Welcome to the 'Epidemiology' Telegram channel! If you're passionate about public health and understanding the spread of diseases within populations, then this is the perfect channel for you. The channel is run by the epidemiology department at Tashkent Medical Academy, providing valuable insights, research updates, and discussions on the field of epidemiology. Whether you're a student, researcher, or simply interested in learning more about how diseases are studied and controlled, this channel offers a wealth of information for you. Stay informed about the latest trends, developments, and breakthroughs in the world of epidemiology. Join us on this journey to uncover the mysteries of how diseases spread and how we can prevent them from causing harm. Subscribe now to 'Epidemiology' and become a part of a community dedicated to improving public health worldwide!
22 Feb, 06:01
21 Feb, 04:30
25 Jan, 06:57
18 Jan, 09:34
18 Jan, 09:34
07 Jan, 11:20
11 Dec, 10:21
10 Dec, 03:34
07 Dec, 09:58
06 Dec, 03:41
05 Dec, 17:52
04 Dec, 05:15
03 Dec, 14:21
03 Dec, 14:21
13 Nov, 03:15
11 Nov, 13:28
08 Nov, 05:10
30 Oct, 05:07
21 Oct, 04:44
19 Oct, 07:29
11 Oct, 04:38