وَلَعلّها مَسألةَ وقتٍ ليسَ أَكثر .
Welcome to سنبلة, a Telegram channel created by user c500r. سنبلة, which translates to 'ear of grain' in English, is a place where you can find inspiration, motivation, and positivity in your daily life. The channel is dedicated to sharing uplifting quotes, stories, and images to brighten your day and help you overcome any challenges you may face. Whether you're feeling tired, stressed, or just in need of a pick-me-up, سنبلة is here to provide you with the encouragement and support you need. Join us on this journey towards a more positive and fulfilling life, where every day is a new opportunity to grow and thrive. Let سنبلة be your guide to finding peace, happiness, and inspiration in every moment. Remember, even when you feel like giving up, there is always a reason to keep going. Come join us at سنبلة and let's spread positivity and joy together!
07 Jan, 07:54
22 Dec, 20:05
22 Dec, 20:05
19 Dec, 14:09
18 Dec, 18:06
29 Sep, 10:38
24 Sep, 22:54