Jasurbek’s blog @jasurbekisaev Channel on Telegram

Jasurbek’s blog


- IELTS 7.5
- CEFR 68/C1
- 900+ students
- IELTS instructor at UP, Markhamat, Andijan

Jasurbek’s blog (English)

Welcome to Jasurbek's blog, a channel dedicated to providing top-notch English language education and resources. Run by the experienced educator @jasurbekisaev, this channel has been actively teaching since 2021. Offering Smart English courses in Marhamat, Cambridge Learning Center programs in Tashkent, and Up Education Center classes in Marhamat, this channel caters to a wide range of English language learners.

What sets Jasurbek's blog apart is the expertise of its founder and primary educator, who holds a CEFR C1(68) certification and an impressive IELTS score of 7.5. With a track record of successfully guiding over 800 students and achieving 7.0+ results, you can trust in the quality of education provided by this channel.

Whether you are looking to improve your English language skills for academic, professional, or personal reasons, Jasurbek's blog offers a supportive and enriching learning environment. Stay updated on the latest course offerings, study tips, and resources by joining this dynamic community of English language enthusiasts. Join @jasurbekisaev and start your journey towards fluency today!

Jasurbek’s blog

15 Feb, 11:25

The line chart shows the distribution of the budget allocated for advertising through five different sources from 2010 and future predictions for 2040. Overall, throughout the period, all figures are projected to observe a downward trend, albeit at varying degrees, except for the internet. It is also clear that despite starting at the bottom, the internet will become the dominant source of advertising until 2040, registering the most noticeable change on the chart.

In detail, the figures for TV and Internet followed the same trajectory in the first decade, with the latter seeing a bigger change. While the former increased from 50% to 60%, the figure for the internet experienced almost a threefold rise, reaching 28% in 2020. However, these figures are expected to show reverse trends until 2040. The allocation for TV advertising will decrease by 20% in 2030, and it will remain unchanged by the end. As for the internet, it is said to maintain the same pattern and reach an all-time high of 65% in 2040.

The other advertising sources—newspapers, magazines, and radios—will lose their popularity in the future. Starting as a runner-up with approximately 45% in 2010, the figure for newspapers decreased to two-fifths in 2020, and this is said to follow a further decline, dropping to just under 30% in the last year. Finally, there will be a 15-point percentage reduction in the proportion of money spent on magazines and radio, which will culminate the period with respective figures of 18% and 20%.

- 250 words in 16-17 minutes
#classwork #task1

Jasurbek’s blog

14 Feb, 17:25

May Allah make today the last Bobur’s birthday we are celebrating alone.

Jasurbek’s blog

14 Feb, 03:48

Me: What day is it today?
AI: Happy Wednesday 😂

Jasurbek’s blog

13 Feb, 15:27

Dard bo’lsa maqsad topiladi.

Yuqoridagi fikr qanchalik to’g’ri deb o’ylasiz?

1 - qo’shilmayman
10- juda to’g’ri.

Jasurbek’s blog

13 Feb, 06:13

FREE IELTS TASK 1 Lessons on this channel 📊

Band 7.0-7.5 Sentence Structures for Trend Charts
Band 7.5 overview for Trend Charts
Line Graph
Comparative charts
Overview for comparative charts
Band 7.5+ Line Graph
Band 8.0 Line Graph
Process Video 1
Process Video 2
Band 7.5 Double Graph
How you can make your report evaluated by AI

Compiled by @jasurbekisaev

Saved messages'da chirib ketmasin.😊
Rahmat aytish uchun "AKULA" bosish kifoya

Jasurbek’s blog

12 Feb, 15:33


Listening 🤩
Reading ❤️
Both ⚡️

Jasurbek’s blog

12 Feb, 10:10

🔔Uzoq vaqtdan beri Marhamat tumanida offline CEFR/MULTILEVEL gruppa uchun o'quvchilar so'rab murojaat qilishayotkan edi.

🔥 Mana endi sizlarga YANGILIKNI KATTASI!!!

🔝MAY/APREL oylarida topshiradiganlar uchun IDEAL KURS

Juda ko'p o'quvchilarim oldingi CEFR gruppalarimda o'qib, o'zlari hohlagan natijalarga erishishkan.❗️

Siz ham ularning bittasiga aylanish uchun tezroq guruhga yoziling.
tel: 781136133 tg: @Up_reception

Natijalar va CEFRga aloqador materiallar uchun bosing

Jasurbek’s blog

12 Feb, 08:36

🔥Marhamat tumanida Aprel va May oylarida CEFR imtihonini topshirib DTM uchun ingliz tilini 100% hal qilib qo'ymoqchilar bormi?

Unda bu xabar aynan siz uchun! 🫵

Siz atigi 2 oyda CEFR sertifikatini qo‘lga kiriting!
Darslar haftada 6 kun bo‘lib o‘tadi – intensiv va samarali o‘qish!
📝 Kursga Intermediate yoki Strong Intermediate darajasidagi bilim bilan qo‘shilishingiz mumkin.

🚀 Instructor: Jasurbek Isaev (CEFR C1 / IELTS 7.5)

📩 Qo‘shimcha ma’lumot va ro‘yxatdan o‘tish uchun izohlarda (+) qoldiring!

📞 Aloqa: 781136133
📲Telegram | Instagram

Marhamatlik tanishlarizi ham bundan habardor qilish esdan chiqmasin. 🔥

Jasurbek’s blog

12 Feb, 03:49

#video_lesson #writing_lesson

➡️Writing TASK 1 qiynaladiganlar uchun foydali video darslik.

➡️Qanday qilib BAND 7.5+ ESSAY yozish usuli.

✉️Channel: @jasurbekisaev

Jasurbek’s blog

11 Feb, 04:36

The picture shows how ceramic pots are produced. Overall, there are three main stages: processing raw material, manufacturing half-ready pots, and making them more attractive. It is also clear that this is quite a complex process that requires much machine labor.

Firstly, once raw materials have been dug up by a mechanical digger, a lorry transports them to the factory. After transportation, the raw materials are crushed twice in a specialized machine before being mixed with water.

Next, the ready mixture is poured into molds and dried for 4-6 hours. After drying, the pots are placed in a kiln and fired at high temperatures.

In the last stage, they undergo a coloring process. The fired pots are painted in different colors, after which they are fired again to ensure the color is long-lasting. Finally, the finished pots are ready for distribution.

- 141 words in 13-14 minutes
#classwork #task1

Jasurbek’s blog

11 Feb, 03:43

Osson bo’lmadi, lekin taslim bo’lmadim va uddaladim )

Jasurbek’s blog

10 Feb, 13:59

🔤🔤🔤🔤 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤

Authentic Listening
Test 43.

Answers are in this file💬

🌐Channel: @jasurbekisaev

Jasurbek’s blog

10 Feb, 13:59


🌐Channel: @jasurbekisaev

Jasurbek’s blog

10 Feb, 13:08

Yaqin do’stim Marhamat tumanidagi kitobxonlar uchun yaxshi yangilik qilibdi. O’zim ham hizmatlaridan foydalandim )

Jasurbek’s blog

10 Feb, 13:07

Sizga bu imkoniyat berildi.

Read Books kitob do'koniga ayol va qizlarni ishga taklif qilamiz.

Biz bilan bog'laning:

+998 99 085 24 26
( telegram ham mavjud)

Jasurbek’s blog

09 Feb, 15:14


Ha IELTS darslaridagi bilim bilan sizdan CEFR B2/C1 natija olishga uzoq vaqt talab etilmaydi.

Birinchi misol bu o’zim.
CEFR darslarisiz IELTS da olgan bilim bilan C1 natijaga erishkanman.

Asadbek esingizda bo’lsa kerak. U IELTS gruppamda o’qib, CEFRdan eng kuchli B2 natija 64 oldi. Reading esa 75 dan 75.

Bular yetmaganidek, IELTS listening marafonimda qatnashkan yana bir o’quvchi Madina CEFR dan listeningini 38 dan 64 ga ko’taribdi.

Hulosa qiladigan bo’lsak, IELTS uchun ham CEFR uchun ham bilim ya’ni ingliz tilini bilish kerak. IELTS va CEFR juda o’xshash. IELTS darslaridagi bilimiz bilan CEFRdan B2 natija ola olasiz.

Aytakancha Marhamatlik CEFR topshib, DTM imtihonini 100% hal qilib qo’ymoqchilar uchun ajoyib loyiha ustida ishlayapman.
Loyiha haqida ma’lumot.


Jasurbek’s blog

09 Feb, 15:13

IELTS da yaxshi tayyorlangan bola 100 % Cefrdan o`tadi,General englishi zo`r bola ikkalasidan ham muammosiz o`tadi.

Jasurbek’s blog

09 Feb, 14:52

#result #CEFR 👤👤👤

IELTS listening darslari bilan CEFRdan 64 natija🔥

Name: Madina
Result: B2
Listening: 64

Madina Listening Marathonim istirokchisi. Aytishicha listening darslari orqali natijasini 38 dan 64 ga yaxshilabdi. Bundan men ham o’zlari ham hursand.

Madinaning kelgusi o’qishlarida omad tilab qolamiz.

For more results: https://t.me/Jasurbeks_students

Jasurbek’s blog

09 Feb, 14:22

IELTS darslarida olingan bilim CEFR uchun qanchalik foydali deb o’ylaysiz? 🎯

1 - umuman foydasiz.🙁
10 - juda juda foydali.😊

Filringizni izohlarda qoldiring va men sizga ajoyib yangilikni yetkazaman 🔔

Jasurbek’s blog

29 Jan, 05:57

Feel free to share with those who are struggling with IELTS WRITING TASK 1 ✈️

No less credits to my student, Mr.Jakhongir for making this post neater.

Jasurbek’s blog

29 Jan, 05:56

ALL BAND 7.0-8.0 TASK 1 Samples by me.

➡️ Line graph samples 📈
⚫️ Line Graph 1
⚫️ Line Graph 2
⚫️ Line Graph 3
⚫️ Line Graph 4
⚫️ Line Graph 5
⚫️ Line Graph 6
⚫️ Line Graph 7
⚫️ Line Graph 8
⚫️ Line Graph 9
⚫️ Line Graph 10
⚫️ Line Graph 11
⚫️ Line Graph 12
⚫️ Line Graph 13
⚫️ Line Graph 14
⚫️ Line Graph 15
⚫️ Line Graph 16
⚫️ Line Graph 17
⚫️ Line Graph 18
⚫️ Line Graph 19
⚫️ Line Graph 20
⚫️ Line Graph 21
⚫️ Line Graph 22
⚫️ Line Graph 23
⚫️ Line Graph 25

➡️ Pie chart samples 📊
⚫️ Pie chart 1
⚫️ Pie chart 2
⚫️ Pie chart 3
⚫️ Pie chart 4
⚫️ Pie chart 5
⚫️ Pie chart 6
⚫️Pie chart 7
⚫️ Pie chart 8
⚫️ Pie chart 9
⚫️ Pie chart 10
⚫️ Pie chart 11
⚫️ Pie chart 12
⚫️ Pie chart 13
⚫️ Pie chart 14
⚫️ Pie chart 15

➡️ Bar chart samples 📊
⚫️ Bar chart 1
⚫️ Bar chart 2
⚫️ Bar chart 3
⚫️ Bar chart 4
⚫️ Bar chart 5
⚫️ Bar chart 6
⚫️ Bar chart 7
⚫️ Bar chart 8
⚫️ Bar chart 9
⚫️ Bar chart 10
⚫️ Bar chart 11
⚫️ Bar chart 12
⚫️ Bar chart 13
⚫️ Bar chart 14
⚫️ Bar chart 15
⚫️ Bar chart 16
⚫️ Bar chart 17
⚫️ Bar chart 18
⚫️ Bar chart 19
⚫️ Bar chart 20
⚫️ Bar chart 21
⚫️ Bar chart 22
⚫️ Bar chart 23
⚫️ Bar chart 24
⚫️ Bar chart 25
⚫️ Bar chart 26
⚫️ Bar chart 27
⚫️ Bar chart 28

➡️ Table samples 🏓
⚫️ Table 1
⚫️ Table 2
⚫️ Table 3
⚫️ Table 4
⚫️ Table 5
⚫️ Table 6
⚫️ Table 7
⚫️ Table 8
⚫️ Table 9
⚫️ Table 10
⚫️ Table 11
⚫️ Table 12

➡️ Mixed chart samples 📈
⚫️ Mixed chart 1
⚫️ Mixed chart 2
⚫️ Mixed chart 3
⚫️ Mixed chart 4
⚫️ Mixed chart 5
⚫️ Mixed chart 6
⚫️ Mixed chart 7
⚫️ Mixed chart 8
⚫️ Mixed chart 9
⚫️ Mixed chart 10
⚫️ Mixed chart 11


Compiled by @jasurbekisaev

Jasurbek’s blog

28 Jan, 17:14

Audio of this Listening Test

✉️ Channel: @jasurbekisaev

Jasurbek’s blog

28 Jan, 16:58

#listening_full #real_exam

🇺🇿20 Iyulda O'zbekistonda tushkan Full Listening Test 📖

Javoblari faylda bor. AUDIO

✉️ Channel: @jasurbekisaev

Jasurbek’s blog

28 Jan, 14:36

#reading_full #real_exam

🇺🇿28 Dekabr O'zbekistonda tushkan Full Reading Test 📖

Javoblari explanations bilan keyingi faylda.

✉️ Channel: @jasurbekisaev

Jasurbek’s blog

28 Jan, 13:59

men 244 ta 🗿 qilishilarni kutyapman.

Materiallar esa tayyor

Jasurbek’s blog

28 Jan, 03:52

Bu insholarni yozish uchun 37 soatdan ko'p vaqt sarflaganman.

Nega sen buni 10 dan birini ham sarflamasdan, chekinyapsan.
Yozolmaslikdan qo'rqyapsan.

Yengilish uchun avval kurashga kirish kerak.

Kurashsiz yengilish esa, bu qo'rqoqlik.

Men esa senga har kuni Octagonda o'z jangimni ko'rsataman.

Barcha insholarni o'rganib chiq, foyda olasan.
Ziqnalik qilmasdan, boshqalarga ham ulash, student!!!

Examda ko'rishamiz, student.


Jasurbek’s blog

27 Jan, 14:39

114 Band 7.0-8.0 task 1 reports by me.

Save and share.

Jasurbek’s blog

27 Jan, 14:39

✔️The list of task 1 reports by me)

1) Bar graph
2) Table
3) Pie chart
4) Table
5) Line graph
6) Line graph
7) Line graph
8) Bar graph
9) Line graph
10) Bar graph
11) Line graph
12) Bar graph
13) Bar graph
14) Bar graph
15) Pie chart
16) Map
17) Table
18) Mixed
19) Pie chart
20) Pie chart
21) Process
22) Line graph
23) Bar graph
24) Bar graph
25) Mixed
26) Mixed
27) Bar graph
28) Mixed
29) Bar graph
30) Table
31) Bar graph
32) Table
33) Bar graph
34) Bar graph
35) Line graph
36) Table
37) Pie chart
38) Line graph
39) Line graph
40) Map
41) Bar graph
42) Bar graph
43) Line graph
44) Map
45) Line graph
46) Line graph
47) Line graph
48) Pie chart
49) Map
50) Pie chart
51) Table
52) Map
53) Bar graph
54) Bar graph
55) Pie chart
56) Pie chart
57) Map
58) Table
59) Pie charts
60) Line graph
61) Table
62) Table
62) Process
63) Map
64) Bar charts
65) Line graph
66) Pie charts
67) Pie chart
68) Table
69) Map
70) Table
71) Bar graph
72) Process
72) Line graph
73) Bar graph
74) Bar graph
75) Line graph
76) Line graph
77) Map
78) Bar graph
79) Line graph
80) Pie charts
81) Process
82) Line graph
83) Bar graph
84) Map
85) Mixed chart
86) Process
87) Process
88) Map
89) Mixed
90) Bar graph
91) Bar graph
92) Line graph
93) Line graph
94) Map
95) Mixed chart
96) Line Graph
97) Bar chart
98) Mixed
99) Mixed
100) Line Graph
101) Mixed
102) Line Graph
103) Mixed
104) Line Graph
105) Bar Chart
106) Line Graph
107) Pie charts
108) Bar chart
109) Map
110) Pie charts
111) Map
112) Map
113) Map
114) Map

Jasurbek’s blog

27 Jan, 08:37

In-depth Grammatical Explanation of these MAP⬇️

1. The two maps show the transformation of Ashford village between 2010 and now.
- "The two maps" uses the definite article "the" to specify the maps.
- "Show" is a present simple verb indicating a factual description.
- "Between 2010 and now" is a prepositional phrase marking the time frame.

2. Overall, since 2010 the village has undergone notable changes, being more welcoming with the introduction of a yacht marina and a bridge.
- "Since 2010" is a time adverbial phrase.
- Present perfect verb "has undergone" indicates changes continuing to the present.
- "Being more welcoming" is a participle phrase describing the effect of the changes.

3. While more and more residential facilities have been constructed in the east, the west has become leafier.
- Subordinating conjunction "while" introduces contrast.
- Present perfect passive "have been constructed" shows ongoing development.
- "Leafier" is a comparative adjective indicating an increase in greenery.

4. In 2010, the village was rather empty.
- "In 2010" is a time adverbial phrase.
- Past simple verb "was" describes the state of the village at that time.

5. The main road ran from the east to the west, which led to the city.
- Past simple verb "ran" describes the road’s direction.
- Relative clause "which led to the city" gives additional information about the road.

6. In the northeast of the village, there were five apartment blocks, and a small path linked them with the main road.
- "There were" uses an existential construction in the past simple tense.
- "Linked them with the main road" is a past simple verb phrase.

7. Moreover, the River Tam divided the village into two parts and crossed the main road where the ferry was in necessity to transport people.
- Past simple verbs "divided" and "crossed" describe the river’s function.
- Relative clause "where the ferry was in necessity" highlights the ferry’s role.

8. At the present, the apartment blocks have increased in number considerably.
- "At the present" emphasizes the current state.
- Present perfect "have increased" shows growth over time.

9. The old ferry has been out of use since a new bridge has been constructed on the River Tam.
- Present perfect passive "has been out of use" shows a change in state.
- "Since a new bridge has been constructed" explains the cause of the change.

10. The south of the village has been more appealing to visitors, introducing a yacht marina – the most noticeable change.
- Present perfect "has been more appealing" describes a lasting effect.
- "Introducing a yacht marina" is a participle phrase specifying the change.

11. Lastly, the western part of the village has become greener with the plantation of more trees.
- Present perfect "has become greener" describes ongoing improvement.
- "With the plantation of more trees" explains the reason for the greenery.

#attentionindetail 💾

Jasurbek’s blog

27 Jan, 02:31

Full Listening or Reading?

Listening ❤️‍🔥
Reading ⚡️
Both 🗿

Jasurbek’s blog

26 Jan, 15:05

#writing_lesson #video_lesson

⭐️ IELTS WRITING TASK 1 - HD formatta yozilgan qotmaydi.

Chart covered⬇️

➡️ Task 1 dagi Map uchun jonli tarzda birgalikda band 7.0+ report yozdik.

💬Dars haqida fikrlar

Saved messages'da chirisa rozi emasman 🗿

✉️ Channel: @jasurbekisaev

Jasurbek’s blog

26 Jan, 08:22

Pep today.


Jasurbek’s blog

23 Jan, 16:11


Reading Passage 2 - HD formatta yozilgan qotmaydi + 100% o'zbek tiliga tarjima

Skills covered⬇️
Matching Headings

➡️ Eng effektiv va osson usulda Matching Headings savol turi tushuntirilgan video darslik.

Saved messages'da chirisa rozi emasman 🗿

✉️ Channel: @jasurbekisaev

Jasurbek’s blog

23 Jan, 16:03

Men uchun zo'r bo'ldi vaqtni qanday o'tgani ham bilinmadi , juda attractive dars bo'ldi,easy way teaching approachingizga gap bo'lishi mumkinmas ,raxmat katta,boshqa reading turlaridan ham shunday darslar kutib qolamiz.

Jasurbek’s blog

23 Jan, 15:59

Mengayam yoqdi darsiz ♡
Ayniqsa metodikez zo'r ekan

Jasurbek’s blog

23 Jan, 15:52

Bugun sizlar bilan 40 minut mazza qilib Matching headings uchun dars o'tdik. Menga juda yoqdi. Full of energy lesson boldi.

Siz 40 minut vaqtizi qanday o'tkazdim deb o'ylaysiz.

40 minutni isrof qildizmi yoki bilim oldizmi.

Dars haqida to'liq va honest fikrizi yozib qoldiring.

hammasini e'tibor bilan o'qib chiqaman.

Jasurbek’s blog

23 Jan, 02:29


Be as smart as Bob.

Jasurbek’s blog

22 Jan, 19:06

Barsachilarni readingi o’zi kuchli

Jasurbek’s blog

22 Jan, 19:04

Bugun Real yutsa bitta reading dars mendan!

Barsachilani aytmemiz

Jasurbek’s blog

22 Jan, 13:50

155 ta ☃️ga Authentic Listening sotaman

Jasurbek’s blog

22 Jan, 13:40

Baxt oddiylikda emas. Baxt halollikda.


Jasurbek’s blog

22 Jan, 06:13

Authentic Full Listening or Reading?

Full Listening ☃️
Full Reading 🌭

Jasurbek’s blog

21 Jan, 13:58


🌐Channel: @jasurbekisaev

Jasurbek’s blog

21 Jan, 13:57


Authentic Full Listening Test.

Answers are in this file 💬

🌐Channel: @jasurbekisaev

Jasurbek’s blog

21 Jan, 12:36

#real_exam #reading

28-Dekabr kuni tushkan FULL READING TEST.

- 3 passages
- 40 questions

- answers

- explanation

✉️Channel: @jasurbekisaev

Jasurbek’s blog

21 Jan, 11:54

Reading or Listening?

Full Reading 🔥
Full Listening ⚡️

Jasurbek’s blog

21 Jan, 07:35

The pie charts compare the distribution of various energy sources in a certain country in 1995 and 2005. Overall, over a decade, all figures experienced an upward trend, albeit at varying degrees, while that country became less dependent on petrol in energy production. It is also clear that gas and coal remained the most important sources of energy in both examined years.

Starting with coal, it accounted for 29.80% of the total in 1995, and then this figure rose slightly to 30.93% in 2005. Following this, 29.63% of energy was generated using gas in 1995; after that, it rose to 30.31% the next decade. Although petrol was the third most essential source of energy with 29.27% in 1995, this figure decreased considerably to 19.55% over the ensuing 10 years—the most noticeable change on the chart.

Turning to less dominant sources—“other “” and nuclear, they comprised relatively smaller shares in both years. While the latter soared from 6.40% to 10.10%, the share of “other” sources nearly doubled, which reached 9.10% in 2005.

- 173 words in 17-18 minutes

#classwork #task1

Jasurbek’s blog

21 Jan, 02:50

Having such collective achievements instills pride.


Jasurbek’s blog

20 Jan, 16:30

No matter how old you are. Disney will always slap you back to your childhood.

Jasurbek’s blog

20 Jan, 15:32

“boshida rossa ikkilangandim, hozir mingdan ming roziman” ❤️‍🔥

Bugun MINI IELTS’dagi ikkinchi Reading darsimiz tugadi.🔥

O’quvchilarga Passage 2 dagi most hated savol turlari (matching headings, names, information) bilan kelishishni o’rgatib qo’ydim.

Endi u savollar bilan urushishmaydi.😹

Dars naqd 79 minut bolibdi. O’zim ham zerikmadim, o’quvchilar ham zerikishmadi.

Hozircha kursda 12 ta live lessondan 4 tasi tugadi. Barcha darslar yozib olingan. Kurs narxi esa haligacha 80,000 so’m.

Kursda yana 3 ta o’quvchiga joy bor. Qo’shilish uchun
@jasurbek_adm ga yozing.

Jasurbek’s blog

20 Jan, 13:53

Regarding a new contract, Holland earns 61.97$ per minute.

And now you can calculate how much you would earn instead of writing one report if you were Holland? 😢


Jasurbek’s blog

19 Jan, 18:21

Bugun shopping qilay dedimda, shop ga kirdim. 1 soat aylanib 2 ta product tanladim. 15 minut navbat kutib, kassaga yetib keldim.

Naqd pulim yo’qligini bilardim, click ga kirdim. Qarasam humo ishlamayotkan ekan. Hay mayli pul tejaldi dedimda, hamma olgan narsalarni kassirga berib uyga qaytdim.

Bor pulga ham ishonib bo’lmay qoldi. 😂

Jasurbek’s blog

19 Jan, 18:11

У тебя новый анонимный вопрос:

What kind of way you teacher can suggest us to make ourselves love reading articles, including reading as well?

J: Read them with your BF or GF. You never get bored

Jasurbek’s blog

19 Jan, 13:18

The two maps show the transformation of Liverton between 1980 and now. Overall, during the period, the city has transformed from a dynamic industrial zone to a more visitor-friendly area, introducing both recreational and residential facilities. It is also clear that changes have happened in both the northern and southern parts of the city while a new bridge has been constructed so that it provides easy access now.
In 1980, the city was rather empty, being specialized in industrializing and shipping. The river occupied runs from the west to the east, dividing the city into three equal parts. There were two cranes and two above the river. One crane and a warehouse occupied the bottom of the city while there were some ships transporting cargo in the river.
Nowadays, as a new flood barrier and a bridge have been built, the city is safer and more accessible. However, the river is now ship-free and being used as a ship museum. Turning to the north of the city, there is a new education center and kid’s playground where two old warehouses stood. The crane between old warehouses has been demolished to make a way for the construction of a sailing club, while the other one has been completely knocked down. To the south, while the crane has been replaced by a hotel, new apartments have been constructed in a place that was previously occupied by the warehouse. Other alterations include the introduction of a parking area and river walk.

- 248 words.


Jasurbek’s blog

19 Jan, 12:49

Don’t get confused when you hear “yomon yaxshi” from us😂

Jasurbek’s blog

19 Jan, 05:43

Love this quote

Jasurbek’s blog

15 Jan, 15:56

The column chart compares four different countries—India, Denmark, Germany, and the US—regarding how much energy they produced using wind power, measured in megawatts (MW), between 1985 and 2000. 

Overall, throughout the period, all countries improved their energy production rate, albeit at varying degrees. It is also clear that the US showed consistently higher numbers until 2000, when Denmark surpassed it—registering the most noticeable increase on the chart. Lastly, Germany and India underwent gradual rises during the period. 

Starting with the US, which was dominant in energy production from 1985 to 2000, it generated 1200 MW in 1985. In 1990, this figure witnessed a notable rise, reaching a peak of 1650 MW, but then it decreased slightly to 1600 MW in 1995. By the end of the period, this number saw further reduction, dropping to 1550 MW. Denmark produced 250 MW in 1985, a figure that then increased to 450 MW in 1990. After this rise, there was a drastic increase from 450 MW to a staggering 1200 MW, and this was followed by a further growth to 1650 MW in the final year. 

Turning to the remaining countries—India and Germany—they exhibited relatively smaller changes. India improved its wind energy production steadily from 200 MW to 1200 MW over the examined period. Finally, the figure for Germany rose from 400 MW to 680 MW in 1990, after which it observed a further growth to 800 MW in 1995. This figure culminated the period, reaching 900 MW.

- 250 words

#classwork #task1

Jasurbek’s blog

15 Jan, 06:28

#video_lesson #writing_lesson

➡️Positive&Negative Development Essay.

Writing Task 2 Lesson💾

✉️Channel: @jasurbekisaev

Jasurbek’s blog

14 Jan, 18:08

Squid Game 2 Pro.

Other players: Tell us the easiest graph in IELTS writing task 1.

Player number 456: Line Graph.


Jasurbek’s blog

14 Jan, 17:42

Go CHATGPT’ni azoblelar.

Jasurbek’s blog

14 Jan, 17:35

Line graph osson deydiganlar uchun maxsus.

Mendan sizga bayramlik.


Jasurbek’s blog

14 Jan, 14:30

Kun sovg’asi.

Jasurbek’s blog

14 Jan, 11:23

The pie charts show the distribution of yearly expenses in a certain school in the UK in three different years: 1981, 1991, and 2001. Overall, the largest share of the budget was spent on salaries of teachers in each examined year, while the reverse was true for insurance. It is also clear that the figures for resources, furniture, and other workers’ salaries were responsible for the rest.

In detail, the figures for salaries of teachers and other workers accounted for the most considerable shares, exhibiting opposite changes during the period. Staring at 40% in 1981, this figure gradually increased to 50% in 1991, but then it saw a five-percentage-point decrease in the final year. However, the share of money allocated for the salaries of other workers decreased from 28% to 22% in 1991, and this was followed by a further drop to just 15% in 2001.

In contrast, the percentage of school budget spent on insurance rose from 2% to 3% in 1991, after which it saw an almost threefold increase to 8% in 2001. While the figure for resources rose from 15% to 20%, that for furniture & equipment observed a threefold decline, dropping to just 5% in 1991. In the final year, the former decreased again to 9%, whereas the latter recovered to 23%.

- 216 words in 17 minutes

#classwork #task1

Jasurbek’s blog

14 Jan, 07:06

#video_lesson #reading_lesson

➡️Real Exam Passage 1. What is a secret of a long life?

Video walkthrough 💾

A PDF file of this test 🗄

✉️Channel: @jasurbekisaev

Jasurbek’s blog

13 Jan, 16:07

"24 ta chiqar edi... Hattoki 30 taga yetmasdi... Hozir 35 tacha chiqyapti..."

🔥Tong sahardan o'quvchim Ruqiya Listening natijasidagi o'sishni menga aytib, hayratda qoldirdi. Ruqiya 1 oy oldin LISTENING MARATHONni sotib olgandi.

➡️Sizda esa hozir bu Marathon'ni TEKINGA olish imkoniyati bor

➡️Hozirgacha kursga 900 dan ortiq o’quvchi qo’shildi.


Jasurbek’s blog

13 Jan, 14:57

#reading #real_exam

➡️Passage 1.
What is a secret of long life?

✉️Channel: @jasurbekisaev

Jasurbek’s blog

13 Jan, 12:49

The line graph compares the USA, the UK, and the EU regarding how many rubber ducks they exported, measured in thousands, between 2013 and 2017. 

Overall, throughout the period, the UK and the EU improved their rubber duck export levels, while the reverse was true for the US, which exported the least number of ducks steadily. It is also clear that the discrepancy between figures for the UK and the EU became less pronounced until the end. 

The two unions—the EU and the UK—saw increases, albeit at varying degrees. Starting at just under 30, the figure for the EU rose slightly to 32 in 2014, whereas the latter declined from 20 to 18. The following year, both figures witnessed opposite trends, with that for the EU decreasing to 22 and that for the UK climbing to 25. Until 2017, those figures witnessed significant rises, reaching approximately 40. 

On the other hand, the figure for the USA stood at just under 10 in 2013, and then it went up by 5 in 2014. After that, the USA observed a slight reduction in duck exports to 23 in 2016, and this was followed by a further decline to just 5 in the final year.

-202 words in 13 minutes. Band 7.5

#classwork #task1

Jasurbek’s blog

13 Jan, 03:16

Good morning, everybody, except people who are sending me 🖐.

Jasurbek’s blog

12 Jan, 11:53

FREE IELTS READING video lessons on this channel

- T/F/Ng questions + Passage 1
- Matching headings + Passage 2
- Passage 2 walkthrough
- Summary completion
- Cam 19, test 4, passage 2
- Cam 19, test 3, passage 1

Compiled by @jasurbekisaev

Jasurbek’s blog

12 Jan, 11:13

A quick reminder.

Hali ham MINI IELTS Courseda bir nechtda bo’sh joylar bor.

Agarda siz Yanvar, Fevral, yoki erta Martda IELTS topshirmoqchi bo’laangiz, bu kurs sizga mos keladi.

- Shaxsan o’zim kursda 4 ta jonli READING darslari va 4 ta jonli WRITING darslarini o’taman.
Yordamchi o’qituvchi (S7.0) esa sizdan 4 ta SPEAKING mock oladi.
- Har kuni writing, listening va reading uchun haqiqiy examda tushkan va tushishi mumkin bo’lgan materiallar tashlanib turiladi.

Start: 11th January
Finish: 09th February.

PS: shu bilan bir oy ichida hech qanday online kurs ochilmaydi. MINI IELTS sizga berilgan eng yaxshi taklif.

Jasurbek’s blog

05 Nov, 12:44

Student: Teacher readingni qanday ko’tarsam bo’ladi?

Teacher: Belidan ushlab :)

Jasurbek’s blog

04 Nov, 19:14

1.5 soatlik mehnat natijasi, IELTS'ga tayyorlanayotkan tanishlarizga share qilmang. Selfish bo'ling.

Jasurbek’s blog

04 Nov, 19:05


🌐Channel: @jasurbekisaev

Jasurbek’s blog

04 Nov, 03:53


1. Artificial Intelligence – sun’iy intellekt

2. Automation – avtomatlashtirish

3. Algorithm – algoritm

4. Data – ma’lumot

5. Innovation – yangilik

Make 5 sentences using these 5 words to earn 5,000 UZS in comments.

✉️Channel: @jasurbekisaev

Jasurbek’s blog

03 Nov, 14:42

Tomorrow, we will have another challenge for 5k. Stay tuned :)

Jasurbek’s blog

03 Nov, 13:25

You want another challenge????

YES ❤️

Jasurbek’s blog

03 Nov, 13:24

5,000 UZS for winner of today’s challenge

Jasurbek’s blog

03 Nov, 13:22

1.Intense fires in the southern border in Canada forced authorities to declare evacuation
2. It took firefighters 6 hours to distinguish the fire and rescue victims from the shopping mall
3. First aid should be taught at schools to get students familiarized with possible injuries they may face
4. The country alerted the whole residents about the devastating consequences of coronavirus
5. Crisis that took place in undeveloped countries made them to borrow funding from developed ones to take control of the situation

Jasurbek’s blog

03 Nov, 11:42

I will choose a winner at 6pm and transfer 5k.

Leave your sentences in comments.

Jasurbek’s blog

03 Nov, 11:07


1. Evacuation – evakuatsiya

2. Rescue – qutqarish

3. First aid – birinchi yordam

4. Alert – ogohlantirish

5. Crisis – inqiroz

Make 5 sentences using these 5 words to earn 5,000 UZS in comments.

✉️Channel: @jasurbekisaev

Jasurbek’s blog

03 Nov, 10:09

Najim: Teacher, readingdan o'qiganimni tushunaman, lekin Matching Headings savol turida doim xato qilyapman yoki ikkilanib qolyapman. Oshirish uchun nima qilay? 😔
Me: Buning yechimi ... 🤫

Siz Headings savol turida odatda nechta xato qilasiz?
🔥 - 1-2
🐳 - 2-3
🤩 - 3-4
👍 - 4-5

Jasurbek’s blog

03 Nov, 08:35


🌐Channel: @jasurbekisaev

Jasurbek’s blog

03 Nov, 08:33

🔤🔤🔤🔤 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤

Real Exam'ga 100 ga 100 o'xshash test

Answers are in comments 👇

🌐Channel: @jasurbekisaev

Jasurbek’s blog

03 Nov, 06:56

Who is busy with cleaning today? 🧹

Jasurbek’s blog

03 Nov, 06:50


1. Disinfect – dezinfeksiya qilish

2. Sanitize – tozalash

3. Detergent – yuvish vositasi

4. Sterilize – sterilizatsiya qilish

5. Deodorize – hidni ketkazish

Make a sentence in the comments

✉️ Channel: @jasurbekisaev

Jasurbek’s blog

03 Nov, 04:07

Sunday is a day to refuel your soul and be grateful for your blessings.
