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Diyorbek's IELTS Telegram Posts

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Last Updated 01.03.2025 08:59

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The latest content shared by Diyorbek's IELTS on Telegram

In April, my team will get the cup back from Jo’rabek’s


IELTS Reading is nothing but a test of vocabulary.

Generating Ideas 💡

One way to generate ideas is by using the stakeholder approach—considering all the parties who would have a say on the topic.

Topic: Banning dangerous sports.

Now, let’s identify the people connected to this issue and explore their perspectives.

Park ranger:
Police officer:

What would each say?


If you forgot your candidate number or have other enquiries, write to @diyorbeksielts_mock

🌇🌆 There are seats for both sessions of March 16. To reserve your seat ⤵️

📩 @diyorbeksielts_mock

People are not obese due to a lack of awareness about the harmful effects of fast food—everyone already knows that. Therefore, suggesting that raising awareness about the consequences of junk food is a solution is ineffective.


The most common problem I see in students' essays about Causes/Solutions/Effects is the quality of solutions.

Weak solutions (see the examples in the picture) usually fall into the following categories:

1) Overly general solutions
2) Unrealistic/impractical solutions
3) Relying too much on government intervention
4) Vague/Cliched solutions

To write stronger solutions, make sure that they are specific, practical and supported by specific examples.

💯 Diyorbek's IELTS

📢 Join Our Writing Workshop This Sunday ✍️

Want to improve your IELTS Writing with real, practical tips? One of our top teachers—8.5 Writing, two perfect 9.0s in Task 2—is hosting a workshop to help you write like a pro.

Learn practical strategies
Get expert feedback
Have loads of fun

Bring paper, a pencil, and loads of enthusiasm! Don’t miss out—sign up now! 🚀

📍 Yunusobod branch
🕰 14:00
📆 March 2

🔗 Registration link

This guy (a former Speaking examiner) is legit. His channel is a hidden small gem that is known to many Uzbek students.

Yuqori IELTS natijasi va xalqaro talabalik.

Xalqaro talabalikga erishgan o'quvchilarimizning safi kengaymoqda

The Pennsylvania State University talabalasi bo'lgan 3 nafar o'quvchilarimizning o'quv markazimiz haqidagi fikrlari.

DILC o’quvchilariga safiga qo’shilish va yuqori marralarni zabt etish uchun izohlarda 🔥 belgisini qoldiring.


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