آخرین پست‌های የእናቶችና የህፃናት ጤና በዶ/ር ትዕግስት አርጋው (@drpgo) در تلگرام

پست‌های تلگرام የእናቶችና የህፃናት ጤና በዶ/ር ትዕግስት አርጋው

የእናቶችና የህፃናት ጤና በዶ/ር ትዕግስት አርጋው
1,904 مشترک
94 عکس
2 ویدیو
آخرین به‌روزرسانی 11.03.2025 07:46

کانال‌های مشابه

آخرین محتوای به اشتراک گذاشته شده توسط የእናቶችና የህፃናት ጤና በዶ/ር ትዕግስት አርጋው در تلگرام

የእናቶችና የህፃናት ጤና በዶ/ር ትዕግስት አርጋው

13 Jul, 00:30


ተወዳጅ ተፈላጊ እና የረጅም አመት ልምድ ያካበቱ የህፃናት ህክምና ባለሙያዎችን በ አንድ ማእከል!

- የጨቅላ ህፃናት ህክምና
- የህፃናት የተመላላሽና የ24 ሰአት የድንገተኛ ህክምና
- የህፃናት ከአንገት በላይ ህክምና
- የህፃናት የካንሰር ህክምና
- የህፃናት የነርቭ እና የአእምሮ ህክምና
- የህፃናት የኩላሊት ህክምና
- የህፃናት የቆዳ ህክምና
- የህፃናት ቀላል እና ከባድ ቀዶ ህክምና
- የህፃናት የአጥንት ህክምና
- የህፃናት የልብ ህክምና
- የህፃናት ተላላፊ በሽታዎች ህክምና
- የህፃናት የሳምባ እና የመተንፈሻ ኣካላት ህክምና
- የክትባት አገልግሎት
- የህፃናት የደምና ተያያዥ ህምሞች ህክምና
- የህፃናት ፅኑ ህሙማን ህክምና...

Contact Us
+251946888883 / 011 553 2760
Signal to 22 road, 200m before reaching the flyover bridge
ከሲግናል ወደ 22 በሚወስደው መንገድ ድልድዩ ጋር ከመድረሶ በፊት

Lancet Women & Children Hospital
ላንሴት የሴቶችና የልጆች ሆስፒታል
የእናቶችና የህፃናት ጤና በዶ/ር ትዕግስት አርጋው

06 Jun, 17:43


Exceptional Pediatric Care at Lancet Women and Children Hospital!

Our Pediatric team is composed exclusively of top pediatric specialists and subspecialists - the best of the best in their fields. From general pediatrics to advanced subspecialties like Cardiology, Neurology, Pulmonology, Nephrology, Neonatology, Orthopedics, ENT, Dermatology, Hematology and Oncology, our doctors have extensive expertise to handle even the most complex cases.

Our advanced Neonatal intensive care units, ICU, Pediatric emergency services, and Pediatric surgery capabilities ensure we can meet all of your child's healthcare needs.

As a leading pediatric destination, Trust your child's care to our exceptional team at the Lancet Pediatric Department.

Contact Us
📍Signal to 22 road, 200m before reaching the flyover bridge
📍ከሲግናል ወደ 22 በሚወስደው መንገድ ድልድዩ ጋር ከመድረሶ በፊት

Lancet Women & Children Hospital
ላንሴት የሴቶች እና የልጆች ሆስፒታል
የእናቶችና የህፃናት ጤና በዶ/ር ትዕግስት አርጋው

23 May, 15:24


ከወሊድ በሁዋላ የጨቅላ ህፃናት እንክብካቤ፣ ህይወት ማዳን እና እርዳታ ላይ ውጤታማ ስልጠና ለማእከላችን ነርሶች እና አዋላጅ ነርሶች ያዘጋጁልን የማእከላችን የህፃናት ህክምና ስፔሻሊስት እና የጨቅላ ህፃናት ህክምና ሰብ ስፔሻሊስት ዶ/ር ገስጥ መታፈርያ እንዲሁም የህፃናት ህክምና ስፔሻሊስት ዶ/ር ትዕግስት አርጋውን ልናመሰግን እንወዳለን።
የእናቶችና የህፃናት ጤና በዶ/ር ትዕግስት አርጋው

08 Apr, 10:58


Our skilled team and specialized facility at Lancet Women and Children Hospital's NICU department excels in advanced & complicated surgeries.

This is Baby-X, Twin B Female, Born via C/S, Preterm (32 weeks) with low birth weight (1.5kg).

Findings after delivery were distended abdomen & inactive bowel sound. After proper evaluation and confirming with abdominal Xray, our Pediatric surgical team was consulted and Laparatomy was done for the indication of spontaneous gastric perforation. Findings were 0.5cmx0.5cm gastric perforation at the lesser curvature for which repair was done. Post Surgery she was intubated for 24hrs & put on mechanical ventilation.

Currently baby is 16days old, stable & improving.

📸 Posted with consent

April 7,2024 - World Pediatric Surgery Day
"Let's create awareness on Pediatric Surgeries"

Contact Us
📍Signal to 22 road, 200m before reaching the flyover bridge
📍ከሲግናል ወደ 22 በሚወስደው መንገድ ድልድዩ ጋር ከመድረሶ በፊት

Lancet Women & Children Hospital
የእናቶችና የህፃናት ጤና በዶ/ር ትዕግስት አርጋው

08 Apr, 10:57


Discover Lancet Women and Children Hospital's Pediatric Surgical Department, where we specialize in advanced pediatric and neonatal surgeries. Our experienced surgeons & exceptional facilities set us apart, making us a leading institution in pediatric surgical care.

Our areas of specialization encompass advanced surgeries & treatment of cases like:
•  Esophageal atresia/Tracheoesophageal fistula
•  Duodenal Atresia
•  Intussusception/Hydrostatic reduction & Surgical reduction/
•  Short bowel syndrome
•  Infantile Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis
•  Omphalocele & Gastroschisis
•  Imperforate anus/Anorectal malformation correction
•  Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
•  Undescended Testes
•  Hypospadia & Epispadia Correction
•  Hernia Repair
•  Gastrostomy
•  Pediatric Urology Surgeries
•  Pediatric Oncology Surgeries..
. & more.

We are dedicated to providing the highest standard of care for our pediatric patients!

Contact Us

Lancet Women & Children Hospital
የእናቶችና የህፃናት ጤና በዶ/ር ትዕግስት አርጋው

02 Apr, 09:14


Dr. Tigist Argaw is an exceptional Pediatrician who is highly regarded for her expertise and loved by children under her care. As a pediatric specialist, Dr.Tigist offers a comprehensive range of services to address the diverse healthcare needs of children of every age from growth & developmental assessments to diagnosing & treating a wide array of acute and chronic disorders that affect children and thereby ensuring optimal health for your little ones.

Dr. Tigist is now available at Lancet Women and Children Hospital Monday to Friday on regular working hours & Saturday half day until 6:00LT.

ዶ/ር ትዕግስት አርጋው በሙያዋ የረጅም አመት ልምድ ያካበተችና በልጆች የምትወደድ የህፃናት ህክምና ስፔሻሊስት ስትሆን በየትኛውም እድሜ ክልል ውስጥ ላሉ ህፃናት ህክምና ትሰጣለች።

ዶ/ር ትዕግስትን በላንሴት የሴቶች እና የልጆች ሆስፒታል ከሰኞ እስከ አርብ በመደበኛ የስራ ሰዐት እንዲሁም ቅዳሜ ጠዋት እስከ 6:00 ማግኘት ይችላሉ።

Contact Us
📍Signal to 22 road, 200m before reaching the flyover bridge
📍ከሲግናል ወደ 22 በሚወስደው መንገድ ድልድዩ ጋር ከመድረሶ በፊት

Lancet Women & Children Hospital
ላንሴት የሴቶች እና የልጆች ሆስፒታል
የእናቶችና የህፃናት ጤና በዶ/ር ትዕግስት አርጋው

05 Jan, 00:55

