میگفت همانطور که قدس برای اعراب مقدس است، کرکوک نیز برای ما مقدس است
HILBIJÊR, a Telegram channel with the username @hilbijer, is a platform dedicated to promoting Kurdish culture, history, and traditions. The channel offers a rich variety of content, including articles, videos, and discussions related to Kurdish literature, music, art, and much more. Whether you are a history enthusiast, a music lover, or simply curious about the Kurdish culture, HILBIJÊR has something for everyone. Joining this channel will provide you with valuable insights into the unique Kurdish heritage and allow you to connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for all things Kurdish. Stay informed, entertained, and inspired by subscribing to HILBIJÊR today!
03 Oct, 23:39
03 Oct, 23:39
20 Sep, 22:54
20 Sep, 22:54
20 Jul, 22:41
20 Jul, 22:41
20 Jul, 22:41
15 Jul, 20:42
15 Jul, 20:42
15 Jul, 20:38
14 Jul, 18:26
13 Jul, 20:01
13 Jul, 19:59
13 Jul, 19:59
13 Jul, 19:59