Imankulov| IELTS @imankulovblogs Channel on Telegram

Imankulov| IELTS


The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding

Yuqori Mindset egalari uchun

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5 (English)

Looking to improve your English language skills and achieve a high score on the IELTS exam? Look no further than Imankulov| IELTS 8.5 telegram channel! This channel, managed by imankulovblogs, is dedicated to providing valuable resources, tips, and strategies to help you succeed in the IELTS exam and improve your overall English proficiency. Whether you are a student preparing for the exam or just looking to enhance your language skills, this channel has got you covered. With a focus on achieving an impressive IELTS score of 8.5, you can trust that the content shared here is of high quality and will help you reach your goals. Join the Imankulov| IELTS 8.5 telegram channel today and unlock the magic of mastering the English language!

Imankulov| IELTS

03 Feb, 11:04

What topic was that you think?

And what the number in the middle represents?

And can you name any more brand names?

Imankulov| IELTS

02 Feb, 11:05


Imankulov| IELTS

02 Feb, 11:05

Would you like to have this sort of FUNDAY?

Imankulov| IELTS

02 Feb, 08:31

On a positive note, I got 8.0 for speaking 3 times in a row. With a little push, it could have been 8.5 easily. Yet, 9.0 in speaking looms feasible now.

Imankulov| IELTS

02 Feb, 05:24

These are my last 3 results, and all of them are no less than a disappointment. The fun fact is- I know what the reason is- FOCUS!

I have a lot goin’ on in my life, and concentrating on something is becoming largely impossible.

However, I think, there is no way around, but to fix it! Workin on it)

Imankulov| IELTS

31 Jan, 16:24

Yoshlar orasida shu videodagi tengdoshlarini bir tiyinga olmaydigan arrogant lar ham ko’pda shu😄

Imankulov| IELTS

31 Jan, 16:16

Ozgina bo’lsa ham havas qildilarmi?

Imankulov| IELTS

30 Jan, 08:39


Here are some videos to see how the test goes:
Listening Test
Reading Test
Writing Test

Try IELTS on a computer yourself:
Listening Practice
Reading Practice
Writing Practice

In the listening test, while doing completion tasks you can just press the "tab" key to move to the next question. No need to reach for the mouse after every question.

Also, the practice materials above do not have the "highlight" function as shown in the videos for some reason. In this case, just refer to the videos - they show how the things work more accurately.

Imankulov| IELTS

30 Jan, 06:51

Ko’payib borayotgan ota-onalardan biri: Bo’lmas ekan sizlarni o’quv markaz! Bolani shashtini qaytaryapsizlar! Nimamush, 2-3 oyda IELTS 7.0 olib bo’lmasmush! Ana Toshkentda olsa bo’ladi deyishyaptiku!

Farzandini Mocki 5.0-5.5 da🤦🏻‍♂️😔

Imankulov| IELTS

29 Jan, 18:07

I am coughing so bad right now, if not for that, we could look at this very beautiful passage together🦎

Imankulov| IELTS

29 Jan, 17:37


Imankulov| IELTS

28 Jan, 18:05

Tasavvur qildilarmi shunaqa yozilgan essayni? Essays just bragging the question🥱

Imankulov| IELTS

28 Jan, 09:21

Unit test is in progress

What different thing you could spot?

Imankulov| IELTS

20 Jan, 18:28

Ingliz tili o’rganing! 👍

Imankulov| IELTS

20 Jan, 18:28

Bir kun kelib, shunaqa kuchayib ketsangiz, o’zbekchada intervyu berasizmi? 😑

Imankulov| IELTS

20 Jan, 18:26

Finally, it is official!

Imankulov| IELTS

20 Jan, 18:25


Abduqodir Husanov
“Manchester Siti” futbolchisi!

Barchamizga xayrli va qutlug’ bo’lsin. Olg’a o’zbegim!


Imankulov| IELTS

20 Jan, 07:31

Bitta gapda!

Ko’proq kino-serial-youtube ko’rib, ko’proq reading qilmasez, umuman tolk yo’q! Speaking qayta qayta xato qilaverasiz!

Kino-serialni ham prosto tak ko’rib o’tiraverish kerak emas. Language o’rganish kerak to’xtatib to’xtatib. Yotvolib, serial ekan deb ko’rib o’tiravermasdan.

100% hammangizda potensial bor. Unusual ability si bor o’quvchi bo’lmaydi, 100% hammani qo’lidan kelishi mumkin. Faqat ustida ishlash kerak. O’rnilarda bo’lganimda, menga alam qilgan bo’lardi, 8.0 olishim mumkin bo’lgan vaqtda 5.5-6.0 olsam speakingdan)

Imankulov| IELTS

19 Jan, 15:09

IELTS-related language tashagan kunim, podpischik ko’p chiqib ketyapti. Men nima tashay o’zi?! Yeyotgan ovqatimni, kiygan kiyimimnimi? 😄🤦🏻‍♂️

Imankulov| IELTS

18 Jan, 06:50


🎙 What are those floaty things in your eye?

Imankulov| IELTS

17 Jan, 18:50

Biz yuribmiz ekanda. 5 soat listening, 5 soat reading bilan)

Imankulov| IELTS

17 Jan, 18:47

Bu opamizaga Alloh shifosini bersin. Har narsaga tayyor bo’lib turaylik. Opamiz acha o'tkizib yuboribdilar kasallikini.

Imankulov| IELTS

17 Jan, 06:35



Imankulov| IELTS

16 Jan, 19:32


you can join this telegram channel where I consistently share interesting and IELTS-related videos. Check it out

Imankulov| IELTS

16 Jan, 17:46

I want to DEBUNK the first myth on Writing Task 2! 🟢

“The more you write, the higher score you might get in Task 2!”👍

My overall word count for my last exam was around 400, where I had to write just 250.

However, it might backfire on you as you try to write more. This is just because of the ideas you are covering which might be redundant, and grammar mistakes you are making.

A counter myth:

“The more you write, the more mistakes you might make.” 📚

Imankulov| IELTS

16 Jan, 17:36

Endi Writing dars o’tmasak bo’lmaydiyov)) Nima dedilar?

Imankulov| IELTS

16 Jan, 17:35

Task 2 breakdown of mine. I almost wrote a band 9.0 Task 2!

Task Response 9.0
Coherence and Cohesion 9.0
Lexical Resource 9.0
Grammatical Range and Accuracy 8.0

Imankulov| IELTS

16 Jan, 17:31

Booooom narsa ko’rsataymi?

Imankulov| IELTS

16 Jan, 06:10

- Iphone nega olgansan?
- Podcast eshitishga)

Imankulov| IELTS

16 Jan, 06:04

I am enjoying this so much. Listening, reading, writing, shadowing, and vocabulary at the same time.

Imankulov| IELTS

15 Jan, 15:31

Apparently, I was too optimistic on myself. I had a flu, and I thought I would recover by now. But after conducting lessons, I almost can’t speak.

Sorry, folks. 😑 Will do it soon, tho)

I will show you how Writing 8.0 looks like.

Imankulov| IELTS

15 Jan, 11:20

Today will discuss:

IELTS WRITING Task 2 band descriptors and how to improve them;

How to research topics to write essays;

How to get feedback from ChatGPT on our essays;

One of the past IELTS writing Task 2 questions;

Imankulov| IELTS

15 Jan, 11:11

Writing bo’lsa, writing!⚡️

How many of these ⚡️ 🔥we can get her?

Imankulov| IELTS

15 Jan, 10:39

Anaqqisa, live reading mi writing mi ko’rvoramizmi?)

Imankulov| IELTS

12 Jan, 13:30

The pie charts compare the proportions of five different book genres sold by a bookseller from 1972 to 2012. Overall, adult and children’s fiction exhibited upward trends of varying degrees, while biography, travel, and other unspecified genres went in the opposite direction. The most pronounced growth occurred in the sales of adult fiction.

In 1972, adult and children’s fiction each accounted for a fifth of the total sales, after which they both experienced slight increases to 25% and 22%, respectively. Over the course of the next 20 years, the former catapulted to 45%, whereas the latter saw a modest increase to 25%.

In sharp contrast, the remaining categories bucked the trend. Biography, which initially matched the share of fiction books, dropped significantly to 15% in 1992 and further to 8% in 2012. As for travel-related books, the figure made up 15% of the sales in 1972, which then went up slightly by just 3 percentage points. However, it had declined drastically to a mere tenth by the end of the period. Lastly, other genres, which comprised the highest percentage at the start (25%), had halved by 2012.

188 words

Imankulov| IELTS

12 Jan, 10:16

Moki pas chiqqanini bilib turib yana osha eski dars va kam vaqt bilan shugullanib 9 olishni orzu qiladiganlar

Imankulov| IELTS

12 Jan, 09:02

IELTS imtihonidan past ball oladigan ko’pchilik o’quvchilar turlari:

1. Focus qilolmaydi, har xil narsalarga chalg’iydiganlar;

2. Teamwork da umuman qatnashmaydigan, hammasini o’zim qilaman deydiganlar;

3. Imtihon yaqinlashgani sari qilinishi kerak bo’lgan ishlarni kamaytiradiganlar;

4. Ustoz o’rgatganlariga e’tibor qilmaydigan, yoki shubha qiladiganlar;

5. Qiladigan ishlariga, gaplariga ig’vo aralashtiradiganlar;

Hozircha shular, anaqqisa, bu listga yana guvohi bo’lgan elementlarimni qo’shib boraman.

Sizlarda ham bormi yana variantlar. Comment section da yozib qoldiring👇🏻

Imankulov| IELTS

04 Jan, 18:32

Send this to your overmotivated friend right now and say nothing.

Imankulov| IELTS

04 Jan, 18:27

My dreams are bigger than just bein' on the rich list!

Imankulov| IELTS

04 Jan, 18:14

Set this as your alarm clock and watch your performance at work go up 100%.

#adultlife 💸

Imankulov| IELTS

04 Jan, 18:06

O’sha gap, ozgina xohish bo’lsa hammasini hal qilsa bo’ladi, xohish bo’lmasa bu bahona shunchaki!

Imankulov| IELTS

04 Jan, 18:05

An advanced level of magic!🫣

Incorporating ChatGPT into my magic! 😵‍💫

Imankulov| IELTS

04 Jan, 18:02


See how I do magic?! 🤯

I just type those words on Youtube’s searching part! 😱

Imankulov| IELTS

04 Jan, 17:54

Bir gap bo’lar, qaysi biriga siqilaman!)

Imankulov| IELTS

04 Jan, 17:44

Do you understand how angry I am? Well, I am this far from using offensive language, believe me)

Imankulov| IELTS

04 Jan, 17:39

Well, it is not my job! My job is to teach you English and IELTS! You are not paying me to change you! Kallani ishlatish kerak!

Imankulov| IELTS

04 Jan, 17:38

Well change your damn personality then! This life is fierce, if you want to survive, change!!!

Some might say it is your job to change students’ personality, isn’t it?

Imankulov| IELTS

04 Jan, 17:37

Zerikarli emasmi? Darslarda aktivlik ko’rsatib, vazifalarda qatnashib, ko’proq speaking qilib, savollar so’ragan yaxshi emasmi? Qiziq emasmi? How being silent can be interesting, or even satisfying! Life is short!

Personality si shunaqada, inson tabiati shunaqa deysizlarmi?

Imankulov| IELTS

04 Jan, 17:35

Jiiiim yuradigan o’quvchilar borku, o’shalarni tushunmaymanda. Fellow teacherlar bo’lsa gaplarimni confirm qilib yuborilar!

Imankulov| IELTS

04 Jan, 12:38

This video is full of Task 1 and Task 2 language.

Imankulov| IELTS

04 Jan, 12:38

Imankulov| IELTS

28 Dec, 16:12

I am not competing with ANYONE! I am not chasing that 9.0! It is all about my own pleasure! I enjoy that!

Imankulov| IELTS

28 Dec, 15:56



Imankulov| IELTS

28 Dec, 15:55

Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out
Till my legs give out, can't shut my mouth

Imankulov| IELTS

28 Dec, 08:41

Hozirgi dunyoda yutish juda ham oson bo’lib qolgan. Avvalgi davrlarga o’xshab ustingizda 10-15-20 soatlab ishlash shart emas, kuniga bir necha soat, hattoki daqiqa ishlang, qolganlardan kilometrlab oshib ketasiz. Chunki juda ko’p insonlar to’xtab turibdi! Vaqtini behudaga sarf qilayapti, hayotini sovuryapti, siz uchun eng yaxshi tomoni u odamlar focusini borgan sari zaiflashtiryapti. Siz qiladigan ish, shunchaki ular qilayotgan ishlarni qilmang, consistent bo’ling, bo’ldi. Siz dayerli Top 1% ga chiqasiz O’zbekistonda.

Imankulov| IELTS

27 Dec, 19:49

The moment a Queen started ruling Great Britain.

Imankulov| IELTS

27 Dec, 17:50

Channel name was changed to «Imankulov| IELTS»

Imankulov| IELTS

26 Dec, 13:56

When your class is about Urbanization!

Imankulov| IELTS

25 Dec, 15:25

I also had this cue card in my real exam 2 years ago. That was the first time I got 8.0 overall, with 7.5 in speaking. At that time, I just made up a river that goes through our country, and I said it is very important for agricultural purposes.

Imankulov| IELTS

25 Dec, 15:23

Describe an important river or lake in your country.

You should say ✍️

➡️ where it is located
➡️ how big/long it is
➡️ what it looks like
➡️ and explain why it is important.

Since Uzbekistan is a double-landlocked country, we don’t really see much water here. There is absolutely no access to seas or oceans, and the climate is pretty dry because of that, but we still have a couple of rivers and a very popular lake in the Tashkent region that is called Charvak. It is one of the most visited locations in the country and many families’ favourite destination, especially during holidays. In terms of size, I think it’s pretty small, and as far as I know, it only covers a distance of about 3 kilometres. But even that is enough because of how rare it is to see any bodies of water in this country. The unique feature of this lake is its colour which seems to be a mix of blue and green, attracting thousands of locals and tourists in every season, but I would still choose summer as the season when the lake is in its most beautiful condition. Charvak is obviously important in both environmental and economic sense, as it helps the biodiversity of the region and serves as a holiday destination. There are numerous hotels and resorts in that area, and I am planning to go there soon with my friends.

205 words.

#PartTwo 🖥

@ieltsaidbydilshodbek 🔈

Imankulov| IELTS

25 Dec, 08:20

How it is difficult to generate ideas to write essays with these documentaries?

Imankulov| IELTS

25 Dec, 07:20

Video haqidagisiga Part 2 deb yozib qo’yibman. Part 4 edi.

Imankulov| IELTS

25 Dec, 05:05

Serial ko’p ko’rgan o’quvchi Part 1 da;
Bunday videolar ko’rgan o’quvchi Part 2 da;
Ko’p podcast eshitgan o’quvchi Part 2-3 da;

XATO QILMAYDI! (Bu degani Listening dan 9.0 olsa bo’ladi, hattoki birinchi urunishdayoq. Faqat ko’p qilish kerak o’sha aytilganlarni)

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

06 Dec, 18:04

Jaydarichasiga aytsam, writing dan baland ball olish uchun tipa kundalik tuting, hech bo’lmaganda kuningiz, yoki darsingiz qanday o’tganini, nima o’rganganizni, darsdagi grammar va vocab bilan yozing. Pre ni va Inter ni tugatib ham bemalol 7.0 olsez bo’ladi writingga.

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

06 Dec, 18:01

The Secret to Mastering IELTS Writing— Start Journaling

If you’re looking for a simple yet powerful way to improve your IELTS Writing skills, the answer lies in a practice as old as time—journaling.

Here’s why journaling is a game-changer:

✔️Boosts Your Writing Fluency

Writing in a journal daily helps you express your thoughts more fluidly. Over time, you’ll notice that forming coherent sentences becomes second nature—an invaluable skill for tackling IELTS Writing Task 1 and Task 2.

✔️Enhances Your Vocabulary

When you journal, you naturally explore new words to describe your thoughts and emotions. Challenge yourself to include at least one advanced word or phrase in each entry to gradually expand your lexical range.

✔️Improves Grammar in Context

Journaling forces you to apply grammar rules in a meaningful context. Instead of memorizing grammar structures, you’ll learn to use them naturally and accurately.

✔️Builds Confidence

Journaling is a low-pressure way to practice. There’s no examiner, no score—just you and your thoughts. The more you write, the more confident you’ll feel when it’s time to tackle the exam.

How to Get Started👍

✔️Set a timer for 10 minutes and write nonstop. Don’t worry about perfection. Just let your ideas flow.
✔️Pick an IELTS-style topic or simply write about your day, your thoughts, or your dreams.
✔️Reflect on your entries. Re-read them to identify areas for improvement, such as sentence variety, grammar, or cohesion.

Remember, every great writer started somewhere, and for you, that “somewhere” can be a blank page in a journal. Start today, and watch your IELTS Writing skills transform!

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

06 Dec, 17:44

Orelarda writing 7.0+ olishni xohlaydiganlar bormi?

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

06 Dec, 17:18

We, me and my students, have this close community on telegram. Whenever I look at the number of group members, I still try keep myself optimistic that we are more than enough to change the society.

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

06 Dec, 08:42

You can do a lot of things within this period, but again depending on your mindset.

If you have a growth/winning mindset, you can spend this period quite productively.

But if you have a fixed-loser mindset, you already failed this year.

So, make a plan, and just do it!

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

06 Dec, 07:23

me preparing a lesson for PRE-IELTS groups!

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

05 Dec, 17:44

Rovno 1 soat-u 43 minut gaplashibmiz. Umid qilamanki foydali bo’ldi.

Sizlarga ham katta rahmat⚡️

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

05 Dec, 17:43

Live stream finished (1 hour)

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

05 Dec, 17:11

Shark Tank - YouTube

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

05 Dec, 16:52

Johhny Harris - YouTube

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

05 Dec, 16:51

Curiosity Daily - podcast

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

05 Dec, 16:04

a post for questions.

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

05 Dec, 16:01


Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

05 Dec, 16:00

Live stream started

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

05 Dec, 13:32

Less than 3 hours left!

Will you be there?

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

05 Dec, 06:22

I hope you know the phrase “against all the odds”)

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

05 Dec, 06:17

Against all the odds, lezzz gooo!

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

30 Nov, 06:53

Why do people emigrate to another country?

People emigrate for various reasons. A common one is economic opportunities, as they seek better jobs, higher salaries, or improved living conditions. Education is another key factor, with students moving abroad to attend prestigious universities.

Some emigrate for family reunification, joining relatives who are already settled in another country. Others leave due to political instability or conflict, seeking safety and asylum. Finally, some move for personal reasons, like experiencing a new culture, enjoying a better climate, or pursuing a different lifestyle. In essence, people emigrate to improve their lives in one way or another.

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

29 Nov, 20:30

that part was the highlight of the movie for me.

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

29 Nov, 18:24

You have to be crazy about success, you have to crave for success, you have to be obsessed with success. And then you will be successful.

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

28 Nov, 09:37

Something is happening to people IG)

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

28 Nov, 09:37

That day’s passage 1, and I think we included all the tips and techniques you need for Passage 1, and overall reading.

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

28 Nov, 09:29

Time to do Passage 2?!

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

27 Nov, 16:44

If you want, I also can work on making timetables, to-do lists, schedules, and basically everything about routines)

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

27 Nov, 16:42

Is focus important? And How can I keep myself focused?

there you go

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

27 Nov, 14:27

Qanday qilib shu 1 soat avval chiqqan, va men sal avval tashagan article ga oid videoni ko’rmaslik mumkin? Tushunmaymanda)

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

27 Nov, 11:20

do you know the difference between feline and canine?

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

27 Nov, 10:58


Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

27 Nov, 10:57


Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

27 Nov, 10:49

Overall, is this question difficult or easy?

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

27 Nov, 10:48

What do you think would be the element that can help you deal with this question easily?

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

27 Nov, 09:01


This is how it should be analysed.

Yellow- connecting devices, linking words, cohesive devices, which basically lead to an increase in Coherence and Cohesion.

Purple- mentioning steps in the overview.

Green- cool language items.

Underlined- cool transition within the report, not to forget the subject, and to ensure not to repeat the same word again and again.

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

26 Nov, 18:42

shuni korish shartmi deymanda

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

25 Nov, 16:26

Do you normally watch podcasts? If you do, do you have any suggestions for me to watch?

Hech ko`rgan podcastilarni ichida "Vaaaauuuu" devorganilar bormi?

Btw, in English)

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

25 Nov, 10:54

Do you think drama should be a school subject for all students, or just a hobby for those who are really interested?

— I believe drama should be offered as a school subject for all students, rather than just a hobby for those who are particularly interested. Drama fosters creativity, improves communication skills, and helps students build confidence. These are essential life skills that can benefit everyone, regardless of their career path. Additionally, it teaches teamwork and empathy, as students often have to put themselves in someone else's shoes to portray a character. That said, I don’t think it should be mandatory for every student to perform on stage, as not everyone may feel comfortable doing so. Instead, schools could offer drama as an elective subject, allowing those who are genuinely passionate to dive deeper into it, while others can still benefit from occasional activities in their regular curriculum.

It is not an IELTS question, but still look at the way it has been responded. Just splendid)
Again, can you make a list of phrases you learned from the post down below👇🏻

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

25 Nov, 08:00

How do you usually plan your trips?

— I usually start by researching the destination online, looking for attractions and local recommendations. Then, I create a rough itinerary, book accommodation, and figure out transportation options. I also like to leave some time for spontaneous activities.

Do you like to try local food when you travel? Why or why not?

— Absolutely! Trying local food is one of the best parts of travelling. It’s a great way to experience the culture and discover new flavors and dishes that I wouldn’t get to try at home.

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

25 Nov, 07:30

U learn any new phrases, write them down in the comment section👇🏻

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

25 Nov, 07:20

What kinds of places do you like to visit on holiday?

— I enjoy visiting both natural landscapes, like mountains and beaches, and vibrant cities around Uzbekistan with lots of history and culture. It depends on my mood, but I love a mix of relaxation and adventure.

Do you prefer travelling alone or with others? Why?

— I prefer travelling with others because it's more fun to share experiences and memories with friends or family. Plus, having company makes it easier to handle any challenges that might come up during the trip.

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

25 Nov, 07:08

Do you like travelling? Why or why not?

— Yes, I love travelling. It gives me a chance to explore new places, meet different people, and experience diverse cultures. It's always exciting to see how life is lived in different parts of the world.

How often do you travel?

— I try to travel at least twice a year, usually during my holidays. I think it's important to take a break from routine and recharge by visiting new places.

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

23 Nov, 18:43

Now, I am literally cramming for an exam, which is not recommended to anybody. 🥲

Btw, do you know the phrase to cram for an exam?

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

23 Nov, 12:53

Shularni o’qib tugatilar, reading 9.0 bo’ladi, men javvob)

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

23 Nov, 12:07

How can you not love inside reading?🤦🏻‍♂️

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

23 Nov, 08:14


Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

23 Nov, 08:11


If you are interested in an IELTS BOOST course kicking off in December, you have the great chance to sign up for that.

After having studied for 3 months, we will have a month of intensive practice with non-Cambridge authentic materials. The exam will be in March.

So, you have the opportunity to achieve your aim of getting 7.0+ during the first 3 months of 2025.

👍 Previous course results!
👍 Student feedback!

For further details:

DM: @MOzoda_1810

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

23 Nov, 06:40

Ustozilarni g`iyat qilgandan ko`ra o`qinglar odam bolalari😄

shunaqa odamlarga jo`natib qo`yamiz)

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

23 Nov, 06:36

If you don't give your everything to your studies(process), you will get nothing in return(result)!

If you want try to prove me wrong, take 6 months, a year, a year and a half. Try) After this long period, you will realize I was right, and you will have lost your precious time for nothing!

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

22 Nov, 16:44

Qasos haqida

-Qo’pol gapirdi. Gaplashib olishga bordik. Ko’pchilik bo’lib bizni do’pposlashdi. Endi nima qilaylik? Biz ham uraylikmi?

Shogirdlar maslahat so’rashdi. Javobini hamma bilishi kerak deb o’yladim.

Eng kuchlilar ham bir vaqtda 7ta odamga qarshi chiqolgan xolos. (Jack Dempsey). Kuchning chegarasi shu. Kuchi bilan tanilganlar pichoqlanish ehtimoli katta bo’ladi. Buni rahmatli sportchilarning oilalari tasdiqlaydi.

Aql va axloq bilan minglab odamga qarshi chiqish, ergashtirish mumkin. Bunga olimlar-u, bloggerlar yaqqol misol bo’ladi.

Qasos olmoqchi bo’lsangiz - zolimga o’xshamaslikka harakat qiling. Eng yaxshi qasos shu bo’ladi.

Qasos olmoqchi bo’lsangiz - yaxshi yashang. E’tibordagi odam bo’ling. Bitta shapaloq o’tadi, ketadi, bu qasos esa doimiy shapaloq bo’ladi.

Qasos olmoqchi bo’lsangiz - uni kechirib yuboring. O’zini yutgan hisoblayversin. Yutqazganini yillar o’tib tushunib yetadi.

Tushunganida - kech bo’ladi.

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

22 Nov, 11:58


Shunaqa kontent ko`rilar, kelajagilar uchun foyda. Tgda yoki f2f o`tirvolib, bo`lar-bo`lmasga gap sotavermasdan!

(eng qizig`i, gap sotyotganlarni 99%i, gap sotmayapman, talkoviy ish qilyapman deb o`ylaydi).

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

21 Nov, 20:04

No rivals, no competition with others.

Me vs Me!

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

20 Nov, 18:29

Ertaga Inside Reading boshlamoqchiman o’zim o’qishni. Intro, 1,2,3,4 ni ya’ni 5 ta kitobni tugatishimga qancha vaqt ketadi, what do you think?

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

20 Nov, 16:19

See, we have good things to be greatful for. Keep your head up, good days are to come, stay positive🙂

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

20 Nov, 16:07

Mention a good thing or feeling you had today👇🏻

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

20 Nov, 16:07

How was your day, good people?

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

20 Nov, 14:56

Nega chiqib ketadimi? Chunki, haqiqat ko’p gapiriladi bugun)

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

20 Nov, 14:56

These are the people left the channel last. Bugun yana boshqalar ham chiqishni boshlaydi. Lekin hammani shu yerda post qilaman😂

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

20 Nov, 14:10

O’zini aldash deganda nimani tushunasiz o’zi?

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

20 Nov, 14:09

O’zimni tajribamdan kelib chiqib aytaman, IELTS 8.0 uchun xarakter kerak ekan. O’quvchilarda ko’raman, ko’zida olov yo’q, “neobichniy” lik yo’q, juda ko’pchiligi o’rtacha, typical people. 8.0 uchun siz alohida bo’lib turishiz kerak, majority bilan bir xil bo’lishiz kerak emas. Va o’zingizni aldamang!

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

19 Nov, 19:49

Bu gaparni siza hatto ota-onangiz ham aytmaydi(faqat negative tushunilmasin), hech kim aytmaydi. Lekin shu postdan keyin 2 ta subscriber kanaldan chiqib ketdi. Bu ham zo`r message sizlarga. Ba'zilar bu narsalarga e'tiber bermayotganda siz xulosa qilishingiz mumkin. Agar gaplarim yaxshi yetib borgan bo`lsa, uje 1 qadam oldindasiz)

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

19 Nov, 19:41

common philosophy yo`q, o`zingizga o`zingiz yo`l pave qiling. Boshqalarni gapini eshitib "aa shunaqa ekanda demang", boshqalarga ishlagan narsa sizga ishlamasligi mumkin. Bu dunyoda sizni ota-onangizdan boshqa barcha o`zini foydasini o`ylaydi. Aqilliroq bo`ling, go`l bo`lmang. Xa yaxshi odam bo`lish kerak, lekin juda yaxshi bo`lgan odamlar xush ko`rilmaydi bu zamonaviy dunyoda. Savobli ishlar qilish kerak, dinimiz tomondan ham odamgarchilik tomondan ham bu juda muhum, lekin ba'zan xudbin bo`lish ham kerak. Xullas, aytmoqchi bo`lganim, sizda hamma sifatlardan bo`lishi kerak. Lekin qaysi biridan qancha miqdorda olasiz, bu sizni qaroringiz. O`zingizdagi story oxirida "yeb qo`ygan" jabrlanuvchi bo`lib qolmasez bo`ldi. Yana bir gap, oxirida siz o`sha jabrlanuvchi bo`lganizdagi bechora holatingiz hech kimga qiziqmas, shunday ekan "shustriy" roq va tezroq bo`ling.

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

19 Nov, 06:36

​​ 😍 Yana bir o'quvchimizdan IELTS 7.0!

🎯 Gorizont filialimizda Mr.Akmal'ning IELTS BOOST guruhlarida tahsil olgan o'quvchimiz Mirsalimova Nafisa IELTS imtihonidan yuqori 7.0 ballni qo'lga kiritdi.

Natijalari bilan tanishing:
🎯 Listening — 8.0 ball;
🎯 Reading — 7.5 ball;
🎯 Writing — 6.0 ball;
🎯 Speaking — 6.0 ball;
🔥 Overall band score — 7.0 ball.

Hoziroq kurslarimizga yoziling va o’zingiz istagan natijani qo’lga kiriting!

Ingliz tili kurslarida ta’lim olish uchun izohda "" belgisini qoldiring.

💻 Kurslarga yozilish uchun

👩‍💻Administratorga yozish

Biz bilan bog'lanish uchun :


Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

18 Nov, 19:29

So, it turns out I am not gonna be the first Akmal getting 9.0 overall)

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

18 Nov, 12:20

Describe an old friend that you got in contact with again
You should say:

Who this person is
How you got in contact with him/her again
What you talked about
And explain how you felt about it.

— I’d like to talk about my childhood friend Muhammad, who I recently reconnected with after many years. We were very close in primary school, spending almost every day together. Muhammad was a cheerful and adventurous person who loved football as much as I did. Unfortunately, when his family moved to another city, we lost touch, as social media wasn’t common back then.

About six months ago, I came across his profile on Instagram while scrolling through my suggested contacts. Seeing his picture brought back so many memories, so I decided to send him a message. To my surprise, he replied almost instantly, and we started catching up on everything we had missed over the years.

We eventually met up in person a few weeks later, and it was such a nostalgic moment. We talked about our school days, laughed about the mischief we used to get into, and even reminisced about our football matches in the neighborhood. It turned out we still shared many interests, including football, and he told me he now plays in a local amateur team.

Reconnecting with Muhammad was truly special. It felt like we had picked up right where we left off, and it made me realize how valuable old friendships are. It’s comforting to know that even after all these years, some bonds remain strong.

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

18 Nov, 06:21

Can robots be reliable friends in the future?

Robots could potentially be reliable friends in the future as technology advances. They can provide companionship, assist with tasks, and even offer emotional support through artificial intelligence. However, their reliability depends on how well they understand human emotions and needs. While robots may fulfill certain roles, they might lack the genuine empathy and connection that human friendships provide.

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

17 Nov, 14:20

These are Part 3 questions that candidates got in the CDI exam last week.

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

17 Nov, 14:19

Should elder people read books?

— Yes, elder people should read books as it offers numerous benefits. Reading helps keep their minds active, improves memory, and can even reduce stress. It’s also a great way to stay informed or entertained, depending on the type of books they choose. Additionally, it can help them maintain a sense of purpose and continue learning, which is important for mental well-being in old age.
Although it helps them a great deal, it is not that they have to be forced to read.

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

17 Nov, 14:08

How old people spend their time?

— Elderly people spend their time in various ways depending on their interests and health. Many enjoy hobbies like gardening, reading, or knitting, while others stay active through light exercise such as walking or yoga. Socializing with family and friends is also common, and some dedicate time to volunteering or passing on traditions. Additionally, many older people are embracing technology to connect with loved ones or explore new interests online.

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

16 Nov, 12:11

"If ChatGPT had not existed yet, there would not be so many niners in Uzbekistan by now."

What conditional sentence is this?

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

15 Nov, 15:41

Still doubting how I teach writing, speaking, and IELTS itself?) C’mooon.

First of all, it is all about them, my students. They all are brilliant, smart, and most importantly wise(with a great mindset). They can achieve a lot of great accomplishments in the future, and I wish them luck.

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

15 Nov, 11:33

When your writing is higher than your overall score:

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

15 Nov, 09:41

Overall 6.5 ball bilan IELTS missiyasini tugatgan talabalarimizni tabriklab qolamiz va kelgusida yanada yuqoriroq natijalarni tilab qolamiz!

✔️Some of these people here were a bit unfortunate, as all of them scored 0.5 shy of Overall 7.0! Anyways, it is a lesson for us, and I wish them luck in their future endeavors.

Instructor: Mr Akmal
Imankulov (IELTS 8.5)

iKnow Academy
Success, nothing less!

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

15 Nov, 09:16

🎉Ushbu talabalarimiz xalqaro IELTS imtihonidan 6.0 ballni qo'lga kiritishdi va kirish imtihonlarida Ingliz tilidan 100% lik ball bilan ozod etilishdi.

Instructor: Mr Akmal
Imankulov (IELTS 8.5)

iKnow Academy
Success, nothing less!

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

07 Nov, 20:06

Find a good mentor, don’t believe everyone who seems intelligent. Hamma yaltirab ko’ringan narsa ham oltin bo’lavermaydi)

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

07 Nov, 20:04

People, especially young people, like students have to find a proper person to follow, a proper person to listen to. Not everybody can be listened and looked up to.

Remember, mentors and teachers affect youngsters, if you are misleading them, you are changing lives for the worst!

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

07 Nov, 17:09

I am friendly, right?

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

06 Nov, 17:41

Stuff in your past is like a carving on the bark of a sapling. Over time, the scar, the carving, won’t go away. Because of the way trees grow, it won’t go up or down much either. It’ll just stay right where it began, it might even get darker.

But it won’t get bigger.

You, however, can.

You can keep growing, doing more things, more branches, BEING more things.
The wound won’t get smaller, but you can make it a smaller part of who you are.

- Vsauce

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

06 Nov, 17:09

One of the best Tv-series ever.

I think everyone should/must/have to watch it, especially men!

I would not call a man studying IELTS, and not watching this tv-show a man!

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

05 Nov, 17:20

I really hope you enjoyed it, you can give your feedback in the comment section below. 🙂

If you liked it, we will have more live streams like this more in the future.

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

05 Nov, 17:19

There you go!

The passage we looked through today


Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

05 Nov, 17:18

Live stream finished (1 hour)

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

05 Nov, 17:17

Advice to students:

Passage 1 - 15 minutes
Passage 2 - 20 minutes
Passage 3 - 25 minutes

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

05 Nov, 17:15

My timing:

Passage 1 - 11-12 minutes
Passage 2 - 17-18 minutes
Passage 3 - 30 minutes

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

05 Nov, 17:05


Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

05 Nov, 17:05

Q/A ?

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

05 Nov, 16:34

Can you hear me well?

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

05 Nov, 16:12

35 people

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

05 Nov, 16:10

Live stream started

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

05 Nov, 16:03

Will there be more than 100 people?🤔

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

05 Nov, 16:00

Live stream scheduled for

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

02 Nov, 14:49

Try this one)

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

02 Nov, 14:24

I will make a detailed and in-depth post ASAP!

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

02 Nov, 14:23

✔️So, after today’s test, I have some things to tell you people here.

I have been teaching new IELTS BOOST group for a month now, and I started using Cambridge 7-8-9 for the start. And there you can see some sections with instructions being “No more than THREE words”, which we could see in today’s test as well. Practicing the materials which really can help you in the real test is a top priority in my courses.

Me predicting and making people ready for any kind of reading passages and listening tests is another topic of a post! 👍

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

02 Nov, 12:52



Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

02 Nov, 09:54

The first time, I hope you will support us.

See you there…

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

02 Nov, 09:54

Brace yourself for a legendary speaking mock test between Mr. Husniddin and Mr. Akmal 📣

✅️ Date: November 3 📆

✅️ Time: 9 pm

✅️ Platform: Telegram 💬

P.S. - Share this exciting news with your friends and tell them to tune in to see how we perform during a simulated IELTS speaking test

#ClashOfTitans ⚔️

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

02 Nov, 07:33

Channel photo updated

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

02 Nov, 05:49

😍 Bugun Mr. Akmal’ning 20’dan ortiq talabasi xalqaro IELTS imtihonini topshirishga yo’l olishmoqda.

🎉 Barcha o'quvchilarimizga omad tilaymiz va duo qilishingizni so'rab qolamiz!

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

02 Nov, 03:46

Bugun inShaa’Alloh asosiy imtihon.
Duoingizga muhtojmiz, biz uchu
n duo da bo’ling, Alloh yuzumizni yorug’ qilsin.

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

01 Nov, 15:07

Yaxshi natija uchun yaxshi o’qishni o’zi yetarli emas. Kimnidur, ayniqsa ustozingni norozi qilgan bo’lsang, ikki dunyo o’smaysan. Hech qachon esingdan chiqmasin!

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

31 Oct, 18:24

My words, if you know)

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

31 Oct, 14:47

Being optimistic, bringing out the best in everything is also a skill I guess. 👍

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

30 Oct, 15:00

What do you say if there will be a chance for you to witness a real IELTS speaking session between two prominent speaking 8.0 holders? 👍

P.S -It is gonna be streamed on telegram.

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

30 Oct, 10:38

​​ 😍 Yana bir o'quvchimizdan IELTS 7.0!

🎯 Gorizont filialimizda Mr.Akmal'ning IELTS guruhlarida tahsil olgan o'quvchimiz Muxiddinova Visola IELTS imtihonidan yuqori 7.0 ballni qo'lga kiritdi.

Natijalari bilan tanishing:
🎯 Listening — 8.0 ball;
🎯 Reading — 7.0 ball;
🎯 Writing — 6.5 ball;
🎯 Speaking — 6.0 ball;
🔥 Overall band score — 7.0 ball.

Hoziroq kurslarimizga yoziling va o’zingiz istagan natijani qo’lga kiriting!

Ingliz tili kurslarida ta’lim olish uchun izohda "" belgisini qoldiring.

💻 Kurslarga yozilish uchun

👩‍💻Administratorga yozish

Biz bilan bog'lanish uchun :


Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

30 Oct, 05:36

Normalniy narsa tashasam, 2 ta subscriber chiqib ketdi😂

Kanalni biosiga “faqat yuqori mindset egalari uchun” deb yozib qo’yishim kerak menimcha)

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

30 Oct, 05:27

What topic would you like to be the first?

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

30 Oct, 05:24

“I got into photography and started posting my work. I comment on other photographers’ posts, asking questions about their techniques. Sometimes, I’ll suggest collaborating or meeting up for a shoot if they’re local. Most people are open to it, and it’s helped me meet others who share my passion for photography.”

Look at the languages used here. It was all about the topic “Hobby”, what if I create more of this for all the topics that are common in IELTS? What ya say?

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

23 Oct, 19:00

Yo’q unaqa yo’l!

Reading comprehension degan narsa bo’lmasa, super buper giper strategiya bo’lmaydimi, o’xshamaydi! Bunaqa videolarni ko’rormasdan ko’proq magazine-article o’qing.

Bular o’rgatayotgan narsalar faqat o’sha sample qilib tanlangan passage gagina ishlaydi, boshqalariga emas!

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

23 Oct, 11:49

🔥 Mr. Akmal’ning navbatdagi o’quvchilari erishgan IELTS natijalari!

😍 Bu safar iKnow Academy’ning Gorizont filialida, Mr.Akmal’ning IELTS guruhida tahsil olgan o’quvchilarimiz IELTS imtihonidan yuqori ballarni qo’lga kiritdilar!

Yuqori natijalar bilan tanishing:

🔹Umbetova Muxayyo - 7.5
🔹Abduvaitova Sarvinoz - 7.5
🔹Urozaliyeva Muslima - 7.0
🔹Eshboyeva Milana - 7.0
🔹Djumanazarov Diyorbek - 7.0

Agar siz ham o'z natijangizni oʻquv markazimizning eng yaxshi natijalari qatorida ko'rishni istasangiz, unda kurslarimizga yoziling va biz bilan eng yuqori ballga ega bo'ling.

Darslarimizga ro‘yxatdan o‘tish uchun izohlarda "" belgisini qoldiring, onlayn ro‘yxatdan o‘ting yoki adminlarimizga qo‘ng‘iroq qiling.

💻 Kurslarga online roʻyxatdan oʻtish uchun

👩‍💻Administratorga yozish

Biz bilan bog'lanish uchun:


Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

22 Oct, 14:29

This is mine)

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

22 Oct, 14:27

Try this one)

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

22 Oct, 14:27

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

22 Oct, 05:12

I do from Uzbekistan)

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

21 Oct, 11:08

One of those rarest students⚡️

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

21 Oct, 11:08

Ajoyib natija! Listening 8.5!🤩

😍 iKnow Academy o‘quvchisi Shahrizoda Abduraxmanova, Gorizont filialida Mr. Akmalning IELTS kurslarini tamomlab, Overall Band 7.5 ball qo'lga kiritdi.

Natijalari bilan tanishing:
✔️Listening: 8.5
✔️Reading: 7.5
✔️Writing: 6.5
✔️Speaking: 6.5
🔥Overall band score — 7.5 ball

Sizda ham shunday natijalarni qo'lga kiritish uchun imkoniyat bor. Buning uchun Ingliz tili kurslarimizga yoziling va o'z maqsadlaringiz tomon qadam tashlashni boshlang!🤝

Ingliz tili kurslariga ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun izohda "" belgisini qoldiring, yoki online ro'yxatdan o'ting.

💻 Kurslarga online roʻyxatdan oʻtish uchun

👩‍💻Administratorga yozish

Biz bilan bog'lanish uchun:


Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

21 Oct, 07:11

1️⃣ Task 1 was about losing hearing ability, and most people wrote "loose hearing". Lose and loose have different meanings.

lose (v) - be deprived of or cease to have or retain (something).
I've lost my appetite
loose (adj) - (of a garment) not fitting tightly or closely.
she slipped into a loose T-shirt

2️⃣ The best word to show the start of an overview paragraph is Overall or In general.

Most candidates go for overly lengthy options such as "From an overall perspective, it can be readily seen that.." or "what stands out from the graph is that". Neither of these adds any substance to your overview. My suggestion is to simply start with "Overall" and write the first key feature - the most general one, if possible.

3️⃣ Another common mistake relates to the selection of the verb in the introduction. I am sure your examiner doesn't care much for the introduction, so there is no point in trying to impress or show off here. So words like "elaborate" or "dilienate" or "demonstrate" are not any better than "show" or "compare". So please stick to normal words.

4️⃣ The next problem also relates to the obsession with overparaphrasing. Candidates want to start each sentence with some sort of cohesive device, sometimes so much so that they want to come up with harder alternatives to fixed bridging words like "To begin with" and write "To commence with", which makes no sense. Some candidates even wrote "By way of an example" instead of "For example". These "harder" alternatives are doing more harm than good.

Not my words, but I agree for 100%!

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

20 Oct, 16:40

Manashu gap karoche!

Imankulov| IELTS 8.5

20 Oct, 16:39

O’ylab qolamanda, agar hamma hard work qilib zo’r natijaga erishaversa, qanaqa bo’ladi? Hamma zo’r joyda ishlasa, zo’r pul topib, kayf qilib yashasa. Yo’q unaqa bo’lmaydi. Jamiyatda asosan loserlar bo’ladi, juda ham kam kuchli lar bo’ladi. Agar shu message im dan keyin ham aytilgan, va qilinishi kerak bo’lgan ishlarni qilmasdan o’zingizni kuchlilar qatorida deb o’ylasangiz, uyg’oning! Haqiqiy kuchlilar mazza qilib yashasin, zaiflar, slabiylar, yetarlicha ishlamaydigan o’qimaydigan lar mazza qilib yashashga haqqi yo’q!