मित्रांनो , खरं बोलायचा सख्या आईला राग येतो असं म्हणतात
या परिस्थितीला आपण स्वतः जबाबदार आहोत
कारण आपला हव्यास 🤦♀️🤦♂️
आपल्या हव्यासापोटी आपण एक जीवघेणी स्पर्धा आपल्यातच करतो (कारण सर्वात जास्त sub ordinate level ला JE च आहेत)
आपल्याला मोठे section , cream पोस्ट पाहिजे असते , आणि त्यातुन वरिष्ठांची मर्जी राखण्यासाठी चमचेगिरी सुरू होते , लांगूनचालन करणे , जेवणाचे बिल स्वतः JE / शाखा अभियंत्याने भरणे , DE EE ने below degnity ची सांगितलेली खाजगी कामे करणे व त्यातुन मर्जी संपादित करून आपल्याच सहकाऱ्यावर कुरघोडी करणे असे दुष्टचक्र तयार होते व काही अलिखित (चमचरगिरीचे) नियम तयार होतात व ते पाळणे म्हणजेच protocall fallow करणे , असा परावलंबिचा शब्द आपल्याला ऐकवला जातो
अरे आपण JE आहोत , आपल्याला करावेच लागते , नाहीतर बाजुला व्हावे लागते , असे आपलेच लोकं बोलतात , व तो नियमच करून घेतात
जो जितका जास्त चमचेगिरी , चाटुगिरी करेल तो succesfull , अशी एक व्याख्या आपल्याकडे होऊन गेली आहे व दिवसेंदिवस अधिक दृढ घट्ट करण्यासाठी आपण directly , indirectly प्रयत्नरत आहोत
Technical Knowledge , स्वाभिमान दुय्यम झाला आहे
मी जेव्हा शाखा अभियंता होतो , त्यावेळी आमच्या sub dn ला 1 अतिशय विकृत DE होता , तो नेहमी फोडा झोडा नीती वापरायचा , आम्ही 3 लोकं मी व 2 AE2
आम्ही तिघांनी शप्पत घेऊन एकी ठेवली , वरीलप्रमाणे कधीही चमचेगिरी केली नाही , त्याचे चुकीचे काम ऐकले नाही , कोणी एकावर त्याने अन्याय करून काम आमच्यापैकी दुसऱ्याला करायला दिले तरी आम्ही सपशेल नाकारले , आम्ही एकमेकांना कधीही option / पर्याय झालो नाही , म्हणुन त्याचाच पर्याय खुंटला , इतकंच नव्हे लेखी आदेश काढुन ही आम्ही त्याला कधीही बधलो नाही , आम्ही देखील *कार्याबहुल्यामुळे व इतर कामांवर परिणाम होण्यामुळे सदरहु काम मला करता येणे शक्य नाही* असे लेखीही दिले
वेगवेगळ्या प्रकारच्या युक्त्या , आमिषे दाखवून ही आम्ही एकमेकांच्या कामात ढवळाढवळ केली नाही व ताठ मानेने dignity ने काम केलेत
आपल्या कडे यावर साधा पर्याय म्हणजे अतिजास्तीचा हव्यास सोडा , आपल्याच उपविभागातील दुसऱ्या JE / शाखा अभियंत्यांची कामे वरून कितीही दबाव आला तरी करू नका , हावरट पणा करून दुसऱ्यावर अन्याय करू नका , त्यांना पर्याय / option च न उरल्यामुळे , एकमेकांमध्ये विश्वास ही वाढेल व हळुहळु आत्मविश्वास ही वाढेल
सुरुवातीला थोडे कठीण जाते , दबाव येतो परंतु sub dn as a team म्हणुन दृढ निश्चय केला तर यशस्वी होतो
आम्ही हा प्रयोग यशस्वी केला होता व प्रत्येक वेळ रिपीट केला , एखादा नासका आंबा असेल तर त्याच्यावर सर्वांनी बहिष्कार टाका , वाळीत टाका व दुसऱ्या मार्गानेही त्याला expose करा
आपले नियम आपण स्वतः तयार करा , न्यूनगंडातून बाहेर या
हे प्रॅक्टिकल आहे व successfull आहे
मी आता SDO म्हणुन काम करतांनाही सर्व sub dn म्हणजे 1 unit प्रमाणे काम करतो , सर्वजण एकमेकांच्या site वर जातात , dn चा कोणीही खबरीलाल नाही , office ची गाडी म्हणजे निरीक्षण वाहन आहे , ती आपली प्रॉपर्टी नाही , म्हणुन सर्व JE नां गरजेनुसार केव्हाही वापरायची परवानगी आहे
त्यामुळे वातावरण हलके फुलके राहते
Dignity ने , स्वाभिमानाने वागल्याने थोडा त्रास होतो , मध्ये बदलिही झाली होती , पण हिंमतीने न्यायालयात लढून न्याय मिळवून घेतला , त्यामुळे आता unparliyamentri त्बरेच विषय वाट्याला येत नाही
किती लोभ , हव्यास ठेवायचा तो आपल्यावर , JE / शाखा अभियंता म्हणुन unity केली तर एक है , तो safe है चा प्रत्यय येईलच
SDO Vinod Wagh Sir
PWD Maharashtra.

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Ähnliche Kanäle

Understanding Civil Engineering Examinations: A Comprehensive Overview
Civil engineering is a pivotal field within the broader domain of engineering, encompassing the design, construction, and maintenance of structures such as roads, bridges, and buildings. As the demand for skilled civil engineers continues to rise, various competitive examinations are conducted to identify top talent in this discipline. The Junior Engineer (JE), Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC), and the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) are among the most significant assessments aspiring civil engineers must navigate in their careers. This article provides an in-depth look at these examinations, their relevance, structure, and preparation strategies designed to help candidates succeed. With the right approach and proper resources, candidates can effectively prepare and increase their chances of obtaining coveted engineering positions in both the public and private sectors. Understanding the specifics of these exams can significantly impact an individual’s educational and professional trajectory, making it essential for aspirants to be well-informed and strategically prepared.
What is the Junior Engineer (JE) examination?
The Junior Engineer (JE) examination is a competitive test conducted by various state government bodies in India. The examination primarily focuses on recruiting candidates for the position of Junior Engineer in various departments, including public works, irrigation, and urban development. The exam assesses candidates' knowledge in core engineering subjects, mathematics, general intelligence, and reasoning skills. Individuals who clear the exam are often responsible for supervising civil engineering works and ensuring compliance with safety and design standards.
The JE examination typically consists of objective-type questions, and candidates need to prepare thoroughly in subjects relevant to civil engineering. The syllabus often includes topics such as Structural Engineering, Environmental Engineering, and Geotechnical Engineering. Candidates are encouraged to review previous years' papers and practice MCQs to enhance their problem-solving speed and accuracy. With the right preparation strategy, aspirants can significantly improve their chances of success.
What is the Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) examination?
The Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) examination is an essential competitive exam for individuals seeking government jobs in the state of Maharashtra. The MPSC examination includes various services, including engineering positions, administrative roles, and other public sector jobs. It serves as a gateway for civil engineers to secure prestigious positions within the state's infrastructure development projects and various government departments.
The MPSC exam consists of multiple stages, including preliminary, mains, and interview rounds. For civil engineering candidates, it's crucial to prepare across a wide range of topics including current affairs, general studies, and core engineering subjects. Understanding the exam pattern and structure is vital, as it helps candidates allocate their preparation time effectively and focus on important areas.
What does GATE stand for and why is it important?
GATE stands for the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering, a highly esteemed examination conducted jointly by several Indian institutes of technology and Indian Institute of Science. This exam assesses the understanding of various undergraduate subjects in engineering and science. GATE is particularly important for civil engineers as it opens up opportunities for higher education, including admission to postgraduate programs such as M.Tech and M.E., and provides access to prestigious institutions.
Moreover, GATE scores are also utilized by several public sector undertakings (PSUs) for recruitment purposes. Many companies in the engineering sector use GATE scores to shortlist candidates for employment, making it a crucial examination for civil engineering graduates. The importance of GATE extends beyond academics; it significantly influences career trajectories as it enhances the employability of engineers in competitive job markets.
What are common preparation strategies for civil engineering exams?
Preparing for civil engineering examinations requires a structured approach and a well-defined study plan. Candidates often begin by understanding the exam syllabus and pattern thoroughly. The use of standardized textbooks and reference materials specific to civil engineering is crucial. Aspirants are encouraged to create a study schedule that allows ample time for revision and practice. Regularly taking mock tests can significantly help in identifying strengths and weaknesses.
Additionally, forming study groups can promote collaborative learning, allowing candidates to discuss and solve problems together, thus enhancing their understanding of complex topics. Utilizing online resources, such as forums and educational videos, can also contribute positively to their preparation. Ultimately, consistency and dedication are key factors in effectively preparing for these competitive exams.
Where can candidates find study materials and resources for civil engineering examinations?
Candidates seeking study materials for civil engineering examinations can access a variety of resources online and offline. Several educational websites and platforms offer comprehensive guides, practice papers, and mock tests tailored for exams like JE, MPSC, and GATE. Websites such as 'civiliansforYou' play a vital role in connecting aspirants with quality resources, sample questions, and exam tips to facilitate effective preparation.
Moreover, local bookstores and libraries usually stock reference books and previous year question papers which are invaluable for preparation. Engaging with coaching institutes that specialize in civil engineering examinations can further provide structured learning and expert guidance. Investing time in gathering diverse resources will ensure candidates are well-prepared and confident on exam day.
Civilians Telegram-Kanal
Are you a civil engineering student looking to ace your exams with top-notch preparation material? Look no further than Civilians for You! This Telegram channel is dedicated to providing quality Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) based on previous year exams for JE, MPSC, and GATE. Not only that, but Civilians for You also offers important information regarding civil engineering examinations to help you stay updated and well-informed. With a focus on excellence and accuracy, this channel is a must-join for anyone serious about excelling in their civil engineering studies. Join Civilians for You today and take your exam preparation to the next level! Click on the link provided to become a part of this supportive community of dedicated students and professionals. Don't miss out on this valuable resource that will help you succeed in your academic and professional endeavors.