Raw Egg Nationalist @raweggnationalistofficial Channel on Telegram

Raw Egg Nationalist


The official channel for all things based and eggpilled.

Raw Egg Nationalist (English)

Welcome to the Raw Egg Nationalist, the official channel for all things based and eggpilled. Are you a true egg enthusiast looking to connect with like-minded individuals? Look no further, as this channel is the perfect place for you. Whether you prefer your eggs scrambled, fried, or poached, this channel celebrates all things egg-related. From sharing recipes and cooking tips to discussing the latest egg trends, Raw Egg Nationalist has everything an egg lover could ask for. Join us today and become a part of our egg-citing community. Who knows, you might just discover a new favorite way to enjoy your eggs! Don't miss out on all the fun, join Raw Egg Nationalist now and let's get cracking!

Raw Egg Nationalist

13 Jan, 20:40

But part of me thinks there’s something more to it than that: that the coincidences and regularities we see in these bungling responses point to a deeper utility beneath the surface-level incompetence and stupidity.

The political commentator Sam Francis described the dominant mode of governance today as “anarcho-tyranny,” in which chaos is carefully fostered by the authorities, and certain kinds of lawlessness above all, to maintain tighter control over the nation’s tax base. Francis was concerned particularly with law enforcement, and how petty and violent crime are allowed to flourish, even as the law is harshly enforced against the taxpaying middle classes for things like tax violations and affronts to the new civic religion of political correctness. Average Joe taxpayer is literally “scared straight”: hemmed in on one side by cutthroats on the street, and on the other by cutthroats in cheap suits working in offices for the government.

That incompetent disaster-management might have a role to play in keeping people in line, and even in punishing political opponents, doesn’t seem all that fat-fetched to me.

My latest detailed analysis for INFOWARS.


Raw Egg Nationalist

13 Jan, 11:49

One reason for postpartum depression may be because of a rapid fall in blood cholesterol levels after giving birth. Reduced blood cholesterol is associated with a significantly increased risk of depression, suicide and violent death, especially in men.

Raw Egg Nationalist

12 Jan, 17:56

Fire is racist.

Raw Egg Nationalist

12 Jan, 12:39

Very interesting testosterone study suggests that men with higher levels of the hormone will trust their intuitive judgments more than men with lower levels. Now I wonder what might happen, on a societal level, if testosterone levels decreased significantly...

Raw Egg Nationalist

12 Jan, 12:38

"Basal testosterone renders individuals more receptive to minority positions." Men with more testosterone are more likely to stand up and express unpopular opinions in the face of pressure from the majority. The collapse of testosterone levels is a grave political problem.

Raw Egg Nationalist

12 Jan, 12:11

Just literally eat like your ancestors. It's not hard.

Raw Egg Nationalist

11 Jan, 20:49

Mark Zuckerberg's transformation to beach bum brodude appears to be complete. Does it really matter why he's doing this and speaking up for free speech, competition and masculinity?

My latest detailed analysis for infowars.


Raw Egg Nationalist

11 Jan, 12:57

We used to be a real country.

Raw Egg Nationalist

11 Jan, 11:39


Raw Egg Nationalist

11 Jan, 11:39

The Biden admin is doing everything it can to frustrate the incoming Trump admin. DHS Sec. Mayorkas has just granted temporary amnesty to nearly 1 million Salvadoreans and Venezuelans.

Raw Egg Nationalist

10 Jan, 23:52

"Baby-faced subjects"

Raw Egg Nationalist

10 Jan, 22:24

Listening to some Greg Allman on a Friday night. Here he is, absolutely blasted, with an unforgettable rendition of "Come and go blues."


Raw Egg Nationalist

09 Jan, 23:30

“Truthfully, in this age those with intellect have no courage and those with some modicum of physical courage have no intellect. If things are to alter during the next fifty years then we must re-embrace Byron's ideal: the cultured thug.” (Jonathan Bowden)

In this episode of IN THE RAW I talk to Mike Maxwell from Imperium Press about their new release The Cultured Thug Handbook.

What is a cultured thug?

Why does being a cultured thug matter so much in this moment?


Raw Egg Nationalist

09 Jan, 22:34

God bless Real Raw News.

Raw Egg Nationalist

09 Jan, 16:21

Holy shit, how is this real!?

Raw Egg Nationalist

09 Jan, 15:17

A new study reveals that, unlike conservatives, ants understand Carl Schmitt's friend-enemy distinction and implement it.

Ants can actually remember ants from colonies that attacked their own in the past. They do this on the basis of chemical scents.

Raw Egg Nationalist

09 Jan, 11:40

MacFarlane basically shows that liberalism as a developed political and economic ideology is an outgrowth of the English way of life, not the other way round. Even back in the central Middle Ages, the English were living a life that was, by contrast with other European peoples and certainly non-European peoples, extremely individualistic.

In England, the nuclear family was the base unit of society; free choice was the principle in marriage; people had geographical mobility; there was a market economy... Individualism is baked in to our way of life. English people, however patriotic they may be, don't fall back on local "tribal" forms of organisation quite so easily as other peoples, and nor do many other European groups either--in Europe or outside Europe (e.g. in the USA).

I don't think this is the sole explanation, but I think it goes some way towards understanding what's happened.

Raw Egg Nationalist

09 Jan, 11:09

There's been a lot of discussion about whether there's something "unique" about the British that explains the lack of local and popular response to the presence of organised Muslim r*pe gangs in towns and cities across the UK.

Maybe there is something unique about the British. But it's something that we share with other northern Europeans, to a greater or lesser extent. There's a tremendous book called The Origins of English Individualism, by Alan MacFarlane, which I talk about in this clip.

Raw Egg Nationalist

08 Jan, 17:44

Fuck that's bleak.

Raw Egg Nationalist

08 Jan, 13:28

This is really fascinating. There's been a lot of focus in recent years on chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), caused by repeated blows to the head and sports that are particularly prone to it, like boxing, MMA, American football and soccer.

New research suggests that one of the ways CTE actually manifests itself is through the reactivation of latent viruses within the brain.

Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1), found in over 80% of people, and varicella-zoster virus, found in 95% of people, are known to make their way into the brain and lay dormant within neurons and glial cells.

Trauma literally "wakes them up," allowing them to attack brain tissue and cause inflammation, the formation of amyloid plaques and other damage that led to the neurological symptoms of CTE like memory and coordination loss.

Raw Egg Nationalist

08 Jan, 10:01

It doesn't actually matter why Mark Zuckerberg has changed his tune so radically in recent months.

It may be because fixing your diet, exercising and getting sun, which Zuck has been doing, is absolutely transformational and naturally draws men away from the left. I could certainly believe that.

Or it could be because he's just scared about losing all of his money and influence. I could believe that too.

Either way, the result is functionally the same. Whatever you think of the man and what he's done in the past (I was banned without warning from Instagram the day the Tucker Carlson documentary The End of Men came out), this is an encouraging sign and probably just the beginning of a much larger preference cascade in America and, hopefully, the broader Western world.

Raw Egg Nationalist

08 Jan, 09:28

Georgian mafia boss flanked by two goons, Tbilisi 2007.

Raw Egg Nationalist

07 Jan, 07:55

What a strange thing to say,

Raw Egg Nationalist

06 Jan, 23:35

Read Constantin von Hoffmeister's RT article about Elon Musk and Archeofuturism


Raw Egg Nationalist

06 Jan, 22:24

If you want a stat that shows how successful George Soros has been in the US, here it is: 40% of all murders in the US now take place in districts controlled by Soros prosecutors.

My latest analysis for INFOWARS.


Raw Egg Nationalist

06 Jan, 21:23

Still makes me laugh so much.

Raw Egg Nationalist

06 Jan, 09:21


Raw Egg Nationalist

05 Jan, 23:40


Raw Egg Nationalist

05 Jan, 23:39

I mean, it worked.

Raw Egg Nationalist

05 Jan, 12:14

We are delegating away another entire region of our lives—weight management—to Big Pharma. We’re essentially holding our hands up and saying, “Sorry, we just can’t do this. You’ll have to do it for us.” And would you believe it, that’s exactly what Big Pharma is saying in its advertising for these new drugs? “You can’t do it alone. Dieting, exercise and willpower just don’t work.” (It’s what processed-food manufacturers, like General Mills, are saying too, by funding anti-diet influencers on social media, who tell viewers how much you eat doesn’t affect your weight—so go ahead and have another bowl of frosted fruit loops.)

We’ve already delegated significant control to Big Pharma over portions of our lives that were once entirely our own. We’ve delegated control of our moods, for example. In Scotland, a full quarter of all adults are now on anti-depressants—that’s one million out of a total of four—in addition to hundreds of thousands more who are on a potent cocktail of antipsychotics, anti-anxiety, mood-regulator and pain relief drugs.

This is what the philosopher Ivan Illich, in his book Medical Nemesis, called “cultural iatrogenesis”: “when the medical industry saps the will of the people to suffer their reality.”

Or, indeed—he should have added—to change it.

From my latest essay on weight-loss drugs, exclusively on my Substack:


Raw Egg Nationalist

04 Jan, 19:48

Bernie showed us a glimpse of an alternative leftist opposition to Trump. It’s one that would be like the class-based popular leftism of old, a leftism that understood how foreign workers could be weaponised in the interests of big business, against the native people, and wasn’t afraid to say so. This is the left before DEI and identity politics made it virtually impossible to say anything negative about foreigners coming to the US legally or otherwise, without being shunned and disowned and of course labelled “racist.”

My latest detailed analysis for INFOWARS.


Raw Egg Nationalist

04 Jan, 13:50


Raw Egg Nationalist

04 Jan, 11:34

Assimilation simply doesn't happen.

Raw Egg Nationalist

04 Jan, 10:18

If you want another legal immigration scam, here you go. 400k "anchor babies" were born to non-US citizens in 2024 alone. When an anchor baby reaches adulthood, they are allowed to sponsor their parents and foreign relatives for green cards, anchoring yet more non-US citizens.

Raw Egg Nationalist

03 Jan, 13:19

Marco-Pierre White nationalism.

Raw Egg Nationalist

03 Jan, 13:14

Currently putting the finishing touches to Issue 15 of MAN'S WORLD, which is now fully physical thanks to the good people at Passage Press. This issue will feature a delicious and very simple recipe for spicy Turkish breakfast eggs.

Subscribe to MAN'S WORLD or order back issues at passage dot press.

Raw Egg Nationalist

03 Jan, 11:31

We've now had the first "severe" cases of H5N1 bird flu in the US and Canada. If there is another pandemic, expect it to follow more or less exactly the same course as the last one.

Raw Egg Nationalist

02 Jan, 15:36

"Trucks could be here..."

Raw Egg Nationalist

01 Jan, 13:36

The New Orleans truck killer appears to have been flying a flag on the back of his truck, which police covered up. It could well be an ISIS flag.

As I reported for INFOWARS a few weeks ago, over 10,000 "special interest" aliens have been apprehended at US borders in this fiscal year. "Special interest" aliens come from countries with known ties to terrorism like Syria, Iran, Egypt, Mali and Nigeria.

Raw Egg Nationalist

01 Jan, 12:49

Rookie numbers.

Raw Egg Nationalist

31 Dec, 13:25

Security at the Magdeburg Christmas fair was apparently handled by a company called, I shit you not, "Mekka Security." Makes me think of this forgotten nugget about the Bataclan Massacre in 2016.

Raw Egg Nationalist

31 Dec, 12:45

The sickest, cruelest trick of the will-to-replace is to tell us we deserve it. It's not enough that it's actually happening and we all know it's happening; it's not enough that those who are doing it have the power to do it either, despite our protests; it's that we deserve it and have welcomed it through some mistake we made but weren't clever enough to identify ourselves.

We've seen this over Christmas with the H-1B debate, where Americans were told they deserve to be pushed out of the job market in their own country because they spent too much time having sleepovers and thinking Zach and Slater from Saved by the Bell were cool and Screech was a whining loser who deserved to be stuffed in a locker until he grew a pair.

But this cruel trick is used across the West. It's used, in the UK for example, to justify the abandonment of white working-class girls to r*pe on an industrial scale at the hands of foreign grooming gangs. You had the misfortune to be born white, working-class and female; your objections to being captured and treated as a sex slave are an impediment to the multicultural project.

People who use this "logic" and make this "argument" must never be trusted. It cannot be unsaid.

When people say this, they aren't just endorsing the replacement of some particular group in a single country: they're endorsing the wholesale replacement of Europeans in their own countries.

Raw Egg Nationalist

31 Dec, 12:40

To understand the state of the American food supply, you have to understand the incentives driving Big Ag to overproduce corn and soy and stuff as much of its as possible into processed food. But you also need to understand the petroleum industry too.

Raw Egg Nationalist

30 Dec, 22:19

Trump's Greenland plan is not stupid. Far from it. My latest analysis for INFOWARS.


Raw Egg Nationalist

30 Dec, 13:21


Raw Egg Nationalist

30 Dec, 13:01

Conceptualise the aroma.

Raw Egg Nationalist

30 Dec, 12:58

See what's being done here. White British people aren't natives any more: they're just one "culture" among many living in Britain. This is quite deliberate.

Raw Egg Nationalist

29 Dec, 11:13

Is there anything better than homemade chicken soup? It's literally the easiest thing to make in the world. Chicken carcass. Herbs from the garden (thyme, rosemary, a bay leaf), a bit of veg (onion, garlic, carrots) and seasoning. Simmer gently for three hours. Simple.

Raw Egg Nationalist

28 Dec, 21:31

"Not one man in a thousand can be aroused to an interest in economics until he definitely suffers from the effects of an evil system."

Ezra Pound, ABC of Economics (1933)

Raw Egg Nationalist

28 Dec, 20:57

The Musk-MAGA blowout may not be such a bad thing. My latest analysis for INFOWARS.


Raw Egg Nationalist

27 Dec, 17:17

The one and only immigration policy we should all support.

Raw Egg Nationalist

27 Dec, 15:49

Twitter is still free.

Raw Egg Nationalist

08 Dec, 22:53

I’m appearing in person at Sovereign House in New York on Wednesday 11 December, for a special screening of The End of Men and a Q&A. If you want to come (you should), RSVP at the link below.


Raw Egg Nationalist

08 Dec, 18:19

Some studies suggest "power posing" raises testosterone levels, by making you feel... powerful. This new study says no, but it does suggest power posing reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which basically amounts to the same thing.

Raw Egg Nationalist

08 Dec, 18:19

Yet another study showing the link between low testosterone and higher body-fat levels. It's one of the most consistent associations. If you want better hormonal health as a man, lose fat.

Raw Egg Nationalist

08 Dec, 10:33


Raw Egg Nationalist

08 Dec, 10:33


Raw Egg Nationalist

08 Dec, 00:01

Read my latest detailed analysis for INFOWARS, on why an America-first foreign policy isn't so simple as just not getting involved overseas.


Raw Egg Nationalist

07 Dec, 23:55

The literary man is alive and well.

Raw Egg Nationalist

07 Dec, 11:44

The official ideology of the British state is anti-white racism.

Raw Egg Nationalist

07 Dec, 11:39

"If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you."

Raw Egg Nationalist

07 Dec, 11:36


Raw Egg Nationalist

06 Dec, 21:21

Will mass deportations work? The devil's in the details.

My latest for INFOWARS.


Raw Egg Nationalist

06 Dec, 20:57

Big mainstream interview with GB News in the UK.


Raw Egg Nationalist

06 Dec, 16:24

"Multipolarity does not mean America vanishes — it means it shrinks, focuses, retreats from the insane delusion of universal rule and remembers how to be a proper nation again. Isolationism will not come as a strategy. It will come as a reflex, a survival mechanism for a body politic sick with exhaustion. America will look inward, not as a punishment but as a necessity, tearing away the distractions of global empire and picking up the pieces of its own broken construction. What rises from this collapse will not be a new Rome or another iteration of failed hegemony. It will be something leaner, harder, and more honest — a pole among many, no longer with pretensions to rule the world but carving out its own space within it. The White American core, gutted but not extinct, will be the cornerstone of this reconstruction, a rediscovery of the roots that gave the nation its identity before it lost itself in the haze of planetary control. Multipolarity is the inevitable future. Within it lies the chance for America to be reborn, stripped of its arrogance, its illusions, and its empire, left with only the raw material of what it could still become."

Constantin von Hoffmeister, MULTIPOLARITY! (forthcoming from Arktos)

Raw Egg Nationalist

06 Dec, 14:18

FUARK this hit me hard.

Raw Egg Nationalist

06 Dec, 14:00

Time is a flat circle. We're just literally replaying 2016 all over again.

Raw Egg Nationalist

06 Dec, 12:35

I hope the rizz was worth it.

Raw Egg Nationalist

05 Dec, 07:30


Raw Egg Nationalist

04 Dec, 21:46

I’m appearing in person at Sovereign House in New York on Wednesday 11 December, for a special screening of The End of Men and a Q&A. If you want to come (you should), RSVP at the link below.


Raw Egg Nationalist

01 Dec, 18:19

Germany has finally fallen. It's over.

Raw Egg Nationalist

01 Dec, 11:11

This is pretty big. I was interviewed by the UK's Spectator magazine on the subject of testosterone decline and the rise of masculinity as a key political issue.


Raw Egg Nationalist

01 Dec, 10:42

Remember, anon, there's someone out there for you.

Raw Egg Nationalist

01 Dec, 10:39


Raw Egg Nationalist

01 Dec, 08:22

"Maniac hit-and-run moped drivers could be here," he thought...

Raw Egg Nationalist

30 Nov, 18:09

Secrecy within the food supply is killing us. The addition of methane-inhibitors to milk, to combat climate change, will soon be done to bypass consumer choice.

My latest analysis for INFOWARS.


Raw Egg Nationalist

30 Nov, 15:50


Raw Egg Nationalist

30 Nov, 13:33


Raw Egg Nationalist

30 Nov, 07:43

It's tough out there.

Raw Egg Nationalist

30 Nov, 07:35


Raw Egg Nationalist

30 Nov, 07:34

Serious message.

Raw Egg Nationalist

29 Nov, 23:33

I've returned to my series on Vince Gironda, THE OG. This latest post is an introduction to his theories about diet and nutrition.


Raw Egg Nationalist

29 Nov, 17:39

I’m appearing in person at Sovereign House in New York on Wednesday 11 December, for a special screening of The End of Men and a Q&A. If you want to come (you should), RSVP at the link below.


Raw Egg Nationalist

29 Nov, 13:38


Raw Egg Nationalist

29 Nov, 12:55

Grandma brought out the best china for Thanksgiving this year.

Raw Egg Nationalist

29 Nov, 11:29

Pics that go hard.

Raw Egg Nationalist

29 Nov, 10:35

What a nightmare.

Raw Egg Nationalist

29 Nov, 10:00

How I'm hoping my Wikipedia entry turns out.

Raw Egg Nationalist

27 Nov, 07:53

From my essay "Reckonings."


Raw Egg Nationalist

26 Nov, 14:10

Big things coming.

Raw Egg Nationalist

26 Nov, 08:02

It's just hatred of white people, all the way down.

Raw Egg Nationalist

25 Nov, 21:09

"Our subordination to pain, to the imperative to avoid it at all cost, has subordinated us to those institutions and individuals—Big Pharma, bureaucrats, health experts like Dr Fauci—that claim to be able to provide us with that relief."

My latest detailed analysis for INFOWARS.


Raw Egg Nationalist

25 Nov, 15:39

Cosymaxxing and collagenmaxxing by making an oxtail stew. It's genuinely the easiest thing in the world to make. All it takes is time and the right ingredients. Oxtail, carrots, onions, herbs from the garden and seasoning.

Raw Egg Nationalist

25 Nov, 13:17

I am now at 55,000 words for my new book, The Last Men: Liberalism and the Death of Masculinity. I'll have a full c.70,000 word draft by Christmas. Release, via Passage Press, is scheduled for spring/summer next year.

Raw Egg Nationalist

25 Nov, 11:41

What the hell, Dad!?

Raw Egg Nationalist

25 Nov, 11:34

Raw Egg Nationalist about right-wing opposition in the UK

Raw Egg Nationalist

24 Nov, 08:03

Incredible how fearful they are of raw milk.

Raw Egg Nationalist

24 Nov, 07:42

To celebrate Trump's historic 2024 election win, click this link to get 24% off a full year's subscription to IN THE RAW! You'll get access to all exclusive and archived content, including my podcast, training programmes, Vince Gironda series and more.


Raw Egg Nationalist

23 Nov, 21:36

Men only want one thing and it's absolutely wholesome.

Raw Egg Nationalist

23 Nov, 20:07

Already norwooded to hell. It's over.

Raw Egg Nationalist

21 Nov, 11:25

Have some S-grade house music for your Thursday.


Raw Egg Nationalist

20 Nov, 23:01

Looks like Ozempic might shrink your heart. Bad news for fatcels.

Raw Egg Nationalist

20 Nov, 22:33

Comically evil.

Raw Egg Nationalist

20 Nov, 21:58

Incredible that they keep making this mistake.

Raw Egg Nationalist

20 Nov, 18:04

Just finished a big new op-ed for the Epoch Times on the British farmer protests. Here's a sneak peek.

Raw Egg Nationalist

20 Nov, 17:58

They're losing hope already. It's beautiful.

Raw Egg Nationalist

19 Nov, 15:59

Join President Trump's fight for America!

Buy Esoteric Trumpism now:


Raw Egg Nationalist

19 Nov, 13:08

In traditional societies, people have long consumed estrogenic foods like soy, but what was different between then and now was how they prepared those foods.

In traditional societies, various techniques including fermentation and water-soaking were used to deactivate estrogenic compounds like soy isoflavones. As this study shows, when these techniques are used, estrogenicity can be reduced by up to tenfold (and probably more).

The problem with modern consumption of estrogenic foods like soy is that we don't treat them in the same way, which means their estrogenic effects are significant, especially if commercially made soy foods are eaten regularly.

Raw Egg Nationalist

18 Nov, 18:30

The Biden-Harris regime still has 60+ days to ruin America and the rest of the world. Don't think they won't try,

My latest detailed analysis for INFOWARS.


Raw Egg Nationalist

18 Nov, 12:41


Raw Egg Nationalist

18 Nov, 12:09

Britain is officially going down the Zimbabwe route. Buckle up.

Raw Egg Nationalist

18 Nov, 11:45

GF goals.

Raw Egg Nationalist

18 Nov, 10:34


Raw Egg Nationalist

18 Nov, 08:09

In my latest opinion piece for the Epoch Times, I talk about the shocking number of additives in the food supply and why RFK Jr. is right to make them one of his principal targets.


Raw Egg Nationalist

17 Nov, 22:02

I love the name of this new paper. "IT IS SNOWING MICROPLASTICS IN WESTERN SIBERIA." No need to read the abstract.

Raw Egg Nationalist

17 Nov, 21:28

It's already happening.

Raw Egg Nationalist

17 Nov, 11:38

The UK.

Raw Egg Nationalist

17 Nov, 10:04


Raw Egg Nationalist

12 Nov, 17:16

Somebody explain this, please.

Raw Egg Nationalist

12 Nov, 16:14


Raw Egg Nationalist

12 Nov, 15:36

The perfect home doesn't ex-

Raw Egg Nationalist

12 Nov, 14:24

Holy shit. This was Tom Homan when he worked for Border Patrol...

Raw Egg Nationalist

12 Nov, 10:50


Raw Egg Nationalist

12 Nov, 10:49


Raw Egg Nationalist

12 Nov, 10:38

Watch my latest interview, with Border Hawk. We talk at length about the existential threat that is climate migration.


Raw Egg Nationalist

12 Nov, 10:37


Raw Egg Nationalist

11 Nov, 18:12

There’s that great scene in the first Sin City film where Dwight, played by Clive Owen, is sat in a bar surveying the colorful host of miscreants around him and then he gets to Mickey Rourke’s Marv, the local neckbreaker who’s just got done serving time in the slammer. Marv’s face is plastered to hell after a brutal fight and he’s knocking back shots at the counter.
“Most people think Marv is crazy,” Dwight mumbles, his mouth full of peanuts.
“He just had the rotten luck of being born in the wrong century. He’d be right at home on some ancient battlefield, swinging an axe into somebody’s face, or in a Roman arena taking a sword to other gladiators like him.”
Every time I look at Tom Homan I hear that monologue, word for word. If you know who Tom Homan is and you’ve seen his big scary mug, you’ll understand why.

Raw Egg Nationalist

11 Nov, 18:06

“He just had the rotten luck of being born in the wrong century. He’d be right at home on some ancient battlefield, swinging an axe into somebody’s face..."

Trump needs a tough man as his border czar. Tom Homan is tough all right.

Me for


Raw Egg Nationalist

10 Nov, 21:04

"Get in the crystal, libtard!"

We've got a new merch drop of seven crystal-themed tees featuring key players in the Trump victory (Bannon, Tucker, Tulsi, JD, RFK, Elon and Trump).

Get yours now from https://mansworldmag.online/store/

Raw Egg Nationalist

10 Nov, 16:38

To celebrate Trump's historic 2024 election win, click this link to get 24% off a full year's subscription to IN THE RAW! You'll get access to all exclusive and archived content, including my podcast, training programmes, Vince Gironda series and more.


Raw Egg Nationalist

09 Nov, 21:24

Post-Election Special #5: Raw Egg Nationalist

Raw Egg Nationalist and Constantin von Hoffmeister talk about the influence of Trump’s victory on the entire Western Right, Nigel Farage and the possibility of a real right-wing opposition movement in Britain, civic nationalism vs ethnic nationalism, immigrants as Republican voters, the positive effects of mass deportations, and more.

Watch the podcast here:


Raw Egg Nationalist

09 Nov, 18:25

My latest analysis for INFOWARS:

"Only the US under Donald Trump can offer the Western world a reprieve from this insanity. Donald Trump’s rejection of the climate-change agenda should take on an even more recognisably nationalist flavour, and he should actively support other nations that reject the cult and its prophecies of doom for the same reasons."


Raw Egg Nationalist

09 Nov, 12:50

Spoiler: it was me.

Raw Egg Nationalist

09 Nov, 09:17

GM. Remember: the adventure of your life awaits you.

Raw Egg Nationalist

09 Nov, 08:06

It's always the same message: don't try to be better, don't aspire.

Raw Egg Nationalist

08 Nov, 23:00

Sneak peek of my latest essay, on the corruption of the FDA.


Raw Egg Nationalist

08 Nov, 08:03

The BBC continues its war on the people of Britain.

Raw Egg Nationalist

07 Nov, 16:30


Raw Egg Nationalist

07 Nov, 11:11

Women are not okay.

Raw Egg Nationalist

07 Nov, 10:58

About to hit the big two-fiddy.

Raw Egg Nationalist

07 Nov, 09:36

Welcome back, sir.

Raw Egg Nationalist

07 Nov, 09:26


Raw Egg Nationalist

07 Nov, 08:11


Raw Egg Nationalist

06 Nov, 15:10

God, this tastes sweet.

Raw Egg Nationalist

06 Nov, 13:15


Raw Egg Nationalist

06 Nov, 12:30

They're realising.

Raw Egg Nationalist

06 Nov, 12:18


Raw Egg Nationalist

06 Nov, 11:09

Do you feel in control now?

Raw Egg Nationalist

06 Nov, 09:36


Raw Egg Nationalist

05 Nov, 16:33


Raw Egg Nationalist

05 Nov, 16:22

Bannon has completed his transition into the Vidal Sassoon program 😂

Raw Egg Nationalist

05 Nov, 10:18

"And my first wish is..."

Raw Egg Nationalist

05 Nov, 07:16

A message for the blackpillers.

Raw Egg Nationalist

04 Nov, 22:13

We're finally getting an idea of what Make America Healthy Again might look like. I break the agenda down in my latest analysis for INFOWARS.


Raw Egg Nationalist

04 Nov, 16:52

Mein Gott...

Raw Egg Nationalist

04 Nov, 16:29

Read my latest RT piece about the possible breakup of America


Raw Egg Nationalist

04 Nov, 15:36

Thanks, Oxford History Department, very cool!

Raw Egg Nationalist

04 Nov, 12:52

Not a woman, just a dude with a tiny penis.

Raw Egg Nationalist

04 Nov, 09:55

Four years ago.

Raw Egg Nationalist

04 Nov, 09:34

The longhouse.

Raw Egg Nationalist

04 Nov, 09:31

Yes, and?

Raw Egg Nationalist

04 Nov, 07:49

Heil Sol Brah.

Raw Egg Nationalist

03 Nov, 23:21

My new translation and commentary on the most important ethnography of all time is now available in paperback. Get the Germania from Amazon now!


Raw Egg Nationalist

03 Nov, 20:04


Raw Egg Nationalist

03 Nov, 19:50

On the Left as Scorpion

Charles Haywood presents a dramatic vision of America’s future, where a predicted Trump victory triggers a powerful response from the political Left, setting the stage for sweeping conflict and upheaval reminiscent of historical episodes of leftist-driven turmoil and revolution.

Read the article here:


Raw Egg Nationalist

25 Oct, 16:35


Raw Egg Nationalist

25 Oct, 15:21

Went to the butcher and they didn't have any oxtail.

Raw Egg Nationalist

25 Oct, 15:16

The future of every small town in America.

Raw Egg Nationalist

25 Oct, 12:14

I have a new favourite Youtube channel...

Raw Egg Nationalist

25 Oct, 11:34

You have to understand why they do this. It's very simple. American Psycho is a popular right-wing film (of course, it wasn't supposed to be political, but it has become so); and this means it has to be destroyed. It's why Joker 2 was a musical and Joker got assraped: that was a very literal manifestation of a more general desire to leave no independent, non-left-wing culture unbesmirched.

Raw Egg Nationalist

24 Oct, 21:14

Nicholas, what's going on, big guy? You just tweeted an N on its own...

Raw Egg Nationalist

24 Oct, 19:00


Raw Egg Nationalist

24 Oct, 18:55

Michael Millerman talking about Constantin von Hoffmeister's book Esoteric Trumpism


Raw Egg Nationalist

24 Oct, 12:26

If you're feeling low energy today, listen to this.


Raw Egg Nationalist

24 Oct, 11:57

Since Jeff Nippard is in the news atm, remember when he did this?

Raw Egg Nationalist

23 Oct, 21:45

In the latest episode of IN THE RAW, I talk about microplastics with a man who's helped develop the world's first blood test for microplastics.


Raw Egg Nationalist

23 Oct, 18:49

New GF goals: owns Napoleon's penis.

Raw Egg Nationalist

23 Oct, 18:19

Bought and paid for.

Raw Egg Nationalist

23 Oct, 18:17

This was paid for by George Soros.

Raw Egg Nationalist

23 Oct, 18:12

Wow, so you're telling me a certain "right wing" publication that almost entirely employs non-European leftists to write hitpieces about popular genuine right-wing figures and draw them to the attention of the authorities, is actually funded by George Soros? I had no idea.

Raw Egg Nationalist

23 Oct, 12:42

America's insane system of corn subsidies means there's an ocean of corn that nobody really needs. Producers have to find somewhere for it to go, so what do they do? They find new ways to get corn more and corn into food, with things like HFCS, and into other places too, like petrol.

Soy is another massively subsidised crop, which explains why soybean oil and soy protein are in basically all processed food.

If we want to sort out food system and MAKE AMERICA HEALTHY AGAIN, we need to address the policies that are incentivising the massive overproduction of corn and soy. These policies ultimately benefit corporations, not the American people.

Raw Egg Nationalist

23 Oct, 12:42

Yes, Americans are eating pretty much more sugar than ever, but what this analysis doesn't factor in is the corn syrup.

High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) was invented in the 1970s and marketed as an alternative to traditional table sugar. It was claimed the sugar in processed-food products would be replaced by HFCS, but as it turned out, nothing of the sort happened.

Instead, HFCS was simply added to processed foods on top of all the sugar that was in them already. So that means more empty calories, not fewer or even the same. If you really want to understand how much sugar Americans are consuming annually, you can't leave out the HFCS.

HFCS is central to Michael Pollan's argument in The Omnivore's Dilemma about why Americans are getting fatter and fatter. And it all comes down to the way agriculture is organised in the US, and in particular the system of agricultural subsidies.

Raw Egg Nationalist

22 Oct, 10:43

Holy shit, it's real.

Raw Egg Nationalist

22 Oct, 10:22

The role of gut bacteria in hormonal health is still underexplored. We already know some bacteria like l. reuteri strains can increase the body's testosterone production, but it also looks like bacteria can reduce hormone production, including testosterone.

This new study suggests particular gut bacteria may have a role in the pathogenesis of Crohn's disease, by reducing the body's production of corticosteroids and therefore increasing inflammation within the gut.

Fascinating stuff. Look after your stomach!

Raw Egg Nationalist

22 Oct, 09:51


Raw Egg Nationalist

22 Oct, 09:40

They went from no testosterone to... no testosterone.

Raw Egg Nationalist

21 Oct, 06:51

My latest article for RT


Raw Egg Nationalist

20 Oct, 21:36

I was asked to write this essay for a very mainstream British publication, under my own name, Dr Charles Cornish-Dale. But then the editor of said publication got cold feet, which we won’t go into. Anyway, I thought the essay deserved to be published, so here it is, in full unredacted form.


Raw Egg Nationalist

20 Oct, 19:45


Raw Egg Nationalist

20 Oct, 15:28

"The Left"

Raw Egg Nationalist

20 Oct, 15:16

Take me home, country roads...

Raw Egg Nationalist

20 Oct, 06:45


Raw Egg Nationalist

19 Oct, 21:24

Never forget.

Raw Egg Nationalist

19 Oct, 21:11

Most PhD students don't publish at all. I published at least half a dozen articles when I was a PhD student, and the most important, by far, was in the Sixteenth Century Journal, which is basically the most prestigious journal in early modern history in the world. The piece was about two medieval saints' cults during the Reformation, in a single English church.

I looked again at the article six years later and do you want to know how many views it's had on the journal's website? Ten. In six years.

I really don't regret giving up writing about obscure Anglo-Saxon saints for an audience of ten people.

Raw Egg Nationalist

19 Oct, 20:46

"It was like a scene from a Mario Puzo film. The setting: a cathedral, the funeral of a great matriarch. Two mob leaders locked in a tense discussion as their fellow mourners congregate around them. Onlookers wonder what the two men are talking about. The organ swells…

"Except it wasn’t a Mario Puzo film. It was former president Barack Obama and President Joe Biden going tête-à-tête at the funeral of Ethel Kennedy."

My latest opinion for INFOWARS. on what Joe said to Barry and what Barry said to Joe.


Raw Egg Nationalist

19 Oct, 17:51


Raw Egg Nationalist

19 Oct, 14:08


Raw Egg Nationalist

19 Oct, 11:32

Pure evil.

Raw Egg Nationalist

19 Oct, 09:20


Raw Egg Nationalist

18 Oct, 20:33

What an absolute snore. I'm in another Hope Not Hate report, this time because I speak about fertility and birth rates.


Raw Egg Nationalist

18 Oct, 20:15


Raw Egg Nationalist

18 Oct, 15:32

It's afraid.

Raw Egg Nationalist

18 Oct, 11:28

Remember what they took from you.

Raw Egg Nationalist

17 Oct, 22:02
