Wall Street LC


Farg'ona shahridagi eng ishonchli o'quv markazi

- ingliz tili (general English, IELTS va multilevel) kurslari

- IELTS 8.5 gacha bo'lgan tajribali ustozlar

- IELTS 8.0 gacha erishgan yuzlab muvaffaqiyatli talabalar

Contact @doniyor_ielts
+ 998974180070

Wall Street LC

23 Oct, 16:53

Kulgili joyi bo'lmasayam ๐Ÿ˜„ ni bosib qo'yaverasizlar a?

Wall Street LC

23 Oct, 16:49

Bugun yomg'ir yog'gani uchun ertalabki guruh talabalarimga shu idiomni aytib bergandim.

Come rain or shine - no matter what happens.

Come rain or shine, I'll go running tomorrow morning.


Wall Street LC

23 Oct, 16:47

We're planning to hold mock exams on a regular basis.

I'll reveal more details on that soon...

Wall Street LC

23 Oct, 16:46

#news #bomba
๐Ÿ”ต๐•Š๐•Œโ„™๐”ผโ„ ๐•๐”ธโ„•๐”พ๐•€๐•ƒ๐•€๐•‚โœ…
๐Ÿ”˜Endi sizda ๐—œ๐—˜๐—Ÿ๐—ง๐—ฆ mock test topshirish imkoniyati bor ๐Ÿ”ฅ

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๐Ÿ”ฐWrite to @wall_st_admin to register or call us:
โ˜Ž๏ธ +998950188999


Wall Street LC

23 Oct, 08:59

Rise and rise again until lambs become lions.

I saw it while watching Robin Hood this morning.

Wall Street LC

22 Oct, 13:52

The diagram gives information about the stages involved in the recycling of plastic bottles.

Overall, this mainly mechanical process consists of nine stages, where used plastic bottles are turned into pellets, then raw materials, and finally, into various new products.

The recycling starts with bottles being disposed of into special garbage bins. Next, lorries take them to the recycling facility, where workers will sort them into usable and non-usable. The sorted bottles are then compressed into blocks.

It is in the fifth stage where the bottles lose their shape altogether after being crushed into small pieces. Afterwards, these pieces are washed and turned into ball-shaped tiny items known as pellets. The next step involves the pellets being exposed to heat in order to form necessary raw material. In the final stage, that material will be used to manufacture a variety of products, ranging from clothes and bags to pencils and plastic containers.

IELTS guruh bilan bugun darsda yozdik. To'g'rirog'i yozdim ๐Ÿ˜…



Wall Street LC

21 Oct, 17:48

Overall 7.5 with an impressive 8.5 in readingโšก๏ธ

Late night result๐Ÿ‘Œ

Congrats, Jasmina!

Couldn't post this earlier because of working like a zombie the entire day๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ

May God make this serve for nice purposes!


Wall Street LC

21 Oct, 14:40

There aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done๐Ÿ˜ญ

Wall Street LC

20 Oct, 05:45

WALL STREET o'quv markazimizda yangi ochilayotgan guruhlar:

๐Ÿ”บBeginner - 8.30 va 15.30

๐Ÿ”บPre-IELTS 10.30 va 15.30

๐Ÿ”บIELTS Standard 10.00 va 15.30

Ya'ni, sizga mos keladigan vaqt, joy, narx, o'qituvchi va yordamchi ustozlar - xullas hammasini taklif qilishimiz mumkin.

Kurslarimizda o'zingiz, do'stlaringiz, turmush o'rtog'ingiz yoki bo'lajak turmush o'rtog'ingiz๐Ÿ˜… - ya'ni hamma ishtirok etib manfaat olishi mumkinโ˜‘๏ธ

Kurslarga ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun:

Join our channel: @doniyorIELTS

Wall Street LC

19 Oct, 17:10

Bu rasm tagida markazdagi yangi ochilayotgan guruhlar haqida e'lon bo'lishi mumkin edi ;)

Lekin uni ertaga soat 10.00 da joylashga qaror qildik๐Ÿ˜Ž

Wall Street LC

19 Oct, 16:51

Aksariyat talabalar savol berishadi:

"Writing'da faqat uzun va murakkab gaplar yozaymi?"

Yo'q, chunki faqat uzun gaplar o'quvchini charchatib qo'yadi.

"Writing'da faqat qisqa va sodda gaplarni yozaymi?"

Yo'q, chunki faqat sodda gaplar o'quvchini zeriktiradi.

Shuning uchun aralash holda yozing. Ayrim gaplar qisqaroq - masalan paragrafdagi birinchi gapni shunday yozaman.

Yangi g'oyani tanishtirayotganda ham nisbatan qisqaroq gap yozish mumkin.

Lekin g'oyani tushuntirish uchun qo'shimcha gaplarni uzunroq holda berishingiz mumkin.

Rasmdagi matnni o'qib ko'rsangiz maza qilasiz, bir necha yillar ilgari Diyorbekning kanalidan save qilib olgandim.



Wall Street LC

19 Oct, 16:38

Wish you all a great Sunday

Be careful and do not let idiots ruin your weekend๐Ÿ˜…

Mashhur GIF ni qaytadan tashlayapman yana๐Ÿš€

Writing haqida bitta yaxshi post joylayabman 10 daqiqada...

Wall Street LC

16 Oct, 04:58

We analyzed the question above with a group of IELTS students yesterday and put together the introduction and body paragraph above.

Check it out, and if you have any questions, leave in the commentsโœ…


Wall Street LC

16 Oct, 04:56

More and more local shops are now closing down because many people prefer to shop online.

What problems might this cause?

What solutions can you suggest?

Wall Street LC

14 Oct, 16:27

Can't believe Our planet II - a sequel of the amazing documentary I watched long ago - was already out!

Time to dive into this epic footage, enjoy and ponder what amazing living beings God has created.

You can check out the link above and enjoy Our planet I - its free version is available on YouTube.


Wall Street LC

13 Oct, 16:45

And yes, my beard is gone๐Ÿ˜ญ