Do you think this is a positive or negative development?
Energy provision in many countries still depends on fossil fuels. However, some nations have recently started to emphasise the use of alternative energy sources. Although it has some downsides, I believe relying on renewable sources for our energy needs is generally positive.
Admittedly, alternative sources could also have some disadvantages. Firstly, their access is limited to certain areas only. For example, solar energy can only be used in places with standing sunlight, and some countries, such as Britain, may not benefit from it much. Similarly, wind and wave energy are also inaccessible to many nations, including our own country, just because these nations are located in parts of the world where no strong wind or wave can be found. In addition, producing electric power from alternative sources usually proves expensive. Running such sources requires a lot of expensive hardware, so installing, operating and maintaining it turns out to be too costly for many countries. One example could be hydroelectric dams, which are usually big in size and take a lot of time and money to put up and operate. Thus, I would admit that renewable sources are also not free from drawbacks.
However, alternative means to generate power can offer many valuable benefits that are worth considering. The first obvious one is that they are eco-friendly. Because they do not contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, totally replacing fossil fuels with renewable means of energy production would result in cleaner air and water. This in turn comes with the added benefit of fewer health issues experienced by people. This is because polluted air usually causes respiratory diseases in many individuals, but reducing this contamination means freeing those individuals from such health problems. Most importantly, renewable energy sources are sustainable. That means they can provide us with energy nonstop, since, unlike fossil fuels, they are not likely to run out someday.
In conclusion, despite the few potential problems, using alternative sources instead of non-renewable ones is generally beneficial. It poses no threat for nature and people’s health as well as promises long-lasting energy provision.
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