BShS learning center @bshsenglish Channel on Telegram

BShS learning center


👤Mr Holov: +99891 262 28 28
👩‍🎓🧑‍🎓For those who want to learn English perfectly!
🔊Our link: @BShSenglish
🗣the admin:
The main creator is Mr. Holov
📖You can easily express your thoughts

BShS learning center (English)

Welcome to the BShS Learning Center! Are you looking to improve your English skills and learn the language perfectly? Look no further, as our channel, @bshsenglish, is here to help you achieve your language learning goals. Led by the main creator, Mr. Holov, our channel offers a supportive and interactive learning environment for those who are eager to enhance their English proficiency. Whether you are a beginner or looking to polish your language skills, our channel caters to learners of all levels. By joining our channel, you will have access to valuable resources, engaging exercises, and helpful tips that will guide you through your English learning journey. Our dedicated admin, @MrHolov, is always available to assist you and answer any questions you may have. Express your thoughts, share your progress, and connect with fellow English learners in a welcoming community. Join us today and take the first step towards mastering the English language! For more information and to join our channel, click on the following link:

BShS learning center

16 Feb, 08:35

The Pros and Cons of Living Alone

This article explains advantages and disadvantages of living alone. Read this article if you plan to live alone or if you already did experience living on your own. Also, share with friends to support us!

BShS learning center

14 Feb, 16:37

Президент Шавкат Мирзиёев: "Кам таъминланган оилада ҳеч бўлмаганда битта фарзанд олий маълумотли бўлиши учун зарур шароитлар яратамиз"|Facebook|Instagram|YouTube|X

BShS learning center

14 Feb, 10:49

❗️Дунёнинг нуфузли “Топ-100” олийгоҳларида илмий даража олган 35 ёшгача бўлган ёш олимларга уй-жой учун 10 йил муддатга 800 миллион сўмгача фоизсиз ссуда ажратилади — Президент

BShS learning center

14 Feb, 10:48
❗️Ёшларга янги имтиёз: “2+6”

Энди, хорижий тиллардан “С1” даражасига эга бўлган ёшлар ташаббус кўрсатиб, олис ва чекка ҳудудларда чет тилларига ихтисослашган ўқув марказларини очса, уларга 120 миллион сўмгача фоизсиз ссуда берилади.

Шунингдек, меҳнат бозорига тил биладиган ёшлар кириб келишини рағбатлантириш учун хусусий ўқув марказларида хорижий тилларни ўрганадиган ёшларга харажатлари “2+6” шаклида қоплаб берилади. Бунда ўқув харажатларининг дастлабки 2 ойи ўқувчиларнинг ўз маблағидан, қолган 6 ойи давлат ҳисобидан тўлаб берилади.

❗️Хорижда таълим олиб қайтган ёшлар Миллий кадрлар захирасига тўғридан-тўғри киритилади, улар давлат органларига танловсиз ишга олинади.

Ҳар йили саралашдан ўтган 1 минг нафар ёшлар дунёнинг “Топ-100” олийгоҳларига юборилиб, ўқиш ва яшаш харажатлари қоплаб берилади.

BShS learning center

14 Feb, 06:25

1. healthy 2. study 3. country 4. countries 5. food 6. options

BShS learning center

14 Feb, 06:23

Part 1
Read the text. Fill in each gap with ONE word. You must use a word which is somewhere in the rest of the text.
The unhealthiest places in the world
According to a different study, which measured factors such as the cost of staying healthy, life expectancy, air pollution, obesity, sunlight hours and crime rate, the healthiest country is Spain. This is most likely due to its traditionally (Q1)________ diet, clean air, the number of people walking to work (37%), and free healthcare. Interestingly, another (Q2)________, the Global Health Security Index, ranks the USA as the healthiest nation. This was because its high standards in research, safety and communication allow it to detect and respond to pandemics the most effectively. This contrasts with the Clinic Compare survey, which ranked it the tenth unhealthiest (Q3)________, primarily because of its high obesity rate. The countries with the highest levels of obesity, however, are in the Pacific islands. In (Q4)________ such as Nauru, Tuvalu and Palau, over half the population is obese. This is a relatively new trend, as, before the 1950s, locals consumed a traditional food that included bananas, coconuts, yams and seafood. Since then, incomes have increased, making imported convenience foods more affordable. This new scenario causes people to make poor (Q5)________ choices despite the availability of healthier, locally-grown options. In many regions of the USA, healthy (Q6)________ just aren’t available, or they are too expensive. In addition, this country’s driving culture means that many people don’t get enough exercise.

BShS learning center

13 Feb, 11:06

Writing uchun passive voice juda zarur, do'stlaringiz bilan albatta o'rganing, barcha ma'lumotlarni maydalab o'rgatganman!

BShS learning center

13 Feb, 11:01

Imtihonga kirishdan avval shu varaqadan 10 nusxa chiqartirib , to'ldirishni practoice qilish esdan chiqmasin, qadrdonlar

BShS learning center

13 Feb, 10:59

1. As a result – She forgot her alarm; as a result, she was late.
Natijada – U o'zining signalini unutdi; natijada, u kechikdi.

2. Therefore – It might rain; therefore, take an umbrella.
Shu sababdan – Yomg'ir yog'ishi mumkin; shu sababdan, bir soyabon olib boring.

3. Consequently – He didn’t study; consequently, he failed.
Shu sababli – U o'qimadi; shu sababli, u muvaffaqiyatsizlikka uchradi.

4. In that case – You dislike spice? In that case, order something mild.
Shunday bo'lsa – Siz ziravorlarni yoqtirmaysizmi? Shunday bo'lsa, yumshoq narsani buyurtma qiling.

5. I guess that – I guess that she’s not coming.
Men o'ylayman – Men o'ylayman, u kelmaydi.

6. I suppose that – I suppose that he’s busy.
Men taxmin qilaman – Men taxmin qilaman, u band.

7. I assume that – I assume that the meeting is at 3 PM.
Men faraz qilaman – Men faraz qilaman, yig'ilish soat 3 da.

8. I think that – I think that this book is better.
Men o'ylayman – Men o'ylayman, bu kitob yaxshiroq.

9. It will influence – This law will influence businesses.
Bu ta'sir qiladi – Ushbu qonun bizneslarga ta'sir qiladi.

10. It will cause – Junk food will cause health issues.
Bu sabab bo'ladi – Tez tayyorlanadigan ovqat sog'liq muammolariga sabab bo'ladi.

11. It will trigger – His words will trigger an argument.
Bu bahsni keltirib chiqaradi – Uning so'zlari bahsni keltirib chiqaradi.

12. It will affect – Inflation will affect prices.
Bu ta'sir qiladi – Inflatsiya narxlarga ta'sir qiladi.

13. It sets off a series of consequences – The war sets off a series of consequences.
Bu bir qator oqibatlarni boshlaydi – Urush bir qator oqibatlarni boshlaydi.

14. It has a huge impact on – Social media has a huge impact on teens.
Bu katta ta'sir ko'rsatadi – Ijtimoiy tarmoqlar o'smirlar ustida katta ta'sir ko'rsatadi.

15. It generates – The factory generates jobs.
Bu ishlab chiqaradi – Zavod ish o'rinlarini ishlab chiqaradi.

16. It definitely results in – Laziness definitely results in failure.
Bu albatta muvaffaqiyatsizlikka olib keladi – Lazzatli bo'lish albatta muvaffaqiyatsizlikka olib keladi.

17. It pushes people to – Poverty pushes people to move abroad.
Bu odamlarni majbur qiladi – Qashshoqlik odamlarni chet elga ko'chishga majbur qiladi.

BShS learning center

13 Feb, 08:32

Best Websites for Listening:

1️⃣ BBC Learning English: news topics and lessons for English students.

2️⃣ BBC 6 Minute English: brush up your listening skills with interesting topics, vocabulary lists, transcripts and grammar exercises.

3️⃣ Ted talks The best talks on technology, science, business, psychology and more.

4️⃣ BBC World: The Interview Archive: radio programmes with a wide variety of themes. Good for IELTS listening sections 3 and 4.

5️⃣ Elllo: listening practice from Beginners to Advanced, with a variety of accents

6️⃣ Audible: practise your listening and reading skills using audio books. 30-day free trial. You can download the books to a smartphone.

7️⃣ Voice of America: news stories with a script and grammar topics, the pace is not too fast.

8️⃣ Listen a minute: A-Z of topics for simple listening practice with PDF transcripts of recordings as well as spelling and comprehension activities.

9️⃣ TED talks: lectures and presentations on many topics. Good for higher level students who want to build IELTS vocabulary.

🔟 ESL Lab: lots of topics and exercises, mainly American English.

Share it with friends
♻️ @BShSenglish

BShS learning center

13 Feb, 05:08


🧭 TIME: 1:00 PM
💳 FEE: 30.000

Questions are EXACTLY like the real test 💯
Simulation of the real exam atmosphere
Fast Results (1-2days)
Feedback for Speaking

📩 To sign up for the test, write to @Sardor_0667
📞 90 8979772

BShS learning center

13 Feb, 05:04

Multi - level MOCK

🗓 DATE : FEB 16
🧭 AT BSHS learning centre
💳 FEE: 30.000
🕰 TIME: 9:00 A.M.
📈 SKILLS: ( listening, reading, writing and speaking).
Speaking yangi format va feedback
Overall ball va To'g'ri javoblar soni ( L/R dan)
Speaking yozib olinadi va tashlab beriladi
Takrorlanmas savollar
  Tezkor natijalar

p.s.Qachon topshiraman degan savol qiynayotgan bo'lsa mocklarimizga qatnashib ko'ring.
Bizni ballash haqiqiy imtihonga qanchalik yaqin.

1. Isbot
2. Isbot

To register write to:@Sardor_0667

BShS learning center

10 Feb, 18:28

Agar bizning mock imtihonlarimizga shubha qilsangiz, o'quvchilar olgan natijalarga boqing.

Sevinch bizning markazda 8 marotaba mock topshirgan 56 dan 60 gacha bo'lgan natijalarni olgan va oxirgi imtihonida 59 natijani olgan bu esa haqiqiy imtihonda olgan bahosi bilan bir xil 59.

Uning aytishicha bizni mocklar shahardagi arzon va sifatli mock ekan.

Mock imtihonlarda qatnashish 30.000 so'm
Speaking online yoki face-to-face (feedback beriladi)

Keyingi mock imtihonlarimiz uchun ro'yxatdan o'ting @Sardor_0667

BShS learning center

10 Feb, 17:58


🤝Biz bilan hamkorligingiz uchun tashakkur!

‼️Keyingi Mock imtihonlari 16-fevralda bo'ladi.
Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun @Sardor_0667 ga yozing.

P.s: Biz foydalanadigan savollar ishonchli va haqiqiy imtihoningizda tushishi mumkin.

BShS learning center

09 Feb, 10:00

BSHS da Yangi IELTS guruhlari ochilmoqda

Boshlanish sanasi: Dushanba, 10-fevral
O'qituvchi: Mr. Ismat(IELTS 7.5)

Kurs Pre intermediate yoki intermediate darajadagi IELTS olmoqchi bo'lgan o'quvchilar uchun

Kurs narxi 300,000 so'm(bizda boshqalarga nisbatan arzonroq va sifatliroq:)

Qabul: @ismat7

BShS learning center

07 Feb, 04:58

Multi - level MOCK

🗓 DATE : FEB 9
🧭 AT BSHS learning centre
💳 FEE: 30.000
🕰 TIME: 9:00 A.M.
📈 SKILLS: ( listening, reading, writing and speaking).
Speaking yangi format va feedback
Overall ball va To'g'ri javoblar soni ( L/R dan)
Speaking yozib olinadi va tashlab beriladi
Speaking online or face-to-face
Takrorlanmas savollar
  Tezkor natijalar

p.s.Qachon topshiraman degan savol qiynayotgan bo'lsa mocklarimizga qatnashib ko'ring.

‼️Bizni ballash haqiqiy imtihonga qanchalik yaqin

To register write to:@Sardor_0667

BShS learning center

04 Feb, 15:09

IELTS reading passage 3 webinar

BShS learning center

04 Feb, 14:55

40-savolga kelib svet tashladi, webinar yoqdimi?

BShS learning center

04 Feb, 14:00

Live stream started

BShS learning center

04 Feb, 14:00

Live stream scheduled for

BShS learning center

04 Feb, 12:11

👆👆👆 bugungi webinar esdan chiqmasin!

BShS learning center

04 Feb, 12:11

📌 IELTS reading webinar by Mr Ismat(Reading 8.0)

Bugun 19:00 da IELTS READING eng qiyin qismi bo'lgan passage 3 ni jonli darsda birga ishlaymiz.

Darsni o'tkazib yubormang!

BShS learning center

04 Feb, 12:07

Yuridik sohaga qiziqadigan o'quvchilar uchun👆👆👆

BShS learning center

04 Feb, 12:07


Академия бакалавриати “Тергов фаолияти” йўналишига қабул эълон қилинади

Объявляется прием в бакалавриат Академии по направлению «Следственная деятельность»

📣Бизни ижтимоий тармоқларда кузатинг!
Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | You Tube

BShS learning center

04 Feb, 12:07

Академиядаги ноёб имкониятлар

(Ролик мотивация)

BShS learning center

04 Feb, 12:07

Меҳмонларнинг Академия ҳақидаги фикр-мулоҳазалари

BShS learning center

04 Feb, 12:07

Full HD variant

BShS learning center

04 Feb, 12:07


Академия бакалавриатининг “Тергов фаолияти” йўналишига қабул қоидалари

📣Бизни ижтимоий тармоқларда кузатинг!
Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | You Tube

BShS learning center

04 Feb, 06:03

Bugun 14:00 da BShS o'quv markazi ning 14-xonasida Beginner lar uchun noldan yangi guruh ochiladi.

BShS learning center

04 Feb, 05:30

📌 IELTS reading webinar by Mr Ismat(Reading 8.0)

Bugun 19:00 da IELTS READING eng qiyin qismi bo'lgan passage 3 ni jonli darsda birga ishlaymiz.

Darsni o'tkazib yubormang!

BShS learning center

04 Feb, 02:45

⚡️ Multilevel Practice Group.⚡️
🔰Course includes:
Full reading + Full listening mock
Listening answers + audioscripts
Strategies and tips for both skills
Writing check (task1 and task2)
Speaking check ( 3 parts)

📅Kurs toq kunlari offline 10:30
Juft kunlari online 21:00 da
🚀Kurs Avval imtihonlarda tushgan savollar ham ko'rib chiqiladi.

Boshlanish sanasi maxsus guruhda aytiladi.
💰Narxi : 300 ming
🧭Manzil: BSHS LC

Aprel/May- oylari hisobidan natija qilmoqchi bo'lgan o'quvchilarni kursda kutib qolamiz.

💪 Kursda vazifalarni 100% bajarib borsangiz albatta naija olasiz. Chunki haftada 6 kun darslar bo'ladi. To'lov esa bir xil.

@Sardor_0667 ga yozing.

BShS learning center

04 Feb, 02:45


Kurs o'z ichiga oladi:
🗣 Speaking
📚 Vocabulary
📅 Qabul hali davom etmoqda
Toq kunlari15:30
🧭BSHS Learning Centre
💰To'lov: 300 ming

Kursda bonus sifatida online darslar ham tashkil qilinadi
Juft kunalri 21:00 da online darslar.
Bu degani haftada 6 kun dars.

💪 Kursda vazifalarni 100% bajarib borsangiz albatta naija olasiz. Chunki haftada 6 kun darslar bo'ladi. To'lov esa bir xil.

Bahorda imtihon topshirmoqchi bo'lganlar uchun tavsiya qilamiz

Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun: @Sardor_0667 ga yozing.

BShS learning center

03 Feb, 17:57


🤝Biz bilan hamkorligingiz uchun tashakkur!

‼️Keyingi Mock imtihonlari 9-fevralda bo'ladi.
Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun @Sardor_0667 ga yozing.

P.s: Biz foydalanadigan savollar ishonchli va haqiqiy imtihoningizda tushishi mumkin.

BShS learning center

03 Feb, 11:44

O'qish uchun zo'r kitob !

BShS learning center

14 Jan, 06:39

What’s happening in the world right now?
1 At this moment, 116 people are getting married. The longest
marriage ever lasted an amazing 90 years. In 1925, Karam Chand,
then 20 years old, married his wife Kartari, age 13, in India. They
celebrated their 90th anniversary in 2015. Karam died just six
weeks later.
2 At this moment, 257 babies are being born and 107 people are
dying. On average about 132 million people are born and 55
million die every year.
3 At this moment, 10,000 planes are flying above the Earth. There
are also 1071 satellites going round the Earth, one of which is the
International Space Station.
4 At this moment, 48 million people are making phone calls. Do
you know that more people in the world have mobile phones
than toilets and the average person checks his or her phone 110
times a day?
5 At this moment, 144 million people are sending emails. People also
text a lot. Worldwide they send nearly nine trillion texts every year.
6 At this moment, 15,000 people are downloading songs on iTunes.
There are 26 million songs you can download on iTunes. I Gotta
Feeling by The Black Eyed Peas is the most downloaded song ever.
7 At this moment, the top ten billionaires are earning on average
$20,732 every minute. Sad to say that the average person
worldwide is earning just $0.013 in this same minute. Bill Gates,
the American businessman who founded Microsoft, is the richest
billionaire in the world – he is worth $76.6 billion.
8 At this moment, 4,500 people are buying McDonald’s
hamburgers. McDonald’s has more than 34,000 restaurants
worldwide and employs 1.8 million people.
9 At this moment, we are throwing away 2,500 tons of rubbish.
Every year, we create about 1.4 trillion kilos of rubbish worldwide.
46% is food waste, 27% is paper and plastic.
10 At this moment, 14 meteors are falling to Earth. The world’s
biggest meteor fell on Namibia in Africa about 80,000 years ago.
It’s called Hoba and is between 190 and 410 million years old.
11 At this moment, lightning is striking the Earth in 360 places. The
average temperature of lightning is around 20,000°C hotter than
the Sun!
12 At this moment, 0.15 of an animal is becoming extinct. Animals in
danger include the Black Rhino and the Mountain Gorilla in Africa
and many species of frog.

BShS learning center

14 Jan, 06:01

Multilevel Intensive Group.

📅 Boshlanish sanasi Maxsus guruhda aytiladi
●Toq kunlari 10:30 da offline
●Juft kunlari online darslar bo'ladi
💵 To'lov: 300 ming
● Kursni tugatgach
Writing qismi sizga muammo bo'lmaydi
Speaking ustida ishlab gapiradigan bo'lasiz
Readingdan va Listening sizga imtihonning eng oson qismiga aylanadi.

‼️ Agar siz berilgan topshiriqlarni o'z vaqtida bajarib kelsangiz albatta natijaga erishasiz.

@Sardor_0667 ga yozing.

BShS learning center

13 Jan, 17:00


🤝Biz bilan hamkorligingiz uchun tashakkur!

‼️Keyingi Mock imtihonlari 19-yanvarda bo'ladi.
Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun @Sardor_0667 ga yozing.

P.s: Biz foydalanadigan savollar ishonchli va haqiqiy imtihoningizda tushishi mumkin.

BShS learning center

13 Jan, 09:39

🎓 IELTS 7+ Natijaga Yeting! 🎓
> BSHS o'quv markazi sizni IELTS imtihonida yuqori natijaga erishish uchun taklif etadi. Bizning IELTS 7.5 olgan tajribali ustozimiz sizga yo'l ko'rsatadi!
> Kursda siz:
> * IELTS 7+ ball olish uchun samarali tayyorgarlik ko'rasiz, barcha skill lardan intensive practice qilasiz.
> * Chet el universitetlariga kirishda yordam olasiz

To'lov:300.000 sum
> 🎁 Maxsus bonus: Amerika va Kanadaga o'qishga hujjat topshirishda yordam!
> 📌 Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun: @MrHolov ga "IELTS 7+" deb yozing.

BShS learning center

11 Jan, 16:21

Memorable - esda qolarli
Occasion - holat, tadbir
Curiosity - qiziqish
Size - o'lcham
Trunk - xartum
Communicate with- aloqa qilish
Be engaged - band bo'lmoq, qiziqmoq
Imitate=copy - takrorlash, taqlid qilish
Silly - ahmoqona, kulgili
Reptile - sudraluvchi
Be scared - qo'rqqan
Encourage - rag'batlantirish
Important=crucial - muhim
Nature - tabiat
Capture - ushlamoq, suratga olmoq
Special - maxsus
Experience - tajriba
Treat - mukofot
Overall - umuman olganda
Reliving – qayta yashash
Bond - bog'lanish, aloqani kuchaytirish
Swing - tebranish, siljish
Role - rol, vazifa
Local - mahalliy
Joyful - quvnoq, xursand
Curious - qiziquvchan
Spend - o'tkazilgan (vaqt)
Opportunity - imkoniyat
Share - bo'lishmoq, ulashmoq
Visit - tashrif buyurmoq
Be full of – to’la
Quite a bit of time – biroz muddat
Throughout the day – kun davomida
Relive one's childhood – bolalikka qayta yashash

BShS learning center

11 Jan, 04:07

🌟 Ingliz Tili Kurslari! 🌟 Beginner/Elementary level

Sizni IELTS va Multi-level hamda Grammar (beginner) kurslarimizga taklif etamiz!

📅 Boshlanish sanasi: 13-yanvar, 14:00
📍 Manzil: BShS o'quv markazi, 1-xona
💰 To'lov: 300.000 sum
👨‍🏫 Tutor: Mr. Holov

Kurslarimizda ingliz tilini yangi darajada o'rganish imkoniyatiga ega bo'lasiz. Har bir darajadagi talabalar uchun mo'ljallangan darslar, o'z bilimlaringizni oshirishga yordam beradi.

🔗 Ro'yxatdan o'tish va qo'shimcha ma'lumot uchun biz bilan bog'laning: @MrHolov

O'qish imkoniyatini qo'ldan boy bermang! 🎓

BShS learning center

11 Jan, 03:54

Қашқадарё фарзанди "Apple" компаниясида ишлайди

Манбага кўра, қашқадарёлик Камолхон Жўрахонов "Apple" компаниясининг бош офисида ишлар экан.

Расмдан кўриниб турибдики, у Сингапурдаги Нанянг технология университетининг магистратура босқичини тамомлаган.

Таълимга тикилган инвестиция ўз самарасини бермай қолмайди албатта.

BShS learning center

11 Jan, 03:54

Kamolxon shogirdim birgina BShS o'quv markazida 3 yil tinimsiz tayyorlangan. Bobir domla(ona tili), Sardor domla(tarix), Sherali domla(ingliz tili)ning shogirdlari.

BShS learning center

09 Jan, 09:39

10-yanvar 10:00 va 14:00 da yangi guruhlar ochilmoqda

BShS learning center

09 Jan, 09:39

Beginner/Elementary darajasida ingliz tilini o'rganishni xohlaysizmi? BSHS o'quv markazi sizni C1 darajadagi Ustoz Mr. Holov bilan bo'ladigan darslarga chorlaydi!

Sizni nimalar kutmoqda:
* Professional ustozdan ta'lim
* IELTS va Multi-level imtihonlariga tayyorgarlik
* Ingliz tilida ishonchli gapirish qobiliyati

* Sana: 10-Yanvar
* Vaqti: 10:00 va 14:00
* Joy: BShS o'quv markazi, 14-xona
* To'lov: 300.000 so'm

O'z imkoniyatlaringizni kashf eting! Bog'lanish uchun: @MrHolov

BShS learning center

09 Jan, 07:23

Multi - level MOCK

🗓 DATE : JAN 12
🧭 AT BSHS learning centre
💳 FEE: 30.000
🕰 TIME: 9:00 A.M.
📈 SKILLS: ( listening, reading, writing and speaking).
Speaking yangi format va feedback
Overall ball va To'g'ri javoblar soni ( L/R dan)
Takrorlanmas savollar
  Tezkor natijalar

p.s.Qachon topshiraman degan savol qiynayotgan bo'lsa mocklarimizga qatnashib ko'ring.

To register write to:@Sardor_0667

BShS learning center

08 Jan, 10:55

It's acceptable - It is Ok
Famous people - celebrities- mashxurlar
Should be stopped - should not be alllowed - tuxtalishi kerak
These days - Nowadays- shu kunlarda
Around the word - all over the world- dunyo bo'ylab
Free time - spare time- bo'sh vaqt
Commit a crime - jinoyat sodir etmoq
Due to - because of - sababli
Advances in smth - modern than - zamonaviy
Instead of - rather than - ning o'rniga
Go to - commute to - bormoq

Offices - premises - ofislar
Nowadays - in recent times- hozirgi vaqtda
Spend time - use of their time - vaqt o'tkazmoq
Find accommodation - live in - yashashga joy topmoq
Newspaper and magazines - periodicals- nashrlar
Need - require - talab etmoq
More - additional - qo'shimcha
Cause - result in- sabab bo'lmoq

BShS learning center

06 Jan, 20:02


Sizga sifatli tayyorgarlik kerakmi yoki yaxshi o'qituvchi topishda qiynalayapsizmi?

❗️ BSHS O'QUV MARKAZI sizga yaqindan yordam bera oladi! 👍

Bizda darslarining sifati sinovdan o'tgan va natijalariga ega bo'lgan ustozlar sizga to'g'ri yo'nalish va ko'nikmalarni berishadi. 👨‍🎓👨‍🏫

🕚 Soat: 11:00 va 14:00 da

Kechikmang! ❗️

📞 Murojat uchun:

Biz bilan birga muvaffaqiyatga erishing! 🌟

BShS learning center

06 Jan, 17:05


🤝Biz bilan hamkorligingiz uchun tashakkur!

‼️Keyingi Mock imtihonlari 12-yanvarda bo'ladi.
Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun @Sardor_0667 ga yozing.

P.s: Biz foydalanadigan savollar ishonchli va haqiqiy imtihoningizda tushishi mumkin.

BShS learning center

06 Jan, 09:14

BShS o'quv markazi rus tili fani Ustozi Murod Choriyevichni PhD( falsafa doktori) diplomlari bilan jamoamiz nomidan chin yurakdan tabriklaymiz!

BShS learning center

06 Jan, 01:57

What are your thoughts about this? 🤔

Poor people tend to spend on name-brand clothing to signal status or success, often as a way to gain respect or acceptance in social circles.

In contrast, truly wealthy people may prioritize quality, comfort, or personal style over brand names, as they don’t feel the same need to prove their wealth.

BShS learning center

05 Jan, 15:13

🔥 Multi-Level Practice Guruhiga Start Berildi! 🔥

Barcha skillarni rivojlantiring! 3 oylik intensiv kursda ishtirok eting!

📅 1-Dars: 11-Yanvar, 16:30
📍 Joy: BShS o'quv markazi, 1-xona
Vaqti: Juft kunlari, 16:30 - 18:30
👤 Kurs rahbari: Mr. Holov
💰 To'lov: 300.000 so'm

Murojaat: @Mr.Holov

Joylar chegaralangan! Hozir ro'yxatdan o'ting!

BShS learning center

05 Jan, 07:17

2025 yildagi 1-mock imtihoni yakunlandi, hammaga omad👍

BShS learning center

05 Jan, 06:32

Beginner/Elementary darajasida ingliz tilini o'rganishni xohlaysizmi? BSHS o'quv markazi sizni C1 darajadagi Ustoz Mr. Holov bilan bo'ladigan darslarga chorlaydi!

Sizni nimalar kutmoqda:
* Professional ustozdan ta'lim
* IELTS va Multi-level imtihonlariga tayyorgarlik
* Ingliz tilida ishonchli gapirish qobiliyati

* Sana: 10-Yanvar
* Vaqti: 10:00 va 14:00
* Joy: BShS o'quv markazi, 14-xona
* To'lov: 300.000 so'm

O'z imkoniyatlaringizni kashf eting! Bog'lanish uchun: @MrHolov

BShS learning center

04 Jan, 08:13

05.01.25 yilgi mock chergirma bilan 20.000 sum to'lov evaziga tashkil etiladi, o'tkazib yubormang

BShS learning center

04 Jan, 08:12

🎉 Yangi yilga maxsus chegirma! 🎉

💥 Multilevel Mock - bu yil o‘z maqsadlaringizga erishish uchun eng yaxshi imkoniyat!
👉 Oddiy narxi: 30,000 so‘m
🎁 Chegirmali narxi: 20,000 so‘m!

📅 Faqat 5-yanvar kuni amal qiladi!
Shoshiling, imkoniyatni qo‘ldan boy bermang!

📌 Bugunoq buyurtma bering va yangi yilda yangi yutuqlarga erishing!
☎️ Biz bilan bog‘lanish: @Sardor_0667

👉 Joylaringiz cheklangan! Shoshiling!

BShS learning center

03 Jan, 06:24

Multi - level MOCK

🗓 DATE : JAN 5
🧭 AT BSHS learning centre
💳 FEE: 30.000
🕰 TIME: 9:00 A.M.
📈 SKILLS: ( listening, reading, writing and speaking).
Speaking yangi format va feedback
Overall ball va To'g'ri javoblar soni ( L/R dan)
Writingda har bir qism uchun alohida ball
Takrorlanmas savollar
  Tezkor natijalar

p.s.Qachon topshiraman degan savol qiynayotgan bo'lsa mocklarimizga qatnashib ko'ring.

To register write to:@Sardor_0667

BShS learning center

31 Dec, 02:21

«Тўйиб овқат есанг, шу Янги йил» 😁

Раҳматли Обид Асомовдан йиллар ўтсада эскирмайдиган ҳажвия.

BShS learning center

30 Dec, 18:42

Multilevel Standard Group.

📅 Boshlanish sanasi 6-yanvar
Juft kunlari 15:30 da
💵 To'lov: 300 ming
● Kursni tugatgach
Writing qismi sizga muammo bo'lmaydi
Speaking ustida ishlab gapiradigan bo'lasiz
Readingdan va Listening sizga imtihonning eng oson qismiga aylanadi.

‼️ Agar siz berilgan topshiriqlarni o'z vaqtida bajarib kelsangiz biz sizga natijaga kafolat beramiz.

@Sardor_0667 ga yozing.

BShS learning center

30 Dec, 18:42

♻️ Duration 1 month
🔰Course includes:
Full reading with analysis
Full listening with analysis
Writing checking with feedback
Speaking checking with feedback

📅Kurs toq kunlari bo'ladi.
🚀Kurs Avval imtihonlarda tushgan va tushish ehtimoli bo'lgan savollardan tuziladi.
🕐Vaqti: 10:30 da (1-guruh)
13:30 da (2- guruh
Boshlanish sanasi maxsus guruhda aytiladi.
💰Narxi : 300 ming
🧭Manzil: BSHS LC
( Kurs imtihonizgacha sizga yordam beradi).

2025- yilni natija bilan boshlamoqchi bo'lganlar uchun.

P.s. Bu guruh imtihon oldi imtihon muhitini yaratib beradi. Haqiqiy imtihonga siz 100% tayyor bo'lasiz.

@Sardor_0667 ga yozing.

BShS learning center

29 Dec, 06:09

Bugungi yoshlarning ilm olishga qiziqishlari juda baland.
29.12.24 kunida ham davomat juda zo'r.
Kelayotgan yangi yilingiz muborak bo'lsin!

BShS learning center

29 Dec, 03:24

BShS learning center

05 Dec, 17:10

Question 1:
Can you describe your perfect holiday? 

My perfect holiday would be not doing anything, or more specifically, not having any responsibilities at all. I feel like I cannot relax when I have things that I must do, whether that be long term projects or deadlines that are coming up. That kind of stuff really breaks my, you know, relaxation and, and, and, and it breaks up the comfort of my vacations.  

Question 2:
Which do you prefer to spend time on a beach or have excursions in a city?  

Yeah, I definitely, I'm not a beach kind of guy. I'm definitely not that kind of person that would like go to a beach and then lay down and, you know, get a, get a suntan. I think that's the most boring thing ever, you know, just laying in the sun for hours. Yeah, maybe it's, you know, beautiful for the first like 30 minutes, but then after that, you get really bored. There's nothing interesting to look at. The only thing there is to look at is like the people on the beach, right? I would say going to a city and checking out the, you know, interesting locations there, all of the landmarks and all of the maybe historically significant buildings. That would be way more interesting than laying on a beach all day. 

Question 3:
What was the best holiday in your life? 

I would say the coolest holiday I ever went on, I ever went on was Venice. Venice in Italy. I went there when I was a bit younger and it was a fantastic experience. Venice is a beautiful city with so many different things that you can latch onto and so many different things that you can, you know, look at.  So the history of the city and the the architecture and the things to see, they really dazzled me a lot. I feel like I learned a lot while I was in Venice.

BShS learning center

05 Dec, 10:37

Eslatma! 06-Dekabr 10:00 va 14:00 da BShS o'quv markazi 14- xonasida Ingliz tilidan barcha darajadagi guruhlar uchun yangi ochilmoqda. Esdan chiqarmang. Do'stlarga jo'natib qo'ying!

BShS learning center

05 Dec, 05:35

Multi - level MOCK

🗓 DATE : DEC 8
🧭 AT BSHS learning centre
💳 FEE: 30.000
🕰 TIME: 9:00 A.M.
📈 SKILLS: ( listening, reading, writing and speaking).
Speaking yangi format va feedback
Overall ball va To'g'ri javoblar soni ( L/R dan)
Writingda har bir qism uchun alohida ball
Takrorlanmas savollar
  Tezkor natijalar

p.s.Qachon topshiraman degan savol qiynayotgan bo'lsa mocklarimizga qatnashib ko'ring.

To register write to:@Sardor_0667

BShS learning center

02 Dec, 17:18


🤝Biz bilan hamkorligingiz uchun tashakkur!

‼️Keyingi Mock imtihonlari 8- dekabrda bo'ladi.
Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun @Sardor_0667 ga yozing.

P.s: Biz foydalanadigan savollar ishonchli va haqiqiy imtihoningizda tushishi mumkin.

BShS learning center

02 Dec, 03:12

14 Life Wisdoms

1. The greatest enemy in a person's life is themselves.

2. The greatest foolishness in life is lying.

3. The greatest defeat in life is arrogance.

4. The greatest sorrow in life is envy.

5. The greatest mistake is losing oneself.

6. A person's greatest fault is ungratefulness for goodness.

7. The greatest regret is undervaluing yourself.

8. Rising from baseness is commendable.

9. The greatest wealth is health and wisdom.

10. The greatest separation is hopelessness.

11. The greatest debt is sincere feelings.

12. The greatest gift in life is nobility.

13. The greatest flaw in life is misunderstanding.

14. The greatest comfort in life is doing good deeds.
(Taken from "Hur Fikr")

BShS learning center

02 Dec, 03:12

Ҳаётнинг 14 ҳикмати

1. Инсон ҳаётидаги энг катта душмани — унинг ўзи.
2. Инсон ҳаётидаги энг катта аҳмоқлик — ёлғон.
3. Ҳаётдаги энг катта мағлубият — манманлик.
4. Ҳаётдаги энг катта қайғу — ҳасад.
5. Энг катта хато — ўз-ўзингни йўқотиш.
6. Инсоннинг энг катта айби — яхшиликни билмаслик.
7. Энг катта афсус — ўз қадр-қимматингизни камситиш.
8. Тубанликдан юксалиш, таҳсинга лойиқ.
9. Энг катта бойлик — саломатлик ва ақл.
10. Энг катта жудолик — умидсизлик.
11. Энг катта қарз — самимий туйғулар.
12. Ҳаётда энг катта туҳфа — олийжаноблик.
13. Ҳаётда энг катта камчилик — тушунмаслик.
14. Ҳаётда энг катта тасалли — савоб ишлар.
("Ҳур фикр" ўзанидан олинди)

BShS learning center

01 Dec, 16:15

Intensive English Speaking!

Start speaking English fluently! Join our intensive speaking group, mornings at 7:00 AM, every odd days. Only 300,000 sum. Experienced tutor, Mr. Holov. Contact: @MrHolov

BShS learning center

01 Dec, 13:40

Sunday mock testdan lavhalar👍

BShS learning center

01 Dec, 13:39

Bizning markazda har hafta yakshanba kuni "Multilevel" Mock Test olinadi.

Qarshidagi eng arzon lekin eng ishonchli Mock Test!

Speaking qismi face-to-face tarzda o'tkaziladi.

Mock narxi: 30,000 UZS

Boshlanish vaqti: Har yakshanba soat 9:00 da

P.S. Bunday arzon narxda hech qayerda Full Mock topa olmaysiz:

8-dekabrdagi testga ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun: @Sardor_0667 ga yozing.

BShS learning center

30 Nov, 19:58


Билл Гейтс қизининг қашшоқ йигитга турмушга чиқолмаслигини тушунтирди

“Бундан бир неча йил олдин АҚШда инвестиция ва молияга бағишланган анжуманда қатнашдим. Спикерлардан бири Билл Гейтс эди. Савол-жавоб қисмида унга ҳамма кулган савол бердим:

– Дунёдаги энг бой инсон сифатида қизингиз қашшоқ ёки оддий йигитга турмушга чиқишини қабул қила олган бўлармидингиз?

Унинг жавоби менга янги тушунчалар олиб кирди.

Биллнинг жавоби:

Биринчидан, бойлик катта банк ҳисоб рақамига эга бўлишни англатмайди.

Бойлик – бу бойлик яратиш қобилияти, шуни тушунинг.

Масалан, кимдир лоторея ёки омадли ўйинлар орқали 100 миллион доллар ютган бўлса, бу уни бой одам қилмайди. У – пулли қашшоқ. Шунинг учун лоторея ютуқчиларига айланганларнинг 90% беш йил ичида яна қашшоқ бўлиб қолишади.

Бундан ташқари, пулга эга бўлмаган, аммо бой одам бўлганлар ҳам бор. Масалан, кўпчилик тадбиркорлар.

УЛАР молиявий интеллектларини ривожлантиргани сабабли, пул бўлмаса ҳам бойлик йўлида бўлишади. Бу эса ҳақиқий бойликдир.

Бой ва қашшоқларнинг фарқи:

Қисқача қилиб тушунтирганда: бой одам бой бўлиш учун ҳар қандай нарсани қилишга тайёр, қашшоқ эса бой бўлиш учун ўғирлик ёки жиноят қилишга тайёр.

Агар сиз ёш йигитнинг ўқишга интилганини, янги нарсаларни ўрганишга, ўзи устидан ишлашга ҳаракат қилаётганини кўрсангиз, билинг, у бой одам.

Агар сиз ёш йигит давлатни айблаб, бойларни талончи деб ҳисоблаб, уларни мунтазам танқид қилаётганини кўрсангиз, билинг, у қашшоқ одам.

Бой одамлар билим ва машғулот орқали олдинга юриш мумкинлигини билишади, қашшоқ одамлар эса уларга пул бериш керак, деб ўйлашади.


Қизим қашшоқ йигитга турмушга чиқмайди, деганимда, пулни назарда тутмаяпман. Мен бу йигитнинг бойлик яратиш қобилияти ҳақида гапиряпман.

Кечирасиз, лекин кўпчилик жиноятчилар қашшоқ одамлардир. Улар пул олдида ақлларини йўқотишади ва шу сабабли ўғирлик, талончилик ва ҳоказоларни қиладилар.

Бу улар учун раҳмдир, чунки улар ўз кучлари билан пул топишни билмайдилар.

Бир куни банк қўриқчиси пул билан тўлган қопни топади ва уни банк раҳбарига топширади.

Кўпчилик бу инсонни «аҳмоқ» деб аташди, аммо у аслида пулсиз бой одам эди.

Бир йил ўтгач, банк унга қабулхона ходими сифатида иш таклиф қилади. Уч йилдан кейин мижозлар бўлимига раҳбар этиб тайинланади. Ўн йилдан кейин эса у банкнинг минтақавий бошқарувчисига айланади, юзлаб ходимларни бошқаради ва йиллик мукофотлари ўша вақтда ўғирлашни ўйлаган миқдордан анча кўпроқ бўлади.

Бойлик – бу аввало ақл-идрок ҳолатидир, дўстим.”

BShS learning center

30 Nov, 19:58

Bill Gates explains why his daughter can't marry a poor man 🥹💸💰

“A few years ago I attended a conference in the US on investment and finance. One of the speakers was Bill Gates and in the Q & A phase I asked him a question that made everyone laugh

If He, the richest man in the world could accept his daughter marrying a poor or modest man. His response turned something into me.


First, understand that wealth doesn't mean having a busy bank account.

Wealth is first the ability to create riches.

Example: Someone who wins the lottery or games of chance. Even if he makes 100 million is not a rich man: He is a poor man with a lot of money, that's why 90 % of lotto millionaires go back to being poor after 5 years.

You also have rich people who have no money. Example, Most entrepreneurs.

THEY are already on the road to wealth even if they don't have money, because they are developing their financial intelligence and that's wealth.

How rich and poor are different:

To make it simple: The rich can die to become rich, while the poor can kill to become rich.

If you see a young person who decides to train, learn new things, try to improve constantly, know that he is a rich man.

If you see a young person who thinks the problem is state, and who finds rich people are all thieves and constantly criticizing, know that he is a poor man.

The rich are convinced they just need information and training to take off, the poor think others need to give them money to take off.

In conclusion, when I say my daughter will not marry a poor man, I do not talk about money. I'm talking about this man's ability to create wealth.

Excuse me for what I'm going to say, but most criminals are poor people. When they are in front of money they lose their minds that's the reason they steal, robbery etc...

It's a grace to them because they don't know how they could make money on their own.

One day, a bank's guard found a bag full of money, he took the bag and went to hand it over to the bank manager.

People called this gentleman an idiot, but actually this gentleman was just a rich man who had no money.

1 year later, the bank offered him a receptionist position, 3 years later he was in charge of customers and 10 years later he manages the regional management of that bank, he manages hundreds of employees and his annual bonuses exceed the amount he could have stolen.

Wealth is first a state of mind my friend.”

BShS learning center

28 Nov, 17:51

Multi - level MOCK

🗓 DATE : DEC 1
🧭 AT BSHS learning centre
💳 FEE: 30.000
🕰 TIME: 9:00 A.M.
📈 SKILLS: ( listening, reading, writing and speaking).
Speaking yangi format va feedback
Overall ball va To'g'ri javoblar soni ( L/R dan)
Writingda har bir qism uchun alohida ball
Takrorlanmas savollar
  Tezkor natijalar

p.s.Qachon topshiraman degan savol qiynayotgan bo'lsa mocklarimizga qatnashib ko'ring.

To register write to:@Sardor_0667

BShS learning center

27 Nov, 17:34

♻️ Duration 1 month
🔰Course includes:
Full reading with analysis
Full listening with analysis
Writing checking with feedback
Speaking checking with feedback

📅Kurs toq kunlari bo'ladi.
🚀Kurs Avval imtihonlarda tushgan va tushish ehtimoli bo'lgan savollardan tuziladi.
🕐Vaqti: 10:30 da (1-guruh)
13:30 da (2- guruh
Boshlanish sanasi maxsus guruhda aytiladi.
💰Narxi : 300 ming
🧭Manzil: BSHS LC
( Kurs imtihonizgacha sizga yordam beradi).

2024- yil hisobidan natija qilmoqchi bo'lgan o'quvchilarni kursda kutib qolamiz.

P.s. Bu guruh imtihon oldi imtihon muhitini yaratib beradi. Haqiqiy imtihonga siz 100% tayyor bo'lasiz.

@Sardor_0667 ga yozing.

BShS learning center

27 Nov, 17:21

For reading practice

BShS learning center

27 Nov, 01:37

Eslatma! 28-Noyabr 10:00 va 14:00 yangi guruhlar ochilmoqda. Do'stlaringizni taklif qiling!

BShS learning center

27 Nov, 01:36

🇺🇿 BShS o‘quv markazi sizni yangi imkoniyatlarga chorlaydi!

🎯 IELTS va Multi-Level kurslari uchun yangi guruhlar ochilmoqda!
🗓 Darslar boshlanish sanasi: 28-noyabr
Qabul vaqti: 10:00 yoki 14:00

🔹 Nega aynan BShS o'quv markazi?
Barcha darajalardagi o‘quvchilar uchun qulay guruhlar
Professional o‘qituvchilar jamoasi
Zamonaviy va samarali dars metodikasi
IELTS/CEFR ga sifatli tayyorgarlik

🔹 Dars jadvali:
Haftada 3 kun
To'lov: 300,000 so‘m

🚀 Orzuingizdagi IELTS/Multi -Level ballini biz bilan qo‘lga kiriting!
📍 Manzil: BSHS o'quv markazi, 14-xonada
📞 Telefon: 912622828

Joylar soni cheklangan! Bugunoq ro‘yxatdan o‘ting:@MrHolov

BShS learning center

27 Nov, 01:35

## IELTS Part 1 Sample Answer: What do I do when I feel bored?

"Well, when I'm feeling bored, I usually try to seek out something stimulating. It really depends on my mood and how much energy I have. Sometimes I'll immerse myself in a good book, perhaps a fantasy novel or a gripping thriller. Other times, I might engage in a creative activity like painting or playing the guitar. If I'm feeling more social, I might catch up with friends, maybe go for a coffee or a walk in the park. And if all else fails, I'll often turn to a good film or TV series – something light-hearted and entertaining to take my mind off things. I try to avoid just passively scrolling through social media; I find that often makes me feel even more bored!"

## Vocabulary and Collocations with Uzbek Translations

BShS learning center

25 Nov, 15:30

Keyingi mock uchun ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun @Sardor_0667 ga yozing

BShS learning center

24 Nov, 07:03

Bugun olingan CEFR mock test savollari. Biz har doim savollarni yangilab boramiz. Bugun mockda o'quvchilar ishlagan bazi qismlarni haqiqiy imtihon topshirganlar ham ishlab chiqishgan.

Sifatli mock test topshirishni xoxlasangiz
BSHS ga keling. Full Mock 30,000UZS

BShS learning center

23 Nov, 04:49

Multi level MOCK

🗓 DATE : NOV 24
🧭 AT BSHS learning centre
💳 FEE: 30.000
🕰 TIME: 9:00 A.M.
📈 SKILLS: ( listening, reading, writing and speaking).
Speaking yangi format va feedback
Overall ball va To'g'ri javoblar soni ( L/R dan)
Writingda har bir qism uchun alohida ball
Takrorlanmas savollar
  Tezkor natijalar

p.s.Qachon topshiraman degan savol qiynayotgan bo'lsa mocklarimizga qatnashib ko'ring.

To register write to:@Sardor_0667

BShS learning center

23 Nov, 04:49

IELTS Speaking/Multi-level Part 1 Sample Answer

Question: How often do you use a mobile phone?

I use my mobile phone quite frequently throughout the day. To be honest, it’s become an essential part of my daily routine. I use it for a variety of purposes, such as staying connected with family and friends, checking emails, browsing social media, and even managing my schedule. On average, I’d say I spend a few hours a day using it, but I try to limit my screen time to avoid distractions. For instance, I often put my phone on silent mode while working or studying to maintain focus.

Vocabulary and Collocations with Uzbek Translations

1. Quite frequently – Juda tez-tez
2. Essential part – Muhim qism
3. Daily routine – Kundalik tartib
4. Stay connected – Aloqada bo‘lib turmoq
5. Check emails – Elektron pochta xabarlarini tekshirmoq
6. Browse social media – Ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda aylanmoq
7. Manage my schedule – Jadvalimni boshqarmoq
8. On average – O‘rtacha hisobda
9. Limit screen time – Ekran vaqtini cheklamoq
10. Avoid distractions – Chalg‘ituvchi narsalardan qochmoq
11. Silent mode – Ovozsiz rejim
12. Maintain focus – Diqqatni saqlamoq

Grammar Structures Used and Their Uzbek Translations

1. Present Simple Tense: I use my mobile phone quite frequently throughout the day.

Bu gap kundalik odatni ifodalash uchun ishlatilgan.
Uzbek Translation: Men mobil telefonimni kun davomida juda tez-tez ishlataman.
2. Present Perfect Tense: It’s become an essential part of my daily routine.
Hozirgi natijani ifodalash uchun ishlatilgan.
Uzbek Translation: U mening kundalik tartibimning muhim qismiga aylangan.
3. Infinitives: To be honest, to avoid distractions, to maintain focus.
Sabab yoki maqsadni ifodalash uchun ishlatilgan.
Uzbek Translation: Haqiqatni aytish uchun, chalg‘ituvchi narsalardan qochish uchun, diqqatni saqlash uchun.
4. Gerunds: Checking emails, browsing social media, managing my schedule.
Ish-harakatlarni nomlash uchun ishlatilgan.
Uzbek Translation: Elektron pochta tekshirish, ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda aylanish, jadvalni boshqarish.
5. Modal Verb (would): I’d say I spend a few hours a day using it.
Gumon yoki fikrni muloyim ifodalash uchun ishlatilgan.
Uzbek Translation: Men kuniga bir necha soat sarflayman, deb aytardim.
6. Adverbial Clauses: While working or studying to maintain focus.
Qo‘shimcha ma'lumot berish uchun ishlatilgan.
Uzbek Translation: Ishlayotganimda yoki o‘qiyotganimda diqqatni saqlash uchun.

BShS learning center

21 Nov, 18:16

The first step is always the hardest.

BShS learning center

21 Nov, 09:52

Question: Do you think dreams will affect life?

Absolutely, I believe that dreams can significantly affect our lives in various ways. Firstly, they often serve as a source of inspiration. Many people have reported that their most creative ideas came from their dreams. For instance, famous artists and inventors like Salvador Dalí and Thomas Edison claimed that their dreams played a crucial role in their creative processes.

Vocabulary and Collocations:

1. Source of inspiration - ilhom manbai
2. Creative ideas - ijodiy g‘oyalar
3. Crucial role - muhim rol
4. Subconscious mind - ongsiz ong
5. Symbolic representation - ramziy ifoda
6. Reflect our subconscious mind - ongsiz ongimizni aks ettirish
7. Deepest fears and desires - eng chuqur qo‘rquvlar va istaklar
8. Personal growth - shaxsiy o‘sish
9. Better decision-making - yaxshiroq qaror qabul qilish                                               10.affect - ta'sir qilmoq                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Ushbu speaking savolni yodlab, keyingi darsda guruhingizdagilar bilan mashq qilishingiz shart!

BShS learning center

21 Nov, 04:57

Multi level MOCK

🗓 DATE : NOV 24
🧭 AT BSHS learning centre
💳 FEE: 30.000
🕰 TIME: 9:00 A.M.
📈 SKILLS: ( listening, reading, writing and speaking).
Speaking yangi format va feedback
Overall ball va To'g'ri javoblar soni ( L/R dan)
Writingda har bir qism uchun alohida ball
Takrorlanmas savollar
  Tezkor natijalar

p.s.Qachon topshiraman degan savol qiynayotgan bo'lsa mocklarimizga qatnashib ko'ring.

To register write to:@Sardor_0667

BShS learning center

19 Nov, 15:03

🇺🇿 BShS o‘quv markazi sizni yangi imkoniyatlarga chorlaydi!

🎯 IELTS va Multi-Level kurslari uchun yangi guruhlar ochilmoqda!
🗓 Darslar boshlanish sanasi: 28-noyabr
Qabul vaqti: 10:00 yoki 14:00

🔹 Nega aynan BShS o'quv markazi?
Barcha darajalardagi o‘quvchilar uchun qulay guruhlar
Professional o‘qituvchilar jamoasi
Zamonaviy va samarali dars metodikasi
IELTS/CEFR ga sifatli tayyorgarlik

🔹 Dars jadvali:
Haftada 3 kun
To'lov: 300,000 so‘m

🚀 Orzuingizdagi IELTS/Multi -Level ballini biz bilan qo‘lga kiriting!
📍 Manzil: BSHS o'quv markazi, 14-xonada
📞 Telefon: 912622828

Joylar soni cheklangan! Bugunoq ro‘yxatdan o‘ting:@MrHolov

BShS learning center

18 Nov, 17:20


🤝Biz bilan hamkorligingiz uchun tashakkur!

‼️Keyingi Mock imtihonlari 24- Noyabrda bo'ladi.
Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun @Sardor_0667 ga yozing.

P.s: Biz foydalanadigan savollar ishonchli va haqiqiy imtihoningizda tushishi mumkin.

BShS learning center

18 Nov, 00:21

"Self-confidence is not something you have, it's something you create. It's a choice you make every day, in every moment."

7 Lessons from "The Power of Self-Confidence: 9 Steps to Boost Your Self-Esteem, Conquer Your Fears and Learn to Love Yourself" by Daniel J. Martin:

1. Recognize Your Worth
Understanding and acknowledging your intrinsic value is the foundation of self-confidence. Martin emphasizes that everyone has unique strengths and qualities that contribute to their worth. Embracing this self-awareness is crucial for building a positive self-image.

2. Set Achievable Goals
Setting realistic and achievable goals is essential for boosting self-confidence. Martin encourages readers to break down larger objectives into smaller, manageable steps. Achieving these smaller goals fosters a sense of accomplishment and reinforces belief in one’s abilities.

3. Confront Your Fears
Facing fears head-on is a vital step in overcoming them. Martin advocates for gradually exposing yourself to what you fear, which can diminish its power over time. This process not only builds resilience but also enhances self-confidence as you learn to navigate challenges.

4. Practice Positive Self-Talk
The way we speak to ourselves significantly impacts our self-esteem. Martin highlights the importance of replacing negative self-talk with positive affirmations. Cultivating a supportive inner dialogue can help reinforce self-worth and encourage a more confident mindset.

5. Surround Yourself with Supportive People
The influence of our social circles cannot be underestimated. Martin stresses the importance of surrounding yourself with positive, supportive individuals who uplift and encourage you. Healthy relationships foster an environment where self-confidence can thrive.

6. Embrace Failure as a Learning Opportunity
Failure is often viewed negatively, but Martin encourages readers to see it as a valuable learning experience. Embracing failure allows for growth and development, reinforcing the idea that setbacks are a natural part of the journey toward success.

7. Commit to Continuous Self-Improvement
Self-confidence is not a static trait but a dynamic quality that can be developed over time. Martin emphasizes the importance of committing to lifelong learning and self-improvement. Engaging in personal development activities enhances skills and knowledge, which in turn boosts confidence.

BShS learning center

17 Nov, 15:34

Ultimate Speaking for IELTS

Speaking darajasini kuchaytirmoqchi, va asosiysi part-2, part-3 samplelar va idealar bor ekan.

BShS learning center

17 Nov, 03:20

Assalomu alaykum, IELTS 7+ yoki CEFR C1 sertifikatlari bo'lib, ish qidirayotgan kandidatlar @MrHolov ga yozib quyinglar. Ko'pchilik mendan o'qituvchi so'rayapti.

Ps. Iltimos, boshqa darajadagilar bezovta qilmasdan, bilimingizni ozroq oshiring

BShS learning center

15 Nov, 19:03

Multi level MOCK

🗓 DATE : NOV 17
🧭 AT BSHS learning centre
💳 FEE: 30.000
🕰 TIME: 9:00 A.M.
📈 SKILLS: ( listening, reading, writing and speaking).
Speaking yangi format va feedback
Overall ball va To'g'ri javoblar soni ( L/R dan)
Writingda har bir qism uchun alohida ball
Takrorlanmas savollar
  Tezkor natijalar

p.s.Qachon topshiraman degan savol qiynayotgan bo'lsa mocklarimizga qatnashib ko'ring.

To register write to:@Sardor_0667

BShS learning center

14 Nov, 06:16

Here’s a list of discourse markers to express your opinion in IELTS Speaking with Uzbek translations and examples:

1. In my opinion – Mening fikrimcha

Example: In my opinion, reading books is the best way to relax.

Uzbek: Mening fikrimcha, kitob o‘qish eng yaxshi dam olish usuli.

2. I believe that – Menimcha

Example: I believe that learning a second language is very beneficial.

Uzbek: Menimcha, ikkinchi tilni o‘rganish juda foydali.

3. Personally, I think – Shaxsan men o‘ylaymanki

Example: Personally, I think online education is the future of learning.

Uzbek: Shaxsan men o‘ylaymanki, onlayn ta’lim kelajakning ta’limidir.

4. To be honest – Rostini aytsam

Example: To be honest, I’m not a fan of spicy food.

Uzbek: Rostini aytsam, men achchiq ovqatlarni yoqtirmayman.

5. From my point of view – Mening nuqtai nazarimdan

Example: From my point of view, climate change is a critical issue.

Uzbek: Mening nuqtai nazarimdan, iqlim o‘zgarishi jiddiy muammo.

6. As far as I’m concerned – Men uchun

Example: As far as I’m concerned, sports should be a part of everyone’s life.

Uzbek: Men uchun, sport har bir inson hayotining bir qismi bo‘lishi kerak.

7. I’d say that – Men shuni aytardimki

Example: I’d say that traveling is the best way to learn about other cultures.

Uzbek: Men shuni aytardimki, sayohat qilish boshqa madaniyatlarni o‘rganishning eng yaxshi yo‘lidir.

8. If you ask me – Agar mendan so‘rasangiz

Example: If you ask me, technology has made our lives easier.

Uzbek: Agar mendan so‘rasangiz, texnologiya hayotimizni osonlashtirdi.

9. Frankly speaking – To‘g‘risini aytganda

Example: Frankly speaking, I find history lessons boring.

Uzbek: To‘g‘risini aytganda, tarix darslari zerikarli deb bilaman.

10. I tend to think that – Men shunday deb o‘ylashga moyilman

Example: I tend to think that people should work on developing their soft skills.

Uzbek: Men shunday deb o‘ylashga moyilman, odamlar o‘zlarining yumshoq ko‘nikmalarini rivojlantirish ustida ishlashlari kerak.

11. It seems to me that – Menga shunday tuyulyaptiki

Example: It seems to me that children nowadays spend too much time on their phones.

Uzbek: Menga shunday tuyulyaptiki, hozirgi bolalar telefonlarida juda ko‘p vaqt o‘tkazishadi.

12. The way I see it – Mening ko‘rishimcha

Example: The way I see it, education should be accessible to everyone.

Uzbek: Mening ko‘rishimcha, ta’lim hammaga ochiq bo‘lishi kerak.

13. In my view – Mening fikrimcha

Example: In my view, teamwork is essential in any profession.

Uzbek: Mening fikrimcha, har qanday kasbda jamoaviy ish muhim.

14. To my mind – Mening nazarimda

Example: To my mind, cities need more green spaces.

Uzbek: Mening nazarimda, shaharlarga ko‘proq yashil maydon kerak.

15. I feel that – Men shunday his qilaman

Example: I feel that everyone has the right to express their opinions.

Uzbek: Men shunday his qilaman, har bir inson o‘z fikrini bildirishga haqli.

Use these expressions to make your answers sound natural and coherent!

BShS learning center

13 Nov, 05:08

Ms. Nargiza shogirdimni C1 bilan tabriklayman!

BShS learning center

13 Nov, 05:08

Assalomu alaykum, ustoz. Yaxshimisiz? Darslar bilan charchamayapsizmi?

BShS learning center

13 Nov, 03:36

Common Mistakes Advanced. Must-study book to get a high score

BShS learning center

12 Nov, 16:45

Assalomu alaykum ustoz bugun b2 sertifikat oldim. Bu hammasiga siz sababchisiz tan joniz sog‘ umriz uzoq bo'lsin.

BShS learning center

11 Nov, 15:36


🤝Biz bilan hamkorligingiz uchun tashakkur!

‼️Keyingi Mock imtihonlari 17- Noyabrda bo'ladi.
Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun @Sardor_0667 ga yozing.

P.s: Biz foydalanadigan savollar ishonchli va haqiqiy imtihoningizda tushishi mumkin.

BShS learning center

10 Nov, 17:03

Here's a list of vocabulary categorized by word type, commonly used in IELTS Writing Task 1 for maps, with Uzbek translations:


show: ko'rsatmoq, namoyish etmoq (кўрсатмоқ, намойиш этмоқ)
illustrate: tasvirlamoq (тасвирламоқ)
depict: tasvirlamoq (тасвирламоқ)
represent: ifodalamoq (ифодаламоқ)
locate: joylashtirmoq (жойлаштирмоқ)
indicate: ko'rsatmoq, ishora qilmoq (кўрсатмоқ, ишора қилмоқ)
highlight: ta'kidlamoq, yoritib bermoq (таъкидламоқ, ёритиб бермоқ)
describe: tasvirlamoq (тасвирламоқ)
compare: taqqoslamoq (таққосламоқ)
contrast: qarama-qarshi qo'ymoq (қарама-қарши қўймоқ)
change: o'zgarish (ўзгариш)
expand: kengaytirmoq (кенгайтирмоқ)
reduce: kamaytirmoq (камайтирмоқ)
replace: almashtirmoq (алмаштирмоқ)


major: asosiy (асосий)
significant: ahamiyatli (аҳамиятли)
key: kalit (калити)
main: asosiy (асосий)
central: markaziy (марказий)
northern: shimoliy (шимолий)
southern: janubiy (жанубий)
eastern: sharqiy (шарқий)
western: g'arbiy (ғарбий)
rural: qishloq (қишлоқ)
urban: shahar (шаҳар)
modern: zamonaviy (замонавий)
traditional: an'anaviy (анъанавий)


significantly: sezilarli darajada (сезиларли даражада)
mainly: asosan (асосан)
generally: umuman olganda (умман олганда)
clearly: aniq ravishda (аниқ равишда)
specifically: aniqrog'i (аниқроғи)
mostly: ko'pincha (кўпинча)
relatively: nisbatan (нисбатан)
substantially: sezilarli darajada (сезиларли даражада)
nearby: yaqin atrofda (яқин атрофда)
directly: to'g'ridan-to'g'ri (тўғридан-тўғри)


features: xususiyatlar (хусусиятлар)
location: joylashuv (жойлашув)
area: hudud (ҳудуд)
section: bo'lim (бўлим)
development: rivojlanish (ривожланиш)
changes: o'zgarishlar (ўзгаришлар)
amenities: qulayliklar (қулайликлар)
infrastructure: infratuzilma (инфратузилма)
expansion: kengayish (кенгайиш)


in: ichida (ичида)
on: ustida (устида)
to: (…га)
from: ...dan (…дан)
at: ...da (…да)
between: o'rtasida (ўртасида)
near: yaqinida (яқинида)
along: bo'ylab (бўйлаб)
opposite: qarama-qarshi (қарама-қарши)

Linking Words:

also: shuningdek (шунингдек)
furthermore: bundan tashqari (бундан ташқари)
in addition: bunga qo'shimcha ravishda (бунга қўшимча равишда)
however: biroq (бироқ)
whereas:'lsa-da (…бўлса-да)
despite: qaramay (…га қарамай)
although: qaramay (…га қарамай)
while:'lsa-da (…бўлса-да)
on the other hand: boshqa tomondan (бошқа томондан)
in contrast: aksincha (аксинча)
similarly: shunga o'xshab (шунга ўхшаб)
overall: umuman (умман)
in conclusion: xulosa qilib aytganda (хулоса қилиб айтганда)

Remember to use these words and phrases appropriately to write a detailed, accurate and well-organized description of maps for your IELTS Writing Task 1.

Practice using different structures and vocabulary to improve your fluency and confidence!

BShS learning center

09 Nov, 07:07

Multi level MOCK

🗓 DATE : NOV 10
🧭 AT BSHS learning centre
💳 FEE: 30.000
🕰 TIME: 9:00 A.M.
📈 SKILLS: ( listening, reading, writing and speaking).
Speaking yangi format va feedback
Overall ball va To'g'ri javoblar soni ( L/R dan)
Writingda har bir qism uchun alohida ball
Takrorlanmas savollar
  Tezkor natijalar

p.s.Qachon topshiraman degan savol qiynayotgan bo'lsa mocklarimizga qatnashib ko'ring.

To register write to:@Sardor_0667

BShS learning center

09 Nov, 07:05

Ushbu xatta ishlatilgan asosiy lo'g'atlar:

Vocabulary and Collocations with Uzbek Translations

1. Special offer – Maxsus taklif

2. Tourist resort – Turistik kurort

3. Book a holiday – Dam olishni bron qilish

4. Inquire about – Haqida ma’lumot so‘rash

5. Came across – Duch kelmoq, topib olmoq

6. Finalizing my plans – Rejalarimni yakunlash

7. Confirm the availability – Mavjudligini tasdiqlash

8. Family suite – Oilaviy xona

9. Double room – Ikki kishilik xona

10. Ocean view – Okean manzarasi

11. Modern amenities – Zamonaviy qulayliklar

12. Comfortable stay – Qulay yashash

13. Guided tours – Ekskursiyalar (gid bilan)

14. Water sports – Suv sportlari

15. Cultural events – Madaniy tadbirlar

16. Additional costs – Qo‘shimcha xarajatlar

17. Prompt response – Tezkor javob

18. Proceed with my booking – Bron qilishni davom ettirish

19. Thank you for your time and assistance – Vaqtingiz va yordamingiz uchun rahmat

BShS learning center

09 Nov, 07:01

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to inquire about your special offer for a holiday at your resort, which I recently came across in an advertisement. The details seemed quite appealing, and I am interested in booking a stay. However, I would appreciate it if you could provide further information before finalizing my plans.

I am planning to arrive at your resort on 15th January 2024 and leave on 20th January 2024. Could you please confirm the availability of accommodation during these dates? I am looking for a family suite or a double room with an ocean view, ideally equipped with modern amenities and suitable for a comfortable stay.

Additionally, I would like to know more about the activities offered at the resort. Specifically, I am interested in guided tours, water sports, and any cultural events that may take place during my stay. If there are any additional costs associated with these activities, kindly include that information as well.

I look forward to your prompt response so that I can proceed with my booking. Thank you for your time and assistance.

Yours faithfully,
[Your Full Name]

BShS learning center

09 Nov, 07:00

You have seen an advertisement for a special offer at a beautiful tourist resort. You would like to book a holiday. Write to the company and ask for some more information.
Write a letter to the travel company.
In the letter,
-say when you would like to arrive and leave.
- Describe the type of accommodation you require. -Ask for some more information about some activities you are interested in.

BShS learning center

08 Nov, 18:35

New scientist
2024, November 2 weekly.

BShS learning center

07 Nov, 15:31

📹 IELTS Writing Task 1 General: Band 9 Structure + Samples

Multi level imtihonida writing task1 uchun juda foydali ma'lumotlar

BShS learning center

07 Nov, 15:10

📹 IELTS Task 1 Formal Letters - Ultimate Guide

Izoh: Chriss Pell ushbu videoda xat yozishni nihoyatda maydalab tushuntirganlar. Imkon bo'lsa ko'rib tahlil qiling.

BShS learning center

07 Nov, 14:51

📹 How to Describe a Process Diagram [IELTS Writing Task 1 Band 9 Guide]

BShS learning center

07 Nov, 14:44

Multi level MOCK

🗓 DATE : NOV 10
🧭 AT BSHS learning centre
💳 FEE: 30.000
🕰 TIME: 9:00 A.M.
📈 SKILLS: ( listening, reading, writing and speaking).
Speaking yangi format va feedback
Overall ball va To'g'ri javoblar soni ( L/R dan)
Writingda har bir qism uchun alohida ball
Takrorlanmas savollar
  Tezkor natijalar

p.s.Qachon topshiraman degan savol qiynayotgan bo'lsa mocklarimizga qatnashib ko'ring.

To register write to:@Sardor_0667

BShS learning center

25 Oct, 03:04

In today's digital age, many people question the necessity of going to the library when online resources are so readily available. While it's true that the internet provides quick access to vast amounts of information, there are still several reasons why libraries are essential. Firstly, libraries offer reliable, curated content, ensuring that users have access to accurate and credible sources. On the internet, it's sometimes difficult to verify the quality of information. Secondly, libraries provide a quiet environment that fosters focus and concentration, which can be harder to achieve at home or while using digital devices. Additionally, not everyone has equal access to technology or high-speed internet, making libraries an important resource for those who rely on them for educational purposes. Finally, libraries offer a sense of community, where people can engage in educational events and programs, which is something that online resources can't replicate. Therefore, while the internet is a valuable tool, libraries continue to play an important role in promoting learning and research.

BShS learning center

23 Oct, 03:51

⚡️ Multilevel Practice Group.⚡️
🔰Course includes:
Full reading + Full listening mock
Listening answers + audioscript
Reading answers + video explanation
Passage wordlist
Strategies and tips for both skills
Writing check (task1 and task2)
Speaking check ( 3 parts)

📅Kurs toq kunlari bo'ladi.
🚀Kurs Avval imtihonlarda tushgan va tushish ehtimoli bo'lgan savollardan tuziladi.
🕐Vaqti: 10:30
Boshlanish sanasi maxsus guruhda aytiladi.
💰Narxi : 300 ming
( Kurs imtihonizgacha sizga yordam beradi).

2024- yil hisobidan natija qilmoqchi bo'lgan o'quvchilarni kursda kutib qolamiz.

@Sardor_0667 ga yozing.

BShS learning center

23 Oct, 01:40

## Sizni Yangi Boshlanuvchilar Guruhiga Taklif Etamiz!

Beginner group!

🗓️ 23-Oktabr, soat 15:00 da 1-xonada beginner guruh ochiladi!

Darslar toq kunlari 15:00 da boshlanadi.

💰 To'lov: 300.000 so'm

Siz nimalarga ega bo'lasiz:

• Yangi boshlanuvchilar uchun maxsus mo'ljallangan dars dasturi
• Tajribali va malakali o'qituvchilar
• Qulay va zamonaviy o'quv muhiti

Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun: @MrHolov ga murojaat qiling.

O'rganishni boshlamoqchi bo'lsangiz, bizga qo'shiling!

Sizni kutib qolamiz!

BShS learning center

21 Oct, 15:55


BShS learning center

21 Oct, 02:56

To help teenagers maintain high motivation, here are a few strategies that can be effective:

1. Set Clear and Achievable Goals: Encourage them to set specific, measurable, and realistic goals. Breaking down larger objectives into smaller steps can make tasks feel more manageable and rewarding as they progress.

2. Find Personal Interest: Teenagers are more motivated when they are passionate about something. Encourage them to explore different activities, hobbies, or subjects that spark their interest.

3. Create a Routine: A consistent routine helps in establishing discipline. Time management is key to balancing school, activities, and relaxation, reducing stress, and maintaining motivation.

4. Celebrate Small Wins: Recognizing progress, no matter how small, can boost motivation. Celebrate their achievements and efforts, not just results.

5. Stay Physically Active: Physical activity boosts mental energy and can improve focus. Encourage regular exercise or participation in sports.

6. Positive Reinforcement: Use positive feedback to motivate them. Highlight their strengths and show appreciation for their efforts.

7. Encourage Peer Support: A supportive friend group can keep them motivated. Being surrounded by peers who have similar goals can foster a motivating environment.

8. Encourage Problem-Solving: Teach them to view challenges as opportunities for growth. Problem-solving skills can help them overcome obstacles, making setbacks feel less discouraging.

9. Limit Distractions: Help them identify and reduce distractions like excessive screen time or social media, which can drain focus and motivation.

10. Model Resilience and Passion: Teenagers often learn by example. If they see adults or peers who are passionate, resilient, and goal-oriented, they are more likely to mirror those behaviors.

BShS learning center

20 Oct, 17:41

Success demands these 6 things..

1. Hard Work

Don't believe in luck, believe in hard work.

Stop trying to rush the process or searching for a shortcut.

There is none.

2. Patience

If you are losing the patience, you are losing the battle.

First nothing happens, then it happens slowly and suddenly all at once.

Most people give up at stage one.

3. Sacrifice

If you don't sacrifice for what you want, then what you want becomes the sacrifice.

Everything has its price. The question is: Are you ready to pay it for the life you desire?

4. Consistency

Consistency is what transforms average into excellence.

Without consistency, you will never achieve greater success.

5. Discipline

Motivation gets you going, but discipline keeps you growing.

There will be days when you don't “feel” like doing it.

You have to push through those days regardless of how you feel.

6. Self Confidence

Confidence is, I'll be fine if they don't like me.

BShS learning center

20 Oct, 05:16

BShS learning center

19 Oct, 15:36

Respect your father! 🙏

BShS learning center

19 Oct, 14:35

Multi level MOCK

🗓 DATE : OCT 20
🧭 AT BSHS learning centre
💳 FEE: 30.000
🕰 TIME: 9:00 A.M.
📈 SKILLS: ( listening, reading, writing and speaking).
Speaking yangi format va feedback
Overall ball va To'g'ri javoblar soni ( L/R dan)
Writingda har bir qism uchun alohida ball
Takrorlanmas savollar
  Tezkor natijalar

p.s.Qachon topshiraman degan savol qiynayotgan bo'lsa mocklarimizga qatnashib ko'ring.

To register write to:@Sardor_0667

BShS learning center

18 Oct, 13:26

Intensifying Adverbs

1. Very - Juda

• Example: She is very talented.
(U juda iste'dodli.)

2. Extremely - Juda kuchli

• Example: It’s extremely hot today.
(Bugun juda kuchli issiq.)

3. Really - Haqiqatan

• Example: I’m really excited about the trip.
(Men sayohat haqida haqiqatan ham hayajondaman.)

4. Incredibly - Aytishicha

• Example: The movie was incredibly good.
(Film aytishicha juda yaxshi edi.)

5. Tremendously - Juda katta

• Example: She has improved tremendously in her studies.
(U o'z o'qishlarida juda katta yaxshilanish ko'rsatdi.)

6. Super - Super

• Example: That was a super performance!
(Bu super chiqish edi!)

7. Utterly - Mutlaqo

• Example: I was utterly shocked by the news.
(Men xabardan mutlaqo hayratda qoldim.)

8. Completely - To'liq

• Example: I am completely satisfied with the service.
(Men xizmatdan to'liq mamnunman.)

9. Absolutely - Mutlaqo

• Example: This is an absolutely amazing opportunity.
(Bu mutlaqo ajoyib imkoniyat.)

10. Highly - Yuqori darajada

• Example: She is highly respected in her field.
(U o'z sohasida yuqori darajada hurmatga ega.)

11. Remarkably - Ajablanarli darajada

• Example: He has improved his skills remarkably.
(U o'z ko'nikmalarini ajablanarli darajada yaxshiladi.)

12. Particularly - Maxsus

• Example: I am particularly fond of classical music.
(Men klassik musiqaga maxsus qiziqaman.)

13. Significantly - Muhim darajada

• Example: The results have changed significantly.
(Natijalar muhim darajada o'zgardi.)

14. Exceedingly - Juda ko'p

• Example: The weather is exceedingly cold today.
(Bugun ob-havo juda ko'p sovuq.)

15. Slightly - Biroz

• Example: I’m feeling slightly better today.
(Bugun men biroz yaxshiroq his qilyapman.)

BShS learning center

18 Oct, 02:15

Here are some translations for the phrases into Uzbek:

1. Pop in a shop – Do‘konga kirib chiqmoq

2. Have a clearance sale of all pens – Hamma ruchkalarni chegirmali sotuvga qo‘ymoq

3. Resist the temptation – Vasvasaga qarshi turmoq

4. End up – Nihoyasiga yetmoq / Yakunida bo‘lmoq

BShS learning center

17 Oct, 17:49

Multi level MOCK

🗓 DATE : OCT 20
🧭 AT BSHS learning centre
💳 FEE: 30.000
🕰 TIME: 9:00 A.M.
📈 SKILLS: ( listening, reading, writing and speaking).
Speaking yangi format va feedback
Overall ball va To'g'ri javoblar soni ( L/R dan)
Writingda har bir qism uchun alohida ball
Takrorlanmas savollar
  Tezkor natijalar

p.s.Qachon topshiraman degan savol qiynayotgan bo'lsa mocklarimizga qatnashib ko'ring.

To register write to:@Sardor_0667

BShS learning center

17 Oct, 05:56

The cost of living in Uzbekistan can vary significantly depending on the city and lifestyle. Here are some general aspects to consider:

1. Housing: Rent prices in Tashkent (the capital) are generally higher than in smaller cities. A one-bedroom apartment in the city center might cost around $300 to $600 per month, while outside the center it could be around $200 to $400.

2. Food: Eating out is relatively affordable. A meal at an inexpensive restaurant might cost around $5 to $10, while a three-course meal for two at a mid-range restaurant could be around $30 to $50.

3. Transportation: Public transport is quite cheap, with bus and metro fares costing less than $0.50. Taxi fares are also reasonable, with short rides costing around $2 to $5.

4. Utilities: Monthly utility bills (electricity, heating, cooling, water, garbage) for an average apartment can range from $50 to $100.

5. Groceries: Prices for basic groceries are generally low. For example, a loaf of bread may cost around $0.30, and a liter of milk about $0.80.

6. Healthcare: Medical services are affordable, but quality can vary, especially in rural areas.

Overall, Uzbekistan offers a lower cost of living compared to many Western countries, but it's essential to consider personal lifestyle choices and preferences when assessing expenses.

BShS learning center

15 Oct, 02:03


📅 17-OKTABR, 10:00 va 14:00 da

🔍 Barcha darajadagi (A1-C1) kandidatlar uchun qabul!
- 5-sinfdan 11-sinfgacha
- Universitet talabalari uchun ham!

📞 Qo'ng'iroq uchun: 91 262 28 28
📱 Telegram: @MrHolov

💰 To'lov: 300.000 sum

🌟 Bu o'quv markazi Qashqadaryodagi eng zo'r o'quv markazlardan biri!
Bu yerda o'qiganlar nafaqat O'zbekistonda, balki dunyoning eng yaxshi universitetlarida ta'lim olishmoqda!

Ingliz tilini o'rganishni bugun boshlang! Sizni kutyapmiz!

BShS learning center

14 Oct, 15:27


BShS learning center

13 Oct, 16:03

Here are three Part 1 IELTS speaking questions based on the topic of morning routines and breakfast, along with sample answers, vocabulary, phonetic transcripts, collocations, and examples with Uzbek translations.

Question 1: What is your typical morning routine?

Sample Answer:
My typical morning routine starts with waking up around 7 AM. I usually take a shower and then have a cup of coffee to wake me up. After that, I like to read the news for about 15 minutes before getting ready for the day.

Uzbek Translation:
Mening odatdagi ertalabki tartibim soat 7 da uyg'onishdan boshlanadi. Odatda, men dush qabul qilaman va keyin meni uyg'otish uchun bir piyola qahva ichaman. Shundan so'ng, kun uchun tayyorgarlik ko'rishdan oldin taxminan 15 daqiqa yangiliklarni o'qishni yoqtiraman.


• Routine (rutina) /ruːˈtiːn/

• Shower (dush) /ˈʃaʊər/

• Coffee (qahva) /ˈkɔːfi/

• Read the news (yangiliklarni o'qish) /riːd ðə njuːz/


• Morning routine (ertalabki rutina)

• Wake up early (ertalab uyg'onish)

• Have a shower (dush qabul qilish)

Question 2: What do you usually have for breakfast?

Sample Answer:
For breakfast, I usually eat oatmeal with fruits like bananas or berries. Sometimes, I also have a slice of toast with avocado. It’s healthy and gives me the energy I need for the day.

Uzbek Translation:
Ertalabki ovqat uchun odatda, men mevalar, masalan, banan yoki rezavorlar bilan jo'xori yormasi yeyman. Ba'zida esa, avokado bilan bir bo'lak tost ham iste'mol qilaman. Bu sog'lom va kun davomida kerakli energiyani beradi.


• Oatmeal (jo'xori yormasi) /ˈoʊtmiːl/

• Fruits (mevalar) /fruːts/

• Toast (tost) /toʊst/

• Avocado (avokado) /ˌævəˈkɑːdoʊ/


• Have breakfast (ertalabki ovqatni iste'mol qilish)

• Healthy meal (sog'lom taom)

• Give energy (energiyani berish)

Question 3: Do you think breakfast is important? Why or why not?

Sample Answer:
Yes, I believe breakfast is very important. It kick-starts your metabolism and provides the necessary nutrients to keep you focused throughout the day. Skipping breakfast can lead to feeling tired and unfocused.

Uzbek Translation:
Ha, men ertalabki ovqat juda muhim deb hisoblayman. Bu sizning metabolizmingizni boshlaydi va kun davomida diqqatni saqlash uchun zarur bo'lgan moddalarni taqdim etadi. Ertalabki ovqatni o'tkazib yuborish charchoq va diqqatni yo'qotishga olib kelishi mumkin.


• Important (muhim) /ɪmˈpɔːrtənt/

• Metabolism (metabolizm) /məˈtæbəlɪzəm/

• Nutrients (moddalar) /ˈnjuːtriənts/

• Skipping (o'tkazib yuborish) /ˈskɪpɪŋ/


• Kick-start your day (kuningizni boshlash)

• Provide nutrients (moddalarni taqdim etish)

• Feel tired (charchoq his qilish)

BShS learning center

12 Oct, 13:50

Multi level MOCK

🗓 DATE : OCT 13
🧭 AT BSHS learning centre
💳 FEE: 30.000
🕰 TIME: 9:00 A.M.
📈 SKILLS: ( listening, reading, writing and speaking).
Speaking yangi format va feedback
Overall ball va To'g'ri javoblar soni ( L/R dan)
Writingda har bir qism uchun alohida ball
Takrorlanmas savollar
  Tezkor natijalar

p.s.Qachon topshiraman degan savol qiynayotgan bo'lsa mocklarimizga qatnashib ko'ring.

To register write to:@Sardor_0667