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The classics department of the future

Imperium Press (English)

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Imperium Press

24 Nov, 15:55

NEW EPISODE — The Outlander — On Supremacy

It's taken as an article of faith that in order to have ethnic pride, we must see ourselves as objectively better than other peoples on some sort of cross-cultural scale. This has failed in real historical practice, which is not a surprise because the very idea of such a scale is corrosive to ethnic pride. Mike explains why he is not a supremacist.

Imperium Press

24 Nov, 12:32

If we compare the natural duties of a father with those of a king, we find them all one, without any difference at all but only in the latitude or extent of them.

— Robert Filmer

Imperium Press

23 Nov, 15:48

Promising first review of the Cultured Thug Handbook. Thank you Mr. King in Yellow. The book was designed to pack as much depth into 100K words as is humanly possible. Very gratifying to hear this sort of thing.

Review the book here:

It would be immensely rewarding to see the mainstream unable to ignore it.

Imperium Press

23 Nov, 12:02

The tendency to look not to the past but to the future for types of perfection was brought into the world by Christianity. Ancient literature gives few or no hints of a belief that the progress of society is necessarily from worse to better.

— Henry James Sumner Maine

Imperium Press

22 Nov, 21:18

Authority a la Carte

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Imperium Press

22 Nov, 19:33

“The libtard cares more about rocks and trees than his own mother. This is because he’s more mentally ill than his conservative counterpart.”

Mike Maxwell – The Cultured Thug Handbook

Imperium Press

22 Nov, 17:06

The fact that the US has a law on the books threatening to destroy the Hague if it infringes on US sovereignty should come as no surprise. It is in the nature of sovereignty that neither the Hague nor anyone else has jurisdiction over the citizens of sovereign states, and especially citizens acting in an official capacity for those states. This is discussed in my new book:

We discussed sovereignty in chapter 13, but sovereignty in a nutshell is the ability of a state to tell other states to fuck off; we decide what the law is, we decide how power is going to be delegated in our society and so forth. Since the Nuremberg trials in 1946 though, there has been a legal framework above and beyond whatever your king or your constitution says, and you have to abide by this framework or else the “international community” is going to come in there and start wrecking your shit. We call this framework the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Globalism is obviously older than the UN, but this is where globalism was formalized, and nationalism has been fighting on the back foot ever since.
The Cultured Thug Handbook, pp. 203-204

The "international community" is of course the US and its client states, so the Hague taking it to court is absurd.

When you understand sovereignty descriptively instead of as a set of aspirations and ideals, it becomes ridiculous to call any but maybe 3 or 4 countries in the world sovereign. It is unserious to pretend like each country is an equal and the US, China etc. are simply first among equals. This is the basic insight of realism in political science, and like the insights of absolutism (which are related), it's pretty much unimpeachable.

Imperium Press

22 Nov, 17:06

In 2002 the US signed the Hague Invasion Act into law, which states that if any US, NATO or Israeli official is charged with war crimes, arrested and brought to the International Criminal Court, the US will invade and destroy the city and court


Imperium Press

22 Nov, 16:06

NEW Kulture Dads — Nobuo Uematsu

👉 Get it HERE

Pretty much everyone under the age of 45 has heard his music, and yet pretty much nobody knows his name—Nobuo Uematsu is the composer of the music for the Final Fantasy series. From simple chiptunes to massive orchestral arrangements, he has an almost unmatched command of musical emotion and dynamics. The KDADS offer some deep analysis of his music and why he's underappreciated.

Imperium Press

22 Nov, 14:33

The Past Is Not What You Think It Is
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Listen to the podcast here

Imperium Press

22 Nov, 02:58

Thank you to AA for the mention. Looking forward to his takes on the book.

What Nemesis and Populist Delusion did for elite theory among the educated classes, Cultured Thug Handbook will do for the radical right among the mainstream.

Imperium Press

22 Nov, 00:01

The Past Is Not What You Think It Is
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Listen to the podcast here

Imperium Press

21 Nov, 22:55

I don’t want to get into all the miserable details but scumbag insurance company is trying to screw my family.

My wife needs some stuff that they no longer want to cover.

I hustled the money to pay it out of pocket so she doesn’t end up in the hospital for her birthday.

But, the holidays are coming and all that. Horrible time for them to pull this.

No pressure. But if you’re a Big Dave respecter and would like to keep me on track, a small donation would be greatly appreciated.


Venmo: @ Bigdavemartel

Cash app: $DaveMartel

Imperium Press

21 Nov, 12:49

NOW ON AMAZON — Cultured Thug Handbook

This book is a great way to redpill conservatives. Please leave a rating and review on Amazon!

Let's drive it up the rankings. By rights we should outsell Jordan Peterson's new book.

Imperium Press

21 Nov, 12:47

Law may seem like an idle topic but here we see why the study of law is so crucial—culture is downstream of politics is downstream of law. We have here also a great example of how universalism always becomes equality: universal applicability (“equality of opportunity”) invariably becomes universal moral worth (“equality of outcome”).

The Past Is Not What You Think It Is
Listen to the podcast here

Imperium Press

21 Nov, 09:02

Speech is great; but Silence is greater.

— Thomas Carlyle

Imperium Press

20 Nov, 22:31

Bestselling new release, the launch of a new video streaming platform—did you think Imperium Press couldn't possibly be any more winning?

This month we will announce a brand new publishing imprint under the Imperium brand for contemporary poetry and literary fiction.

Imperium Press

20 Nov, 20:27

Authority a la Carte

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Imperium Press

20 Nov, 16:09

England is amazing

Imperium Press

20 Nov, 12:03

The Past Is Not What You Think It Is
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Imperium Press

20 Nov, 10:39

Starting Nov. 20th:
-DECAMERON Film Festival 2024-




►Dedicated Telegram channel: @decameronfilmfestiva

Imperium Press

19 Nov, 17:26

“Communism and corporatism are mortal enemies. Communism (and Marxism) is class conflict, corporatism is class collaboration.

The two could hardly be more different. Under corporatism, the whole comes before the part. For Marx, the part comes first – the class is above all.”

Mike Maxwell – The Cultured Thug Handbook

Imperium Press

19 Nov, 12:47

We think of the past as something based, and it is. But the past is not a single thing—the past had its progressivism and liberalism too. And nothing illustrates this better than the history of law.

Law may seem like an idle topic but here we see why the study of law is so crucial—culture is downstream of politics is downstream of law. We have here also a great example of how universalism always becomes equality: universal applicability (“equality of opportunity”) invariably becomes universal moral worth (“equality of outcome”).


Imperium Press

19 Nov, 10:52

I really enjoyed this article on Millennial Woes’ Substack.

As someone like Woes who really appreciates minimalism, this flattening out of particularities offends my taste greatly. Minimalism is hard to pull off, and this ain’t it.

Liberalism is fundamentally entropic. It wants to break down barriers and eliminate the differences between peoples. It’s doubtful that this aesthetic was developed specifically to do that, but the effect is to sand off the rough edges of our character, to universalize us.

What makes a folk what it is, are its flaws, its irregularities, its particularities. Think of an American, an Englishman, a Chinaman, or an Egyptian and you will immediately picture what they don’t share with each other. The worldview that produces this impoverished aesthetic reduces peoples essentially to icons. You might see the burka or the turban as a stick in the eye of whitey, but ultimately even that will go and you’ll just be left with a generic “human”.

Liberalism is a fundamentally childlike way of viewing the world, a world of safe spaces, of high neoteny and low sexual dimorphism, where everyone is the same, everyone is heard, and everyone gets a turn at the bat. Kindergarten, basically. No wonder its aesthetic belongs in a daycare.

Imperium Press

19 Nov, 02:30

NEW EPISODE — Physique Manufactorum — Natural Bodybuilding Basics

There are thousands of books and dozens of approaches to building muscle. In this video, Marcus takes us through the most essential exercises to sculpt a massive physique, focusing on the heavy compound lifts. Of the countless fitness influencers, few have built a natural physique as impressive as that of the Golden One. An absolutely essential watch.

Imperium Press

18 Nov, 21:12

Authority a la Carte

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Imperium Press

18 Nov, 12:47

Trump Will Destroy Liberalism

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Imperium Press

17 Nov, 21:46

- DECAMERON Film Festival 2024 -

📆 Schedule:

💬 Dedicated Telegram channel: @decameronfilmfestival

🎫 Tickets: Send a donation here.

Starting soon...

Imperium Press

17 Nov, 15:57

Broke: Marriage can be between two men

Woke: Marriage is between one man and one woman

Bespoke: Marriage is a contract between two men

Imperium Press

17 Nov, 13:04

Robert Filmer:

They that say the law governs the kingdom may as well say that the carpenter’s rule builds the house.

(Patriarcha, 1680)

📘 Get it here:

Imperium Press

17 Nov, 01:30

Henry James Sumner Maine:

We are drifting towards a type of government associated with terrible events—a single Assembly, armed with full powers over the Constitution, which it may exercise at pleasure. It will be a theoretically all-powerful Convention, governed by a practically all-powerful secret Committee of Public Safety, but kept from complete submission to its authority by Obstruction, for which its rulers are always seeking to find a remedy in some kind of moral guillotine.

(Popular Government, 1854)

📘 Get it here:

Imperium Press

16 Nov, 14:40

The Mnesterophonia is the real meat of the Odyssey and one of the most badass things that has ever been sung. Will this be any good?

A man can dream.

Imperium Press

15 Nov, 15:57

Trump Will Destroy Liberalism

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Imperium Press

15 Nov, 12:44

NEW Kulture Dads — Neoreaction

👉 Get it HERE

Neoreaction (NRx) is a school of thought in the radical right that has gained recent prominence by the US Vice-President elect being associated with it. NRx takes classical counter-enlightenment reaction and updates it with new firmware. In applying modern engineering principles to social problems it concludes that the oldest technology is the best. But neoreaction is also very controversial, especially among white nationalist circles. The KDADS break down NRx and its major ideas.

Imperium Press

15 Nov, 00:59

Want to gift The Cultured Thug Handbook to your friends? Boss? Boomer Dad? Doctoral advisor?

Now you can get a bulk discount!

Use code CTH15 for 15% off 5+ copies. Use code CTH20 for 20% off 10+ copies.

Imperium Press

14 Nov, 21:01

Authority a la Carte

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Imperium Press

14 Nov, 15:23

Worth a read. This article covers some of the ground we covered in our Kulture Dads episode on Canada but provides more historical depth.

Canada is fundamentally reactionary and loyalist in nature, which captures part of what we call the Tyrrhic as opposed to our more Odinic neighbour to the south.

As a result, Canada is also fundamentally illiberal in the same way that England is fundamentally illiberal. This may anger some who accept Whig revisionism about the English folk character.

Canada is not revolutionary. It is the restorator, continuator, and preservator of order. My folkish theorizing about the ancestral principle and authority-as-primordial grows directly out of my Old Stock Canadian ancestry.

Imperium Press

14 Nov, 14:43

Trump Will Destroy Liberalism

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Imperium Press

14 Nov, 12:47

It matters not at all whether Trump intends to rule by decree. It matters not at all whether he follows through with any of his promises. It matters not at all whether he becomes a dictator. At the bare minimum, he is proof that a large group of Americans want all those things. This is the stuff of nightmares for the liberal.

Trump Will Destroy Liberalism
Listen to the podcast here

Imperium Press

14 Nov, 11:05

Thomas Carlyle:

The Great Man was always as lightning out of Heaven; the rest of men waited for him like fuel, and then they too would flame.

(On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History, 1841)

📘 Get it here:

Imperium Press

14 Nov, 03:38



Imperium Press

13 Nov, 15:50

Folks, The Cultured Thug Handbook is selling so fast we can't keep up with demand.

Because of the sheer sales volume, some copies may go out the door a couple of days later than we expected as we shift to filling orders in bulk.

The publication of the CTH is a big event. The book is going to shift the discourse, especially among normal men who are verging on radical right-wing views. And when it hits Amazon it's game over, which will happen soon.

In the meantime, tell your friends about it. Buy a copy for your drinking buddies, for the guy you talk shit with at the job site.

I've done some informal market research with normie friends of mine and now they're texting me constantly asking questions and telling me how they see the Deep State, the Cathedral, and "High-Low vs. Middle" everywhere. The CTH is a grenade lobbed into mainstream politics. It's even more effective than I thought it would be.

— Mike

Imperium Press

13 Nov, 14:03

Trump Will Destroy Liberalism

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Imperium Press

13 Nov, 11:26

NEW EPISODE — Newark Roundtable — Voluspa III

This is episode three of the Hearthfire Radio book discussion podcast, the final part in a 7+ hour analysis of Voluspa, the foundational poem of Germanic mythology. In this episode we begin with the narrative of Ragnarok, moving through to the conclusion of the poem, and then we give our final thoughts on this treasure in the Germanic corpus.

Imperium Press

13 Nov, 04:46

🇺🇸 — Donald Trump selects Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy to lead the Department of Government Efficiency (D.O.G.E.).

⚡️ @FolkishObserver | 📱 Follow

Imperium Press

12 Nov, 21:32

Authority a la Carte

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Imperium Press

12 Nov, 15:19

Director NORF FC is the kind of civil servant the West needs. He does not back down and doesn't give an inch to liberal sentimentalism over the poor invaders. Every estrogen-fuelled appeal to emotion is shot down with reason and manifest experience. He can cite law from memory, and does not care one whit about AOC's feelings. An absolute bulldog.

Plus he just looks like the kind of Anglo churl who would have strangled banni in Francia and then pounded six ales like it was nothing.

Imperium Press

12 Nov, 12:48

Trump’s re-election sent shockwaves through the liberal establishment. But the real terror isn’t Trump himself—it’s what he represents.

It matters not at all whether Trump intends to rule by decree. It matters not at all whether he follows through with any of his promises. It matters not at all whether he becomes a dictator. At the bare minimum, he is proof that a large group of Americans want all those things. This is the stuff of nightmares for the liberal.


Imperium Press

11 Nov, 21:12

Populism or Vanguardism?

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Imperium Press

11 Nov, 13:07

Anarcho-Tyranny Explained

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Listen to the podcast here

Imperium Press

11 Nov, 08:28

Greetings, everyone.

Millenniyule X will begin on the 12th of December 2024. It will be broadcast live on Twitter, Odysee, Telegram, Dlive and Rumble. There will be 52 interviews, taking in a broad swathe of the Dissident Right as well as a few figures from outside it.

The format will initially be the usual one: four interviews a night, along with a sprinkling of solo AMAs and one "Christmas cards" stream. But there will be a new feature this year...

After Christmas there will be six "banquet" hangouts with many guests from Millenniyule past and present. These will be themed: Scottish, English, Canadian, American, Germanic, and "open to all". The latter will hark back to the anarchic beginnings of Millenniyule - it will be a hangout open to the public.

There will also be a 1-hour "countdown" video immediately preceding the first interview. That video has already been completed so there is no chance of it not being ready on time - as has sadly happened in previous years - and this year it is something quite special, commemorating a decade of the festival.

The structure will be something like this (times shown in British):

11th Dec - Prologue AMA (10pm)
12th - countdown video (7pm)
12th-24th - 4 interviews each evening
25th - Christmas cards stream (2am)
25th - Christmas Day AMA (10pm)
26th - Boxing Day AMA (10pm)
27th - banquets 1 + 2
28th - banquets 3 + 4
29th - banquets 5 + 6
30th - Morgoth (8pm)
31st - Outro AMA (8pm)

The full schedyule will be published around the 8th of December. The guests will be announced each day up till then, both on this Telegram channel and the recently-recovered Twitter profile.

Millenniyule needs your support.

Imperium Press

10 Nov, 16:20

I love this so far.

It lays out all of the big brain ideas in an orderly manner but boils them down to plain language.

It fits nicely next to Marcus Follin’s muscular minimalism but adds a little sprinkle of “go fuck yourself”.

This is a serious ideological manifesto that drinks beer on the porch with the boys.

In one breath it’ll give a meaningful argument for the intellectual traditions of old. Then two lines later it calls the current critics of it a bunch of gay retards.

I was going to promote this anyway because I’m a nepotist and Mike is my boy.

But, it’s going to speak for itself once it gets out there.

Cultured Thug Handbook is a knuckle sandwich.

Imperium Press

08 Nov, 23:34

NEW EPISODE — The Outlander — The Cultured Thug

Mike's book has now dropped, and to celebrate he takes us through the meaning of the cultured thug. From Aeschylus to Caesar to Byron to Bowden, the cultured thug is there as far back as you care to look. This episode is free to all.

Imperium Press

08 Nov, 20:52

Populism or Vanguardism?

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Imperium Press

08 Nov, 16:38

The left is completely exhausted. They lack the will to fight. Even the meltdowns are far less genuine now. Obvious performative signalling.

There will be far less institutional resistance to the right this time around.

Imperium Press

08 Nov, 13:46

NEW BOOK — The Cultured Thug Handbook

The wait is over—Mike Maxwell's game-changing book is here.

The Cultured Thug Handbook sets out 45 radical right-wing concepts in plain language. From the Deep State to Asabiyyah, from Patriarchy to the Friend–Enemy Distinction, all the major ideas are here. These are the ideas that built our world.

This book pulls no punches, and boldly asserts ideas considered taboo today, but utterly sane and normal for all of human history up until five minutes ago. It is indispensable for understanding the political right of today.

Imperium Press

08 Nov, 12:14

Anarcho-Tyranny Explained

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Listen to the podcast here

Imperium Press

08 Nov, 01:31

The main way Trump screwed up last time is not breaking up the cliques and alliances within the power structure. If he has a serious neoreactionary or folkist on his team, or just someone who has read Nemesis or The Populist Delusion, they could really do a lot of damage to the Deep State. And take my word for it, these people do read us.

4 years ago Republicans dusted off an old procedural rule called the "Holman Rule". It's not legal to fire public servants without jumping through a lot of hoops, but this rule lets them reduce their annual salary as low as $1.

This is not a prediction, but there is reason for optimism. The whole vibe has completely shifted in the last year.

Imperium Press

08 Nov, 01:09

Trump is giving you the meme presidency you thought wasn't possible back in 2016.

We're gonna be watching press briefings every day.

Imperium Press

07 Nov, 20:31

Populism or Vanguardism?

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Imperium Press

07 Nov, 15:48

Anarcho-Tyranny Explained

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Listen to the podcast here

Imperium Press

07 Nov, 12:48

And so despite a plague spreading like wildfire, mass gatherings were allowed, even encouraged. Why? Because the real public health emergency was not the literal virus that required global lockdowns—the real public health emergency was—are you ready for it? “Racism.”

Anarcho-Tyranny Explained
Listen to the podcast here

Imperium Press

07 Nov, 02:37

Boomer 🤝 Millennial
Gen X 🤝 Gen Z

Every generation rebels against its fathers and befriends its grandfathers.

Imperium Press

06 Nov, 21:02

Populism or Vanguardism?

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Imperium Press

06 Nov, 16:10

We say this a lot but it's worth taking stock from time to time of how far we've come in a short space. Last time Trump won, you probably had to hide that you were a Trump supporter. Hell, maybe you weren't even a Trump supporter. Now not only are you but probably a bunch of people you know irl. We went from "tariffs are racist" and "legalize all dreamers" to the sitting president talking openly about remigration.

Huge vibe shift in the last year, but that didn't come out of nowhere. It came from thousands of men putting their balls on the chopping block and telling the truth at great personal cost, for years. Take the W.

Imperium Press

06 Nov, 16:02

🇸🇪 Today we celebrate two kings!

Not only do we celebrate Trump's heroic victory, we also remember our glorious king Gustav II Adolf.

May his spirit be with us as we reclaim our nation.

Imperium Press

06 Nov, 14:33

Anarcho-Tyranny Explained

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Imperium Press

06 Nov, 12:58

The Trump win means very little in terms of policy—Trump did almost nothing the first time and he won't do much this time either. The significance of the Trump win is as an indication that elite moods have shifted. Changes like in the above graph don't just happen from the grassroots. They happen because somebody took the thumb off the scale.

First, elites are genuinely moving toward the right. Certain elements of finance (specifically, venture capital) are now hostile to wokeness, DEI, and ESG, and are pushing back against it. They still won't touch race with a ten-foot pole, but they are back to a kind of "raceblind meritocracy" which is a step in the right direction.

Second, the regime ideology has become so detached from reality that it is actually threatening geopolitical interests and economic stability. The last thing the power structure wants right now is a cackling half-caste in a pantsuit negotiating with men like Putin and Xi. This could never have been allowed because the regime is at least half-serious, and needs to get its act together.

Third, the other side may have had a motivation in quietly taking the L. Economic fundamentals are absolutely abysmal right now and it may be that the crash that was deferred in 2008 and 2020 can no longer be put off. With Trump at the helm this could be blamed on him.

But the takeaway is that the power structure is now being challenged by a counter-elite that is far less ideological and just wants to make sure the ship doesn't capsize. This both opens up and forecloses on different opportunities. The system wants to go back to boiling the frog slowly. This will buy us time, but the rightward momentum must continue, which means the most of the hard work for the radical right lies in the future.

Imperium Press

06 Nov, 12:06

"Educated people vote blue" has clearly changed. The cognitive elite are turning to the right. The only reason Trump was allowed to win the "election" in the first place is that people in positions of authority recognize that runaway liberalism is a threat to their own power.

Imperium Press

06 Nov, 10:13

Trump WIN message from Mike

Imperium Press

05 Nov, 12:47

This week Mike's book The Cultured Thug Handbook will be dropping. To celebrate, and as a thank you to our loyal Substack patrons, we're giving you one chapter in full—where Mike explains the concept of Anarcho-Tyranny.

And so despite a plague spreading like wildfire, mass gatherings were allowed, even encouraged. Why? Because the real public health emergency was not the literal virus that required global lockdowns—the real public health emergency was—are you ready for it? “Racism.”


Imperium Press

04 Nov, 12:37

My First Book: The Cultured Thug Handbook

Read the Full Article
Listen to the podcast here

Imperium Press

02 Nov, 16:23

Great news, Hearthfire has reached its goal of subscriptions! One month ahead of schedule.

We are now officially "in the black", so this bird is going to fly. Hearthfire Radio will be around for a long time to come.

This month we will announce the completely redesigned site, probably quite soon. Our boys have been hard at work on this and the wait will be worth it.

We appreciate all of our subscribers for hanging in there while we finish up the site. You have all made this possible. This is a big step for heathenry, and proof of concept. Teething problems aside, we have proven that we can build our own platform and that the support is there to keep it going. This is a big win for everyone, so THANK YOU.

Imperium Press

02 Nov, 03:51

You can help Imperium redpill people, for free.

It only takes 5 minutes.

Please give us a 5-star review of Carlyle's On Heroes on Amazon:

Every rating pushes our books to more people. Every person who discovers us sends them down a rabbit hole that moves them toward our worldview.


Imperium Press

02 Nov, 00:14

NEW Kulture Dads — H. P. Lovecraft II: The Stories

👉 Get it HERE

We covered H. P. Lovecraft about 15 episodes ago, but he is such a massive topic that we only really got to talk about his ideas, life, and views. In this episode, we take half a dozen of his best stories and we analyze them and what makes them work so well.

Imperium Press

01 Nov, 19:44

They Are Scrubbing the Internet Right Now

Instances of censorship are growing to the point of normalization. Despite ongoing litigation and more public attention, mainstream social media has been more ferocious in recent months than ever before. Podcasters know for sure what will be instantly deleted and debate among themselves over content in gray areas. Some like Brownstone have given up on YouTube in favor of Rumble, sacrificing vast audiences if only to see their content survive to see the light of day.

It’s not always about being censored or not. Today’s algorithms include a range of tools that affect searchability and findability. For example, the Joe Rogan interview with Donald Trump racked up an astonishing 34 million views before YouTube and Google tweaked their search engines to make it hard to discover, while even presiding over a technical malfunction that disabled viewing for many people. Faced with this, Rogan went to the platform X to post all three hours.

Navigating this thicket of censorship and quasi-censorship has become part of the business model of alternative media.

Incredibly, the service which has been around since 1994 has stopped taking images of content on all platforms. For the first time in 30 years, we have gone a long swath of time – since October 8-10 – since this service has chronicled the life of the Internet in real time.

Imperium Press

01 Nov, 15:31

New on AMAZON: George Washington (Great Men Series)

For those of you who prefer to buy on Amazon, our Washington biography is now available.

Imperium Press

01 Nov, 12:33

My First Book: The Cultured Thug Handbook

Read the Full Article
Listen to the podcast here

Imperium Press

31 Oct, 20:27

Axial Antinomianism

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Imperium Press

31 Oct, 12:47

This book is a summary of the radical right-wing worldview as expressed by the greatest thinkers of all time, from Homer to Alasdair MacIntyre. It pulls no punches and is written for men with a dick. It is polemical and doesn’t apologize. Throughout the text you will get the sense that I have zero respect for liberals and the left because I don’t. They are not smart, and we are their natural masters, their intellectual and moral betters. They should be grateful that we are here to explain reality to them.

My First Book: The Cultured Thug Handbook
Listen to the podcast here

Imperium Press

31 Oct, 11:22

My First Book: The Cultured Thug Handbook

Read the Full Article
Listen to the podcast here

Imperium Press

30 Oct, 21:12

Axial Antinomianism

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Listen to the podcast here

Imperium Press

30 Oct, 15:29

New on AMAZON: The Foundations of Political Science

For those of you who prefer to buy on Amazon, our edition of Burgess' classic is now available.

Imperium Press

30 Oct, 12:04

My First Book: The Cultured Thug Handbook

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Listen to the podcast here

Imperium Press

29 Oct, 12:47

After 3 years, Mike's book is finally ready. He explains what it is and why it was written, and you get a sneak peek at the text. The Cultured Thug Handbook is nigh.

This book is a summary of the radical right-wing worldview as expressed by the greatest thinkers of all time, from Homer to Alasdair MacIntyre. It pulls no punches and is written for men with a dick. It is polemical and doesn’t apologize. Throughout the text you will get the sense that I have zero respect for liberals and the left because I don’t. They are not smart, and we are their natural masters, their intellectual and moral betters. They should be grateful that we are here to explain reality to them.


Imperium Press

29 Oct, 00:55

Very revealing article by Bezos:

Reality is an undefeated champion. It would be easy to blame others for our long and continuing fall in credibility (and, therefore, decline in impact), but a victim mentality will not help. Complaining is not a strategy.

What seems like humility and taking ownership is really just damage control by the Cathedral. They realize that the radical right and other alternatives are outflanking them on every imaginable side., Telegram channels like CIG, and smaller outlets like The Noticer are crushing them in journalism. LLMs (most promisingly, open source LLMs) are replacing the need for Google. Temu and Alibaba undercutting Amazon. Twitter now allows radical right talking points. Imperium, Counter-Currents, and individual creators of courses are replacing higher education with a superior alternative. Urbit may even replace DNS hosting. They are in real trouble when the payment processor gatekeeping party is over.

So this is Bezos trying to get out in front of it. But it's not an apology, not an admission of failure in journalism. He still believes WaPo have the finest journalists around. They don't. Their journalists are below the level of people who do it for free, whom he calls "unsourced". No—for Bezos, the failure is a branding issue. That is all they plan on fixing.

Don't buy their fake ownership of the issue. Keep pushing, keep fighting, stay the course. The beast is wounded and admitting to this in full public view. The coup de grace will come, sooner than you think.

Imperium Press

28 Oct, 12:12

I Know You’re Tired, Comrade

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Imperium Press

27 Oct, 15:03

The EPUB of George Washington (Great Men Series) is now available on our website.

Get it here:

Imperium Press

26 Oct, 16:23

The EPUB of Foundations of Political Science is now available on our website.

Get it here:

Imperium Press

26 Oct, 14:02

SITE UPDATE: Full site redesign is coming

Our web team has been hard at work tweaking and fixing the Hearthfire Radio site but some bugs and problems persist. So we are going to do a full site redesign. We're going to start from scratch and rebuild from the ground up.

Expect this to drop in the coming weeks. Thank you for your patience as we work through it. We are getting closer to our subscriber goal and we appreciate how patient you all have been.

When the re-built site launches it will probably be a bit less slick, but it will be much more functional, which is what matters. Over time we will retool the site so that it not only works as well as YouTube, Spotify, and Odysee, but it looks as good as those too.

But first things first—we will make it run smoothly.



Imperium Press

26 Oct, 10:17

NEW Kulture Dads — Halloween and John Carpenter

👉 Get it HERE

It's spooky season where the veil between worlds is thin. The KDADS take a look at a stone cold classic, the movie that made John Carpenter a household name. How does it hold up almost 50 years later? They also analyze his directorial and cinematography style, and the results are wild.

Imperium Press

26 Oct, 02:02

I Know You’re Tired, Comrade

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Imperium Press

25 Oct, 18:11

Feels like we've cultivated the best audience imaginable where Washington and Cromwell are viewed as "hmm a bit controversial" but Genghis Khan who reduced the global population so sharply that he literally changed the weather, elicits "nice... that guy was based."

Imperium Press

25 Oct, 12:43

NEW BOOK — George Washington (Great Men Series)

George Washington was the first leader of what would become the greatest political power in the history of the world. His name is synonymous with America.

As the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army, Washington led a ragtag force to victory against the world’s most powerful military. He then navigated the deeply divided political landscape of early America, fostering national unity despite fierce ideological battles between the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans.

Imperium Press

25 Oct, 11:24

NEW EPISODE — The Outlander — Being an Outlander

What is it like to be a man of the North, living on the edge of a desert? In this video, Mike explains what it's like to be an "expat nationalist", the folkish man whose tie to his native soil has been severed. More to the point, we discover that we are all going to be expats soon, that the liberal machine intends to push us all off the land.

Imperium Press

24 Oct, 22:18

The Odinic vs. the Tyrrhic

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Imperium Press

24 Oct, 17:37

It physically hurt him to say this.

Imperium Press

24 Oct, 14:33

I Know You’re Tired, Comrade

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Imperium Press

24 Oct, 12:47

What you’re seeing is the shift in ideology of Silicon Valley moguls for the past generation. What begins as a moderate centre-right leaning shifts radically toward the left up to about 2020. Then in only four years, we see a massive swing to the right. And not just back to the centre-right—Silicon Valley is trending hard right.

I Know You’re Tired, Comrade
Listen to the podcast here

Imperium Press

23 Oct, 21:01

The Odinic vs. the Tyrrhic

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Imperium Press

23 Oct, 15:56

NEW EPISODE — Radio North Sea International — Barrows: The Monument of our People

The Indo-European barrow aka kurgan aka burial mound is a funerary monument tradition that lasted about 6000 years and spread from Eastern Europe as far as Chine to the East, the Atlantic to the West and Siberia to the North. This monument is not only the proof of our greatness but is also the sacred centre of the Heathen religion.

Imperium Press

23 Oct, 12:07

I Know You’re Tired, Comrade

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Imperium Press

23 Oct, 00:51

RSS feeds are now fully functional on Hearthfire Radio!

Just click the "RSS feed" link at the top right whether logged in or not to access it.

We have our web team (yes, team!) on the case, so we will be announcing a lot more functionality soon. Turns out we slightly underestimated how complicated it would be to replace YouTube. But we are getting there.



Imperium Press

22 Oct, 13:00

There has been a growing sentiment of exhaustion in the radical right. But the Financial Times just published data showing that the radical right has made a large and permanent impact on the ideology of counter-elites. We are winning, and you should know that.

What you’re seeing is the shift in ideology of Silicon Valley moguls for the past generation. What begins as a moderate centre-right leaning shifts radically toward the left up to about 2020. Then in only four years, we see a massive swing to the right. And not just back to the centre-right—Silicon Valley is trending hard right.


Imperium Press

21 Oct, 01:23

What other kind of physiology would you expect from someone who uses the term "A" "Millennia"

Imperium Press

19 Oct, 01:16

NEW Kulture Dads — UFOs

👉 Get it HERE

UFOs are a fascinating phenomenon. They're totally mainstream, but also a conspiracy theory. Boomers are obsessed with them, but they're also a way for people to escape the liberal consensus. Mike and Dave dive into this spooky and utterly "outside" phenomenon.

Imperium Press

18 Oct, 15:27

NEW EPISODE — The Outlander — What Is My Ideology?

In this video, Mike explains his ideology in brief—which is anti-ideology. Ideology is nothing more than a shorthand for a large number of specific commands. Mike takes us through how this shorthand eventually overtakes and then erases the specifics, which is anti-folkish.

Imperium Press

18 Oct, 12:47

Religion is a Bull Market

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Imperium Press

18 Oct, 01:14

The mannerbund concept has been so romanticized that it has become yet another antinatal distraction for young men.

Modernity has rendered the so-called warband obsolete. Even the final vestiges of it in previous decades were just surrogate activities.

Due to thrownness, the current male isn’t even built for such social architecture because he is too disagreeable and narcissistic.

The only thing that heals the need to organically belong is pair-bonding and siring children.

It is the last organic rite of passage that will forcefully transform you from boy to man.

I think it’s time to relinquish this hauntological nostalgia of fratboyism and encourage what modern men are actually built for.

Then in fatherhood and clan building they find real bonds of fellowship.


Imperium Press

17 Oct, 12:56

NEW BOOK — The Foundations of Political Science

Modern works on political science are little more than propaganda, and are worthless as science. This book is something else entirely.

Written by the man called “the father of American political science”, John Burgess’ book gives the reader a solid foundation for understanding our world. Instead of the fictions of modern works, Burgess presents us with truths:

— Nations have an ethnic foundation
— The character of ethnicities informs the political character of a nation
— The state developed historically, not through a social contract between free individuals
— Liberty does not exist in nature, but is created by the state.

Today, there is an urgent need for introductory works that present an alternative vision to the liberal vision. This book is the classic work in the field, written by a man who was both supremely qualified, and who lived at a time when sane political views were simply taken for granted.

Imperium Press

17 Oct, 12:47

We are re-entering an environment of harsh Darwinian selection due to modernity itself, and as these pressures come back, selection for high-fertility, religious worldviews accelerates.

Religion is a Bull Market
Listen to the podcast here

Imperium Press

17 Oct, 10:31

Religion is a Bull Market

Read the Full Article

Imperium Press

17 Oct, 01:49


Since launching the Hearthfire site we have encountered quite a few web issues.

The main reason why is that we don't use an out-of-the-box solution like Wix. We decided not to, because we don't want to hand your details over to big tech. However this means everything must be hand-coded and so the site is taking a while to get dialled in.

Most of the major issues such as login problems have been dealt with but a few still remain. If you are having trouble, please join the chat in the comments below. Alternatively you can contact us through the site. The more details you can provide, the easier it will be to fix.

Some things that can help if you are encountering problems:

— Use a standard OS/browser combination. We will support all browsers but some may not work well temporarily.
— Try accessing on desktop. Most of the issues have been on mobile.
— If streaming doesn't work, try downloading the podcast to your device and listening from there.

Thanks everyone for your patience. It's taking longer than expected but within a month or two you will have a smooth-running alternative to Odysee and YouTube, just for our guys.

Imperium Press

16 Oct, 12:45

We recently did an episode on ADHD on Kulture Dads. A lot of guys in this thing either have ADHD or have some elements of it.

We really wanted this episode to be not just interesting, but useful. So in addition to our usual deep dive into the roots of the topic, we also gave a ton of practical advice for dealing with your ADHD scatterbrain. How to cope, how to maximize it, and how to understand it.

Maybe even more important, we spent a lot of time explaining how your wife or girlfriend can understand and cope with it. It's just as hard on her.

So here's the whole episode for free. Listen to it, you probably hear a fair bit of this in yourself. And show the Mrs. too. Maybe it will help.

See you next time, DADS

— Mike and Dave

Imperium Press

16 Oct, 11:32

Religion is a Bull Market

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Imperium Press

16 Oct, 01:32

Since our announcement, we added 20% to our subscribership overnight.

This is a huge whitepill. People clearly value having a platform controlled by our guys. There's a ways to go, but it looks like this thing is going to fly.

A heartfelt thanks to you all.

Imperium Press

15 Oct, 14:43


Thank you all for supporting Hearthfire Radio. This is a big step forward for heathenry. So many of you have reached out and said things like "this has been needed for years". It's a labour of love.

But the reality is, it's also very expensive. We budgeted for it to run 3 months before it has to pay for itself. We are now halfway through that 3-month period and we are also halfway to the number of subscriptions we need. But the bulk of people signed up right away, so this means that we are actually behind, and may not meet our goal in time.

So please don't wait to sign up, or it might be too late. This is our best shot to have our own platform.

We're going to launch a few things that will make it easier to support us. Thanks to everyone who has signed up so far. Please send a DM to your friends and tell them about us. The more eyes we can get in front of, the better our chances.

Imperium Press

15 Oct, 12:46

Keith Woods recently wrote an article "Secularism is Here to Stay" arguing that the revival of religion is not as certain as many think. Mike responds, pointing out a number of factors leading to a religious revival. Mike also addresses the question of which religion might win out in the end.

We are re-entering an environment of harsh Darwinian selection due to modernity itself, and as these pressures come back, selection for high-fertility, religious worldviews accelerates.


Imperium Press

14 Oct, 16:05

NEW EPISODE — Physique Manufactorum — Going from the Gym to MMA

Getting jacked will certainly help you fight and physically dominate. But how to apply your strength technique to MMA? Marcus gives you practical advice for how to go from the gym into the ring.

Imperium Press

14 Oct, 15:25

An astonishingly un-self-aware comment by James Lindsay.

He's claiming that when Kamala Harris says "we can see what can be, unburdened by what has been", she's echoing a Marxist idea. He's not wrong.

Where he is wrong is thinking that this same idea does not come from his own classical liberalism. The idea of leaving old and irrelevant tradition behind comes directly from the French Revolution. This was a year-zero ideology. They literally rewrote the calendar to make a hard break with the past, to "unburden" themselves from "what has been".

Marxism is unthinkable without classical liberalism. More than that—Marxism is the logical conclusion of classical liberal premises. James Lindsay, with his milquetoast Enlightenment fetishism, is just afraid to go all the way to what his assumptions demand. When you start from the idea that the past is something to be overcome, you end up with the idea that biology itself is to be overcome, because your biology is just your deep prehistory.

Illiberalism is part of the dissident minimum. If we're liberal, we're with James Lindsay. And if we're with James Lindsay, then however unwittingly, we're with Kamala Harris.

Imperium Press

14 Oct, 12:17

Hurricane Helene — We Are On Our Own

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Imperium Press

12 Oct, 18:45

New podcast on Hearthfire — THE WESSEX NOMAD

Beloved traveller and filmmaker Wessex Nomad is joining us with exclusive documentaries.

For Hearthfire he will focus on ancient religious sites around the British Isles and beyond, taking us on a spiritual journey across our native lands. We're thrilled to have him, and to add another stone to the cairn that is Hearthfire Radio.


Imperium Press

12 Oct, 14:13

NEW Kulture Dads — ADHD

👉 Get it HERE

Mike and Dave are ADHD respecters, and it seems like many of our brothers and sisters (though mostly brothers) in the right have it. In this episode, we talk about ADHD, where it comes from, and Dave gives a lot of good information on how to deal with it—both if you have it, or if you love someone who does.