هيئت عزيزم حسين(عليه السلام) (Persian)
Welcome to the Telegram channel 'هيئت عزيزم حسين(عليه السلام)', also known as '@azizamhossein'. This channel is dedicated to providing information about the sessions of the organization 'هيئت عزيزم حسين(عليه السلام)', which has conducted 110 gatherings so far. If you would like to stay updated on the upcoming sessions or learn more about the organization, you can send a message with the number '5000104012813313'. You can also follow them on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/azizam_hosein. Join us in spreading the message of peace and mercy as we honor the legacy of Hazrat Hussain (peace be upon him) on this channel dedicated to his noble teachings and principles.