⚡️VB REBEL vs. STELA: как немецкие судовладельцы схлопотали анти-suit от лондонского суда
Захватывающая история из Адмиралтейского суда Лондона. Есть такой буксир — VB REBEL. В ноябре 2023 года он спас нидерландский танкер STELA, который прилег носом на камни в порту Роттердама. Операция длилась 45 минут, всё прошло чётко и профессионально. Капитан STELA подписал бумажку, которая по-английски называлась "Certificate of Safe Delivery" — классическая формальность, где чёрным по белому написано: разборки — только в Лондоне, по английскому праву.
Но немецкие владельцы STELA передумали решили схитрить и подали в суд в Роттердаме — типа, это вообще не спасательная операция была, а так, дружеская помощь. Такой юридический гамбит кульбит, конечно, не прокатил. Лондонский суд быстро выдал анти-suit injunction, запрещающий немцам судиться в Нидерландах.
Что делают немецкие судовладельцы? Правильно — игнорируют запрет и продолжают судиться в Роттердаме, где, естественно, получают временное решение: голландский суд считает, что "Лондон" — это слишком расплывчато. Ну ладно.
И вот кульминация: 13 февраля 2025 года в Лондоне проходит финальное слушание. Немцы туда не приходят. Судья смотрит все бумаги, слушает экспертов, изучает доказательства — и в итоге признаёт: да, это был реальный спасательный инцидент. А раз так, то по всем законам моря VB REBEL заслуживает награду — £90,000, из которых немцы должны заплатить £69,039.
Вишенка на торте. Анти-suit закрепляют окончательно, а владельцы STELA теперь ещё и должны оплатить все расходы VB REBEL на защиту в Роттердаме — ещё €25,283.95. Плюс возможность дальше доначислять убытки, если немецкие манёвры продолжатся.
Вывод: не хотите платить за профессиональный морской сервис — не ложитесь на камни у входа в порт. И да, Лондонский суд — это вам не Роттердамская самодеятельность.

Для сотрудничества: @rostislavzenkov

Understanding English Law: An In-Depth Overview
English law is a system steeped in history and tradition, often regarded as one of the most influential legal frameworks in the world. Its foundations are laid in common law, which is derived from judicial decisions and precedents rather than statutory laws. This characteristic distinguishes it from many civil law systems globally. English law governs a myriad of areas, including contracts, torts, property, and crime, offering a structured yet adaptable framework that serves the needs of society. As it continues to evolve, English law incorporates contemporary issues such as technology, human rights, and international relations, reflecting the dynamic nature of modern society. This article aims to shed light on the fundamental principles of English law, its historical significance, and its practical applications in today’s world. In addition, we will address frequently asked questions that navigate through its complexities, providing a clearer understanding of this essential legal system.
What are the primary sources of English law?
The primary sources of English law include legislation, common law, and European Union law, although the latter has seen a shift in significance post-Brexit. Legislation, created by Parliament, forms statutes that are binding and must be followed by individuals and institutions. Common law, on the other hand, is developed by judges through court decisions and established precedents, allowing for flexibility and adaptability in legal ruling.
Additionally, secondary sources such as legal commentaries, textbooks, and scholarly articles provide valuable insights and interpretations of English law. While they do not hold legal weight, these resources serve as important guides for legal practitioners, students, and those interested in understanding the law.
How is English law structured?
The structure of English law is hierarchical, consisting of various levels of legislation and judicial authority. At the top of this hierarchy is statute law, which is made by Parliament. Below this, there are common law principles that arise from judicial decisions in higher courts. The Supreme Court stands as the highest court in the land, its decisions binding on all lower courts, ensuring a uniform application of law across the country.
Additionally, the structure also includes various specialized courts that handle specific areas of law, such as family courts, employment tribunals, and criminal courts. Each of these courts has its own procedural rules and jurisdictions, allowing for a more organized approach to justice.
What role do precedents play in English law?
Precedents, or 'stare decisis', play a crucial role in English law, as they establish legal standards that must be followed in future cases. This principle ensures that cases with similar facts are treated consistently, which preserves the integrity of the legal system and promotes fairness in the administration of justice. Courts are generally required to follow the precedents set by higher courts, thus creating a hierarchy of authority within the legal system.
However, precedents can be overruled by higher courts or adapted for specific cases, allowing the law to evolve. This dynamic aspect of common law means that legal practitioners must continuously stay informed about changes in precedents to effectively represent their clients.
What is the significance of the Human Rights Act 1998 in English law?
The Human Rights Act 1998 is a pivotal piece of legislation in English law that incorporates the rights protected by the European Convention on Human Rights into domestic law. This act allows individuals to seek justice in UK courts for breaches of their rights without having to go to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, streamlining the process for addressing human rights violations.
The Act has significantly influenced various aspects of law and governance, ensuring that public bodies, including the government and local authorities, must act in accordance with the rights enshrined within it. As a result, it has become an essential tool in protecting civil liberties and promoting social justice in the United Kingdom.
How has Brexit affected English law?
Brexit has had profound implications for English law, particularly concerning the relationship between UK law and European Union law. Since leaving the EU, the UK is no longer bound by EU regulations or the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice, allowing for greater legislative independence. However, this also raises questions about the potential divergence in laws and standards between the UK and EU, particularly in areas like trade, labor rights, and environmental policies.
The transition has introduced a level of uncertainty, as lawmakers must now navigate the complexities of crafting laws that previously aligned with EU directives. As a result, legal practitioners are tasked with understanding both the implications of new domestic legislation and the ongoing effects of longstanding EU laws that remain in place.
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