Inglese con Anna 👩🏻‍💻


A new language is a new life!

Inglese con Anna 👩🏻‍💻

08 Oct, 19:41

🇬🇧 Cool new phrase going around

Social Misleadia (Social media + misleading)

It’s all about fake news, fake questionable content.

👉🏼 What did you learn today on social misleadia?

#english #inglese

Inglese con Anna 👩🏻‍💻

08 Oct, 13:02

Your level is B1 if you can translate this text ☺️

🍂 How to Enjoy Autumn 🍂

Autumn is a season full of beauty and coziness. The air is crisp, and the trees are dressed in stunning shades of orange and yellow. Here are 5 great ways to truly enjoy this wonderful time of year:

1. Take a Stroll in Nature
Go for a walk in the park or forest and observe how the leaves change color. Breathe in the fresh autumn air – it's a great way to clear your mind.

2. Get Lost in a Good Book
Autumn is the perfect time to curl up with a good book and a hot drink. Whether it’s a mystery or a romance, let yourself relax and unwind.

3. Practice Gratitude
Autumn is a season of reflection. Take a few minutes to think about the things you're thankful for. Gratitude can boost your mood and bring you peace.

4. Cook Something Comforting
Try out a new autumn recipe! Whether it’s a delicious pumpkin pie, warm apple crumble, or creamy soup, autumn is the season of comfort food.

5. Start a New Hobby or Skill
Use autumn as a chance to learn something new, like a language or a creative skill. It’s the perfect time to focus on personal growth and improvement.

🍁 Don’t let this autumn pass by unnoticed. How are you going to make the most of it?

Inglese con Anna 👩🏻‍💻

07 Oct, 22:37

Guys, this is not me. Please, block this account if you receive a message. I am already taking care of it ❤️

Inglese con Anna 👩🏻‍💻

19 Sep, 15:27

#phrasalverb to say nice things to somebody so that they will help you or give you something

Before asking for a day off, Kate decided to ..... her boss ..... by complimenting his recent successful project presentation.

Inglese con Anna 👩🏻‍💻

29 Aug, 14:41

Guys, ho 2 posti disponibili nel gruppo B1 e B2. Le lezioni iniziano la prossima settimana e si terranno la sera. Mandatemi un messaggio se siete interessati❤️

P.S. Why should you join my group classes? Because they focus on speaking! You’ll gain confidence, improve fluency, and practice real-life conversations in a supportive and engaging setting. Join us to take your speaking skills to the next level!

Inglese con Anna 👩🏻‍💻

20 Aug, 13:28

Favorite quotes from "Alice in Wonderland” 🦄

Inglese con Anna 👩🏻‍💻

01 Aug, 16:18

Inglese con Anna 👩🏻‍💻

29 Jul, 08:07

Some funny words ❤️

The English language has quite a lot of funny and unusual words that native speakers use in everyday life.

Here are a few:

harum-scarum (ˌ herəm ˈ skerəm - reckless, rash; irresponsible) disorganizzato,
disordinato, impulsivo

He had a harum-scarum youth.

heebie-jeebies (heebie-jeebies - goosebumps) brividi

He's giving me the heebie-jeebies

hobnob (nɔb-nɔb - heart-to-heart conversation) essere in confidenza (con)

Jane's mother likes to hobnob with the leading women of the city

Inglese con Anna 👩🏻‍💻

27 May, 15:56

Quando i bambini fanno i capricci, in inglese si dice “throw a tantrum”. Ma cosa succede se a fare i capricci è un adulto? Si usa comunque “throw a tantrum”? 🤔

Una mia studentessa di livello C1 si è bloccata su questo punto la scorsa settimana. La domanda è molto valida, perché i suoi timori erano giusti: “throw a tantrum” di solito non si usa per gli adulti. Tuttavia, “lose control” o “have a meltdown” non sembravano espressioni altrettanto precise. E il livello Advanced è proprio questo: esprimere il pensiero nel modo più accurato possibile. Vi siete già incuriositi anche voi?

In pratica, si dice “have/throw a (right) strop”!

Vediamo un esempio ⬇️

“I’d still have had to cross the Severn, and if you do that you’ve got to stop and give some respect to Sabrina or she throws a right strop,” said Beverley. “I thought that if I was getting my hair wet I might as well take a short cut.”

Beverley è la dea del fiume e non ha il diritto di attraversare un altro fiume senza rendere omaggio alla dea di quel fiume. In questo caso, Sabrina, che è una donna adulta di diverse centinaia di anni.

E per evitare che io “throw a strop” per le poche visualizzazioni e continui a condividere parole simpatiche, lasciate le vostre reazioni!

Inglese con Anna 👩🏻‍💻

27 May, 15:36

My new project 🌺🍷