BShS learning center @bshsenglish Channel on Telegram

BShS learning center


👤Mr Holov: +99891 262 28 28
👩‍🎓🧑‍🎓For those who want to learn English perfectly!
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BShS learning center (English)

Welcome to the BShS Learning Center! Are you looking to improve your English skills and learn the language perfectly? Look no further, as our channel, @bshsenglish, is here to help you achieve your language learning goals. Led by the main creator, Mr. Holov, our channel offers a supportive and interactive learning environment for those who are eager to enhance their English proficiency. Whether you are a beginner or looking to polish your language skills, our channel caters to learners of all levels. By joining our channel, you will have access to valuable resources, engaging exercises, and helpful tips that will guide you through your English learning journey. Our dedicated admin, @MrHolov, is always available to assist you and answer any questions you may have. Express your thoughts, share your progress, and connect with fellow English learners in a welcoming community. Join us today and take the first step towards mastering the English language! For more information and to join our channel, click on the following link:

BShS learning center

21 Nov, 18:16

The first step is always the hardest.

BShS learning center

21 Nov, 09:52

Question: Do you think dreams will affect life?

Absolutely, I believe that dreams can significantly affect our lives in various ways. Firstly, they often serve as a source of inspiration. Many people have reported that their most creative ideas came from their dreams. For instance, famous artists and inventors like Salvador Dalí and Thomas Edison claimed that their dreams played a crucial role in their creative processes.

Vocabulary and Collocations:

1. Source of inspiration - ilhom manbai
2. Creative ideas - ijodiy g‘oyalar
3. Crucial role - muhim rol
4. Subconscious mind - ongsiz ong
5. Symbolic representation - ramziy ifoda
6. Reflect our subconscious mind - ongsiz ongimizni aks ettirish
7. Deepest fears and desires - eng chuqur qo‘rquvlar va istaklar
8. Personal growth - shaxsiy o‘sish
9. Better decision-making - yaxshiroq qaror qabul qilish                                               10.affect - ta'sir qilmoq                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Ushbu speaking savolni yodlab, keyingi darsda guruhingizdagilar bilan mashq qilishingiz shart!

BShS learning center

21 Nov, 04:57

Multi level MOCK

🗓 DATE : NOV 24
🧭 AT BSHS learning centre
💳 FEE: 30.000
🕰 TIME: 9:00 A.M.
📈 SKILLS: ( listening, reading, writing and speaking).
Speaking yangi format va feedback
Overall ball va To'g'ri javoblar soni ( L/R dan)
Writingda har bir qism uchun alohida ball
Takrorlanmas savollar
  Tezkor natijalar

p.s.Qachon topshiraman degan savol qiynayotgan bo'lsa mocklarimizga qatnashib ko'ring.

To register write to:@Sardor_0667

BShS learning center

19 Nov, 15:03

🇺🇿 BShS o‘quv markazi sizni yangi imkoniyatlarga chorlaydi!

🎯 IELTS va Multi-Level kurslari uchun yangi guruhlar ochilmoqda!
🗓 Darslar boshlanish sanasi: 28-noyabr
Qabul vaqti: 10:00 yoki 14:00

🔹 Nega aynan BShS o'quv markazi?
Barcha darajalardagi o‘quvchilar uchun qulay guruhlar
Professional o‘qituvchilar jamoasi
Zamonaviy va samarali dars metodikasi
IELTS/CEFR ga sifatli tayyorgarlik

🔹 Dars jadvali:
Haftada 3 kun
To'lov: 300,000 so‘m

🚀 Orzuingizdagi IELTS/Multi -Level ballini biz bilan qo‘lga kiriting!
📍 Manzil: BSHS o'quv markazi, 14-xonada
📞 Telefon: 912622828

Joylar soni cheklangan! Bugunoq ro‘yxatdan o‘ting:@MrHolov

BShS learning center

18 Nov, 17:20


🤝Biz bilan hamkorligingiz uchun tashakkur!

‼️Keyingi Mock imtihonlari 24- Noyabrda bo'ladi.
Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun @Sardor_0667 ga yozing.

P.s: Biz foydalanadigan savollar ishonchli va haqiqiy imtihoningizda tushishi mumkin.

BShS learning center

18 Nov, 00:21

"Self-confidence is not something you have, it's something you create. It's a choice you make every day, in every moment."

7 Lessons from "The Power of Self-Confidence: 9 Steps to Boost Your Self-Esteem, Conquer Your Fears and Learn to Love Yourself" by Daniel J. Martin:

1. Recognize Your Worth
Understanding and acknowledging your intrinsic value is the foundation of self-confidence. Martin emphasizes that everyone has unique strengths and qualities that contribute to their worth. Embracing this self-awareness is crucial for building a positive self-image.

2. Set Achievable Goals
Setting realistic and achievable goals is essential for boosting self-confidence. Martin encourages readers to break down larger objectives into smaller, manageable steps. Achieving these smaller goals fosters a sense of accomplishment and reinforces belief in one’s abilities.

3. Confront Your Fears
Facing fears head-on is a vital step in overcoming them. Martin advocates for gradually exposing yourself to what you fear, which can diminish its power over time. This process not only builds resilience but also enhances self-confidence as you learn to navigate challenges.

4. Practice Positive Self-Talk
The way we speak to ourselves significantly impacts our self-esteem. Martin highlights the importance of replacing negative self-talk with positive affirmations. Cultivating a supportive inner dialogue can help reinforce self-worth and encourage a more confident mindset.

5. Surround Yourself with Supportive People
The influence of our social circles cannot be underestimated. Martin stresses the importance of surrounding yourself with positive, supportive individuals who uplift and encourage you. Healthy relationships foster an environment where self-confidence can thrive.

6. Embrace Failure as a Learning Opportunity
Failure is often viewed negatively, but Martin encourages readers to see it as a valuable learning experience. Embracing failure allows for growth and development, reinforcing the idea that setbacks are a natural part of the journey toward success.

7. Commit to Continuous Self-Improvement
Self-confidence is not a static trait but a dynamic quality that can be developed over time. Martin emphasizes the importance of committing to lifelong learning and self-improvement. Engaging in personal development activities enhances skills and knowledge, which in turn boosts confidence.

BShS learning center

17 Nov, 15:34

Ultimate Speaking for IELTS

Speaking darajasini kuchaytirmoqchi, va asosiysi part-2, part-3 samplelar va idealar bor ekan.

BShS learning center

17 Nov, 03:20

Assalomu alaykum, IELTS 7+ yoki CEFR C1 sertifikatlari bo'lib, ish qidirayotgan kandidatlar @MrHolov ga yozib quyinglar. Ko'pchilik mendan o'qituvchi so'rayapti.

Ps. Iltimos, boshqa darajadagilar bezovta qilmasdan, bilimingizni ozroq oshiring

BShS learning center

15 Nov, 19:03

Multi level MOCK

🗓 DATE : NOV 17
🧭 AT BSHS learning centre
💳 FEE: 30.000
🕰 TIME: 9:00 A.M.
📈 SKILLS: ( listening, reading, writing and speaking).
Speaking yangi format va feedback
Overall ball va To'g'ri javoblar soni ( L/R dan)
Writingda har bir qism uchun alohida ball
Takrorlanmas savollar
  Tezkor natijalar

p.s.Qachon topshiraman degan savol qiynayotgan bo'lsa mocklarimizga qatnashib ko'ring.

To register write to:@Sardor_0667

BShS learning center

14 Nov, 06:16

Here’s a list of discourse markers to express your opinion in IELTS Speaking with Uzbek translations and examples:

1. In my opinion – Mening fikrimcha

Example: In my opinion, reading books is the best way to relax.

Uzbek: Mening fikrimcha, kitob o‘qish eng yaxshi dam olish usuli.

2. I believe that – Menimcha

Example: I believe that learning a second language is very beneficial.

Uzbek: Menimcha, ikkinchi tilni o‘rganish juda foydali.

3. Personally, I think – Shaxsan men o‘ylaymanki

Example: Personally, I think online education is the future of learning.

Uzbek: Shaxsan men o‘ylaymanki, onlayn ta’lim kelajakning ta’limidir.

4. To be honest – Rostini aytsam

Example: To be honest, I’m not a fan of spicy food.

Uzbek: Rostini aytsam, men achchiq ovqatlarni yoqtirmayman.

5. From my point of view – Mening nuqtai nazarimdan

Example: From my point of view, climate change is a critical issue.

Uzbek: Mening nuqtai nazarimdan, iqlim o‘zgarishi jiddiy muammo.

6. As far as I’m concerned – Men uchun

Example: As far as I’m concerned, sports should be a part of everyone’s life.

Uzbek: Men uchun, sport har bir inson hayotining bir qismi bo‘lishi kerak.

7. I’d say that – Men shuni aytardimki

Example: I’d say that traveling is the best way to learn about other cultures.

Uzbek: Men shuni aytardimki, sayohat qilish boshqa madaniyatlarni o‘rganishning eng yaxshi yo‘lidir.

8. If you ask me – Agar mendan so‘rasangiz

Example: If you ask me, technology has made our lives easier.

Uzbek: Agar mendan so‘rasangiz, texnologiya hayotimizni osonlashtirdi.

9. Frankly speaking – To‘g‘risini aytganda

Example: Frankly speaking, I find history lessons boring.

Uzbek: To‘g‘risini aytganda, tarix darslari zerikarli deb bilaman.

10. I tend to think that – Men shunday deb o‘ylashga moyilman

Example: I tend to think that people should work on developing their soft skills.

Uzbek: Men shunday deb o‘ylashga moyilman, odamlar o‘zlarining yumshoq ko‘nikmalarini rivojlantirish ustida ishlashlari kerak.

11. It seems to me that – Menga shunday tuyulyaptiki

Example: It seems to me that children nowadays spend too much time on their phones.

Uzbek: Menga shunday tuyulyaptiki, hozirgi bolalar telefonlarida juda ko‘p vaqt o‘tkazishadi.

12. The way I see it – Mening ko‘rishimcha

Example: The way I see it, education should be accessible to everyone.

Uzbek: Mening ko‘rishimcha, ta’lim hammaga ochiq bo‘lishi kerak.

13. In my view – Mening fikrimcha

Example: In my view, teamwork is essential in any profession.

Uzbek: Mening fikrimcha, har qanday kasbda jamoaviy ish muhim.

14. To my mind – Mening nazarimda

Example: To my mind, cities need more green spaces.

Uzbek: Mening nazarimda, shaharlarga ko‘proq yashil maydon kerak.

15. I feel that – Men shunday his qilaman

Example: I feel that everyone has the right to express their opinions.

Uzbek: Men shunday his qilaman, har bir inson o‘z fikrini bildirishga haqli.

Use these expressions to make your answers sound natural and coherent!

BShS learning center

13 Nov, 05:08

Ms. Nargiza shogirdimni C1 bilan tabriklayman!

BShS learning center

13 Nov, 05:08

Assalomu alaykum, ustoz. Yaxshimisiz? Darslar bilan charchamayapsizmi?

BShS learning center

13 Nov, 03:36

Common Mistakes Advanced. Must-study book to get a high score

BShS learning center

12 Nov, 16:45

Assalomu alaykum ustoz bugun b2 sertifikat oldim. Bu hammasiga siz sababchisiz tan joniz sog‘ umriz uzoq bo'lsin.

BShS learning center

11 Nov, 15:36


🤝Biz bilan hamkorligingiz uchun tashakkur!

‼️Keyingi Mock imtihonlari 17- Noyabrda bo'ladi.
Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun @Sardor_0667 ga yozing.

P.s: Biz foydalanadigan savollar ishonchli va haqiqiy imtihoningizda tushishi mumkin.

BShS learning center

10 Nov, 17:03

Here's a list of vocabulary categorized by word type, commonly used in IELTS Writing Task 1 for maps, with Uzbek translations:


show: ko'rsatmoq, namoyish etmoq (кўрсатмоқ, намойиш этмоқ)
illustrate: tasvirlamoq (тасвирламоқ)
depict: tasvirlamoq (тасвирламоқ)
represent: ifodalamoq (ифодаламоқ)
locate: joylashtirmoq (жойлаштирмоқ)
indicate: ko'rsatmoq, ishora qilmoq (кўрсатмоқ, ишора қилмоқ)
highlight: ta'kidlamoq, yoritib bermoq (таъкидламоқ, ёритиб бермоқ)
describe: tasvirlamoq (тасвирламоқ)
compare: taqqoslamoq (таққосламоқ)
contrast: qarama-qarshi qo'ymoq (қарама-қарши қўймоқ)
change: o'zgarish (ўзгариш)
expand: kengaytirmoq (кенгайтирмоқ)
reduce: kamaytirmoq (камайтирмоқ)
replace: almashtirmoq (алмаштирмоқ)


major: asosiy (асосий)
significant: ahamiyatli (аҳамиятли)
key: kalit (калити)
main: asosiy (асосий)
central: markaziy (марказий)
northern: shimoliy (шимолий)
southern: janubiy (жанубий)
eastern: sharqiy (шарқий)
western: g'arbiy (ғарбий)
rural: qishloq (қишлоқ)
urban: shahar (шаҳар)
modern: zamonaviy (замонавий)
traditional: an'anaviy (анъанавий)


significantly: sezilarli darajada (сезиларли даражада)
mainly: asosan (асосан)
generally: umuman olganda (умман олганда)
clearly: aniq ravishda (аниқ равишда)
specifically: aniqrog'i (аниқроғи)
mostly: ko'pincha (кўпинча)
relatively: nisbatan (нисбатан)
substantially: sezilarli darajada (сезиларли даражада)
nearby: yaqin atrofda (яқин атрофда)
directly: to'g'ridan-to'g'ri (тўғридан-тўғри)


features: xususiyatlar (хусусиятлар)
location: joylashuv (жойлашув)
area: hudud (ҳудуд)
section: bo'lim (бўлим)
development: rivojlanish (ривожланиш)
changes: o'zgarishlar (ўзгаришлар)
amenities: qulayliklar (қулайликлар)
infrastructure: infratuzilma (инфратузилма)
expansion: kengayish (кенгайиш)


in: ichida (ичида)
on: ustida (устида)
to: (…га)
from: ...dan (…дан)
at: ...da (…да)
between: o'rtasida (ўртасида)
near: yaqinida (яқинида)
along: bo'ylab (бўйлаб)
opposite: qarama-qarshi (қарама-қарши)

Linking Words:

also: shuningdek (шунингдек)
furthermore: bundan tashqari (бундан ташқари)
in addition: bunga qo'shimcha ravishda (бунга қўшимча равишда)
however: biroq (бироқ)
whereas:'lsa-da (…бўлса-да)
despite: qaramay (…га қарамай)
although: qaramay (…га қарамай)
while:'lsa-da (…бўлса-да)
on the other hand: boshqa tomondan (бошқа томондан)
in contrast: aksincha (аксинча)
similarly: shunga o'xshab (шунга ўхшаб)
overall: umuman (умман)
in conclusion: xulosa qilib aytganda (хулоса қилиб айтганда)

Remember to use these words and phrases appropriately to write a detailed, accurate and well-organized description of maps for your IELTS Writing Task 1.

Practice using different structures and vocabulary to improve your fluency and confidence!

BShS learning center

09 Nov, 07:07

Multi level MOCK

🗓 DATE : NOV 10
🧭 AT BSHS learning centre
💳 FEE: 30.000
🕰 TIME: 9:00 A.M.
📈 SKILLS: ( listening, reading, writing and speaking).
Speaking yangi format va feedback
Overall ball va To'g'ri javoblar soni ( L/R dan)
Writingda har bir qism uchun alohida ball
Takrorlanmas savollar
  Tezkor natijalar

p.s.Qachon topshiraman degan savol qiynayotgan bo'lsa mocklarimizga qatnashib ko'ring.

To register write to:@Sardor_0667