Welcome to the Ex-Muslim Sahil channel, also known as @eexmuslimsahil on Telegram. This channel is dedicated to raising awareness about the dangers of the Islamic faith, particularly for those who have left the religion like Sahil himself. Sahil, the founder of this channel, used to be a fervent daee (someone who propagates Islam) but has since renounced his beliefs and is now focused on exposing the inhuman practices and beliefs associated with Islam. Through thought-provoking discussions, informative posts, and engaging content, Ex-Muslim Sahil aims to provide a platform for ex-Muslims and non-Muslims alike to learn and discuss the realities of Islam. Join us in this journey of enlightenment and empowerment as we challenge the status quo and shed light on the truth behind the Islamic faith.
17 Jan, 09:18
17 Jan, 09:18
17 Jan, 09:18
17 Jan, 09:13
17 Jan, 09:13
17 Jan, 09:13
17 Jan, 09:13
17 Jan, 09:13
17 Jan, 09:13
17 Jan, 09:13
17 Jan, 09:13
17 Jan, 09:13
17 Jan, 09:13
17 Jan, 09:13
17 Jan, 09:13
17 Jan, 09:13
17 Jan, 09:13
08 Dec, 03:44
08 Dec, 03:41
08 Dec, 03:38
08 Dec, 03:38
08 Dec, 03:38
08 Dec, 03:38
08 Dec, 03:38
08 Dec, 03:38
08 Dec, 03:38
08 Dec, 03:38
08 Dec, 03:37
08 Dec, 03:37
08 Dec, 03:37
08 Dec, 03:37
08 Dec, 03:37
08 Dec, 03:37
08 Dec, 03:37
08 Dec, 03:37
06 Dec, 00:35
06 Dec, 00:29
05 Dec, 03:50
05 Dec, 03:47
05 Dec, 03:42
05 Dec, 03:38
05 Dec, 00:42
05 Dec, 00:41
05 Dec, 00:41
05 Dec, 00:41
05 Dec, 00:41
05 Dec, 00:41
05 Dec, 00:41
05 Dec, 00:41
05 Dec, 00:41
05 Dec, 00:41
04 Dec, 10:13
04 Dec, 02:08
04 Dec, 02:07
04 Dec, 02:07
04 Dec, 02:07
04 Dec, 02:07
04 Dec, 02:07
04 Dec, 02:07
04 Dec, 02:07
04 Dec, 02:07
04 Dec, 02:07
04 Dec, 02:07
04 Dec, 02:07
04 Dec, 02:07
25 Oct, 00:31
25 Oct, 00:28
25 Oct, 00:26
24 Oct, 04:52
24 Oct, 04:52
24 Oct, 04:49
24 Oct, 04:49
24 Oct, 04:29
24 Oct, 04:29
24 Oct, 04:29
24 Oct, 04:29
24 Oct, 04:29
24 Oct, 04:29
24 Oct, 04:29
24 Oct, 04:29
24 Oct, 04:29
24 Oct, 04:29
24 Oct, 04:29
24 Oct, 04:25