Inspiro KAS IAS @inspirokasias Channel on Telegram

Inspiro KAS IAS


An Inspiro KAS initiative to provide Karnataka Government Exams updates, Daily Quiz
Class written notes, Course Updates, digital Materials, Daily Current affairs. Join the channel to get regular updates.
#kpsc #kas #acf #fda #sda #psi #saad #tdo #ae #je

Inspiro KAS IAS (English)

Are you aspiring to crack the Karnataka Government Exams and looking for a reliable source of updates and study materials? Look no further! Welcome to Inspiro KAS IAS, your one-stop destination for all things related to Karnataka Government Exams. This channel, initiated by Inspiro KAS, is dedicated to providing you with the latest updates on exams, daily quizzes, written notes, course updates, digital materials, and daily current affairs. Whether you are preparing for KPSC, KAS, ACF, FDA, SDA, PSI, SAAD, TDO, AE, JE, or any other government exam in Karnataka, this channel has got you covered. Join us today to stay informed and ahead of the competition. Don't miss out on this opportunity to boost your exam preparations and increase your chances of success. Stay connected with Inspiro KAS IAS and let us guide you towards your dream career in the public sector. #kpsc #kas #acf #fda #sda #psi #saad #tdo #ae #je

Inspiro KAS IAS

18 Jan, 11:02

Inspiro KAS IAS

15 Jan, 17:37

#KAScutoff #previousyearcutoff #kpsc #KAS2024

Inspiro KAS IAS

15 Jan, 14:10

Official KAS KEY ANSWERS 589 paper & 590
Paper 2

Inspiro KAS IAS

15 Jan, 02:48

Inspiro KAS IAS

13 Jan, 11:33

Inspiro KAS IAS

12 Jan, 14:14


Inspiro KAS IAS

12 Jan, 10:33

Inspiro KAS IAS

11 Jan, 03:05

Inspiro KAS IAS

10 Jan, 13:21


Inspiro KAS IAS

10 Jan, 07:01

KAS Mains Test Series #mainsanswerwriting #kastestseries #kas2025

Inspiro KAS IAS

09 Jan, 13:36

Inspiro KAS IAS

09 Jan, 04:46

Inspiro KAS IAS pinned «»

Inspiro KAS IAS

09 Jan, 04:44

Inspiro KAS IAS

09 Jan, 01:42

#KASMAINSCLASS #publicadministration

Inspiro KAS IAS

08 Jan, 15:33

Inspiro KAS IAS

08 Jan, 01:46

Inspiro KAS IAS

07 Jan, 15:32

Free KAS MAINS Class 2025
Public Administration Module 1st Class

08 January 2025 @6pm

Inspiro KAS IAS

07 Jan, 04:49


Inspiro KAS IAS

07 Jan, 03:05

Inspiro KAS IAS

06 Jan, 02:41

Inspiro KAS IAS

05 Jan, 04:57

KAS MAINS Answer Writing #kasmainsanswerwriting

Inspiro KAS IAS

04 Jan, 16:54

Inspiro KAS IAS

04 Jan, 06:35


Inspiro KAS IAS

01 Jan, 17:07

Inspiro KAS IAS

01 Jan, 14:15

#KASwriting #mains

Inspiro KAS IAS

01 Jan, 10:58

Inspiro KAS IAS

01 Jan, 08:02


Inspiro KAS IAS

31 Dec, 17:11


Inspiro KAS IAS

31 Dec, 11:35

Inspiro KAS IAS

30 Dec, 10:13


Inspiro KAS IAS

29 Dec, 14:35


Inspiro KAS IAS

28 Dec, 16:12

#KAScutoff #previousyearcutoff #kpsc #KAS2024

Inspiro KAS IAS

28 Dec, 12:59

Hi Aspirants,

wish you the best of luck on your exam tomorrow

I know you've put in a lot of hard work, and I’m confident that your effort will pay off.

Don't rush through questions—read them carefully, sometimes statement 1 may not give any hint but statement 2-3 will hold key to answer

Try to be cool and calm especially in paper-2 , in your series GMA questions may be at end or scattered so find them and try to attend them

Be aggressive in approach if paper is easy or better than last time paper but if paper is of same difficult level then go little carefully and defensive…!!!

Inspiro KAS IAS

26 Dec, 16:40

#KPSC #topper

Inspiro KAS IAS

25 Dec, 11:32

Inspiro KAS IAS

21 Dec, 02:55

Inspiro KAS IAS

20 Dec, 06:31

Inspiro KAS IAS

20 Dec, 03:56

Inspiro KAS IAS

14 Dec, 04:38

Inspiro KAS IAS

28 Nov, 13:46

Press note regarding GP-2023-24 Invalid Admission Ticket

So As per this Exam is on 29/12/2024 only

do not listen to any rumours and focus on studies...!!!!

Inspiro KAS IAS

26 Nov, 08:21

#CurrentAffairsclass #kas #kpscexam #crashcourse

Inspiro KAS IAS

24 Nov, 09:23

#bcwoclass #bcwonotes #kpsc #groupb

Inspiro KAS IAS

06 Nov, 03:12

Inspiro KAS IAS

24 Oct, 07:08

Inspiro KAS IAS

22 Oct, 08:00

Inspiro KAS IAS

18 Oct, 12:22

Eligibility List for the post of Asst.Controller in SAAD (RPC)

Inspiro KAS IAS

01 Oct, 11:45

KPSC prelims Online Class #prelimsclass #kpsc #kas #

Inspiro KAS IAS

01 Oct, 11:42

KAS Prelims on 29-12-2024

Inspiro KAS IAS

23 Sep, 14:08

#KASMAINSCLASS #socialandpoliticalperspective #KPSC #Answerwriting #KASCLASS #modulewise

Inspiro KAS IAS

23 Sep, 07:42

Inspiro KAS IAS

22 Sep, 06:18

Inspiro KAS IAS

20 Sep, 13:24

ಆಯೋಗವು ದಿ:01-03-2024ರಂದು ಅಧಿಸೂಚಿಸಿದ ಕರ್ನಾಟಕ ರಾಜ್ಯ ಲೆಕ್ಕಪರಿಶೋಧನೆ ಮತ್ತು ಲೆಕ್ಕಪತ್ರ ಇಲಾಖೆಯಲ್ಲಿನ ಹೈದ್ರಾಬಾದ್-ಕರ್ನಾಟಕ ವೃಂದದ ಸಹಾಯಕ ನಿಯಂತ್ರಕರು ಗ್ರೂಪ್‍‍-ಎ 15 ಹುದ್ದೆಗಳ ನೇಮಕಾತಿಯ ಮುಖ್ಯ ಪರೀಕ್ಷೆಗೆ ಅರ್ಹತಾ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯನ್ನು ಪ್ರಕಟಿಸಿದೆ/ Eligibility List of Mains for the post of Asst.Controller (Group A-15 Posts) in SAAD (HK) is published

Inspiro KAS IAS

20 Sep, 08:49

Paper 2 : Specific Paper Syllabus of AO and AAO 15% B.Tech (Agri) and others

Inspiro KAS IAS

20 Sep, 08:48

Paper 2 : Specific Paper Syllabus of AO and AAO 85% Bsc (Agri) and others

Inspiro KAS IAS

20 Sep, 08:47

Paper 1 : General Studies Syllabus of AO and AAO