Jasurbek’s blog @jasurbekisaev Channel on Telegram

Jasurbek’s blog


- IELTS 7.5
- CEFR 68/C1
- 900+ students
- IELTS instructor at UP, Markhamat, Andijan

Jasurbek’s blog (English)

Welcome to Jasurbek's blog, a channel dedicated to providing top-notch English language education and resources. Run by the experienced educator @jasurbekisaev, this channel has been actively teaching since 2021. Offering Smart English courses in Marhamat, Cambridge Learning Center programs in Tashkent, and Up Education Center classes in Marhamat, this channel caters to a wide range of English language learners.

What sets Jasurbek's blog apart is the expertise of its founder and primary educator, who holds a CEFR C1(68) certification and an impressive IELTS score of 7.5. With a track record of successfully guiding over 800 students and achieving 7.0+ results, you can trust in the quality of education provided by this channel.

Whether you are looking to improve your English language skills for academic, professional, or personal reasons, Jasurbek's blog offers a supportive and enriching learning environment. Stay updated on the latest course offerings, study tips, and resources by joining this dynamic community of English language enthusiasts. Join @jasurbekisaev and start your journey towards fluency today!

Jasurbek’s blog

05 Nov, 12:44

Student: Teacher readingni qanday ko’tarsam bo’ladi?

Teacher: Belidan ushlab :)

Jasurbek’s blog

04 Nov, 19:14

1.5 soatlik mehnat natijasi, IELTS'ga tayyorlanayotkan tanishlarizga share qilmang. Selfish bo'ling.

Jasurbek’s blog

04 Nov, 19:05


🌐Channel: @jasurbekisaev

Jasurbek’s blog

04 Nov, 03:53


1. Artificial Intelligence – sun’iy intellekt

2. Automation – avtomatlashtirish

3. Algorithm – algoritm

4. Data – ma’lumot

5. Innovation – yangilik

Make 5 sentences using these 5 words to earn 5,000 UZS in comments.

✉️Channel: @jasurbekisaev

Jasurbek’s blog

03 Nov, 14:42

Tomorrow, we will have another challenge for 5k. Stay tuned :)

Jasurbek’s blog

03 Nov, 13:25

You want another challenge????

YES ❤️

Jasurbek’s blog

03 Nov, 13:24

5,000 UZS for winner of today’s challenge

Jasurbek’s blog

03 Nov, 13:22

1.Intense fires in the southern border in Canada forced authorities to declare evacuation
2. It took firefighters 6 hours to distinguish the fire and rescue victims from the shopping mall
3. First aid should be taught at schools to get students familiarized with possible injuries they may face
4. The country alerted the whole residents about the devastating consequences of coronavirus
5. Crisis that took place in undeveloped countries made them to borrow funding from developed ones to take control of the situation

Jasurbek’s blog

03 Nov, 11:42

I will choose a winner at 6pm and transfer 5k.

Leave your sentences in comments.

Jasurbek’s blog

03 Nov, 11:07


1. Evacuation – evakuatsiya

2. Rescue – qutqarish

3. First aid – birinchi yordam

4. Alert – ogohlantirish

5. Crisis – inqiroz

Make 5 sentences using these 5 words to earn 5,000 UZS in comments.

✉️Channel: @jasurbekisaev

Jasurbek’s blog

03 Nov, 10:09

Najim: Teacher, readingdan o'qiganimni tushunaman, lekin Matching Headings savol turida doim xato qilyapman yoki ikkilanib qolyapman. Oshirish uchun nima qilay? 😔
Me: Buning yechimi ... 🤫

Siz Headings savol turida odatda nechta xato qilasiz?
🔥 - 1-2
🐳 - 2-3
🤩 - 3-4
👍 - 4-5

Jasurbek’s blog

03 Nov, 08:35


🌐Channel: @jasurbekisaev

Jasurbek’s blog

03 Nov, 08:33

🔤🔤🔤🔤 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤

Real Exam'ga 100 ga 100 o'xshash test

Answers are in comments 👇

🌐Channel: @jasurbekisaev

Jasurbek’s blog

03 Nov, 06:56

Who is busy with cleaning today? 🧹

Jasurbek’s blog

03 Nov, 06:50


1. Disinfect – dezinfeksiya qilish

2. Sanitize – tozalash

3. Detergent – yuvish vositasi

4. Sterilize – sterilizatsiya qilish

5. Deodorize – hidni ketkazish

Make a sentence in the comments

✉️ Channel: @jasurbekisaev

Jasurbek’s blog

03 Nov, 04:07

Sunday is a day to refuel your soul and be grateful for your blessings.
