Brave And Planet @braveandplanet Channel on Telegram

Brave And Planet


Founder: Hasanboy Soibjonov
💯Arab tili
+998 94 257 25 22
+998 90 750 03 38
Branch A:
Branch B:

Brave And Planet (Uzbek)

Brave And Planet kanali Hasanboy Soibjonov tomonidan tashkil etilgan va rus tili, ingliz tili: IELTS 7+ | MULTILEVEL, va arab tili kurslari bilan mashhur bo'lgan. Agar sizning maqsadingiz yuqori sifatli til kurslaridan o'qish bo'lsa, Brave And Planet kanali siz uchun eng yaxshi o'rin! Bu kanalda yangi tillar o'rganish va e'tiborli o'qituvchilar bilan maslahatlashish imkoniyati mavjud. Siz +998 94 257 25 22 yoki +998 90 750 03 38 raqamlariga murojaat qilishingiz mumkin. Kanal manzillari: Filial A: va Filial B: Sifatli til o'rganish uchun Brave And Planet kanaliga a'zo bo'ling!

Brave And Planet

29 Jan, 06:16

Assalomu alaykum domla yaxshimisiz natijam chiqdi bergan bilimlariz uchun katta rahmat siz tufayli shu natijaga erishdim.

Brave And Planet

28 Jan, 13:58

Qaysi sertifikatlar ingliz tili o'qituvchisiga ustama to'lash uchun asos bo'ladi?

Ta'lim vazirliklarining 29.05.2024 dagi 3515-sonli qarori ga muvofiq, quyidagi sertifikatlarning C1 ga tenglashtirilgan darajalari ingliz tili o'qituvchilariga ustama to'lash uchun asos bo'ladi.

Milliy Sertifikat - C1
IELTS - 7.0 +
TOEFL iBT* - 95+
TOEFL ITP - 620+
Cambridge Assessment English: CAE - 180+
TKT (3ta modul Band 3 + B2 sertifikat)
TESOL/TEFL/TESL** (pass + B2 sertifikat)

* qaror talablariga muvofiq TOEFL iBT sertifikati Home edition bo'lmasligi kerak
** qarorning 3-bob ilova qismidagi talablarga mos bo'lishi kerak

Brave And Planet

27 Jan, 05:56

Nowadays companies and other organisations are requiring their employees to wear a uniform.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of wearing a uniform?
It is quite imperative to say that a number of workplaces and departments are currently requiring their staffs to adhere to dress codes for the purpose of easy identification. Well, this essay is explicated with all feasible facilities and drawbacks in the following paragraphs.
On the one hand, there are multiple advantages of wearing a uniform. The primary benefit is that it allows easy identification of individuals. In other words, uniforms are useful in scenarios where the personnel in an organization needs to be uniquely distinguished among a group of people. In hospitals, for instance, it is essential for employees to wear assigned uniform which helps them get easily recognized among the patients and the visitors. Promotion of a company's brand is another merit of this. When an employee visits a public place in a uniform, they are indirectly advertising their organization free of cost.
On the other hand, some individuals may not be interested in the type of uniform designed by the organization. The primary concern is that many deem it as monotonous and boring. For instance, my cousin working in an industry related to weights and measurements often complains about the attire, as she feels it does not suit her. This will, in turn, affect the quality of work and drive people towards seeking better job opportunities. Furthermore, the majority of employees feel that it impacts their personality, specifically the ability to express themselves through their attire. Since they are expected to wear the same clothing on a daily basis, it impedes their sense of independence and creative expression.
In conclusion, based on the abovementioned points, it is evident that there are benefits and drawbacks to wearing a uniform at work. It might be a requirement for certain jobs, but it should be designed in such a way that it is acceptable to all. While finalizing on the same, suggestions from the employees should be taken into consideration.

Mock Writing task 2

Brave And Planet

27 Jan, 05:46

The bar chart compares the proportion of total manufacturing production in Asia, Europe and the rest of the world from 1840 to 2000.

Overall, the data shows that the percentages differed significantly across the categories. While Asia and Europe experienced the downward trend compared to the initial figures, with the exception of other parts of the world, where it saw a substantial increase.

In 1840, half of the manufacturing production was in Asia, and 40% in Europe. However, the leader of this field in the first year, Asia, dropped to 20% in 1920, whereas Europe peaked at 50%. With regards to the remaining years, Asia's and Europe's proportions were reversed. In Asia, the total manufacturing production was slightly increased by around 5%, and this was followed by a brief resurgence to about 45%. Europe, meanwhile, showed a dramatic decline to just under 30% by the end of the period given.

In terms of the rest of the world, it initially made up only 10%, which was much lower than that of Asia and Europe. Then, this figure suddenly began surging till 1960, reaching the same percentage as Europe and strongly surpassing Asia, before decreasing to above 30% in 2000.

Mock writing task 1

Brave And Planet

26 Jan, 21:02

Ielts mock tes result

Brave And Planet

26 Jan, 19:48

Bu yerda Tic Tac ⌛️so‘zi bo'lishi mumkin edi🙃

Brave And Planet

10 Jan, 17:44

Weʼll announce the winner after three days, 14th of January.

Brave And Planet

10 Jan, 17:38


Brave And Planet

10 Jan, 17:35

Live stream finished (1 hour)

Brave And Planet

10 Jan, 16:13


Brave And Planet

10 Jan, 16:02

Live stream started

Brave And Planet

10 Jan, 14:14

Bahona qilaveraiszlar uni yo'q bunim yo'q deb. Ushaning uchun ohirida ham bo'lmaydi

Brave And Planet

10 Jan, 10:55

Avazbek could do it

Brave And Planet

09 Jan, 12:58

"Brave va Planet o‘quvchilarining IELTS bo‘yicha ovozli muloqoti"

IELTS imtihonida yuqori natijaga erishishni istaysizmi? Sizni Brave va Planet o‘quvchilari uchun maxsus tashkil etilgan ovozli muloqotga taklif qilamiz! Bu yerda IELTSga tayyorlanish bosqichlari, muvaffaqiyat kalitlari va real tajribalar haqida bilib olasiz.

Biz bilan o‘z IELTS safarini o‘rtoqlashadigan maxsus mehmonlar: Amirxon, Afruz va Ramazon. Ular sizga o‘z tajribalari, muvaffaqiyatga erishish yo‘llari va foydali maslahatlari bilan yordam beradi.

📌 Nima uchun qatnashishingiz kerak?

IELTSga qanday samarali tayyorlanishni bilib oling.

Real tajribalar va maslahatlarni eshiting.

O‘z savollaringizga javob oling.

📅 Sana: 10.01.2025

🕒 Vaqt: 21:00

📍 Platforma: Rasmiy kanalimizda

Brave And Planet

08 Jan, 16:21


🎉Welcome to a real exam based MOCK test!

🗓DATE: 26 th of January
At 9.00/13.00
📍LOCATION: "Brave and Planet" LC
💳 FEE: 50.000 UZS

Questions that reflect real exam questions 100%
Simulation of the real exam atmosphere
Fast Results
Feedback for Speaking
7/7.5 IELTS holders are examiners

It is not just test for those who want to sit on IELTS examination but Multilevel Candidates are permitted to participate (if you want to sit on on Multilevel exam you should take part ).

☎️To sign up for the test, call:
📞 +998907500338
📞 +998942572522

📩Telegram channel: @braveandplanet

Brave And Planet

07 Jan, 20:22

Bugun o'quv markazimizni admini Elbekni tavallud kuni Unga o'quv markazimiz nomidan o'zoq umir va chiroyli, ma'noli hayot tilaymiz. Nima yaxshi tilaklar bo'lsa hamma hammasini

Brave And Planet

07 Jan, 15:39

Online multilevel guruhimizga qabul yana 2 kunga uzaytirildi.

Brave And Planet

07 Jan, 15:37

27.12.2024 | 2-smena
Writing Task 1
You recently bought a house, but you are unhappy with some issues that the landlord did not disclose before the purchase. Write a letter
to the landlord. In your letter:
• describe the problems you have found in the house
• explain why you are upset that these issues were not mentioned earlier
• say what you would like the landlord to do to resolve the problems

Form of the letter- complaint
Salutation- Dear Sir or Madam,
The purpose of writing- I am writing this letter with the purpose of complaining the situation that old house owner did not tell me problems related to my recent house.
Main plot- 10 days ago my family members, particularly my little brother kicked off searching new accommodation from the residence website. And then he showed us around the stunning table a number of homes while we were having dinner. Firstly, I did not feel satisfied with his attempts, yet he disclosed us a flat that is located in the center of city and filled with full of amenities and facilities. Therefore, my parents and I were attracted mostly, and gave him a chance to converse with a owner in order to get a huge amount of information. But he was just 10 years old, thus my father gave the tasks on my shoulder. After a short period of time, I made a call you and we confirmed to have an appointment. I dropped in on there on my own see with my real eyes the place as well as bargaining the price of it. And you begun describing and explaining some positive sides, it is true I forgot even my name via watching the house. And then you said we might be owner whenever we pay 100.000$. I showed my agreement. We have been residing in the flat for a week, but there are a number of issues that appear every day. Thus, I had on obligation to put my pencil onto paper. If you give me assistants towards some problems, I shall be happy and even pay extra money.
Closing sentence- I hope you will understand the situation and lend a helping hand me, lest I feel guilty in front of my parents. If you shut your eyes, I shall go to the police and reveal all my issues, even I shall require from you to refund.
Yours faithfully, Mr Robben.

Brave And Planet

07 Jan, 08:32

The beginning of the end ⤵️

The paper-based IELTS exam is being phased out gradually in different countries. In Vietnam, this change will take effect from March 25, after which no paper-based IELTS exams will be available.

Not in Uzbekistan. Yet

Brave And Planet

05 Jan, 07:38

⚡️ INGLIZ TILIni 0 dan  boshlab tayyorgarlik ko’rmoqchi bo’lganlar uchun

🧩 Yangi guruhga qabul boshlandi.7,8,9,10 sinflar uchun
Kunlar:Dushanba,Chorshanba va Juma
Soat 14.00-16.00
🔸Soat: 16.00-18.00

👨IELTS holder(L-7.5 R-7.5 S-6.5 W-6.5)
Darslarimiz 6-Yanvardan boshlanadi shoshiling joylar soni chegaralangan
🏛Manzil: Brave and Planet( Yangi Bozor yaqinidagi,
Sudni yaqinidagi)

📞907500338(Ra'noxon👩‍💻 )
+998 94 257 25 22(Elbek)
✍️brave and planet manager

Qabul boshlandi


Brave And Planet

05 Jan, 07:38

KIDS guruhlarga qabul
⚡️ INGLIZ TILIni O dan  boshlab tayyorgarlik ko’rmoqchi bo’lganlar uchun

🧩 Yangi guruhga qabul boshlandi.3;4,5,6 sinflar uchun
🔸Soat: 14.00-16.00
shoshiling joylar soni chegaralangan

Birinchi dars 8-yanvardan kuni 14.00 da
🏛Manzil: Brave and Planet(Sud yaqinidagi va Yangi bozor )

📞907500338(Ra'noxon👩‍💻 )
+998 94 257 25 22(Elbek)

✍️brave and planet manager

Qabul boshlandi


Brave And Planet

05 Jan, 07:38


👋 Yangi Yilni sertifikat bilan kutib olish boshqachada❗️

❄️❄️❄️❄️-yilda bunga erisha

🇺🇿 Ammo hali ham buni iloji bor ❗️

😎 Qanday qilib deysizmi

Albatta 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 ⚡️ 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 o’quv markazida !

Tajribali ustoz Xasanboy Soibjonov tomonidan 4️⃣5️⃣ kunga mo’ljallangan Online kursga start berildi ❗️ (CEFR 7️⃣3️⃣ holder)

Kurs 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 :

🔠Aniq rejalashtirilgan 🎯
🔠O’z vaqtidagi darslar 🔜
🔠Qat’iy qoidalar 👍
🔠Haftada 6️⃣kun dars
🔠Sovuq havoda ❄️❄️❄️❄️ qaynoq video darsliklar
🔠Kunlik topshiriqlar 🖥
🔠Har bir skill- bo’yicha alohida yondashuv : LISTENING, READING,WRITING,SPEAKING
🔠Har hafta oxirida ❄️❄️❄️❄️ Mock exam
🔠 O’zingizni qiziqtirgan barcha savollarga Javob olasiz
🔠Kunlik 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤
🔠Access to private group

🛫Fee: 420 000 uzs

Talablar :

🧑‍🎓O’quvchi Intermediate level ni tugatgan
📝Yoki ❄️❄️sertifikatiga ega bo’lishi kerak !

❄️ Yangi yilda yangi maqsadlarga erishing !

🎄 Unutmang orzular orzuligicha qolmasligi kerak ⚠️

🌐Murojaat uchun :

📞+998 94 257 25 22
📞+998 90 750 03 38

Brave And Planet

04 Jan, 11:22

Shu kunlarda ketma-ket tushayotgan savollar ✍️

Part 1.1

•| How often do you exercise?
•| What’s your favorite way to relax after a busy week?
•| Do you like spending time with children?
•| Do you enjoy shopping for clothes?

Part 1.2

•| Difference between shopping at a large supermarket and a small grocery shop
•| Difference between watching TV and reading a book for relaxation

Tushgan savol yana tushadi 🔥

Brave And Planet

04 Jan, 08:06

What type of things cook
Do you have a extended family
Do you have a lot of friends
Traditional educating va online learning
Share experience
Social media platforms estimated by government

Brave And Planet

04 Jan, 08:06

part 1 what is your favourite color
what kinds of books do you like?
1,2 ikkita rasm samalyotda va poyezdda sayohat qilish

part2 muvaffaqiyatga erishgan vaqtiz

part3 animal testing should be banned in the world

Brave And Planet

04 Jan, 07:07

Bugun tushib ulgurgan savollar 🎯

Part 1.1
1. What do you do in your free time
2. How often go to the cinema
3. Tell me about popular museums in your country

Part 1.2
1-rasmda bitta bola computer orqali oʻqiyapti
2-rasmda classroomda teacher studentlarni oʻqityapti

Part 2
Ambitious goal

Part 3
Artificial intelligense should be hiring

Doimiy ravishda qaytariladi endi

Brave And Planet

04 Jan, 05:10

Kecha aktiv tushgan Speaking Part 1.1 lar ✍️

Do you live in a flat or in a house?
Do you prefer tea or coffee?
What is your favorite food?
Tell me about your friend.
Do you have books at home?
Do you know any foreign singer?

Brave And Planet

04 Jan, 04:56


⚡️ WRITING qismida natijani ifodalash uchun ishlatiladigan soʻzlar✔️

1⃣ As a result, … Natijada
The project was delayed due to insufficient resources. As a result, we missed the deadline.

2⃣ As a consequence, … - Natijada
He didn't study for the exam. As a consequence, he failed.

3⃣ Consequently, … Natijada
The company implemented cost-cutting measures.Consequently, they were able to increase their profits

4⃣ Accordingly, … Natijada
The weather forecast predicted heavy rain. Accordingly, we decided to postpone the event.

5⃣ So, … Natijada
He forgot his umbrella. So, he got soaked in the rain.

6⃣ Thereby, … Natijada

The new policy improved employee satisfaction, thereby boosting productivity.

Brave And Planet

04 Jan, 04:56


⚡️ WRITING qismida sababni keltirish uchun ishlatiladigan soʻzlar✔️

1️⃣ Therefore, … Shuning uchun
He didn't study hard. Therefore, he failed the exam.

📆That’s why, … Shuning uchun
The weather was bad. That’s why we stayed home.

📆 Hence, … Shuning uchun, shu sababli
She is very talented. Hence, she was chosen for the lead role.

📆Thus, … Shuning uchun, shu sababli
They didn’t have enough money. Thus, they couldn't buy the car.

📆 For this reason, … Shu sababli
The company is losing money. For this reason, many employees were laid off.

📆 Due to the fact that … ... sababli
Due to the fact that it rained, the event was canceled.

📆 Owing to the fact that … … sababli
Owing to the fact that he was injured, he couldn't play in the match.

Brave And Planet

04 Jan, 04:56


👩‍⚕1. Metabolism - insonni sog'lom saqlab turadigan funksiya
• Regular exercise can boost your metabolism a lot

👩‍⚕2. Acid - kislota (kimyoviy suyuqlik moddasi)
• Acid rain has a devastating effect on the forest.

👩‍⚕3. Intake - istemol qilish, qabul qilish
• I have to cut down on coffee intake because I'm having trouble sleeping at night.

👩‍⚕4. Substance - moddo, tarkibi
• it's an organic/chemical substance.

👩‍⚕5. Fibre - tez hazm qiluvchi/bo'lovchi modda
• You should eat more food that contains a lot of fibre such as fruits, vegetables and bread.

👩‍⚕6. High fat content - tarkibida yog' bo'lgan semirtiruvchi nimadur.
• I usually try not to eat a high fat content as much as possible

👩‍⚕7. Saturated fat - semirtiruvchi yog'
• I try to eat a low saturated fat diet.
• I try to limit saturated fat intake.

👩‍⚕8. Protein - oqsil
• Meat and fish are a vital source of protein

👩‍⚕9. Vitamin - vitamin
• Oranges are full of vitamin C.

👩‍⚕10. Minerals - minirallar (kimyoviy modda inson tanasini sog'lom ushlab turadigan).
• A healthy diet should supply all necessary vitamins and minerals.

👩‍⚕11. Organic - organik (tabbiy ravishta yetishtiriladigan/yetishtirilgan, kimyoviy moddalarsiz)
• Are these carrots organic?
• People should try to consume organic food as much as possible.

👩‍⚕12. Calories - kaloriya
• An athlete in training needs a lot of calories

Brave And Planet

04 Jan, 04:55


🚛1. Cargo plane - yuk samolyoti
• There is a need for a cargo plane.

🚛2. Shipment - yukni jo'natish (kema orqali)
• The goods are ready for shipment

🚛3. Container ship🚢  - yuk tashuvchi kema
• Goods are loaded up in container ships and delivered to different countries

🚛4. Lifeboat crew - qutqaruv kema xodimlari
• They were rescued by a lifeboat crew.

🚛5. Ferry⛴️ - yo'lovchi kemasi
• We took a ferry to France last year

🚛6. Canal boat - kanal qayig'i
Sailboat⛵️ - yelkanli qayiq
• We enjoyed travelling on a canal boat in France.

🚛7. Cabin cruiser - kabinetli sayohat kemasi
• Andrew Tate has bought a luxurious cabin cruiser.

🚛8. Aircraft - havo samolyoti
• The passengers got into the aircraft.

🚛9. Railway🛤  - temiryol, poyezd
• The railway is still under construction.
• His dad works on the railways.

🚛10. Container truck/Lorry🚚 - yuk mashinasi
• The police said that the latest accident involved a bus and a container truck.

🚛11. Van - furgon, kichik yuk mashinasi
• A delivery van had an accident on the way to its destination.

🚛12. Tram🚊 - tramvay
• There is easy access to the city centre by tram.

🚛13. Caravan/camper - katta furgon/vagon (yashash va uxlash imkonyatiga ega bo'lgan).
• We spent our holiday in a caravan.

🚛14. Air freight - yuk tashish (samolyotda)
• The goods will be sent by air freight

🚛15. Cab🚖 - taksi
• He took a cab to the airport

Brave And Planet

03 Jan, 17:54

Darslar 8chi yanvardan boshlanadi

Brave And Planet

03 Jan, 17:54


👋 Yangi Yilni sertifikat bilan kutib olish boshqachada❗️

❄️❄️❄️❄️-yilda bunga erisha

🇺🇿 Ammo hali ham buni iloji bor ❗️

😎 Qanday qilib deysizmi

Albatta 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 ⚡️ 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 o’quv markazida !

Tajribali ustoz Xasanboy Soibjonov tomonidan 4️⃣5️⃣ kunga mo’ljallangan Online kursga start berildi ❗️ (CEFR 7️⃣3️⃣ holder)

Kurs 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 :

🔠Aniq rejalashtirilgan 🎯
🔠O’z vaqtidagi darslar 🔜
🔠Qat’iy qoidalar 👍
🔠Haftada 6️⃣kun dars
🔠Sovuq havoda ❄️❄️❄️❄️ qaynoq video darsliklar
🔠Kunlik topshiriqlar 🖥
🔠Har bir skill- bo’yicha alohida yondashuv : LISTENING, READING,WRITING,SPEAKING
🔠Har hafta oxirida ❄️❄️❄️❄️ Mock exam
🔠 O’zingizni qiziqtirgan barcha savollarga Javob olasiz
🔠Kunlik 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤
🔠Access to private group

🛫Fee: 420 000 uzs

Talablar :

🧑‍🎓O’quvchi Intermediate level ni tugatgan
📝Yoki ❄️❄️sertifikatiga ega bo’lishi kerak !

❄️ Yangi yilda yangi maqsadlarga erishing !

🎄 Unutmang orzular orzuligicha qolmasligi kerak ⚠️

🌐Murojaat uchun :

📞+998 94 257 25 22
📞+998 90 750 03 38

Brave And Planet

03 Jan, 12:22

Candidate name: Zarnigor
Exam date: 03.01
City/Region: Khorezm

Speaking Part 1.1:
1. Do you like reading a book?
2. What kind of musics do you like
3. What do you like to do on weekends?                                                                                                               
Speaking Part 1.2:
Bir tomonda tog'lar yonidagi qishloq ikkinchi rasmda zamonaviy binolar bilan to'la shahar

Speaking Part 2:
1.Describe a time when you achieved success
2.What kind of challenges did you face?

Speaking Part 3: Schools should be banned smartphones


Brave And Planet

03 Jan, 12:22

Candidate name: Azizbek
Exam date: 03.01.2025
City/Region: Namangan

Speaking Part 1.1:
1. Do you like taking photographs?
2. Do you like art?

Speaking Part 1.2:
Public and private transports.

Speaking Part 2:
Describe time when you achieved success.
What is the factors of being happiness.

Speaking Part 3:
People should participate national vote phenomenons.


Brave And Planet

03 Jan, 12:21

Mana bu savollar ko’p tushdi bugun 🚀

Part 1.1
1. Do u play any sports
2. What is ur favourite season
3. Do u wake up early

Part 1.2
Birinchi rasmda oilaviy nimanidir nishonlashyabdi. Ikkinchisida kòp odamlar kafeda ovqatlanishyabdi

Part 2
Sizi kop oylantirib qoygan qaror haqida edi.

Part 3
Second language

Hali qaytadi…

Brave And Planet

03 Jan, 10:49

Candidate name:Panjiyev Shahzod
Exam date: 03.01.2024
City/Region: Termiz

Speaking Part 1.1:
What do you do on weekends?
What is your favourite drink?
Do you wake up early?
Speaking Part 1.2:
Birinchi rasmda odam Tvda breaking news koryapti ikkinchida qiz qolida kofe kitob oqiyapti
Speaking Part 2:
Tell me about a moment you had to be honest though it was difiicult
Speaking Part 3:
All students should learn a second language (For/Against)

Brave And Planet

03 Jan, 10:49

Candidate name: ZARNIGOR
Exam date 03.01.24
Part 1
favorite food
Kechqurun nima qilasz
Tv ko'rayotgan odam va kitob o'qiyotgan qiz
Yangi joyga moslashish
Plastic bags

Brave And Planet

03 Jan, 09:22

So’raganlar uchun:

➡️ Yanvar imtihoni ruxsatnomalari 15-yanvar kuni chiqadi

➡️ Dekabr imtihoni javoblari 24-yanvar kuni chiqadi

➡️ Yanvar imtihoni Speakinglari 1-fevralgacha tugaydi

➡️ Yanvar imtihoni natijalari tahminan 8-fevrallarga chiqadi

Yanvar imtihonida avvalgi savollar ham qayta tushadi

Brave And Planet

03 Jan, 09:07

Candidate name:
Exam date: 03.01.2024
City/Region: Karakalpakstan

Speaking Part 1.1:
What do you do on weekends?
What is your favourite drink?
Do you wake up early?

Speaking Part 1.2:
Birinchi rasmda odam Tvda breaking news koryapti ikkinchida qiz qolida kofe kitob oqiyapti

Speaking Part 2:
Tell me about a moment you had to be honest though it was difiicult dedi

Speaking Part 3:
All students should learn a second language (For/Against)


Brave And Planet

03 Jan, 09:07


Speaking part 1.1
what kind of accommodation do you live.

Speaking part 1.2
1- rasmda bitta qiz daraxtni tagida kitob oqib otiribdi .
2-chi rasmda telivizor ko'rib, popcorn yeb otirgan family.
Which one is better watching movie or reading book?

Speaking Part 2
Describe a experience or struggling you had

Speaking Part 3.
Libraries should be replaced with digital resources


Brave And Planet

03 Jan, 09:07

Candidate name: Durdona
Exam date: 3.01.2025
City/Region: Tashkent city

Speaking Part 1.1:
Do you wake up early?
What is your favourite season?
Do you play sports?

Speaking Part 1.2:
In the first picture, a man is driving a car. In the second picture, a person is crossing the street at a crosswalk.( I don’t remember the questions)

Speaking Part 2:
How do you adapt to new challenges, how do you handle such situations, and what are the benefits of adapting to new challenges in society? ( I don’t remember the exact questions but the meaning was like this)

Speaking Part 3:
Would it be better if society adopted a 4-day workweek?
For/ against


Brave And Planet

30 Dec, 09:50


👋 Yangi Yilni sertifikat bilan kutib olish boshqachada❗️

❄️❄️❄️❄️-yilda bunga erisha

🇺🇿 Ammo hali ham buni iloji bor ❗️

😎 Qanday qilib deysizmi

Albatta 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 ⚡️ 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 o’quv markazida !

Tajribali ustoz Xasanboy Soibjonov tomonidan 4️⃣5️⃣ kunga mo’ljallangan Online kursga start berildi ❗️ (CEFR 7️⃣3️⃣ holder)

Kurs 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 :

🔠Aniq rejalashtirilgan 🎯
🔠O’z vaqtidagi darslar 🔜
🔠Qat’iy qoidalar 👍
🔠Haftada 6️⃣kun dars
🔠Sovuq havoda ❄️❄️❄️❄️ qaynoq video darsliklar
🔠Kunlik topshiriqlar 🖥
🔠Har bir skill- bo’yicha alohida yondashuv : LISTENING, READING,WRITING,SPEAKING
🔠Har hafta oxirida ❄️❄️❄️❄️ Mock exam
🔠 O’zingizni qiziqtirgan barcha savollarga Javob olasiz
🔠Kunlik 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤
🔠Access to private group

🛫Fee: 420 000 uzs

Talablar :

🧑‍🎓O’quvchi Intermediate level ni tugatgan
📝Yoki ❄️❄️sertifikatiga ega bo’lishi kerak !

❄️ Yangi yilda yangi maqsadlarga erishing !

🎄 Unutmang orzular orzuligicha qolmasligi kerak ⚠️

🌐Murojaat uchun :

📞+998 94 257 25 22
📞+998 90 750 03 38

Brave And Planet

30 Dec, 04:57

⚡️ 2025-yilning 1-yarmida bo‘lib o‘tadigan chet tili imtihonlari

Chet tilini bilish darajasini aniqlash test sinovlari yanvar, fevral, mart, aprel va may oylarida o‘tkaziladi.

👨🏻‍💻 Test sinovi uchun talabgorlar sayti orqali onlayn tarzda ro‘yxatga olinadi.

📍 Ro‘yxatdan o‘tishda talabgorlar o‘zlariga qulay bo‘lgan hududni tanlagan holda mazkur hududda test sinovlarida ishtirok etishlari mumkin.

📆 Test sinovlari qaysi tillardan o‘tkazilishi, ro‘yxatga olish muddatlari va test sinovi o‘tkaziladigan sanalar yuqoridagi rasmda keltirilgan.

✔️ Agentlikning rasmiy sahifalari:
Telegram | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube

Brave And Planet

30 Dec, 04:50

Tushadigan savollarga tayyor javoblar ko’rib chiqing:

1. Is travelling something you like to do?

Of course I love to travel! It's fun to discover new places and learn about other countries. Japan is my dream vacation spot because it has so much history and beautiful scenery. I also like meeting new people from all walks of life and trying new foods when I travel. Travelling helps me see things in a new way and realise how different the world is.

2. What's your favourite way to enjoy your birthday?

On my birthday, I usually have a small get-together with family and friends. We eat well, play games, and enjoy being with each other. Every year, it's a great day full of laughs and good times. We also go out for special events from time to time, like bowling or going to an entertainment park. Thanks for all the work your loved ones did to make my day special, whether it was with thoughtful gifts or words from the heart.

Brave And Planet

29 Dec, 12:07

Speakingda baholash sistemasidagi maximal ballar:

Speaking part 1.1 - 17 ball

Speaking part 1.2 - 18 ball

Speaking part 2 - 19ball

Speaking part 3 - 21 ball

Jami barcha part uchun 75 ball

Brave And Planet

29 Dec, 09:49

Manashu savollar juda ko’p takrorlanmoqda

Maslahatim shu savollarga ham yaxshigina tayyorlanib oling🚀

Brave And Planet

28 Dec, 11:35


Brave And Planet

28 Dec, 11:35

Ўкув маркизимиз кубогида
Mr.Robben командаси ғалаба қозонди🥳🥳🥳

Brave And Planet

28 Dec, 09:59

Ярим финал уйинлари бошланмоқда !

Brave And Planet

07 Dec, 19:17

Assalomu alaykum kanalimiz a'zolari.

Dushanba kuni darslar o'z vaqtida bo'ladi.

Brave And Planet

07 Dec, 18:16

Be quick and join us in order to gain your dreams come true

Brave And Planet

07 Dec, 18:15

👇👇 🟦🟦🟦 🟦🟦 ▶️▶️

📄 Yanvar oyida Multilevel topshiruvchi talabgorlar uchun bizda navbatdagi kursga qabul davom etmoqda

😎 Dars boshlanish sanasi: 1️⃣0️⃣-dekabr

😄 Hafta kunlari: 6️⃣kun va Yakshanba kunlari mock

🔜Dars vaqti: 1️⃣9️⃣🔤0️⃣0️⃣

💸Standard kurs narxi : 420 000
( Taxminan 50 kun uchun 45 kunlikga mo’ljallangan to’lov)

😎 Darslar 1️⃣🚫-dekabr kuni start oladi va yanvar imtihon oldi tugaydi

❤️‍🔥 Agar o’zingiz o’ylagan natijaga erishmoqchi bo’lsangiz, Biz bunga yordam beramiz.😎

Agarda kafolatlangan sertifikat olmoqchi bo'lsangiz bizning kurslarga qo'shiling👇


Brave And Planet

07 Dec, 16:48


📆 Bilimni baholashga agentligi tomonidan chet tillaridan joriy yil 28–29-dekabr kunlari o‘tkazilishi belgilangan milliy sertifikat imtihonlari 26–27-dekabr kunlari tashkil etilishi rejalashtirilmoqda.

‼️ Talabgorlardan imtihonda ishtirok etish uchun ro‘yxatdan o‘tishda o‘zgarishni inobatga olishlari so‘raladi.

✔️ Agentlikning rasmiy sahifalari:
Telegram | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube

Brave And Planet

06 Dec, 06:19


Brave And Planet

06 Dec, 04:54

Assalomu alaykum domla natijam chiqdi katta rahmat bergan bilimlariz uchun

Brave And Planet

06 Dec, 04:25

домла имтихон топширгандим натижам чик,ди сзни хиссангиз жуда катта бу натижада рахмат хамма берган билимларигиз учун

Brave And Planet

06 Dec, 04:21

Rahmat domla bergan bilimlaringiz uchun, barchasi sizning mehnatlaringiz tufayli domla🥹🥹🥹

Brave And Planet

04 Dec, 16:04

👇👇 🟦🟦🟦 🟦🟦 ▶️▶️

📄 Yanvar oyida Multilevel topshiruvchi talabgorlar uchun bizda navbatdagi kursga qabul davom etmoqda

😎 Dars boshlanish sanasi: 1️⃣0️⃣-dekabr

😄 Hafta kunlari: 6️⃣kun va Yakshanba kunlari mock

🔜Dars vaqti: 1️⃣9️⃣🔤0️⃣0️⃣

💸Standard kurs narxi : 420 000
( Taxminan 50 kun uchun 45 kunlikga mo’ljallangan to’lov)

😎 Darslar 1️⃣🚫-dekabr kuni start oladi va yanvar imtihon oldi tugaydi

❤️‍🔥 Agar o’zingiz o’ylagan natijaga erishmoqchi bo’lsangiz, Biz bunga yordam beramiz.😎

Agarda kafolatlangan sertifikat olmoqchi bo'lsangiz bizning kurslarga qo'shiling👇


Brave And Planet

02 Dec, 02:17

Oxirgi kunlarda ketma-ket tushayotgan savollar 💯

Part 1.1

•| How often do you exercise?
•| What’s your favorite way to relax after a busy week?
•| Do you like spending time with children?
•| Do you enjoy shopping for clothes?

Part 1.2

•| Difference between shopping at a large supermarket and a small grocery shop
•| Difference between watching TV and reading a book for relaxation

Har biri uchun tayyorlaning, tushgan savol yana tushadi .

Brave And Planet

01 Dec, 12:34

👇👇 🟦🟦🟦 🟦🟦 ▶️▶️

📄 Yanvar oyida Multilevel topshiruvchi talabgorlar uchun bizda navbatdagi kursga qabul davom etmoqda

😎 Dars boshlanish sanasi: 1️⃣0️⃣-dekabr

😄 Hafta kunlari: 6️⃣kun va Yakshanba kunlari mock

🔜Dars vaqti: 1️⃣9️⃣🔤0️⃣0️⃣

💸Standard kurs narxi : 420 000
( Taxminan 50 kun uchun 45 kunlikga mo’ljallangan to’lov)

😎 Darslar 1️⃣🚫-dekabr kuni start oladi va yanvar imtihon oldi tugaydi

❤️‍🔥 Agar o’zingiz o’ylagan natijaga erishmoqchi bo’lsangiz, Biz bunga yordam beramiz.😎

Agarda kafolatlangan sertifikat olmoqchi bo'lsangiz bizning kurslarga qo'shiling👇


Brave And Planet

27 Nov, 17:48



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4) 🎓Magistratura uchun:
Xaftada 1 kunlik o'qish:
📘Kangwon National University

🪪 TOPIK 3 yoki IELTS 5.5


+998998893905 @korwayinfo
+998994840788 @korway_info

Telegram Instagram YouTube

Brave And Planet

26 Nov, 17:23

Multilevel 2025 1-yarim yillik sanalari (yanvar-fevral-mart-aprel-may-iyun olari) ham bizning kanal orqali yaqin orada e'lon qilinadi

Bizani kanalini kuzatishda davom eting!

Brave And Planet

26 Nov, 08:40
Those who want to follow up the latest news about Brave and Planet football pro league

Brave And Planet

24 Nov, 12:31

✅️24.11.2024 | 2-smena

➡️Writing Task 1

You applied for a job at a company but haven’t received a response yet.

Write a letter to the HR department to inquire about the status of your application.

• Mention the position you applied for and the date of application.
• Explain that you are eager to know the status of your application.
• Request an update and express your continued interest in the role.

Brave And Planet

24 Nov, 12:31

✅️24.11.2024 | 2-smena

➡️Writing Task 2:

Many people believe eating vegetarian diet is better for health.

What are advantages and disadvantages?

To'g'risi man uzim advantage and disadvantage predict qilgan edim. To'g'ri vhiqibdi

Brave And Planet

24 Nov, 07:08

Ko’p holatda 2-smenaga shikoyat xati tushadi.

•| yoki kecha va bugun tushmagan xatlardan biri

•| chunki har xil xatlar qo’yilibdi

•| essayga esa opinionni kutsa bo’ladi, societyga doir )

Brave And Planet

24 Nov, 07:06

Hozirgi kunda multilevel imtixonida popular bo'lgan question type bu problem and solution

Brave And Planet

24 Nov, 07:06

writing task-2 problem and solution

Brave And Planet

24 Nov, 07:00

Listening Part 6 | Smena 1


Brave And Planet

24 Nov, 07:00

Multilevel Writing Task 2 | Smena 1

Plastic pollution has become a major environmental issue worldwide.
Why is plastic pollution increasing? What solutions can help address this problem?

Brave And Planet

24 Nov, 06:55

Multilevel Writing Task 1 | Smena 1

You accidentally damaged a book borrowed from the library.

Write a letter to the librarian.

• Apologize for the damage and explain how it happened.
• Mention the details of the book (title, author, etc.).
• Offer to pay for the damages or replace the book.

Brave And Planet

24 Nov, 06:55

24.11.2024 1-smena


6. COW

Brave And Planet

23 Nov, 13:58

Sizga qaysi biri tushdi

Brave And Planet

23 Nov, 13:58

✅️23.11.2024 | 1-smena

➡️Writing Task 2:

People born today can expect to live longer than people in previous generations.

What are some of the positive and negative implications of this phenomenon?

Brave And Planet

23 Nov, 13:58

People live longer than ever before.
What challenges does this cause?
What measures can be taken to deal with this?

Brave And Planet

21 Nov, 15:41

IDP Speaking

Examiner :An old woman
Part 1

Do you like science ?
What science subject did you like the most in school?

Sharing things
Do you like to share things?
When you were a kid, did your parents encourage you to share things with others?
What kind of things are not suitable for sharing?
Part 2

Describe someone you know who made a good decision recently.

Part 3
About making a decision
Should parents make a decision for children's education?
What kind of qualities should people have for making a decision?
Should managers consult with employees while making decisions ?

Brave And Planet

21 Nov, 13:26

Idp speaking : 21.11( at 17.00) face to face
Examiner : middle aged women
Part 1:
Do you live in the city or countryside ?
Can you advice to live there ?
And why ?
Do you have favourite teacher
How has she helped
Do you want to become a teacher
Part2: describe something you lost that is important to you
Part 3
(5-7) About losing things( from app)
How parents Teach organization to children
Is teaching organisation skills important

Brave And Planet

20 Nov, 10:04

IDP 20.11.2024
Examiner: old woman in hijab

Part 1
Where do you live
Do you recommend otgers to live there
What do you like about your hometown
Do you like to use coins
Did you use coins when you were young
Did you save coins in your childhood

Part 2
Describe an old friend you made contact after a long time

Part 3
Questions related to part 2
Do you have an old friend who you made contact with
What is the benefit of having old friend for young people
How can people keep contact with their old friends
What are the benefits of having less friends
What are the best others ways for contacting besides calling

Brave And Planet

20 Nov, 10:04

IDP Speaking
examiner: Alan or Adam (with white hair)
Part 1 (about 10 questions)
Do you work or study?
Is your school the best place to study?
about pens (5-8) questions

Part 2
Describe an outdoor or indoor place where you prefer to study

Part 3
(around 10 questions)
About study

Brave And Planet

20 Nov, 03:54

Ruxsatnomalar bugun chiqadi, In Shaa Alloh.

•| biroz kechgi vaqtga doimgidek

Shu ruxsatnoma chiqishiga ham asabiy qaramang, xotirjam bo’ling.

Brave And Planet

18 Nov, 05:51


Brave And Planet

18 Nov, 05:33


Brave And Planet

18 Nov, 05:33


Brave And Planet

18 Nov, 05:03

listening part-1

Brave And Planet

17 Nov, 22:14

Agar natijalaringda kamchiliklar bo'lsa, @braveandplanetadmin ga yozinglar.

Brave And Planet

17 Nov, 22:14

Share mock result 17.11.2024 edited.docx

Brave And Planet

17 Nov, 14:42

Agar natijalaringda kamchiliklar bo'lsa, @braveandplanetadmin ga yozinglar.

Brave And Planet

17 Nov, 05:44

Brave and Planet уқув марказида Mock имтихонидан лавхалар

Brave And Planet

13 Nov, 06:12

Sizlarchi nima qilyapsizlar ular uchun

Brave And Planet

12 Nov, 14:45

Assalomu alaykum domla yaxshimisiz man ham cefr topshirib kurgandim b2 olibman rahmat kottakon bergan bilimingiz uchun

Brave And Planet

12 Nov, 14:44

Ассалому алейкум домла катта рахмат берган билимлариз учун . Шунча берган билимлариз натижаси бу домла каттакон рахмат.

Brave And Planet

12 Nov, 14:22

Assalamu Aleykum domla natijam chiqdi domla sizga kattakon rahmat bu darajaga eriwiwim uchun sizdi hissangiz judaham katta boldi domla.

Brave And Planet

12 Nov, 13:39

Ассалом алекум домла яхшимисиз рахмат домла хаммаси учун.

Brave And Planet

12 Nov, 13:29

😎Thanks teacher

Brave And Planet

12 Nov, 13:28

Assalomu aleykum domla yaxshimisiz.Domla mana xudoga shukur b2 olibman.Domla bergan bilimlarizga rozi bólin.Rahmat kattakon yana bir bor.

Brave And Planet

12 Nov, 13:28


Bizda reklama emas natijalar gapiradi

Brave And Planet

12 Nov, 12:46

Assalomu aleykum!

Brave And Planet

12 Nov, 12:38

Assalomu alaykum domla yaxshimisiz
Natijam jiqdi domla. Kutganimdanda alo. Hammasi sizi sharofatiz bilan, bergan bilimlariz va koʻrsatgan yo'l yo'riqlariz tufayli rahmat domla

Brave And Planet

12 Nov, 12:09

Bizda boshlandi

Brave And Planet

12 Nov, 10:40

Multi-level sertifikatini yuklab olish yo'riqnomasi🌟

Brave And Planet

12 Nov, 04:17





Brave And Planet

22 Oct, 17:06

Live stream finished (1 hour)

Brave And Planet

22 Oct, 16:01

Live stream started

Brave And Planet

22 Oct, 07:58


⚠️ 🔤🔤🔤 kurslarimizga start berdik ⚠️⚠️

👍 Darslarimiz 2️⃣6️⃣- Oktyabrga tashkillashtirildi.

🔜 Dars vaqti : 1️⃣8️⃣:0️⃣0️⃣ (hozircha)

📍Manzil : Yangi bozor yaqinidagi markaz 🏛

Brave And Planet

22 Oct, 06:59

For questions about SAT,
reach to @hasanboyy27

Brave And Planet

21 Oct, 10:12


Brave And Planet

20 Oct, 19:29

Sizga ham ilindim

Brave And Planet

20 Oct, 19:28

Writing online gruppamiz bilan birga yozdik

Brave And Planet

19 Oct, 17:20

Vadaga vada

Brave And Planet

19 Oct, 17:15

Live stream finished (1 hour)

Brave And Planet

19 Oct, 15:40

Live stream started

Brave And Planet

19 Oct, 15:40

Live stream finished (3 minutes)

Brave And Planet

19 Oct, 15:37

Live stream started

Brave And Planet

19 Oct, 15:30

Live stream scheduled for

Brave And Planet

19 Oct, 14:32

Kimda savollar bo'lsa shu profilga yozing- @makeithabit

Brave And Planet

17 Oct, 18:37

🎙️ Multilevel Imtihoni Bo‘yicha Interaktiv Suhbatimizga Qo‘shiling! 🎙️

Multilevel sertifikatini olish yo‘lidamisiz va C1 darajasiga erishmoqchimisiz? Bu yo'lda yordam beradigan maxsus maslahatlar, strategiyalar va yechimlarni o'rganish imkoniyatini qo'ldan boy bermang!

🗓️ Sana: 19/10/2024 Shanba
Vaqt: 21:00
📍 Joyi: Brave and Planet Telegram kanali

Ushbu suhbatda quyidagi muhim mavzularni qamrab olamiz:

*Multilevel O‘rganishni Qachon Boshlashim Kerak?

*Multilevel Imtihonidagi Umumiy Muammolar

*Nima Uchun C1 Darajasiga Erisholmayapman?

*Yangi Online Kurslarimiz Haqida!

Nega Qo‘shilish Kerak?
Qiziqishlaringizga mos keladigan mavzularni o‘rganing, ekspertlar bilan maslahatlashing va barcha savollaringizga javob oling. Qaysi bosqichda bo‘lsangiz ham, ushbu suhbat sizning muvaffaqiyatingiz uchun foydali bo‘ladi!

Savollaringizni shu manzilga yo‘llang: GIYOSBEK

Sizni kutamiz!

Brave And Planet

16 Oct, 18:17

19th October is the last day to register

Brave And Planet

16 Oct, 07:34

Darslarimiz 25-Oktabrdan boshlanadi

Brave And Planet

15 Oct, 17:50



📣 🔠🅰️🔠endi Pop shahrida ⚠️

🕸 🚩🚩🚩- bu o’zi nima

📃 🔤🔤🔤- O’zbekiston va xorij universitetlari talab qiladigan standard test, u asosan uchta bo’limdan : o’qish,yozish va til, hamda matematikadan iborat💤

🔝 🔤🔤🔤 ni qanday o’rganishni esa biz sizga o’rgatamiz ❤️‍🔥

👨‍🏫 Teacher: Abduqahhorov Shohruhbek.

😎 🔠🔠🔠: 1350
😎Intellektual yondashuv
😎 2️⃣yillik tajriba
😎 IELTS score: 7️⃣

📞 Murojaat uchun:

📞 Elbek: +998 94 257 25 22
📞 Ra’noxon: +998 90 750 03 38

🏛 Manzil:

😎Sud yaqinidagi o’quv markaz.

💯 Biz bilan natijaga erishing ⚠️

Brave And Planet

13 Oct, 15:22


Энди ҳам нолишингизга сабаб қолдими!?

Нишонига тегадиган гаплар фақат бизда: @nishondagi_gaplar_tegadi

Brave And Planet

13 Oct, 11:55

🔈🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 ❗️
Duration: 3️⃣0️⃣ days
By Hasanboy Soibjonov “ the recorder of Multilevel” (Hozirgacha 3000+ o’quvchilarga IELTS va MULTILEVEL imtixonida yuqori natijalarga erishishga yordam bergan 🤩)
⚡️⚡️ My results : IELTS7️⃣.5️⃣ and Multilevel 🔤1️⃣(73) O’zbekistondagi rekord natija

📈Kurs maqsad: To achieve B2 and C1

💬Kurs Tartibi:
✔️Haftada 6 kun Dars
✔️150+Video Darslik
✔️Kunlik Topshiriqlar
✔️Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking, Grammar, Vocabulary
✔️Kontrol: STRICT
✔️Uyga Topshiriqlar tekshiriladi
✔️Mock exam har hafta
✔️Kunlik speaking mock
✔️Access to private group
💸Fee: 280 000 soums


✔️Haftada 6 kun Dars
✔️150+ Video Darslik
✔️Kunlik Topshiriqlar
✔️Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking, Grammar, Vocabulary
✔️Kontrol: STRICT
✔️Uyga Topshiriqlar tekshiriladi
✔️Mock exam har hafta
Kunlik speaking mock
Access to private group
💸Fee: 220 000 soums

😎 Support Teacher : Multilevel 🔠1️⃣ (67) GIYOSBEK KHOMIDOV

👍Online kurs natijalari:
✍️Online darslar haqida fikrlar:

📲Kursga yozilish uchun:



😵Bu online darslarni tashkillashimizdan asosiy maqsad butun bir respublikadagi yoshlarni bilim olishlarini ta’minlash.

🔔Esizdan chiqarmang bu kursni oddiy sotib olmaysiz, har kuni huddi offline darslarga o'xshab nazorat ostida bo’ladi.

Intensive guruh: 25,26-Noyabrda imtixon topshiruvchilar uchun

3️⃣0️⃣kun agar qattiq mehnat qilsangiz bemalol uzingiz xoxlagan natijaga erishishingiz mumkin

🅱️2️⃣ Olish uchun eng kamida boshlang'ich (B1 yoki intermidiate yoki 45+ Multilevel )
🔤1️⃣olish uchun esa eng kamida 53 ball olgan bo’lishi kerak.

💡Ha aytgancha siz 19-Oktabrgacha ro'yhatdan o'tgan bo'lishingiz talab qilinadi.....