WALLAGA UNIVERSITY HAPCO @whapco2021 Channel on Telegram


This channel is created to create an informed and well protected University and surrounding community by providing high quality of HIV/AIDS and RH services to create a healthier and enabling learning, working and living environment
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Last Updated 05.03.2025 14:28

The Impact of HIV/AIDS and Reproductive Health Services at Wallaga University

Wallaga University, located in Ethiopia, is not only recognized for its academic prowess but also for its commitment to fostering a safe and healthy environment for its students and the surrounding community. The university has established the Health and Promotion Committee (HAPCO) with the mission to provide high-quality services focused on HIV/AIDS and reproductive health. By doing so, Wallaga University aims to raise awareness, promote safe health practices, and address the challenges posed by these critical health issues. This initiative is essential in a country where a significant number of individuals are affected by HIV/AIDS, and sexual health education is often lacking. The efforts of Wallaga University HAPCO are crucial in creating a well-informed populace that is equipped to make healthier choices, thereby enhancing the overall learning, working, and living conditions within the university and its surrounding communities.

What services does Wallaga University HAPCO provide?

Wallaga University HAPCO provides a range of services aimed at preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS and promoting reproductive health. These services include free HIV testing and counseling, educational programs focused on sexual health, and resource distribution regarding safe sex practices. Additionally, HAPCO offers support groups for those living with HIV/AIDS, encouraging a supportive environment where students and staff can share experiences and receive assistance.

Furthermore, the committee engages in community outreach initiatives, collaborating with local health organizations to ensure that the surrounding community has access to the necessary information and services. By promoting awareness through workshops and seminars, HAPCO aims to destigmatize HIV/AIDS and reproductive health issues, helping individuals understand the importance of regular health check-ups and responsible health behavior.

How does HAPCO contribute to the awareness of HIV/AIDS?

HAPCO plays a pivotal role in raising awareness of HIV/AIDS through various educational campaigns and programs. These awareness initiatives are designed to inform students and staff about the modes of transmission, prevention strategies, and the importance of testing and treatment. By utilizing social media platforms, workshops, and seminars, HAPCO ensures that crucial information reaches a broad audience, making it accessible to everyone within the university and the local community.

Moreover, HAPCO employs peer education strategies where trained student volunteers disseminate information among their peers. This approach encourages open discussions about HIV/AIDS and reproductive health issues, thus reducing stigma and promoting a culture of safety and acceptance. Through ongoing education, HAPCO aims to empower individuals to take control of their health and make informed decisions.

Why is reproductive health education important in universities?

Reproductive health education is vital in universities as it equips students with essential knowledge about their bodies, safe practices, and healthy relationships. Understanding reproductive health helps students make informed choices regarding their sexual health, ultimately reducing the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unwanted pregnancies. Moreover, comprehensive reproductive health education can help students navigate the emotional and psychological aspects of relationships, promoting healthier interactions.

Additionally, reproductive health education fosters a sense of responsibility among students, encouraging them to seek help when needed and to support their peers in making healthier choices. By creating an environment where reproductive health is openly discussed, universities like Wallaga can diminish the stigma surrounding these topics, leading to a more informed and responsible student body.

What challenges does Wallaga University face in promoting health services?

One of the main challenges Wallaga University faces in promoting health services is the pervasive stigma surrounding HIV/AIDS and reproductive health issues. Many individuals may hesitate to seek help or participate in programs due to fear of discrimination or judgment. This stigma can hinder the effectiveness of health campaigns and reduce the number of individuals seeking necessary services. HAPCO must actively work to combat these societal perceptions through persistent education and awareness initiatives.

Another challenge is resource allocation. Limited funding and resources can restrict the scope of services that HAPCO can provide, impacting the quality of care and education available to students and the community. To overcome this, HAPCO often collaborates with government agencies and NGOs to secure additional resources, ensuring that health services are sustainable and can reach a wider audience.

How does Wallaga University HAPCO ensure the quality of its health services?

To ensure the quality of its health services, Wallaga University HAPCO follows established health guidelines and protocols set by national and global health authorities. Regular training and capacity-building programs for staff and peer educators are conducted to ensure they are updated on the best practices in HIV/AIDS prevention and reproductive health education. This commitment to maintaining high standards helps to build trust and reliability in the services offered.

HAPCO also conducts regular assessments and evaluations of its programs to measure their effectiveness. By collecting feedback from participants and utilizing data-driven approaches, the committee can identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments to enhance service delivery. This ongoing commitment to quality ensures that the health and welfare of the university community remain a top priority.


Are you looking for a reliable source of information and support regarding HIV/AIDS and reproductive health services in your university community? Look no further than WALLAGA UNIVERSITY HAPCO! Also known as @whapco2021 on Telegram, this channel is dedicated to providing high-quality HIV/AIDS and RH services to the students, faculty, and residents of the Wallaga University and its surrounding community. The goal of WALLAGA UNIVERSITY HAPCO is to create an informed and well-protected environment within the university and its vicinity. By offering crucial information, resources, and support related to HIV/AIDS and reproductive health, this channel aims to promote a healthier and more enabling learning, working, and living environment for everyone involved. Whether you are a student seeking information on safe practices, a faculty member looking to educate yourself and others, or a resident wanting to stay informed and protected, WALLAGA UNIVERSITY HAPCO is here to support you. Join our channel today to access valuable resources, engage in discussions, and connect with others who are also committed to promoting health and well-being in our community. Together, we can create a safer and healthier environment for all. Don't miss out on this opportunity to stay informed, protected, and empowered. Join WALLAGA UNIVERSITY HAPCO on Telegram today and be a part of the movement towards a healthier and more enabling community. Together, we can make a difference! #WHAPCO2021


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#Yuunivarsiitii Wallaggaatti.

Guyyaa 26/05/2017

Qormaanni ba'insaa guyyaa har'aa (26/05/2017) Yuunivarsiitii keenya Kaampaasota sadanitti (Naqamtee, Gimbii fi Shaambuu) waaree duraaf booda akkuma karoorfametti gaggeeffameera.

Manajimantiin Olaanaafi Taaskifoorsiin qophii, haala kenninsaafi qormaataa fi loojistiksii oolmaa guyyaa tokkoffaa galgala kana madaaleera. Barattoota 16,679 marsaa kanatti (walakeessa waggaa kanaatti) Yuunivarsiitii Wallaggaatti qoramuuf iyyataniifi galmaa'an guutumaa guutuutti barattoota Koolleejjii dhuunfaa, kan Yuunivarsiitii addaa addaatti xumuranii irra-deebiin qoramaniifi Yuunivarsiitii Wallaggaarraa barattoota 400 gadiitu sagantaa itti aanutti akka qoraman daataan qoramtootaa Ministeera Barnootaa nimul'isa.

Qindeessitoota, qaamolee nageenyaafi daawwannaa manajimantii olaanaan haala kenninsa qormaata ba'insaa guyyaa tokkoffaa ilaalchisee gamaaggama taasiseen rakkooleen naamusaa barattootaa irratti mul'achuu, barattoonni sagantaa qormaataa isaanii male mooraa seenuu, meeshaalee elektrooniksii akka bilbila harkaafi kalkuletarii qabatanii seenuuf yaaluu, deggersifi to'annaa naamusa barattootaa Hoggansaafi qindeessitoota Kolleejjota dhuunfaarraa dhibuu akka rakkoolee ijootti ka'aniiru.

Guyyoota qormaata fuldura keenya jiranitti, hoggansiifi qindeessitoonni Koolleejjota dhuunfaa hanqina naamusaafi yaalii meeshaalee dhorkaa ta'aan galchuuf yaaluu barattoota isaaniif itti gaafatamummaa akka fudhatan Ministera Barnootaarra qindeessitoonni qormaatichaa hordofuu akka qaban waliigalameera. Naamusi qormaataa eegamuu akka qabu, barataan qormaataaf dhufu kamu mooraa keessatti bilbila harkaa qabatee yoo argamee qormaatarraa akka gaggeeffamu, kutaa qormaataa keessatti bilbila waliin yoo qabaman immoo firiin qormaatichaa akka haqamu unkaan cabinsa naamusaa guutamee akka gabaafamu, raawwachiistonni qormaatichaa Ministeera Barnootaa ibsaniiru.

Guyyaa boruu (27/05/2017) guyyaa guutuu qormaata ba'insaa gosa barnootaa Manajimantiitu kennama. Qormaanni kun muummeewwan addaa addaan hanga 02/06/2017tti tura.

04 Feb, 04:45
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Jila Ispoortii Yuunivarsiitii Wallaggaaf gaggeessaan taasifame.

Jila Ispoortii Yuunivarsiitii Wallaggaa Wal-Dorgommii Feestivaala Ispoortii Yuunivarsiitiiwwan Guutuu Itoophiyaa Irratti Hirmaatuf Manaajimantii Yuunivarsiitii Wallaggaatiin gaggeessaan taasisfameeraaf.

Sirna gaggeessaa kanarrattis Barattoonni Ispoorteessitootaa Naamusaafi Amaala gaarii qabaachuun Ambaasaddarummaa keessan agarsiisuu qabduu jedhan, Dr. Tasfaayee Lammaa, Piresidaantiin Yuunivarsiitii keenyaa. Dabalataanis, Yuunivarsiitiifi ummaata Wallaggaa bakka akka buutaani beekuun Ispoorteessitoota Godinaalee addaa addaa Oromiyaarraa dhufaani Ummata Wallaggaafi Jiraattota Magaalaa Naqamtee galateeffata galan isinis maqaa Wallaggaa amalafi naamusa keessanniin fakkeenyaa ta'u qabdu jedhan. Seeraa taphaa eeguun, dandeettii, xiiqiifi cichoominaan milkooftanii injifannoon akka galtan abdii keenya jedhan.
Feestivaaliin Ispoortii kun 17-27/05/2017tti Yuunivarsiitii Saayinsiifi Teeknoloojii Finfinneetti gaggeeffama.

24 Jan, 10:00
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Manajimantiifi Hawwaasi Yuunivarsiitii Wallaggaa boqochuu barataa #Hiikaa_Tasfaayetin gadda guddaa itti dhagaahame ibsa.

Barataa Hiika Tasfaayee Yuunivarsiitii Wallaggaa Kaampaasii Gimbiitti Muummee barnootaa #Business_Management’tti barataa waggaa 2ffaa ture. Barataa Hiikaa Tasfaayee dhibee tasaan qabamee yaaliirra osoo guyyaa gaafa 6/05/2017 E.C addunyaa kanarraa du'aan boqoteera.

Manajimantiiafi Hawwaasi Yuunivarsiitii Wallaggaas maatiiwwan, firoottan, hiriyootaaf, jajjabina hawwa.

#የሃዘን መግለጫ
የወለጋ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ማኔጅመንትና ማህበረሰብ #በተማሪ_ሂካ_ተስፋዬ ድንገተኛ ህልፈተ ህይወት የተሰማውን ጥልቅ ሃዘን ይገልጻል። ተማሪ ሂካ ተስፋዬ በወለጋ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ጊምቢ ካምፓስ የቢዝነስ አስተዳደር የ2ኛ ዓመት ተማሪ ነበር። ተማሪ ሂካ ተስፋዬ በድንገተኛ ህመም ተይዞ በህክምና ላይ እያለ በቀን 06/05/2017ዓ.ም ከዚህ ዓለም በሞት ተለይቷል።

የዩኒቨርሲቲያችን ማኔጅመንት በተማሪ ተማሪ ሂካ ተስፋዬተለይቷል ድንገተኛ ህልፈት የተሰማውን ጥልቅ ሃዘን እየገለጸ ለቤተሰቦቹ፣ ለወዳጅ ዘመዶቹ፣ ጓደኞቹ፣ እና ለመላው የዩኒቨርሲቲያችን በማህበረሰብ በሙሉ መጽናናት እንመኛለን።

15 Jan, 10:30
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To all Veterinary Science Student (winter modality)

Please be informed that the Registration for the 2025 academic year will take place on January 20 and 21, 2025. Please note that classes will begin on January 22, 2025.
 From Wollega University Registrar Office

Barattoota saayinsii fayyaa beeyladaa Sagantaa Bonaan barattan hundaaf

Guyyaan galmee kan bara barnootaa 2017 Amajji 12 fi 13 ta’uu isaa kan isin beeksisna. Amajji 14 guyyaa barnoonni itti eegalamu ta’uu isaa dabalataan kan isin hubachiifnu ta’a.

ለእንስሳት ጤና ሳይንስ በበጋ መረሃ ግብር የምትማሩ ተማሪዎች በሙሉ

የ2017 ዓ.ም የትምህርት ዘመን ምዝገባ ጥር12 እና13 የሚካሀድ ስሆን ከጥር 14 ጀምሮ ክላስ የሚጀመርበት መሆኑን እናሳዉቃለን፡፡

 ከ ወለጋ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ሬጅስትራር ጽ/ቤት

12 Jan, 14:39