Doniyor Abdurakhmonov, IELTS 8.5 @doniyorielts Channel on Telegram

Doniyor Abdurakhmonov, IELTS 8.5


Farg'ona shahridagi eng ishonchli IELTS instruktorlardan biri

Overall 8.5 three times

- Reading 9.0
- Listening 9.0
- Writing 8.0
- Speaking 8.5

Wall Street o'quv markazi o'qituvchisi va asoschilaridan biri

Wall Street LC (Uzbek)

Doniyor IELTS kanali Farg'ona shahridagi eng ishonchli o'quv markazini taqdim etadi. Bu markazda ingliz tili (general English, IELTS va multilevel) kurslari o'tiladi. Kanalda IELTS 8.5 gacha yetgan tajribali ustozlar bilan o'qish imkoniyati mavjud. Bu markazda IELTS 8.0 gacha erishgan yuzlab muvaffaqiyatli talabalar yetkazib beriladi. Doniyor IELTS kanali orqali @doniyor_ielts ga murojaat qilishingiz mumkin yoki telefon raqami +998974180070 orqali bog'lanishingiz mumkin. Sizga yordam berishga tayyor talabalarni qabul qiladigan bu markazda o'z ingliz tilini yaxshilash uchun yordam olishingiz mumkin.

Doniyor Abdurakhmonov, IELTS 8.5

21 Jan, 17:53

Fossil fuels are the main sources in many countries, but in some countries, the use of alternative sources of energy is encouraged. 

Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Energy provision in many countries still depends on fossil fuels. However, some nations have recently started to emphasise the use of alternative energy sources. Although it has some downsides, I believe relying on renewable sources for our energy needs is generally positive.

Admittedly, alternative sources could also have some disadvantages. Firstly, their access is limited to certain areas only. For example, solar energy can only be used in places with standing sunlight, and some countries, such as Britain, may not benefit from it much. Similarly, wind and wave energy are also inaccessible to many nations, including our own country, just because these nations are located in parts of the world where no strong wind or wave can be found. In addition, producing electric power from alternative sources usually proves expensive. Running such sources requires a lot of expensive hardware, so installing, operating and maintaining it turns out to be too costly for many countries. One example could be hydroelectric dams, which are usually big in size and take a lot of time and money to put up and operate. Thus, I would admit that renewable sources are also not free from drawbacks.

However, alternative means to generate power can offer many valuable benefits that are worth considering. The first obvious one is that they are eco-friendly. Because they do not contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, totally replacing fossil fuels with renewable means of energy production would result in cleaner air and water. This in turn comes with the added benefit of fewer health issues experienced by people. This is because polluted air usually causes respiratory diseases in many individuals, but reducing this contamination means freeing those individuals from such health problems. Most importantly, renewable energy sources are sustainable. That means they can provide us with energy nonstop, since, unlike fossil fuels, they are not likely to run out someday.

In conclusion, despite the few potential problems, using alternative sources instead of non-renewable ones is generally beneficial. It poses no threat for nature and people’s health as well as promises long-lasting energy provision.

341 words


Doniyor Abdurakhmonov, IELTS 8.5

21 Jan, 17:40


Ikkita essay joylayman...

Doniyor Abdurakhmonov, IELTS 8.5

19 Jan, 15:23

Kanalga hozirgacha joylagan reading videodarslarim to'plami

A bundle of my reading lessons

Reading matching headings/multiple choice/Yes, No, Not Given

Reading passage 3 full analysis

Reading passage 2 full analysis

Reading passage 3 summary completion

Reading passage 3 Yes/No/Not given + multiple choice + summary completion

Reading which paragraph contains the following information


Doniyor Abdurakhmonov, IELTS 8.5

19 Jan, 15:10



Doniyor Abdurakhmonov, IELTS 8.5

18 Jan, 13:00

Kanalimizning Farg'ona villoyatidan bo'lgan obunachilari diqqatiga📣

Qaysi maktab/litsey/universitetda o'qiysiz?

Izohlarda qoldiring

Yaxshi bir yangilik bor...

Doniyor Abdurakhmonov, IELTS 8.5

16 Jan, 11:33

Reading passage'ni nimaga o'xshatish mumkin?

- TV series ga. Ya'ni serialga.

Serial bir qancha epizodlardan tashkil topgani kabi reading passage ham bir nechta paragraflardan iborat.

Lekin serial haqidagi savolga javob berish uchun, avvalo u serialni ko'rishingiz kerak. Shu kabi, reading'dagi savollarga javob bera olish uchun, avvalo reading'dagi paragraflarni birma bir o'qishingiz kerak.

Bitta paragrafni o'qib tushunasiz, keyin savollarga borasiz. Odatda bitta paragrafdan 2-3 ta savol javobi chiqadi.

Keyin ikkinchi va uchinchi, qolgan paragraflarni ham shu tartibda bajarib chiqasiz.

Yuqoridagi videoda ham, matnni shu usulda tahlil qilganmiz.


Doniyor Abdurakhmonov, IELTS 8.5

15 Jan, 04:05

Reading passage'larda Susan ismli expert'lar yoki olimlar ko'p aytiladi.

Har safar shunday bo'lganda, talabalarga Johnny English'dagi yuqoridagi sahnani eslataman😅

P.S: I'm not promoting the consumption of alcohol


Doniyor Abdurakhmonov, IELTS 8.5

12 Jan, 14:59

Writing'da grammatika va lug'atlarni ataylab murakkablashtirsam, yuqori darajadagi so'zlardan foydalansam, ballim ko'tariladimi?

- Katta ehtimol bilan yo'q. Chunki writing va speaking'da e'tiborni fikrni tushuntirishga qaratasiz.

Grammatika yoki lug'at boyligingizni ko'rsatishga emas.

Lekin ba'zi bir qo'shma gap strukturalari sizga writing uchun albatta kerak - yuqorida ular haqida video dars qoldirdim

📱@doniyorIELTS - always offering practical knowledge🚀

Doniyor Abdurakhmonov, IELTS 8.5

12 Jan, 14:45

Assalomu alaykum!

Kanalimizga 1000 dan ortiq yangi obunachi qo'shilgani uchun o'zim haqimda biroz ma'lumot beray🚀

Ismim Doniyorbek, 4 yildan ortiqroq muddatdan beri IELTS instruktorlik bilan shug'ullanib kelaman.

Shaxsiy ball'im IELTS 9.0 emas, lekin O'zi nasib qilib 3 marta overall 8.5 olishga erishganman

Offline darslarim Farg'ona shahrida, o'zimiz asos solgan Wall Street o'quv markazida mavjud.

Kanalda siz uchun foydali bo'lgan postlar va videodarslar doimiy joylab boriladi.



Doniyor Abdurakhmonov, IELTS 8.5

09 Jan, 14:55

Dars hozir bo'layotgani yo'q😅

Bugun 13.30 dagi guruhda yozib qo'ygan edim.

Pair work helps many students

Doniyor Abdurakhmonov, IELTS 8.5

05 Jan, 09:54

Gitara mavzusidan biroz uzoqlashgan holda...

Wall Street o'quv markazimizning City Market filialidan tashqari yuqoridagi videoda tushuntirilgan binoda ham darslar amalga oshmoqda, do'stlar🚀

O'zimning darslarim ham shu yangi haftadan boshlab, seshanba/payshanba/shanba kunlik guruhlar uchun shu yerda bo'lib o'tadi.

Dushanba/chorshanba/juma kunlardagi guruhlarim uchun har doimgidek darslar City Market filialimizda

Agar ushbu lokatsiyamiz sizga qulay bo'lsa, bemalol darslarga tashrif buyursangiz bo'ladi!



Doniyor Abdurakhmonov, IELTS 8.5

05 Jan, 08:36

My beautiful babe is finally here😎

Wall Street LC

03 Dec, 08:20

Ushbu poll natijalariga qaytsak, janoblar va xonimlar😎

Biz shahardagi ma'lum bir universitet/insitut talabalaridan 100 nafari uchun chegirmali kurs tashkillaymiz degan edik.

Poll natijalariga ko'ra:

- TATU Farg'ona filiali talabalari uchun 80 nafar

- Farg'ona Jamoat Salomatligi Tibbiyot Instituti uchun 20 nafar chegirmali joy ajratishga qaror qildik.

Ushbu jami 100 nafar talaba uchun WALL STREET LC da kurs narxi qanday bo'ladi

Shahardagi eng qimmat o'quv markazi narxidan 450,000 so'm arzonroq☄️

Uyog'ini hisoblab olaverasiz😉

Loyihada qatnashish uchun quyidagi linkdan manager'ga TATU yoki FJSTI deb yozib qoldiring

WALL STREET LC - insofli o'quv markazi🚀


Wall Street LC

02 Dec, 19:08

Poll natijalari bo'yicha go'zal e'lon Xudo xoxlasa ertaga ertalab kanalga joylanadi

See ya all tomorrow!

Wall Street LC

02 Dec, 19:04

Thank God, our current team is probably the best one Obidjonaka and I have ever worked with as they are all our own former students and assistants!

Thank you guys all for making this happen!

Glad to have you all aboard!

WALL STREET LC - no hostility at all!

It's all positive 🚀🚀🚀


Wall Street LC

02 Dec, 18:56

The caption our team came up with for the cake.

I wonder whether my wife would agree here😅

See the videos below...

Wall Street LC

01 Dec, 15:25

Well, the music sounds a bit romantic😄

Wall Street LC

30 Nov, 16:24

If you delay your homework...

You delay your exam
You delay your getting into university or getting a job
You delay earning a decent living
You delay earning a decent living, you are not going to enjoy your youth or cannot ensure prosperous retirement for your parents.

So, don't delay your homework.

It's almost December already once again.

Join courses at Wall Street LC


Wall Street LC

30 Nov, 05:36

Alhamdulillah, a new chapter has just begun in my life:

Fatherhood 👨

Wall Street LC

28 Nov, 16:29

Ushbu poll natijalari esa 1-dekabr soat 23:59 gacha amal qiladi⚠️

2-dekabr kuni loyihadagi ikkinchi oliygohni e'lon qilamiz, in shaa Alloh.

WALL STREET LC -shiorni o'zilar bilasizlar ;)

Wall Street LC

28 Nov, 16:26


Bu loyiha uchun bizda taxminan 80 dan ortiq talaba kurslarimizga ro'yxatdan o'tdi, do'stlar.

Qolgan 20 nafar inson uchun hozirda bizda joylar mavjud⚠️

Ro'yxatdan o'tishga ulgurib qolaman deganlar yuqoridagi linkdan manager akkountiga FarDU yoki FarPI deb yozib qoldirsa kifoya

Wall Street LC

28 Nov, 13:57

Real ma'lumotlarga asoslanib ovoz beraylik, do'stlar🚀

Yoqqan bittasini bosib qo'yavermang tag'in😅

Wall Street LC

28 Nov, 13:45

Ushbu turdagi oliy ta'lim talabalari uchun chegirmali narxlarni Farg'onadagi yana qaysi oliygohlar uchun tashkil qilaylik, do'stlar?

Quyidagi poll'da qatnashib, aniqlashga yordam bersangiz xursand bo'lardik!

WELCOME TO WALL STREET LC - insofli o'quv markazi🚀

Wall Street LC

28 Nov, 13:40

Bugun IELTS guruhdagi talabalar bilan bajargan reading passage'imiz.

Sinab ko'ringlar-chi, ba'zi talabalar qiyin ekan deyishdi :/

For me, it all seemed smooth and easy though😅


Wall Street LC

26 Nov, 17:35

So many weird phrases in English😅

I can't help but laugh when I see some expressions.

Let alone many of them with R-rated meaning.

Wall Street LC

26 Nov, 16:25

Bizda navbatdagi IELTS MOCK EXAM🚀

Ko'pchilik talabalarning so'roviga binoan navbatdagi mock examni o'quv markazimizda 8-dekabr, keyingi yakshanba kuni tashkillashga qaror qildik.

WALL STREET LC mock exam afzalliklari😎:

- materiallar barchasini kamina, Doniyor teacher (overall 8.5×3) tayyorlayman.

Savollar real examdagiga maksimal mos kelishiga ishonch hosil qilamiz

- writing/speaking exam'da o'zim ham shaxsan qatnashaman.

Yordamchilar bilan birgalikda sizga haqiqiy imtihondagi bilan bir xil standardda writing/speaking ball'ingiz hamda speaking'dagi kamchiliklaringiz haqida feedback beramiz.

Exam narxi 50,000 so'm🚀

Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun quyidagi linkdan managerga "mock exam" deb yozib qoldiring🚀

WALL STREET MOCK EXAM - Authenticity is guaranteed!

Wall Street LC

26 Nov, 16:16

The translation of common sense in Uzbek?

The meditating baboon could be right 😄.

See an important announcement from WALL STREET LC in the following post...

Wall Street LC

22 Nov, 13:32

Reading passage 3 explanation

Albatta ko'rishga arziydi🚀


Wall Street LC

21 Nov, 13:53

Bu maxsus va manfaatli taklif, do'stlar👆

Xabar yopiq holatda ham berilgan edi.

Taxminan 40 nafar insonni allaqachon ro'yxatga oldik, yana 60 kishi uchun joylar mavjud.

Tanishlaringizga ham yetqazishingiz mumkin🚀


Wall Street LC

21 Nov, 13:52


Farg'onadagi eng ishonchli va insofli o'quv markazidan ajoyib loyiha☄️

Endilikda biz Farg'ona Davlat Universiteti va Farg'ona Politexnika Institutida ta'lim olayotgan 100 nafar talabani bepul emas ;) lekin judayam arzon narxda o'qitamiz📈

Ushbu 100 nafar talaba uchun kurslar narxi qancha bo'ladi?

- Shahardagi eng qimmat o'quv markazidan taxminan 400 ming arzonroq💎

Loyihada qatnashish uchun kursga ro'yxatdan o'tayotganda talabalik guvohnomangizni ko'rsatsangiz kifoya

FarDU yoki FarPI talabasimiz?

Unda qatnashish uchun hoziroq bizga aloqaga chiqing🚀

Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun quyidagi linkdan manager'ga hoziroq yozing✍️

P.S: talabalar uchun bu holda arzonroq kurslar tashkillashimiz, darslarimiz sifati bilan hech qanday kamchilik borligini bildirmaydi💯

Shunchaki, insofli o'quv markazi

Wall Street LC

21 Nov, 13:24

Qiziq, kanalimizda shu ikkala joydan birida o'qiydigan talabalar bormikan🧐

Wall Street LC

21 Nov, 07:06

Markazimiz xizmatini yanayam yaxshilash uchun ushbu linkka biz haqimizdagi ma'lumotlardan aksariyatini joyladik, do'stlar 🔽

Talabalarga yanayam foydaliroq bo'lishi uchun, bu yerga yana nimalarni qo'shsak bo'ladi deb o'ylaysiz?

Tekshirib ko'rgach, fikrlaringizni izohlarda qoldiring.

Your feedback matters

Wall Street LC

19 Nov, 14:30

Obidjonaka bilan kurslarni birinchi boshlagan paytimizda darslarga qo'shgan yangiliklarimizdan biri - talabalarga 3-4 minutlik foydali video qo'yib berish orqali biroz tanaffus berish bo'lar edi.

Yuqoridagi videoni ham 4 yil ilgari topib, talabalarga ko'rsatgan edik.

Kanalga ham doim qayta qayta qo'yaveraman ;).

If you have watched already, don't hesitate to do it once again😅

WALL STREET LC - a place you will learn more than just English.


Wall Street LC

19 Nov, 14:23

To celebrate the day on which our flag has been officially recognized 🇺🇿

Enjoy this article about the history and evolution of flags as well as where the weirdest ones belong.



Wall Street LC

18 Nov, 08:14

These three guys have achieved what I call the humblest result ;)

The result may not be fancy, but for those achieving it usually means a mountain of hard work.


Wall Street LC

18 Nov, 05:07

Sardorbek headed to Italy 🇮🇹

We wish him a nice journey and luck in his endeavors while there.

May God let you return to Uzbekistan as a far more successful person soon, Sardorbek!


Wall Street LC

13 Nov, 05:06

The maps compare the current look of Porth Harbor with its layout in 2000.

Overall, the area has experienced a number of changes since 2000, and it now has noticeably more features. The changes that have happened include the accommodation, amenities and the recreational facilities of the harbor. Notably, there are also three features that have remained virtually unchanged.

Looking first at parts of the place that have experienced alterations, the dock in the north as well as the showers and toilets in the west have doubled in number. In addition, the disused castle in the south east has been turned into a hotel, and the private beach nearby also serves for the hotel users now. A new path now connects the hotel with the road. Another noteworthy change is fishing boats and marina (private yachts) replacing each other. Last but not least, right beside the current location of the marina, visitors can access cafes and shops.

In contrast, some parts of the harbor have remained unchanged. One of them is the public beach, which still occupies the north east of the area as before. Lifeboat near the hotel as well as the car parks connected with the main road are also the same as before, except that the southern car park now has a little path leading to the road below


Wall Street LC

13 Nov, 04:56

Umbrella terms in IELTS writing task 1

Umbrella terms - so'zlarni umumiylashtirib ifodalovchi jumlalar.

Writing task 1 da, asosan map da, faqatgina berilgan binolar, qismlarning o'zini nomi bilan yozib emas, umumiylashtiruvchi jumlalardan ham foydalansangiz bo'ladi.

Ya'ni, mapda hotel, apartments va mansions bor. Ularni umumiylashtirib accommodation, factory, manufacturing/recycling site bo'lsa shunchaki industrial facilities desangiz bo'ladi.

School, hospital, shops kabilarni amenities deb atash, parks, sports center kabilarni recreational facilities deb yozsangiz bo'ladi.

Bu narsa odatda, paragraflarni boshlashda, yoki asosan overview da qo'l keladi.

Body paragraflarda har bitta qism uchun alohida detail ham albatta aytasiz.

Pastdagi sampleni o'qib, amalda qanday ishlatganimni ko'rsangiz bo'ladi, janob va janobalar😎



Wall Street LC

12 Nov, 04:08

Some of you might say:

Alas, I live in another region. If I lived in Fergana, I'd definitely attend lessons at Wall Street.


Wall Street LC

10 Nov, 13:05

#diqqat #yangiguruhlar

Farg'onadagi eng ishonchli va insofli o'quv markazida yangi guruhlar🚀

WALL STREET o'quv markazida yangi haftadan quyidagi guruhlar start olmoqda:

Soat 10:30 va 13:30

Soat 8:30 va 3:30

Soat 10:30 va 3:30

⚠️ Bu guruhlardan tashqari, sizga mos har qanday guruh bizda mavjud❗️

Murojaat va batafsil ma'lumot:

Bizni telegramda kuzatib boring:


Wall Street LC

10 Nov, 12:15

My dad came up with a nickname for his car.

Guess what😅?


I wonder whether he was inspired by a song or anything else, but I believe it's quite creative😆

On a serious note, we have new groups opening at Wall Street LC🚀

See the post below...

Wall Street LC

08 Nov, 06:26

Essay analysis + speaking lesson.

Online darsda yozib olingan videolardan biri.

Speaking videoning ikkinchi yarmida va dars oxirida bir qancha kunlik mashg'ulotlar ham aytilgan☑️



Wall Street LC

08 Nov, 05:32

The mid-term exam is on with pre-IELTS students of WALL STREET LC.

WALL street o'quv markazi pre-IELTS talabalari oraliq nazorat imtihonlarini topshirishmoqda


Wall Street LC

06 Nov, 13:37

Bu yerdagi videodarslarni ko'rganlar 🔥yoki 🎃 reaction orqali tasdiqlab qo'yaylik...

Wall Street LC

06 Nov, 13:32

O'quv markazimiz joylashuvi tushuntirilgan video🚀

Kurslarga ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun:



Wall Street LC

06 Nov, 07:03

A bundle of my reading lessons 📚

Reading uchun deyarli barcha savol turlari bo'yicha videodarslarim

Butun reading kurs desak ham bo'larkan

Reading matching headings/multiple choice/Yes, No, Not Given

Reading passage 3 full analysis

Reading passage 2 full analysis

Reading passage 3 summary completion

Reading passage 3 Yes/No/Not given + multiple choice + summary completion

Reading which paragraph contains the following information



Wall Street LC

06 Nov, 05:09

Kanalga yangi qo'shilgan obunachilar uchun 🚀

Ismim Doniyorbek. Taxminan 5 yillik ingliz tili o'qituvchisi va qadrdonim Obidjon Azizov bilan Farg'ona shahridagi Wall Street o'quv markazi asoschilaridanman.

Hozirgacha 7 marta IELTS exam topshirib, quyidagi natijalarni qayd etganman Alhamdulillah:

Reading 9.0 (3 marta)
Listening 9.0 (2 marta)
Writing 8.0
Speaking 8.5
Overall 8.5 (3 marta)

Agar siz Farg'ona viloyatidan bo'lsangiz, markazimizdagi kurslarga tashrif buyurib , foyda olishingiz mumkin

Agar boshqa viloyatdan bo'lsangiz-chi?

No problem. Kanalda doimiy essay va video darslar joylab boraman🚀



Wall Street LC

05 Nov, 15:32

- What's the most pleasant thing you can do in the rain?

- Going out for a walk.

- Who should you go out for a walk with?

- Nobody. Go out alone.

Wall Street LC

05 Nov, 15:07

Yakshanba kuni markazimizda tashkillangan mock exam natijalari tayyor

Maksimal holatda harakat bilan, exam advice, speaking feedback va ishonchli materiallar tashkillashga harakat qildik🚀

Keyingi mock examda ham reja qilayotgan barchani kutib qolamiz!


Wall Street LC

03 Nov, 13:09

You wouldn't trust Chat GPT for essay assessment, but I like what it's saying here😂

Wall Street LC

03 Nov, 12:49

Smartphones have already become an integral part of our lives. This integration means everyone is spending a massive chunk of their time on their smartphones, and this trend can be seen among children too. While there are various reasons for this, I personally believe it is a negative development.

Let us first look at the reasons. Firstly, children are just copying what they see all around themselves. They see their parents, siblings - virtually every single adult around - being obsessed with their phones. In turn, they start to consider this as a normal activity and form the habit of wasting hours every day scrolling on social media, watching videos or chatting with friends. Another possible cause would be the access to video games. Because current games on mobile phones are far advanced and enticing, children become attracted to them, ending up dedicating a massive part of their day just to playing games. In my view, these are the main causes that are giving rise to the problematic situation in question.

Whatever the reasons could be, this trend is very negative and worrying. One problem it can lead to is to distract children. Smartphones are fun, and much more so than studying or exercising. As a result, children addicted to them might not give enough attention to more important priorities, such as completing their assignments, helping their parents at home or volunteering in the neighborhood. Another even worse problem would be the loss of social skills. Social media and many video games are usually dealt with alone, so children spending time on them are going to end up isolating themselves and have no communication with their peers. This is likely to prevent their soft skills from developing. I therefore believe that smartphone addiction can be very harmful.

In conclusion, the main causes of the trend being discussed are copying the behavior of adults around and being attracted to video games. Because it has many serious damaging effects, I regard this as a negative development.


Wall Street LC

03 Nov, 12:47

Many children are spending hours every day on their smartphones.

Why is this the case?

Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Posting my essay to this question, I'll never forgive if you just ignore it☝️

Wall Street LC

26 Oct, 15:53

Kechagi motivation'dan ilhomlanib WALL STREET LC dagi yangi guruhlarda qatnashmoqchi bo'lganlar uchun🚀

Quyidagi darajalar bo'yicha yangi guruhlar bizda hozir mavjud:

- beginner (ingliz tili 0 dan)
- foundation (elementary va pre-intermediate)
- pre-IELTS (B2 darajaga chiqish uchun)
- IELTS ( 5 oy, IELTS 7.0+ ni maqsad qilganlar uchun)

Shuncha markazlar turganda "nega sizlarda o'qishim kerak?" deb o'ziga savol berayotganlar uchun😃:

- siz uchun optimal bo'lgan muddat (0 dan boshlab maksimal 14 oy)

P.S: tezroq natija qilish imkoni bo'lsa ham, 20 -25 oylab cho'zib yurish bizga begona☝️

- insof bilan qo'yilgan kurs narxi

Farg'onadagi oilalar va talabalarning moliyaviy sharoitidan kelib chiqib kurs narxini belgilaganmiz☑️

- doimiy cashback

Sifatli ta'lim, hamyonbop narx bilan birga siz oylik to'lovdan cashback ham jamg'arib borasiz

- har qanday daraja va guruhlar uchun darslar IELTS 8.5 gacha bo'lgan malakali ustozlar olib borishadi

Kurslarga ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun


Welcome to WALL STREET - insofli o'quv markaz xullas ;)


Wall Street LC

25 Oct, 16:44

A gift to my dad🎁

For me, my dad has always been the symbol of determination, humility, dignity and self- esteem, and with God's mercy and blessing, I have been able to get him a car as a gift.

It's not that fancy or luxurious, but for me and my dad, it acts as one tiny gesture reflecting our bond with each other.

There are only two reasons why I'm publicly posting this:

- just wanted to share my happiness with you guys as we've been virtually together for a long time already

- this little good God let me do can motivate many of my students, prospective students, or followers to do smth even better for their parents.

Stay tuned for even more impressive results and news 🚀


P.S: yes, it's the same as Obidjonaka's car, but this is newer and much better😜


Wall Street LC

25 Oct, 16:17

Alhamdulillah, something I had been planning for a while came true today...

Wall Street LC

24 Oct, 18:27

Late night announcement

Do'stlar, bizga markazimiz uchun grafik dizayner kerak bo'lmoqda.

Shuning uchun yetarlicha malakaga ega dizaynerlar quyidagi username'ga bog'lanib, ishga joylashsangiz bo'ladi.


Obidjonaka's personal account 😃

Wall Street LC

23 Oct, 16:53

Kulgili joyi bo'lmasayam 😄 ni bosib qo'yaverasizlar a?

Wall Street LC

23 Oct, 16:49

Bugun yomg'ir yog'gani uchun ertalabki guruh talabalarimga shu idiomni aytib bergandim.

Come rain or shine - no matter what happens.

Come rain or shine, I'll go running tomorrow morning.


Wall Street LC

23 Oct, 16:47

We're planning to hold mock exams on a regular basis.

I'll reveal more details on that soon...

Wall Street LC

23 Oct, 16:46

#news #bomba
🔘Endi sizda 𝗜𝗘𝗟𝗧𝗦 mock test topshirish imkoniyati bor 🔥

𝙑𝙚𝙧𝙮 𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙘 𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙡𝙨
𝙀𝙭𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙙 𝙚𝙭𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙧𝙨
𝙁𝙖𝙨𝙩 𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙪𝙡𝙩𝙨 (1-3 𝙙𝙖𝙮𝙨)
𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙡 𝙚𝙭𝙖𝙢 𝙖𝙩𝙢𝙤𝙨𝙥𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚

🎧 𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙥𝙝𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨
📆 𝙊𝙘𝙩𝙤𝙗𝙚𝙧 27, 𝙎𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙖𝙮
𝙎𝙥𝙚𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙨 𝙖𝙩 10 𝙖.𝙢.
𝙍𝙚𝙜𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙚: Oct 25

🔰Write to @wall_st_admin to register or call us:
☎️ +998950188999


Wall Street LC

23 Oct, 08:59

Rise and rise again until lambs become lions.

I saw it while watching Robin Hood this morning.

Wall Street LC

22 Oct, 13:52

The diagram gives information about the stages involved in the recycling of plastic bottles.

Overall, this mainly mechanical process consists of nine stages, where used plastic bottles are turned into pellets, then raw materials, and finally, into various new products.

The recycling starts with bottles being disposed of into special garbage bins. Next, lorries take them to the recycling facility, where workers will sort them into usable and non-usable. The sorted bottles are then compressed into blocks.

It is in the fifth stage where the bottles lose their shape altogether after being crushed into small pieces. Afterwards, these pieces are washed and turned into ball-shaped tiny items known as pellets. The next step involves the pellets being exposed to heat in order to form necessary raw material. In the final stage, that material will be used to manufacture a variety of products, ranging from clothes and bags to pencils and plastic containers.

IELTS guruh bilan bugun darsda yozdik. To'g'rirog'i yozdim 😅



Wall Street LC

21 Oct, 17:48

Overall 7.5 with an impressive 8.5 in reading⚡️

Late night result👌

Congrats, Jasmina!

Couldn't post this earlier because of working like a zombie the entire day😮‍💨

May God make this serve for nice purposes!


Wall Street LC

21 Oct, 14:40

There aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done😭

Wall Street LC

20 Oct, 05:45

WALL STREET o'quv markazimizda yangi ochilayotgan guruhlar:

🔺Beginner - 8.30 va 15.30

🔺Pre-IELTS 10.30 va 15.30

🔺IELTS Standard 10.00 va 15.30

Ya'ni, sizga mos keladigan vaqt, joy, narx, o'qituvchi va yordamchi ustozlar - xullas hammasini taklif qilishimiz mumkin.

Kurslarimizda o'zingiz, do'stlaringiz, turmush o'rtog'ingiz yoki bo'lajak turmush o'rtog'ingiz😅 - ya'ni hamma ishtirok etib manfaat olishi mumkin☑️

Kurslarga ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun:

Join our channel: @doniyorIELTS

Wall Street LC

19 Oct, 17:10

Bu rasm tagida markazdagi yangi ochilayotgan guruhlar haqida e'lon bo'lishi mumkin edi ;)

Lekin uni ertaga soat 10.00 da joylashga qaror qildik😎

Wall Street LC

19 Oct, 16:51

Aksariyat talabalar savol berishadi:

"Writing'da faqat uzun va murakkab gaplar yozaymi?"

Yo'q, chunki faqat uzun gaplar o'quvchini charchatib qo'yadi.

"Writing'da faqat qisqa va sodda gaplarni yozaymi?"

Yo'q, chunki faqat sodda gaplar o'quvchini zeriktiradi.

Shuning uchun aralash holda yozing. Ayrim gaplar qisqaroq - masalan paragrafdagi birinchi gapni shunday yozaman.

Yangi g'oyani tanishtirayotganda ham nisbatan qisqaroq gap yozish mumkin.

Lekin g'oyani tushuntirish uchun qo'shimcha gaplarni uzunroq holda berishingiz mumkin.

Rasmdagi matnni o'qib ko'rsangiz maza qilasiz, bir necha yillar ilgari Diyorbekning kanalidan save qilib olgandim.



Wall Street LC

19 Oct, 16:38

Wish you all a great Sunday

Be careful and do not let idiots ruin your weekend😅

Mashhur GIF ni qaytadan tashlayapman yana🚀

Writing haqida bitta yaxshi post joylayabman 10 daqiqada...

Wall Street LC

16 Oct, 04:58

We analyzed the question above with a group of IELTS students yesterday and put together the introduction and body paragraph above.

Check it out, and if you have any questions, leave in the comments


Wall Street LC

16 Oct, 04:56

More and more local shops are now closing down because many people prefer to shop online.

What problems might this cause?

What solutions can you suggest?

Wall Street LC

14 Oct, 16:27

Can't believe Our planet II - a sequel of the amazing documentary I watched long ago - was already out!

Time to dive into this epic footage, enjoy and ponder what amazing living beings God has created.

You can check out the link above and enjoy Our planet I - its free version is available on YouTube.


Wall Street LC

13 Oct, 16:45

And yes, my beard is gone😭

Wall Street LC

13 Oct, 14:10

"Yaxshi, lekin postni videoga qanday aloqasi bor?" deyotganlar uchun🚀

Murakkab va allambalo yo'l bilan paragrafga ajrataman degan talabalar, qiyin raqib Teetsi - o'zbekchasi Chilton😅 bilan urushaman degan Alex kabi muvaffaqiyatsizlikka uchrashi mumkin.


Wall Street LC

10 Oct, 18:21

Worldly missions completed today📈

dozens of new students have been accepted to our center and joined the groups

lessons have been given to over a hundred students

a meeting (=conversation) has been organized with our team

a meaningful dinner between the two co-founders planning, pondering, and hoping.

Yet the conclusion I got from a lesson today:

1) You leave your students to their own devices, they are not at all going to study. So a strict regulation should never be overlooked.

2) Plus, I am going to stop accepting teachers from other learning centers as a student to our classes.

With all due respect to all the fellow teachers and learning centers, we'll start to have this policy just for the sake of confidentiality + to keep my nerve cells alive.🧠



Wall Street LC

10 Oct, 18:09

Do you want a late night post😄?

Wall Street LC

08 Oct, 07:22

Writing bar chart📊 analysis + speaking part 2🎤

A lesson I gave in a private group back in spring.

WALL STREET LC - a treasure trove of nice lessons


Wall Street LC

08 Oct, 07:05

Ko'pchilik writing va speaking, qolganlar hammasi deb yuborgan ekan😅, writing video bilan boshlayapman.

Obunachi: 300 tani hammasini share qilib yuborasizmi, teacher?

- Yo'q, pulliklari ham bor😃, lekin aksariyatini sizlarga kanalda taqdim qilamiz Xudo xoxlasa.


Wall Street LC

07 Oct, 09:17

Menda taxminan 300 ga yaqin online darslarim videolari mavjud do'stlar.

Shulardan ba'zilarini kanalga joylamoqchiman.

Qaysi skill bo'yicha joylay?🧐

Izohlarda qoldiring✍️

Wall Street LC

05 Oct, 16:28

Listening practice uchun o'zingizga nima qiziqarli bo'lsa, o'shani eshiting - albatta religious va culture value'larga mos keladiganini😄

Kamon otishga qiziqanim uchun shu amakining - Kevin Hicks - bir nechta videolarini ko'rib chiqyapman va quyidagilarga erishyapman:

- ingliz tilida vaqt sarflayapman, va til bilish darajam qanchadir foizga oshyapti

- o'zim qiziqqan mashg'ulotni ko'rib maza qilyapman

- talabalar bilan muloqot qilish uchun yangi narsalar o'rganyapman: Kevin Hicks xuddi tarix o'qituvchisiga o'xshab hikoyalar aytadi va hazillar qiladi.

Shu amakiga o'xshab qiziqarli hikoyalar bilan dars o'tadigan teacher'lar kerakmi?

Join our lessons at WALL STREET LC


Wall Street LC

05 Oct, 15:23

Three musketeers😄😎

Wall Street LC

05 Oct, 10:01

I came up with a wildly interesting topic yesterday and had AI write me an article about it.

Quirks of students in different parts of the world😅

Quirk is translated "qiliq" into Uzbek.

O'qib chiqqanlardan fikrlar kutamiz🚀😎

