Are you interested in learning about candlestick patterns and how they can help you make better trading decisions? Look no further than the Telegram channel 'Candle sticks with GD'! Run by the username @candlestickswithgd, this channel provides educational content on candlestick patterns in the financial markets. It's important to note that the channel owner is not a SEBI registered analyst, and all posts are for educational purposes only. They are non-advisory and discretionary, meaning they do not provide direct investment advice. The channel owner also makes it clear that they are not responsible for any profits or losses incurred based on the information shared. It is always recommended to consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions. If you're new to trading or looking to enhance your knowledge of candlestick patterns, 'Candle sticks with GD' is the perfect resource for you. Stay informed, learn new strategies, and make more informed trading decisions with the educational content provided on this channel. Join today and take your trading skills to the next level! ๐ค๐
03 Feb, 05:02
08 Jan, 14:28
23 Dec, 05:47
13 Dec, 08:05
01 Nov, 09:46
29 Oct, 07:30
27 Sep, 17:56
26 Sep, 09:56
26 Sep, 09:49
06 Sep, 07:09