South Australia


South Australia

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South Australia

23 Oct, 05:56

A collection of cool pictures from yesterday's action

South Australia

23 Oct, 04:52

What is our purpose as Aryans and National Socialists?

South Australia

23 Oct, 04:04

Yesterday 30 White Australian activists of the National Socialist Network counter protested the entitled brown savages who have failed in their demands for permanent access to White People.

The police were under prepared, mostly women and outnumbered by our activists, this always makes them more anxious and violent.

Five of our activists were heavily pepper sprayed despite not advancing on the police line. Although it would have been easy for us to defend ourselves and win the physical battle against the police, however, winning that battle is not as important as winning the war.

I'm proud of all the men who attended on the day and feel that we and our supporters are further emboldened to send these slaves back to their homelands.


South Australia

23 Oct, 03:48

Exclusive video obtained by Noticer News shows Victoria Police using pepper spray and batons on peaceful nationalist protesters who turned up at a "refugee" rally in Docklands, Melbourne, on Tuesday.

Read more:

Follow: @NoticerNews

South Australia

22 Oct, 21:23

Melbourne’s Refugee Encampment, after 100 days of failure, held their final rally. Blackshirts showed up and tormented the poor, little darlings who insist that we simply must give them our land.

South Australia

22 Oct, 21:22

Are we ever gonna see your race again?

No way! Get fucked! Fuck off!

🇦🇺 @NSNUncensored

💬 @NSNContactBot


South Australia

22 Oct, 04:59

New Zealanders need to get serious about the survival of our race on those islands

South Australia

21 Oct, 08:14

Tasman Forth got together in Hobart to strengthen our bonds and enjoy some cardio and boxing rounds.

Month by month the Tassie chapter continues to grow. Its only a matter of time before the Anglo will rise again in the South.


💬 @NSNContactBot @EAMContactBot


South Australia

21 Oct, 08:13

Riverina activists returned to Corowa to distribute flyers and interact with the locals in order to contextualise the march that happened in their town the week prior. Many locals were misinformed by the media and not given the context that the march occurred because foreign capital has bought out industry in the town, taking away jobs from the locals. Upon talking to the locals and explaining the reasoning behind the march, all were in support of it and disgusted that the media is trying to hide the ethnic replacement taking place in Corowa at the hands of the multinational meat giant JBS.

We will continue to push our message and fight for the towns in Australia that are falling victim to the Jewish menace, regardless of the lies and slander it may bring us from the communist media.

Australia for the White man!

📍Corowa, NSW


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