Budak Tarbiah @budaktarbiah Channel on Telegram

Budak Tarbiah


SHARE kan sebanyaknya VIBE DAKWAH ini kepada seluruh dunia. Moga moga ada yang tersentuh dan tergerak untuk kembali semula ke jalanNya :')

Budak Tarbiah (Malay)

Budak Tarbiah adalah saluran Telegram yang bertujuan untuk menyebarkan vibe dakwah kepada seluruh dunia. Saluran ini mengajak para pengikutnya untuk berbagi pesan-pesan dakwah agar orang-orang bisa tersentuh dan tergerak untuk kembali ke jalan yang benar. Dengan semangat dakwah yang menginspirasi, Budak Tarbiah membawa kabar baik dan menyebarluaskan nilai-nilai kebaikan kepada masyarakat. Jadi, jika Anda mencari inspirasi dan motivasi dari pesan-pesan dakwah yang membawa kebaikan, bergabunglah dengan saluran Telegram @budaktarbiah sekarang dan mulailah menyebarkan cahaya kebaikan kepada dunia!

Budak Tarbiah

07 Jul, 19:51

Oh Allah, Please Protect Me!

Oh, Allah, please protect me,
In every step, in every plea.
Please guard my attire, pure and neat,
In Your path, guide my wandering feet.

Please protect my manners, keep them refined,
With kindness and patience, make me aligned.
Shield my circle, true and sincere,
With hearts that reflect Your love, always near.

Oh, Allah, please make me strong,
In my hijrah journey, where I belong.
I've seen so many drift away,
From tarbiyyah, they stray each day.

You don't just take the nikmah of hijrah,
But the protection from every fitnah.
To be a good hijabist, I strive,
A good Muslimah, a Mukminah alive.

Oh, Allah, in Your mercy I trust,
Protect me always, as You must.
Guide me, guard me, keep me true,
In everything I say and do.



Budak Tarbiah

18 Jun, 02:14


Assalamualaikum, final call day for Qurban in Africa today is at 11:00H MYT

Hence, we are glad to re-open Happy Hour Sale

1 Goat = RM470 RM400 Only


Budak Tarbiah

10 Jan, 09:09

Semakin hari, semakin banyak senda gurau, hiburan, dan peralihan isu yang berlaku, sehingga membuatkan umat lupa tentang saudara kita.

249 saudara kita terbunuh dalam tempoh 24 jam yang lalu. Apakah hati kita masih bersama mereka? atau sudahkah kita melupakan mereka? Ingatlah bahawa setiap dari kita akan dipersoal.

Gunakan media sosial kita untuk menyebarkan berita seperti ini. seterusnya didik orang sekeliling kita untuk membenci mereka dengan menyebarkan ilmu kearah menyatukan hati umat. Bukan menyebarkan perbalahan, perpecahan yang hanya akan merancakkan ruangan komen.

Budak Tarbiah

03 Jul, 07:37


Budak Tarbiah

03 Jul, 07:36

Akh Abdullah mesej, "Akh, ana demam ni.. Nak minta 'excuse' halaqoh malam ni boleh?"

"Antum naik teksi.. Boleh?"



Selesai solat isya'.. Aku lihat dia berselimut atas katilku.. Panas..

Maka aku biarkan dia tidur.. Halaqoh tetap berjalan seperti biasa dengan peserta yang lain..

Sambil saling mendoakan..

Syadid? Itu mata kamu.. Mata kami, itulah namanya tarbiyah..

Sebab kami dah janji, sihat atau sakit, Islam tetap perlu diperjuangkan..

Bayangkan.. Untuk ke halaqoh 'time' sakit pun dah tak mampu, komitmennya duduk je pun~ Tak mampu~ Bagaimana untuk angkat senjata nanti?


3 Julai 2013

Budak Tarbiah

25 Jun, 18:02

It is never a sin to feel down and frustrated. Just take a break and let yourself heal by reading or listening to the calming sacred book of the Quran.

Spend more time with Him, the One who will solve all of your problems and troubles. He has merely tested us to see how we will turn back to Him and confide everything in Him.

โ€œThose who believe and whose hearts find comfort in the remembrance of Allah. Surely in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find comfort. Those who have believed and whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of God.โ€ (Ar Raโ€™d, 13:28)

May this poem help you heal faster ๐Ÿ™‚


Have some break, let your worries fade,
Embrace the solace that the Quran has laid.
In its sacred verses, a balm for the soul,
A source of healing that makes us whole.

When life weighs heavy, and burdens prevail,
Seek refuge in the Quran, let it unveil
The wisdom and guidance it gently imparts,
Comforting whispers that soothe troubled hearts.

With each recitation, a tranquil retreat,
A divine melody, melodious and sweet.
Words penned in heaven, imbued with light,
Illuminate the darkness, dispel the night.

For within its pages, a treasure untold,
The secret to serenity, the stories of old.
Lessons of patience, forgiveness, and grace,
Revive our spirits, put a smile on our face.

The Quran, a sanctuary, a refuge divine,
Its verses caress us like a soothing and itโ€™s fine.
In its timeless verses, we find our release,
A haven of tranquility, bringing inner peace.

So let us turn to its verses, let us abide,
In the solace of Quran, our hearts confide.
For healing lies within its sacred core,
The best remedy for our souls to restore.



Budak Tarbiah

24 Jun, 23:45

Dear brothers and sisters,

It's okay to fail, keep learning new things every day.

InshaAllah, instead of feeling frustrated, you will recover faster and know where to improve on your next day. Success is just a few steps away from you. It's not that far. As long as you keep walking, you will find and attain it.

The key is simply to keep learning new things every day.

โ€œAs for those who strive in Our cause, We shall surely guide them to Our Ways. Indeed Allah is with those who do goodโ€ (Al Ankabut, 29:69)

May this poem help you heal faster :)


In life's intricate dance, do not despair,
For failure is but a step on the stair.
With each stumble, with each fall,
New lessons emerge, answering the call.

InshaAllah, frustration shall not abide,
For in learning, strength will reside.
From setbacks, you shall swiftly rise,
Guided by wisdom's radiant skies.

Success, dear soul, is within your reach,
Just beyond the lessons that life will teach.
Though distant it may seem, fear not the distance,
For with every step, you gain resistance.

The key, my friend, lies solely in you,
To seek knowledge and embrace it anew.
With each passing day, a chance to grow,
Unveiling treasures that you'll come to know.

So let failures be your stepping stone,
And resilience be the path you own.
Through continuous learning, your heart shall thrive,
In the pursuit of dreams, you shall truly arrive.



Budak Tarbiah

13 Jun, 09:22

NAK STUDY OVERSEA! - Khas untuk pelajar lepasan SPM versi limited edition.

โ€œKak, SPM saya 6A je kak. Ada peluang ke sy nak study oversea?โ€

โ€œSaya teringin nak sambung belajar oversea, tapi sy takut culture shock! Lepastu, saya tak tahu nak pilih course apa. Risau habis belajar, bawak hutang jeโ€

No worry, adik adik.

Dalam hidup ni, apa je yang impossible untuk berlaku? Semua boleh berlaku.

My own testimony : Grad MRSM dengan pointer 3.21 je. Dapat tawaran scholarship ke UTP dan persediaan perubatan USM ke India.

Ha, pilih lah nak pergi mana.

Nah, korang nak tak kalau akak SHARE kat korang 4 pathway untuk korang sambung belajar overseas dengan SCHOLARSHIP?

Register link ZOOM di bawah untuk dapat reminder di emel terus,

Dan DM akak di IG untuk akak masukkan korang dalam group whatsapp :

p/s : Make sure register link untuk dapat reminder di emel, dan untuk akak tahu apa yang akak boleh bantu korang ya!

Do SPREAD THIS NEWS to all your mates, for their future too

Budak Tarbiah

17 Jun, 03:10

Biasiswa / Pinjaman Pelajaran Lepasan SPM 2021
Telegram : Info Lepasan SPM (https://t.me/infolepasanspm)
ig: @rofiahkholis @rodliah
(Senarai ini akan diupdate dari masa ke semasa)

1. PETRONAS Education Sponsorship Programme
Lokasi: Malaysia dan Luar Negara
Syarat Minima: 8A- (Local), 4A/A+ 4A- (Oversea)
Bentuk penajaan: Full scholarship (biasiswa penuh)
Tarikh permohonan: 16 Jun to 22 Jun
Link: https://educationsponsorship.petronas.com.my/OAS

2. BNM - Kijang Scholarship
Lokasi: Malaysia dan Luar Negara
Syarat minima: 8A (A & A+ sahaja)
Bentuk penajaan: Full scholarship (biasiswa penuh)
Tarikh permohonan: 16 Jun - 26 Jun
Link: https://www.bnm.gov.my/careers/scholarships

3. Yayasan Khazanah
Malaysia : Khazanah Watan
Luar Negara : Khazanah Global
Syarat minima: 8A (A & A+ sahaja)
Bentuk penajaan: Full scholarship (biasiswa penuh)
Tarikh permohonan: 10 Jun - 30 Jun
Link: https://applicationportal.yayasankhazanah.com.my/

4. PNB
Lokasi: Luar negara
Syarat minima: 8A (A & A+ sahaja), GCEO 1119 minimum 2A
Bentuk penajaan: Full scholarship (biasiswa penuh)
Tarikh permohonan: 13 Jun - 24 Jun
Link: https://www.pnb.com.my/05_5Scholarship_EN.php

5. Shell
Lokasi: Dalam dan luar negara
Syarat minima: 8A (A & A+ sahaja)
Bentuk penajaan: Full scholarship (Biasiswa penuh)
Tarikh permohonan: Dibuka sehingga 30 Jun
Link: https://www.shell.com.my/careers/students-and-graduates/scholarships.html

6. Star Education Fund
Lokasi: Dalam negara
Syarat minima: Mendapat keputusan cemerlang
Bentuk penajaan: --
Tarikh permohonan: Dibuka sehingga 30 Jun
Link: https://www.thestar.com.my/edufund

7. Yayasan Tenaga Nasional (YTN)
Lokasi: Dalam dan luar negara
Syarat minima: Mendapat keputusan cemerlang
Bentuk penajaan: Pinjaman boleh ubah (PBU) / Full scholarship (biasiswa penuh) - bergantung kepada program
Tarikh permohonan: 16 - 30 Jun
Link: https://ytn.tnb.com.my/

8. Young Talent Program (YTP) MARA
Lokasi: Dalam dan luar negara
Syarat minima: Minima 6A- (bergantung kepada setiap program)
Bentuk penajaan: Pinjaman boleh ubah (PBU)
Tarikh permohonan: 17 (10 pagi) - 27 Jun (12 tgh hari)
Link: https://www.mara.gov.my/en/index/

Lokasi: Jepun, Korea, Perancis, Jerman
Syarat minima: 5A/A+ 2A-
Bentuk penajaan: Pinjaman boleh ubah (PBU)
Tarikh permohonan: 16 (5 ptg) - 30 Jun (5 ptg)
Link: https://esilav2.jpa.gov.my/

10. Yayasan Telekom Malaysia - Future Leadership Scholarship
Lokasi: Dalam dan Luar negara
Syarat minima: 6A (Local), 8A (Luar negara). Utk bahagian English (1119-GCEO), pilih others.
Bentuk penajaan: Full scholarship (biasiswa penuh)
Tarikh permohonan: Dibuka sehingga 30 Jun
Link: https://www.tm.com.my/yayasantm/Pages/scholarships.html#future-leaders-scholarship-programme

11. Yayasan UEM
Lokasi: Dalam dan Luar negara
Syarat minima: 7A (A+/A)
Bentuk penajaan: Full scholarship (biasiswa penuh) + bonded
Tarikh permohonan: Dibuka sehingga 26 Jun
Link: https://www.uem.com.my/yayasanuem_scholarship.aspx

Budak Tarbiah

15 Jun, 03:40

Wahai akhi,
Wahai ukhti.

Mengapa hati itu terlalu rapuh dalam menampung beban dan amanah yang dipercayakan Tuhan ?

Mengapa jiwa itu terlalu goyah dalam menancapkan keyakinan untuk menghidupkan jiwa jiwa insan ?

Mengapa terlalu cepat merasa goyah dan terus mengalah ?

Tak yakin kah kalian bahawa kalian adalah hamba yang dipilh Allah untuk meneruskan apa yang kekasih-Nya telah mulakan ?

Tak rindu kah untuk merasa sakit dan derita dalam mengorbankan segala apa yang ada, sepertimana yang dirasakan oleh Baginda dan barisan sahabatnya ?

Akhi wal ukhti.
Kita tak punya banyak masa untuk menimbal samada kita layak untuk berdakwah atau tidak.
Kita juga tak punya banyak pengalaman untuk dipertikaikan.

Tapi kita tahu, kita ada satu keinginan yang kuat, untuk mencapai redha Dia, dan bertapak di syurga-Nya.

Bagaimana ?
Istighfar, dan menangislah sambil berlari.
Biarkan kaki itu terus melangkah walau ia dipenuhi darah.
Biarkan. Kerana itu adalah sunnah dalam berdakwah :')


p/s : Sabarlah, dan tsabatlah :') Kerana istilah rehat itu hanya wujud setelah setapak kaki melangkah ke dalam syurga.


Budak Tarbiah

26 May, 09:36




A โ€œSorryโ€ might not change the fundamental dynamics between two people.

Most of the time you need more than that to make someone feel safe again.

Ideally here is what a โ€œRealโ€ apology looks like:

0 โ€“ Say youโ€™re sorry

1 โ€“ Go into detail about what you did

2 โ€“ Put yourself in their position / Emphatize

3 โ€“ Why you think it was wrong

4 โ€“ What you would do instead if you are exposed to the same situation again in the future

If you are the one who messed up, it takes courage to take these steps!

You admit your wrong doing and take responsibility for having crossed the line.

You commit yourself to change your behavior in the future!

Can you feel the impact?

Can you feel how these steps bring back safety in your connection?

Have you ever apologized in such deep way?

How did it impact your connection?

It might take some repeating of these steps to get your message through.

Your partner or friend might not fully get it or trust it at first.

This means that you must be clear and firm in your words.


If you are the one receiving the apology, how does it feel when someone simply says โ€œIโ€™m sorryโ€ but doesnโ€™t really get it?

You feel they give you a โ€œSorryโ€ just to deflect the tension but are ready to โ€œDo it againโ€ as soon as the trigger situation arises one more time in the future.

How does it feel when you are receiving an โ€œIn depthโ€ apology with deep understanding of the dynamics involved?


For instance, if you are a couple and you are the one who messed up in a specific situation, here is what it can look like:

0 โ€“ โ€œIโ€™m sorry I showed up one hour lateโ€

1 โ€“ โ€œI said I would be here at 7 and didnโ€™t show upโ€

2 โ€“ โ€œI can totally imagine how this makes you feelโ€

3 โ€“ โ€œItโ€™s wrong because I kept you waiting. Itโ€™s completely out of integrity on my endโ€

4 โ€“ โ€œIn the future, Iโ€™ll make sure I leave 1 hour earlier and do everything I can to show up on timeโ€


I know this example can feel pretty trivial but you get the point.

Going through this sequence reestablishes trust in your connection.

I know it looks like a recipe but once you get the sequence and understand these dynamics, it becomes natural and second nature.

Is it hard work, or creating too much fuzz out of something insignificant?

Wellโ€ฆ Some wounding around betrayal for instance can go really deep.

For instance you might have been exposed to a cheating episode in your relationship and realize that 10 years later you still donโ€™t trust your partner.

That might be because they never gave you a real in depth apology

Itโ€™s really simple and obvious, right?

So itโ€™s up to you to decide how deep you want to go when this type of challenges arise.

Is it a one time mistake or is it repeat behavior that poisons your relationship?


If you are the one apologizing, you might try to avoid all that by:

โ€“ Finding excuses
โ€“ Thinking itโ€™s no big deal
โ€“ Blaming others or your partner for your actions
โ€“ Trying to justify yourself
โ€“ Being in denial
โ€“ Etc.



Another important point!

Your apology must come from your TRUTH SOURCE, not someone elseโ€™s!

An apology that arises by force or threat is just a lie in disguise!

If you donโ€™t feel it, donโ€™t say it!

Donโ€™t force words that donโ€™t seem real to you!

For instance if you donโ€™t really care, are in denial or feel that your excuses are valid, then simply say that and own it! ??

And be ok with your attitude being a potential deal breaker in your relationship with that person.







Budak Tarbiah

13 May, 15:13

Di dunia ini,

Dari banyaknya jumlah manusia hanya sedikit saja dari mereka yang sadar.

Dari sedikit yang sadar hanya sedikit yang berislam.

Dari sedikit yang berislam itu hanya sedikit yang berdakwah.

Dari mereka yang berdakwah lebih sedikit lagi yang berjuang.

Dari mereka yang berjuang sedikit sekali yang bersabar.

Dan dari mereka yang bersabar hanya sedikit sekali dari mereka yang sampai akhir perjalanan.

Asy Syahid Imam Hasan Al-Banna.

Budak Tarbiah

23 Mar, 01:50

Kalau ada tahu mana mana kawan kawan atau sepupu sepapat yang akan ke NZ atau OZ, boleh SHARE kan peluang ni kepada mereka :)





