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18 Jan, 11:08

Guess who is responsible for the latest woke outrage at Woolworths?

From the Daily Mail:

Woolworths planned to fly Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags outside of its stores as part of the supermarket giant's Reconciliation Action Plan

From the Woolworths Reconciliation Action Plan:

In consultation with Reconciliation Australia, our journey towards a new RAP recommenced in July 2022

You can search for Woolworths on Reconciliation Australia's site as someone who has a registered Reconciliation Action Plan.

Mark Leibler was co-founder and co-chair of Reconciliation Australia.

From Wikipedia:

Leibler was involved in the setting up of Australia's Reconciliation Action Plan program

Every time.

18 Jan, 07:44

Jews who run pro Palestine rallies

16 Jan, 07:42

Turns out Antoinette Lattouf was fired from the ABC largely due to lobbying by secret Whatsapp group 'Lawyers for Israel'.

First of all Lattouf is extremely anti white so if this group was against "wokeness" they had the power to have her fired long ago but they had no problem with it.

The left are tying themselves in knots trying to work out why this campaign succeeded so easily while their many marches involving a vastly larger amount of people haven't accomplished much at all.

ECAJ head Alex Ryvchin unequivocally denied there was any conspiracy involving the ECAJ to get Lattouf fired but turns out Robert Goot, deputy head of the ECAJ, was just straight up part of the group and feeding back internal information that she was to be fired from the ABC.

The story has now changed to it was really the ABC who directly sacked Lattouf, so the idea 'Lawyers for Israel' had any effect is still an antisemitic conspiracy theory and if you say otherwise lawyers may contact your employer πŸ™„

14 Jan, 08:29

Recent events have caused some Antifa to admit they think Zionists run Australia.

Serkan Ozturk is an Antifa journalist who has been at it for years across multiple media outlets but most recently True Crime News Weekly.

Well if the Australian government shouldn't be run by Zionists who should be running it? The Australian people? And who is that? Predominantly white people?

A common Antifa narrative is that if white people run the government, that means they are "supreme", therefore anyone who wants that is a "white supremacist".

And who pushes this narrative?

One recent example is when we were told "white supremacy" should be diminished in the government by giving Aborigines a Voice to parliament.

Which was pushed by Mark Leibler.. a Zionist.

And if white control of Australia is diminished what until now has filled the power vacuum?

According to Serkan it's Zionists!

We continue to wait for Antifa to put two and two together.

13 Jan, 06:00

In the lower pic we have The Australian Jewish Association, (hilariously) tweeting a Jewish Contributions infographic admitting the role Jews played in ending apartheid in South Africa.

The AJA is portraying South Africa as ungrateful for filing a case against Israel at the International Court of Justice by pointing out Jews helped them overthrow "white supremacy".

Up the top is Avi Yemini admitting that the end of apartheid in South Africa has resulted in a genocide against white farmers.

Avi is trying to drum up support from white people against the South African government by pointing out it is antiwhite and the consequences that has led to for white people.

He omits the critical fact the AJA admits.. the Jewish role in it.

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it!" - Avi Yemini

13 Jan, 04:04

He admits it

10 Jan, 12:15

If you're on Twitter like and retweet this informative thread on Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (Prohibited Hate Symbols and Other Measures) Bill 2023.

It's very important people know who is responsible for all this censorship. Let's get the truth out there.

10 Jan, 04:31

Aborigines who are against the Gaza genocide have been threatened by Zionist Mark Leibler, a leader of the Yes campaign.

From the article:

Yes campaign leaders Sean Gordon and Mark Leibler said tying the two movements to each other would β€œalienate” the Jewish community from Indigenous gatherings and deprive the Aboriginal rights movement of much needed allies.

According to Mark, aborigines aren't competent enough to do their own lobbying and they have to get on board with the Gaza genocide or Jews may not be doing it for them in future.

Why can't they just take the money and throw away ethical considerations, like Marcia Langton?

β€œThe Jewish community worked very hard to support Indigenous people through the referendum. People like Julian Leeser, Mark Leibler, Damien Freeman, those people worked tirelessly to support Indigenous people being recognised in the Constitution”

β€œDamien Freeman and Julian Leeser, I was working with them for more than 10 years on Indigenous recognition.”

Told you so.

09 Jan, 11:50

Michaelia Cash said the Liberal Party will require the Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (Prohibited Hate Symbols and Other Measures) Bill 2023 to have a review to see how it is going.

She said this review would be conducted by a pre-eminent member of the Jewish community and if 'antisemitism' still hasn't been dealt with to their liking they will make this counter-terrorism censorship law even worse.

09 Jan, 07:13

The 'Nazi symbols' ban is the latest in a long line of ever expanding censorship Jews have been lobbying for since the 80s and still want expanded.

Dvir Abramovich has been complaining about 'Nazi memorabilia' since 2016 and demanding a symbols ban since 2020.

In early 2023 two bills were tabled by the LNP to ban 'Nazi symbols' including the salute. These resulted in an inquiry where Jews asked for greatly expanded censorship of symbols including the okay sign and even communities. They did not pass.

In June Mark Dreyfus tabled the Nazi symbols bill that did pass. This did not include the salute but included the new Schedule 2 with the laws against 'extremist material'. This came from the Attorney-General's department.

This part of the law has been asked for by the AFP (under the AG) since 2021 and reflects laws already in place in the UK which have seen people convicted for "terrorism offences" when they did not commit terrorism.

These laws were always coming and are going to get worse unless STOPPED.

08 Jan, 03:08

Police have deployed a bomb disposal robot to remove a firebomb from the Botany home of a critic of the Palestinian genocide.

The homeowner, who remains unidentified due to safety concerns, said the bomb was planted on his car – which was parked on his land – and it was an act of β€œterrorism”.

β€œIt’s an act to instil terror, an act of terrorism,” he said.

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06 Jan, 04:26

A brief history of the Liberal Party siding with Israel in the Palestine vs Israel conflict.

➑️ Oct 13 - They try get us on board by suggesting deportation of antisemitic non-whites.
➑️ Nov 05 - Scott Morrison goes to Israel to show his support where he goes on tour with Danny Danon.
➑️ Nov 13 - Danny Danon thanks him by saying the West should take Palestinian refugees.
➑️ Nov 23 - We get 860 Palestinian refugees. Antisemitism still rejected. 0 deportations.

Bonus: We get 1,793 Israelis too.

Taking the side of Israel = we lose.

04 Jan, 09:15

The Atlas network is a global libertarian influence network named after Atlas Shrugged. You'll know you're seeing the hand of this network when you see the following packaged together:

- Free markets
- Individualism
- Zionism
- "Christianity" defined as individualism and Zionism
- "Nationalism" defined as loyalty to a nation that believes in individualism
- Climate change denial

Donald Trump tried to shut down the NED because aspects of free markets like labour deregulation and free trade aren't good for workers. Those being the cause of low-wage immigration and offshoring of jobs respectively.

As far as "human rights" / cultural marxism is concerned this is really a way to enforce individualism and stop you from sticking up for your group when it's exploited but Atlas agents will tell you this is communism and say you need to fight it with.. individualism.

Advocates of "individualism for you but Zionism for Jews" are frauds.. and that covers the entire "Alliance for Responsible Citizenship".


04 Jan, 09:15

Why is George Soros in the mix with libertarians?

Quote from video: "Then after as the system, the communist system, started to collapse one had to build an open society"

The addled mind of the cuckservative sees no logical flaw in a billionaire "communist" collapsing the communist system in Czechoslovakia and replacing it with something else.

Soros studied under Friedrich Hayek at the London School of Economics who is one of the two people most responsible for neoliberalism (the other being Milton Friedman).

He also studied under Karl Popper who wrote the book the Open Society and It's Enemies.

Soros really promotes "Open Societies" which are nations replaced with a free market and it's ideological companions of individualism and deracination enforced by "human rights".

EXACTLY the same as the National Endowment for Democracy.

Soros is NOT a communist.

Actually some people don't mind idiots calling him one because they can position what he really believes in as the solution.


04 Jan, 09:14

The National Endowment for Democracy was founded by Jews Alan Weinstein and Carl Gershman with Gershman the president until 2021. Gershman formerly worked at the ADL.

According to Weinstein:

"A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA"

At the end of the day the goal here is for Jewish U.S. "investors" to loot economies around the world gaining access to their natural resources, ownership of banks, media, public goods and ability to sell off land to foreigners.

To this end the NED promotes "human rights" (eg. individualism and deracination of the dominant population, division by minority rights) and "free markets" through it's institutions like the Center for International Private Enterprise, which opens countries up to "investment".

It's board has included deep state fixtures like Jew Victoria Nuland who can also be found in the US State Department.

The NED is banned in Russia and sanctioned in China because of it's more or less admitted involvement in colour revolutions.


04 Jan, 09:14

A few posts incoming with some additional commentary on this infographic.

Hopefully explaining the activities the organisations and people shown are engaged in can help get some stragglers out of the communism vs free markets dichotomy and understand that things are more nationalism vs globalism.

The NED is mostly targeted at non-Anglo countries given that here a lot gets done by other actors. For example in Australia the Australian Human Rights Commission was lobbied for by Jew Walter Lippman as part of the Racial Discrimination Act of 1975. Nevertheless it is still representative of the goals of the global elite.

This will also explain why George Soros is in the mix with libertarians because people continue to think of billionaires like George Soros and Larry Fink as "communists" which - despite the fact they indeed do things right wingers shouldn't like - is ridiculous nonsense.

The first post will describe the NED and the real "globalist" conspiracy.

The second George Soros and address persistent myths he is spreading communism.

The third the libertarian Atlas Network and the nature of it's connection to the above two.