Welcome to доьхна дог - a Telegram channel dedicated to sharing the beauty of nature and the wonders of the world around us. In Chechen, доьхна дог translates to 'nature's beauty', and that is exactly what you will find on this channel. From breathtaking landscapes to fascinating wildlife, from the changing seasons to the intricate details of plants and flowers, this channel celebrates the diversity and magnificence of the natural world. Whether you are a nature lover, a photography enthusiast, or simply someone who appreciates the beauty of our planet, you will find something to inspire and delight you on доьхна дог. Join us in discovering the incredible beauty of our world and sharing in the wonder and awe of nature's creations. Follow @dkmw_mk01 for daily updates and make sure to invite your friends to join in the journey as well. Together, let's explore, appreciate, and protect the stunning beauty of nature that surrounds us every day.