Ben Gilroy @bengilroy Channel on Telegram

Ben Gilroy


Leader, Liberty Republic. Defender of natural rights.

Ben Gilroy (English)

Ben Gilroy is a well-known figure in the Liberty Republic community, revered for his unwavering dedication to defending natural rights. As the leader of Liberty Republic, he has become a beacon of hope for those who seek to uphold the principles of freedom and justice. Through his insightful perspectives and fearless advocacy, Ben Gilroy has gained a loyal following on his Telegram channel, @bengilroy. This channel serves as a platform for like-minded individuals to come together, share ideas, and stay informed on the latest developments in the fight for liberty. Whether you are a seasoned activist or simply curious about the movement, Ben Gilroy's channel is a must-follow. Join the conversation, be inspired, and stand up for what you believe in by becoming a part of this empowering community today.

Ben Gilroy

26 Oct, 18:30

Corruption Awareness Ireland posted today:

Helen McEntee granted High Court order to #Bug Every Citizens Phone.
Details of Every Phone Call made in Ireland are being Recorded for Government inspection.

The power to do this was granted in a #SecretCourt, presided over by an #AnonymousJudge, at a #SecretPlace unknown, and details of which will remain secret from the citizens of Ireland.

The hearing was ‘ex-parte’, meaning only the justice minister was represented, and the case was ‘in camera’, meaning that members of the public were excluded.

It was a one-side hearing before the judge who shall remain anonymous – by law.

A High Court order was obtained by justice minister Helen McEntee requiring all communications service providers to retain certain data.

Details including user, traffic and location data is being held for a period of 12 months for the purpose of safeguarding State Security.

We can guess what ‘user’ and ‘location’ data means, but what is ‘traffic’, are they keeping recordings of all phone calls made in the state ?

It would appear so.

The high court order was granted on June 21st last, this is the second year the state has done this.

The law to allow this, apparently, arises out of the ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the Graham Dwyer case.

Many questions arise:

Firstly, why the secrecy in the court ?
How can we say what actually took place there ?
Is this an issue for our Constitution, which says that justice must be administered in public – except in limited and special circumstances?

No doubt the Minister will say that ‘special circumstances’ do exist, if so, where were they before the Graham Dwyer case ?

Secondly, can we really trust these Politions to hold such comprehensive data on everyone, including where we go, who we talk to, and what we say?

We think this is a gross violation of basic Human Rights, but where is the outcry ?

1984, the now famous book by #GeorgeOrwell couldn’t have understated the reach of Big Brother more, he never conceived the reality of today, complete surveillance.

Consider with this, that you cant go for a simple walk, or drive, anywhere, but that cameras are identifying you. Soon Gardaí will have body cameras with the same facial recognition technology in them – all very intrusive.

But we are assured by the political elite that none of this data will be used improperly. REALY !

Ben Gilroy

23 Oct, 20:40

🔥'Hate Crime Laws a Savage Hypocrisy' by South Park S4 EP2

Ben Gilroy

22 Oct, 22:27

If ever you needed further evidence for the contempt this Government have for the Irish people and democracy in general

They intend to hold a 90 minute debate on one of the most controversial pieces of legislation tomorrow at 21.49

The General Election is fast approaching. Let them know this is the nail in the coffin.

Ben Gilroy

21 Oct, 17:06

A General Election is upon us, and the time for change is now! #GE24 #EnoughIsEnough

Ben Gilroy

20 Oct, 12:37

Go Fund Me: Covid-19 Legal Case - Hearing on the 31st October 2024

The purpose of this video is:

1. To briefly explain the background to the case we initiated on the 2nd of March 2021;

2. To explain the steps we have taken in the case to date; and

3. Most importantly to advise donors that there is a one-day hearing taking place in the High Court on Thursday the 31st of October 2024, to decide whether or not our case will be allowed to proceed - as the State are currently arguing that as the Covid-19 laws are no longer in place, our case should not be heard. Under this point 3, I will also explain the arguments that the State have advanced and also the counter arguments that we have made by means of Affidavit and legal submissions to the courts – all of which will be argued by our Barristers on the 31st of October 2024 in the Four Courts in Dublin.

Ben Gilroy

18 Oct, 18:16

BEWARE: Dáil schedule this Wednesday. I suspect the general election to be called after. People be on guard when Governments ram through last minute legislation before holidays or elections. #HateSpeech legislation attacks #FreedomOfSpeech a fundamental pilar of democracy. #ge24

Ben Gilroy

16 Oct, 17:39

Critical thinking has been subverted.

Watch complete video at

Ben Gilroy

15 Oct, 11:21

A must watch

Ben Gilroy

11 Oct, 12:56

No surprise FFG are spending more to build modular housing than what an actual proper house would cost. More of our money going to their business buddies making a fortune! I wonder is there any corrupt kick backs to politicians and civil servants happening? The over spent money could have built a home for Irish people or even provide other much needed public services. Seriously why aren’t tens of thousands on the streets demanding the FFG out of office now?

Ben Gilroy

11 Oct, 12:23

🔴Medical tyranny ramping up in Northern Ireland.


Ben Gilroy

11 Oct, 09:37

If Western Governments really wanted to help “asylum seekers” they would do so by helping them thrive in their own home country, by stopping multinationals pillaging their resources, stopping political interference, and stop bombing their countries. But there is no money in that.

Ben Gilroy

10 Oct, 13:31

Independent Nick Delehanty shines a light on the the immigration money making racket.


Ben Gilroy

08 Oct, 15:44

In this video we will review reports published by the Government on:

1) The future use of Thornton Hall; and
2) Ireland long term Immigration plan

Both of which can be accessed on the website.

Ben Gilroy

02 Oct, 18:27

Mark Rutte, the man who ruined The Netherlands over the past 10+ years, got appointed Secretary General of NATO this morning.

Hope y’all are ready to be dragged into WW III, because he hasn’t even been in office for 1 day & already stated Ukraine “will become a member of NATO”.


Ben Gilroy

02 Oct, 14:32

Coolock Gardai caught on camera abusing powers, refusing to provide their Garda Numbers (which is illegal), and violating the rights of a videographer in public.

Watch entire video at

Ben Gilroy

02 Oct, 11:47

Multiculturalism does not work just look at Sweden, Germany and France. Culture conflict is real and not all cultures share the same values. Integration proven not to work, especially with Muslims which only leads to political sectarianism.

Ben Gilroy

01 Oct, 15:47

Today, #Budget25 so-called "giveaway" is FFG using the money they took off you to bribe voters by giving a little bit back to keep themselves in power so they can keep giving billions away to their biz buddies. These traitors are the scum of the earth. #EnoughisEnough #GE24

Ben Gilroy

30 Sep, 10:59

Foreign security staff working for Dublin City Council attempt to violate the rights of a videographer in public. A critical problem with foreigners working in security for both the state and the private sector is they tend to break the law or have no proper understanding of it.

Watch entire video at

Ben Gilroy

29 Sep, 10:48

RTE won't show you this – Polish MEP Ewa Zajączkowska-Hernik destroys EU tyrant Ursula, President of the European Commission.


Ben Gilroy

28 Sep, 09:03

RIP Roy Butler: After the funeral left the Church, Ben Gilroy called for Minister Donnelly to do the right thing for local Waterford sporting star Roy Butler, age 23, who passed away suddenly last Tuesday. Roy had received his vaccine the Friday before. See funeral video at