 Oct, 18:24

Good evening,

meanwhile working from home, in between treatments at the clinic in Kasimov. Nothing is easy, but with lots of contenance and discipline plus above all many helping hands all is possible.
I intend to be back to St.Petersburg in 10 days where a busy week willl lie ahead full of lectures, Roundtables and a 2 day negotiation seminar.
Prior to that I plan to attend a debate with a very much appreciated former colleague in Moscow.
So we simply continue to work and my thanks gp to each and every colleague.

Karin Kneissl official

27 Oct, 21:33

Just bombing and looting is not a long term war strategy, now the Israeli Minister of Defence has formulated the need for a compass in a letter to Netanyahu.
And waiting for a comeback of Donald Trump as US President, which seems fairly probable, will not produce that security which Israel claims but obstructs as well.

The creation of a viable Palestinian State is missing in that letter to Netanyahu.

#Israel #Palestine #war

Karin Kneissl official

27 Oct, 11:31

#91: Russians Never Surrender

💥In der neuen Folge spreche ich mit Karin Kneissl über den BRICS-Gipfel, der diese Woche im russischen Kasan stattgefunden hat. Dabei geht es zunächst um die Ergebnisse des Treffens und die Inhalte der Abschlusserklärung, in der die westliche Sanktionspolitik scharf kritisiert wurde, sowie um die Rolle der BRICS-Staaten im Nahostkonflikt. Des Weiteren besprechen wir die ausgebliebene Ankündigung einer eigenen BRICS-Währung sowie den von der Ukraine scharf kritisierten Besuch des UN-Generalsekretärs António Guterres in Russland und dessen Austausch mit Wladimir Putin.

▶️Hört rein: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDRKRozUGoU

Karin Kneissl official

26 Oct, 15:42

Many disturbing videos, testimonials have come out from Gaza, now from Lebanon. The annexed comment describes well that there is something profoundly wrong with a very large number of Israeli soldiers. It is not about a handful of black sheep. Same holds true for large parts of the Israeli media and the Israeli political class.

I remember that during the Israeli invasion into Lebanon in July 1982 thousands of Israelis behaved in often similar ways, only there were no mobile video cameras back then. They were simply mesmerized by the living standard they found in that Arab country. A Lebanese Maronite close to the Israeli invaders later told many stories about those soldiers in sandals who were impressed by the elegant shoes of those who were to be occupied....

There is nothing new under the sun, Prophet Kohelet wrote in the book of wisdoms. Homer wrote about similar situations in the Iliade. The war of Troya was not the first, not the last massacre, it was only well documented.

Israelis should finally understand that they are neither superior, nor chosen, nor of special morale. And for those abroad who give unconditional support to Israel: just watch the mass of photomaterial about the current war crimes which are available and try to distinguish right from wrong.

#Lebanon #Israel #Gaza #warcrimes

Karin Kneissl official

26 Oct, 15:42

🇮🇱🇱🇧🇵🇸 При просмотре материалов ливано-израильской войны помимо скудных кадров боестолкновений и подрывов туннелей «Хезболлы» в глаза бросаются видео со стороны военнослужащих АОИ в захваченных населенных пунктах на юге Ливана.

На записях бойцы документируют, как они и с удовольствием грабят дома ливанцев. Характерно здесь то, что делают они это не в поисках чего-то полезного для быта подразделения, а «обчищают» вообще все вплоть до кухонных принадлежностей и домашней одежды.

Аналогичные видео и снимки ранее появлялись из сектора Газа. Из-за этого в арабоязычном сегменте даже появлялись шутки, что израильские военнослужащие «ведут себя так, словно никогда в жизни не видели сантехнику и другие современные блага цивилизации».

📌 При этом важно заметить, что само по себе мародерство в зоне боевых действий — явление не самое редкое вне зависимости от локации конфликта. Зачастую оно обусловлено чисто практическими соображениями, а не стремлением наворовать собственность для перепродажи.

Однако когда бойцы АОИ массово радостно примеряют ворованную женскую одежду на камеру и со смехом бьют посуду, не видя в этом ничего плохого, то такое поведение в рамки военной необходимости не укладывается. Здесь речь уже о совершенно других вещах.
#Израиль #Ливан #Палестина

Поддержать нас

Karin Kneissl official

25 Oct, 21:18

During the euro crisis Berlin lectured the so-called "periphery" states e.g. Spain, Italy, Greece how to run their budgets.
12 year later, Germany is the heart of the European economic problem.
And it will not easily solve that quagmire, which is a mix of
lack of skilled workers, human talents
overregulation - red tape and green energy
mismanagement on many many levels
and above all absence of rule of law, massive breaches of international law

#Germany #recession

Karin Kneissl official

25 Oct, 21:12

Germany the sick man of Europe is knocking on different doors across Asia. German chancellor Scholz now travelling to India so to counterbalance its dependence on China. Interesting article in the Chinese Global Times.
But what can Germany offer today that the world cannot buy elsewhere, probably even of better quality? The loss of the Russian market has already proved detrimental.

The rapid decline of the former export champion will have a dramatic impact on all those economies linked to the German supply chain, notably Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia.

#Germany #recession #China #India


Karin Kneissl official

25 Oct, 13:43

Good afternoon,

Please find annexed the link to a conversation Alexander Nitzberg and I had in September in our G.O.R.K.I. office in St. Petersburg. The title of our talk is "Cowardice is the biggest vice". The poet, translator and free thinker Alexander Nitzberg left Austria for similar reasons which forced me to quit.

He has initiated this series of talks "Im Haus des Dichters" which are broadcasted on his YouTube Channel. I may warmly recommend his programme which lifts the heart and the mind in our confusing times.

It made me smile that our conversation succeeds his previous programme on Heinrich Heine. I always was a fond reader of Harry Heine, for me one of the most attractive German spirits of 19th century. In today's Germany most probably the German "speech police" would have already put him on trial.

200 years ago free spirits could emigrate to France.... in 2024 people like Alexander and myself, we move to Russia. While Russian is the mothertongue of Alexander I still have to study it well. His German translations of Mikhael Bulgakov and Dostojevski are a delight for any reader of Russian lterature.

Let me wish you a fine evening, I am doing a bit better and feel like working again... there is so much to write

#Russia #Freedom #Nitzberg #literature #G.O.R.K.I.

Karin Kneissl official

25 Oct, 13:43


Karin Kneissl official

25 Oct, 10:09

🇺🇳🇷🇺 UN Secretary General Guterres respectfully bows and shakes the hand of Putin in Russia’s Kazan at the BRICS summit.

A lot of people start crying and scream hysterically when they see this picture, for some reason.

The world is realigning …

➡️ Join us! | @MyLordBebo

Karin Kneissl official

24 Oct, 17:47

While preparing for tomorrow's podcast I browsed various media, and in addition to Tass, Sputnik, RT let me recommend the annexed link by Reuters. It is a fairly serious assessment, so different from the erratic German press, Austria as usually does not care about what happens on the planet. The Swiss NZZ has turned into an Alpine tabloid.

The press conference by President Putin was instructive and impressive - after 4 intense days of negotiating, deciding, reacting etc. he elaborated substantially on all economic and geopolitical topics raised.Alas BBC asked a question about "Russia's role in causing havoc on British streets".... well I admire the virtue of Russian patience and VVP is a master of patience. I was less patient with BBC and so was my dog Winston, when we last met them.

By the way, all media representatives can work in Russia - so different from the EU, where censorship is back. Revolution of 1848 is history, in 2024 it is all about "controlling the message" when it comes to western media.

Sitting on the sofa in between pillows is the only thing I can currently do with my four broken ribs. Every move requires sort of strategic action to avoid the worst pain. I am not a 20 year old sportsman who suffers for 2-3 weeks under medical supervision, I simply hope to surmont the pains and be able to feed my animals again. In one week and 6 days....

#BRICS #Russia #journalism


Karin Kneissl official

24 Oct, 13:08

The UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres actively participates in the BRICS conference in Russia

May he now not anymore be allowed to enter the EU? May his bank advisor send him nasty mail? May he receive death threats from Ukraine?
I am just enumerating the usual modus operandi in today's Europe

the EU will either have to close down or do a volte and turn rational again.
But for that exercise it takes a new generation
As Dmitry Trenin and Sergey Lavrov said: at least 30 years
And by then the world will be a different one

Karin Kneissl official

24 Oct, 13:08

The BRICS Plus/Outreach plenary meeting of the 16th BRICS Summit will continue in the working breakfast format

Karin Kneissl official

24 Oct, 07:44

One of the best parts of the BRICS Summit is watching the Western media scramble to find excuses for why dozens of world leaders are in Russia this week, seeking to join the economic alliance that is presenting the biggest challenge yet to the West and its sanctions.

They act like Putin dragged his allies to Kazan against their will, and they can’t seem to understand why countries beyond the West still want to work with Russia and its wealth of natural resources.

But don’t forget… for every country represented at BRICS, no matter their current ties to the U.S., they still have at least some fear that at some point, they will become the West’s next target.

Karin Kneissl official

24 Oct, 07:44

Good morning

While reading the reports on the intense BRICS summit in Russia and the confusion in the western press, let me seize this opportunity to quote one old but truly funny headline in the Austrian daily Kurier dating back to February 2022.

It still makes me smile. Never I had imagined to be part of such a distinguished Triumvirate, But the phantasy writers akin western journalists create all sorts of fiction stories.

It can be translated as follows:

Only Kneissl, Trump, and Xi Jinping still support Putin


It illustrates very well the isolation of Europe. Their political class and media outlets are in a parallel universe. And many of the citizens who were reduced to consumers are also overwhelmed

It is too difficult for them to follow the events. Those who can afford, should retire and do some gardening. I am thinking in particular of Germany.

#BRICS #Russia #Europe

Karin Kneissl official

23 Oct, 18:41


Und auch der Cousin Winston Churchill zollte dem russischen Volk stets Respekt, 1953 wollte er nochmals nach Moskau reisen, aber musste die Mission absagen.

Wenn ich erkläre, dass mein Boxer Winston heißt, so ergänzen sofort alle Russen Churchill und lachen herzlich angesichts der Ähnlichkeit

Der alte Premier Churchill hätte sich am BRICS Gipfel wie ein Fisch im Wasser gefühlt

#Churchill #Russland

Karin Kneissl official

23 Oct, 08:48

This is an excellent summary of Day 1 of the BRICS summit under Russian Chairmanship. I can only watch it not comment as initially envisaged. But maybe no comment is needed. The pictures and statements say it all.

The world started to move east-south-east a while ago. I remember well in December 2017 when I asked my colleagues at the Austrian Ministry of Foregin Afffairs about position papers on BRICS or SCO, the answer was: there is none.
Europe will be further marginalized because of its Eurocentrism. They do not even realise it.... that is genuine provincialism.
Warm regards from a small village in the Russian province with all its shortcomings but rich in warm hearted human beings and a wide horizon. Trying to recover from my accident, the children, animals and nature help though the pain is really heavy.

As the saying goes: Russians never surrender!

#Russia #BRICS #Europe

Karin Kneissl official

23 Oct, 08:48

The BRICS Summit in Kazan. Day one

Karin Kneissl official

21 Oct, 18:24

This is not a movie
This is a plane of the National Lebanese carrier MEA, Middle East Airlines, landing in Beirut in the midst of Israeli attacks against residential quarters.
A former student and friend, Chafic Majdalani, sent it.
I always had deep respect for those pilots and crews of Lebanon, all the workers at Beirut airport which was the hub of the region, the forerunner to Dubai.

There are many unknown heroes in Lebanon and I am grateful for all that I learnt from them. This country will always keep a special place in my heart and mind.

And even the combined forces of the US and Israel will not be able to destroy it. They failed in 1982 and they will fail once more - but the Lebanese people pay a horrible price for their fight for survival.

#Lebanon #MEA #heroes #warcrimes

Karin Kneissl official

17 Oct, 15:55


Good evening from Veliki Novgorod

In early May I visited this nice historic city as a tourist. Today I have come back for lectures and meetings.

Many thanks to Rector Yury Borovikov for all hospitality at the university

Also my boxers attended the lectures as they usually do

Karin Kneissl official

17 Oct, 10:18


Немецкий боксёр.

Умен и отважен, где надо- хитер.
"А что за порода?"- немецкий боксер!!
Пускай вокруг люди ругаются…
Немецкий боксер- не кусается!!!

Игривый, веселый, прекрасный дружок.
Собака до старости эта - щенок!!
Не важно других людей мнение!
Боксеров люблю - до забвения!

Любимой породе моей не отнять
И ум и отвагу, покорность и стать.
Любите боксеров, прекрасных собак!
С такою собакой не в встрянешь впросак!

(Елена Баранчук)

На фото: #боксерхэлп_Фантик (ныне Клим)
Предыдущий пост: https://vk.com/wall-209700113_25015

Karin Kneissl official

17 Oct, 09:23


Good afternoon

Busy days in St.Petersburg, lectures at the G.O.R.K.I and yesterday an excellent panel at the BRICS conference with our partner the Mining University.

The Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University is in intense subsoil cooperation with colleagues on the African continent, Latin America and West Asia, India, China etc

The atmosphere was truly international and above all refreshing. I enjoyed listening to the contributions coming from Nigeria to Ehiopia or Namibia.
No superficial common place statements but true interaction
It was all about Sovereignty over natural resources and education.

Rector Vladimir Litvinenko moderated our session.
I pointed out once more: you can print money but you cannot print energy.
So we know where the future happens
And African nations are not interested in another European colonial diktat in the name of green economy

Karin Kneissl official

14 Oct, 05:24


Such a well written and substantial article on an exceptional personality like Ratan Tata lifts the mind to start into the day.

I didn't know about his love for dogs, only was aware of him as the giant of Indian industry

May he be reunited with all his beloved animals

#India #Tata #dogs

Karin Kneissl official

13 Oct, 21:44

Good evening,

A few hours ago the biggest attack on Israel took place since Oct. 7th, 2023:
Hezbollah launched drone strikes on an Israeli Golani Brigade training camp in Binyamina south of Haifa, the group said in a statement.

The Jerusalem Post reported 3 dead and 67 injured, including 4 in critical condition, as a result of the drone attack on the military installation in the Israeli town.

In contrast to Israel, there is no carpet bombing of cities and villages, but a military site was targeted

The Israeli army is increasingly confronted with an ammunition issue.

Meanwhile the emigration from Israel is reaching new records. Tens of Thousands of Russians with a double citizenship who left Russia for Israel in 2022 - considering Israel so peaceful... - have already moved back over the last year.

The announced Israeli attack on Iran is still "in the making", apparently in coordination with Washington, though Biden visibly has no leveragel on Netanyahu.

The tension has gone beyond various degrees of escalation. What we witness is global anarchy. And a profoundly confused West not knowing how to respond.

My thoughts are with all those who pay a very heavy price with their lives, the children of Gaza, the youngsters and elderly in Lebanon, the dairy farms in South Lebanon, the refugees who flee and flee again.

#Israel #drones #Hezbollah

Karin Kneissl official

13 Oct, 21:33

1) US gives anti missile systems to Israel.
2) US sends troops to operate the missile systems.

America really gets involved with boots

➡️ Join us! | @MyLordBebo

Karin Kneissl official

13 Oct, 12:50

#89: Achse des Widerstandes

💥In der neuen Folge spreche ich mit Karin Kneissl über die Lage im Libanon und die Frage, ob dem Land ein ähnliches Schicksal wie den Menschen im Gazastreifen droht. Des Weiteren geht es um die Ankündigung des französischen Präsidenten Emmanuel Macron, der betont hatte, keine weiteren Waffenlieferungen nach Israel genehmigen zu wollen und sich damit den Zorn des israelischen Ministerpräsidenten Benjamin Netanjahu zugezogen hat.

Außerdem sprechen wir über den abgesagten Staatsbesuch von Joe Biden in Deutschland sowie über die Frage, ob die nun nicht stattfindende Unterstützerkonferenz in Ramstein negative Folgen für die Verteidigungsfähigkeit der Ukraine haben könnte. Zu guter Letzt geht es um eine viel beachtete Rede von Viktor Orbán im EU-Parlament und die zu erwartenden Reaktionen.

▶️Hört rein: https://youtu.be/zfvobWCDeTU?si=idhym_oO9AX7kvjj

SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/episode/37y2eWOC6Zm30vT33aXSHF?si=H8DIZu0mSbqe6iSDr2jgmg

Karin Kneissl official

11 Oct, 04:07

🇺🇳/🇮🇱/🇱🇧 NEW: The UN reports that the Israeli military deliberately fired on peacekeepers in Lebanon in three incidents since yesterday, disabling cameras and damaging equipment and vehicles, and injuring two peacekeepers when an IDF tank targeted an observation tower.

The injured were reportedly Italian and Irish, prompting Italy to summon the Israeli ambassador.


Karin Kneissl official

11 Oct, 03:42

Good morning

This is a truly impressive example of a parliamentary speech.
PM Viktor Orbán reacts elegantly with logical arguments to all the attacks and lectures Mrs von der Leyen on basic legal concepts

Yesterday I briefly spoke to Peter Szijjarto, the Hungarian Foreign Minister, in St.Petersburg expressing my respect for the backbone Hungarians demonstrate in that EU chaos.

Watching these 16 minutes is certainly no waste of time, on the contrary

Have a good start into the day
Regards from St.Petersburg

#EU #Hungary #Parliament

Karin Kneissl official

10 Oct, 17:39

On October 22–24, the Russian city of Kazan will be hosting the BRICS summit — the first of its kind to include the newly updated line-up of member states. Presidential Aide Yuri Ushakov spoke about the upcoming event during a special briefing

BRICS now comprises ten nations: Brazil🇧🇷, Russia🇷🇺, India🇮🇳, China🇨🇳, South Africa🇿🇦, Egypt🇪🇬, Iran🇮🇷, the United Arab Emirates🇦🇪, Saudi Arabia🇸🇦, and Ethiopia🇪🇹.

Invitations to the summit were sent to 38 states, and 32 of them have already confirmed they will be participating, with 24 to be represented by their top officials. The number of attendees might grow further.

The motto of Russia’s BRICS chairmanship is Strengthening Multilateralism for Equitable Global Development and Security.

BRICS is gradually — brick by brick, as it were — building a bridge to a more democratic and just world order, Presidential Aide Yuri Ushakov said. BRICS is an entity that cannot be ignored.

Combined, the ten member states of BRICS encompass over 30% of the Earth's land surface, 45% of the world's population, over 40% global oil production, and about 25% of global goods exports. By 2028, the GDP of BRICS will account for 37% of the global total. BRICS is the epitome of multipolarity.

The activity plan of Russia's BRICS chairmanship is aimed at integrating new member states into the existing layered cooperation structure of BRICS and its established culture as smoothly as possible. The plan includes 250 meetings, forums, and other thematic events. As of mid-October, it has been implemented by 80 percent.

A special focus is given to financial cooperation. Russia's Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Russia are in discussion with BRICS partners to create a pan-BRICS financial platform, special clearing infrastructure, as well as a BRICS reinsurance company. When launched, those will help to expand trade in national currencies and reduce costs incurred in international trade.

34 nations are showing interest in BRICS, willing either to become a full-fledged member, or to cooperate with it in some way.

Karin Kneissl official

10 Oct, 17:39

Good evening,

Will be there in Kazan
At SPbU we had simulated a BRICS summit in late May, ever since a lot is materialising in the real world so to say.

The creation of a reinsurance company will prove to be a major step in gaining sovereignty.

At the G.O.R.K.I we had been working on that topic at several instances and we had submitted our ideas.

We are a do-tank.

Karin Kneissl official

10 Oct, 13:50

Good afternoon,

Since I was confronted in public yesterday with the reproach that no copies of my book "Requiem for Europe" are available, that the last copies are traded on the internet three times the original sale price, let me inform you of the following:

I published the book at the Moscow based publisher Rosspen. All responsibility for distribution is with the publisher, certainly not with the author.

I had informed them from the early beginning, that even in a small market like Austria, the publisher usually launched a circulation of 1 to 2.000 books.

In the case of Rosspen the first edition was limited to 1.000 books. But the Russian market is large

I was finally informed by the publisher today that a second edition will be available as of November 5th.

The publisher had announced as of the book launch in early June to make an e-book available.

Therefore, I am confident that all those who wish to read the book will be able to do so.

Whenever people asked me where to find the book, my reply was: in your favourite bookstores.

I was lucky with the bookstores in Beirut, Nîmes or any other town that they would order books.

#reading #book #Requiem