Aptis | British Council @aptisuzbekistan Channel on Telegram

Aptis | British Council


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Aptis | British Council (English)

Are you looking to improve your English language skills and showcase your proficiency to the world? Look no further than the official British Council Aptis channel in Uzbekistan - @aptisuzbekistan! This channel is your one-stop destination for all things related to the Aptis exam, a renowned English language assessment tool offered by the British Council. Whether you are preparing for the exam or looking for tips and resources to enhance your English skills, this channel has got you covered.

Stay updated with the latest news, announcements, and resources related to the Aptis exam in Uzbekistan. Connect with other Aptis test takers, share your experiences, and learn from each other. The channel also provides valuable information on how to register for the exam, important dates, and contact details for further inquiries.

Join the Aptis community in Uzbekistan today and embark on your journey towards English language proficiency with the support of the British Council. Follow @British_Council_Uz for more updates, contact +998712050660 for assistance, and visit www.britishcouncil.uz for additional resources. Start your Aptis preparation now and unlock endless opportunities for personal and professional growth! 🌐✅📞

Aptis | British Council

14 Feb, 05:06

“Construct” so’zining sinonimlarini o’rganish orqali so’z boyligingizni kengaytiring!

Til ko’nikmalaringizni yaxshilash uchun ushbu so’zning bir qator alternativlarini ko’rib chiqamiz:

Assemble: Qismlarni bir butunga yig’ish yoki birlashtirish.
“The team assembled the new prototype in record time”.

Build: Biror nimani bosqichma-bosqich yaratish yoki ishlab chiqish.
“They plan to build a new library in the city center”.

Create: Nimanidir hayotga tatbiq qilish.
“The artist created a masterpiece from a blank canvas”.

Develop: Vaqt o'tishi bilan biror narsani o'stirish yoki kengaytirish.
“The software company is developing a new app for productivity”.

Formulate: Biror narsani puxta rejalashtirish yoki loyihalash.
“The scientist formulated a hypothesis based on the data collected”.

💬 Sizningcha “construct” so’zining ma’nosini yana qanday ifodalash mumkin? Fikrlaringizni izohlarda yozib qoldiring! 👇


🔴 Aptis kanali | 🔵 Asosiy kanal

Aptis | British Council

14 Feb, 05:05

Expand your vocabulary with synonyms for 'construct'!

Let’s explore some great alternatives to make your language more dynamic:

Assemble: To gather or put together parts into a whole.
‘The team assembled the new prototype in record time.’

Build: To create or develop something step by step.
‘They plan to build a new library in the city center.’

Create: To bring something into existence.
‘The artist created a masterpiece from a blank canvas.’

Develop: To grow or expand something over time.
‘The software company is developing a new app for productivity.’

Formulate: To carefully plan or devise something.
‘The scientist formulated a hypothesis based on the data collected.’

💬 What other words can you think of for 'construct'? Share your ideas in the comments below! 👇


🔴 Aptis channel | 🔵 Main channel

Aptis | British Council

07 Feb, 05:06

🌫️ Ready for a challenge on air pollution?

Take on this task about the effects of air pollution on public health. Rearrange the sentences in the correct order to create a logical flow.

Drop your answers in the comments below! Let’s see who can ace this! 😎


🔴 Aptis channel | 🔵 Main channel

Aptis | British Council

07 Feb, 05:04

🌫️ Havo ifloslanishi bo'yicha chellenjga tayyormisiz?

Havo ifloslanishining aholi salomatligiga ta'siri haqidagi vazifani bajaring. Mantiqan to’g’ri tuzilgan matnni hosil qilish uchun gaplarni to'g'ri tartibda joylashtiring.

Javoblaringizni quyidagi izohlarda yozib qoldiring! Bu vazifani qanchalik yaxshi uddalashingizni ko’raylikchi! 😎


🔴 Aptis kanali | 🔵 Asosiy kanal

Aptis | British Council

05 Feb, 06:06

🖊️ Rasmni ta’riflash va uni chizishga tayyorlaning!

Ushbu qiziqarli dars o'quvchilarga rasmlardagi narsalar joylashuvini tasvirlash uchun predloglar va so’zlarni o’zlashtirishga yordam beradi.

Darsga tayyorlanish
1️⃣ “… the top” yoki “... the corner” kabi toʻliq boʻlmagan iboralarni tanishtiring va oʻquvchilardan ularni predloglar bilan toʻldirishlarini soʻrang.
2️⃣ Shakl va chiziqlar (masalan, doira, to'rtburchak, zigzag)ni ko'rib chiqing va ularni doskaga joylashtiring.

1️⃣ Doskada oddiy dizayndagi bitta kvadratni chizing. O’quvchilar sizga ko’rsatmalar berib, ikkinchi kvadratni chizgan holda uni qayta yaratishga yordam berishadi. O’quvchilar bilan bir-biringizni tushunmay qoldingizmi? Aniqroq ko'rsatmalar olish uchun biror narsani noto'g'ri chizing!
2️⃣ O’quvchilar o'z daftarlarida geometrik dizaynlarni yaratadilar.
3️⃣ O’quvchilar juft bo‘lib ishlab o‘z dizaynlarini bir-birlariga tasvirlab berishadi, ularning sheriklari esa bu dizaynlarni qog’ozga tushirishadi — ammo bu payt chizmaga qarash mumkin emas!

O’quvchilar o'z dizaynlarining ta’rifini yozishadi, daftarlarini almashishadi va bir-birlarining yozuvlarini tuzatishadi.

💡 Bu speaking, listening va writing ko’nikmalarini oshirish uchun ayni muddao! 🎨

Yosh guruhi: 13-17
Daraja: A2 (Beginner)
Vaqt: 30 daqiqa

Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun havolani bosing.


🔴 Aptis kanali | 🔵 Asosiy kanal

Aptis | British Council

05 Feb, 06:01

🖊️ Get ready to describe and draw!

This engaging lesson helps students practice prepositions and vocabulary for describing positions in pictures.

1️⃣ Introduce incomplete phrases like ‘… the top’ or ‘… the corner’ and have students complete them with prepositions.
2️⃣ Review shapes and lines (e.g., circle, rectangle, zigzag) and label them on the board.

Draw a simple design in one square on the board. Students guide you with instructions to recreate it in a second square. Miscommunication? Draw something incorrect to prompt clearer instructions!
2️⃣ Students create their own geometric designs in notebooks.
3️⃣ In pairs, they describe their designs while their partner draws—no peeking!

Students write a description of their design, swap notebooks, and correct each other’s writing.

💡 Perfect for boosting speaking, listening, and writing skills! 🎨

Age group: 13-17
Level: A2 (Beginner)
Time: 30 minutes

For more details, click the link.


🔴 Aptis channel | 🔵 Main channel

Aptis | British Council

03 Feb, 08:07

📝 So’z boyligingiz qanchalik yaxshi?

So’zlarni qanchalik yaxshi bilishingizni sinovdan o’tkazing va ularning nechtasini to’g’ri topishingizni bilib oling! 🧠

Quyida to’g’ri javoblarni tanlang va natijangizni izohlarda yozib qoldiring! 👇


🔴 Aptis kanali | 🔵 Asosiy kanal

Aptis | British Council

03 Feb, 08:02

📝 How strong is your vocabulary?

Test your knowledge of words and see how many you can get right! 🧠

Choose the correct answers below and let us know your score in the comments! 👇


🔴 Aptis channel | 🔵 Main channel

Aptis | British Council

31 Jan, 08:07

“Integrate” so’zining sinonimlari bilan so’z boyligingizni kengaytiring!

“Integrate” so’zining ma’nosini ifodalaydigan boshqa so’zlarni qidiryapsizmi? Quyida uning alternativlarini ko’rib chiqamiz:

Blend: Aralashtirish yoki sekin-asta birlashtirish.
“The artist skillfully blended colors to create a stunning sunset”.

Combine: Bir butunni hosil qilish uchun narsalarni birlashtirish.
“The recipe combines traditional spices with modern flavors”.

Incorporate: Kattaroq narsaning bir qismi sifatida qo’shish yoki integratsiya qilish.
“The new policy incorporates suggestions from both employees and management”

Merge: Ikki yoki undan ortiq narsani bitta obyektga birlashtirish.
“The companies decided to merge to strengthen their market position”.

Unite: Umumiy maqsad uchun birlashtirish.
“The project aims to unite communities through shared cultural activities”.

💬 “Integrate” so’zining boshqa sinonimlarini bilasizmi? Misollaringizni quyidagi izohlarda yozib qoldiring! 👇


🔴 Aptis kanali | 🔵 Asosiy kanal

Aptis | British Council

31 Jan, 08:02

Expand your vocabulary with synonyms for 'integrate'!

Looking for different ways to say 'integrate'? Let’s explore some alternatives to enrich your vocabulary:

Blend: To mix or combine smoothly together.
‘The artist skillfully blended colors to create a stunning sunset.’

Combine: To join or bring things together to form a whole.
‘The recipe combines traditional spices with modern flavors.’

Incorporate: To include or integrate as part of something larger.
‘The new policy incorporates suggestions from both employees and management.’

Merge: To join two or more things into a single entity.
‘The companies decided to merge to strengthen their market position.’

Unite: To bring together for a common purpose or goal.
‘The project aims to unite communities through shared cultural activities.’

💬 Can you think of more ways to say 'integrate'? Share your examples in the comments below! 👇


🔴 Aptis channel | 🔵 Main channel

Aptis | British Council

28 Jan, 06:06

🍿 Bring the popcorn – it’s movie time!

This lesson dives into film reviews, helping students expand their vocabulary and sharpen their writing skills.

Lesson Plan:
1️⃣ Students will revise film review vocabulary through pair discussions.
2️⃣ They’ll analyze a model review and write their own.
3️⃣ Finally, students will share their reviews, and the class will vote on the most intriguing film.

Encourage active participation in discussions.
Develop writing skills.
Teach the importance of planning before writing.

Let’s see which movie review takes the spotlight! 🎥

Age: 13-17
Level: Intermediate level (CEFR A2)
Time: 60 minutes

For materials, check the comments.


🔴 Aptis channel | 🔵 Main channel

Aptis | British Council

28 Jan, 06:06

🍿 Popkorndan oling — kino tomosha qilish vaqti keldi!

Ushbu dars filmlar sharhlariga oid bo’ladi, bu o'quvchilarning so'z boyligini kengaytirishga va yozish ko'nikmalarini oshirishga yordam beradi.

Dars rejasi:
1️⃣ O’quvchilar juft bo’lib filmlarni muhokama qilish orqali filmlarni sharhlashga oid lug’atlarini yaxshilab oladilar.
2️⃣ Ular tayyor namunani tahlil qilishadi va o'zlari ham filmga sharh yozishadi.
3️⃣ So’ng o’quvchilar o'z sharhlarini sinfdoshlariga o’qib berishadi va sinf eng qiziqarli filmga ovoz beradi.

Darsning maqsadlari:
Muhokamalarda faol ishtirok etishni rag'batlantirish.
Yozish ko’nikmalarini rivojlantirish.
Yozishdan oldin rejalashtirish muhimligini o’rgatish.

Qaysi film sharhi barchaning diqqatini jalb qilishini ko’raylikchi! 🎥

Yosh: 13-17
Daraja: Intermediate level (CEFR A2)
Vaqt: 60 daqiqa

Materiallar izohlarda berilgan.


🔴 Aptis kanali | 🔵 Asosiy kanal

Aptis | British Council

24 Jan, 13:08

💻 Siz onlayn ta'lim chellenjiga tayyorman deb o'ylaysizmi?

Onlayn ta'lim muammolariga oid ushbu vazifani bajaring. Aniq va mantiqan bir-biriga bog’liq paragrafni hosil qilish uchun gaplarni to'g'ri tartibda joylashtirib chiqing.

Javoblaringizni quyidagi izohlarda yozib qoldiring! Kim to’g’ri javob berishini bir ko’raylikchi! 😎


🔴 Aptis kanali | 🔵 Asosiy kanal

Aptis | British Council

24 Jan, 13:04

💻 Think you’re up for an online education challenge?

Take on this task about the challenges of online education. Rearrange the sentences in the correct order to form a clear and logical paragraph.

Share your answers in the comments below! Let’s see who gets it right! 😎


🔴 Aptis channel | 🔵 Main channel

Aptis | British Council

20 Jan, 04:06

Grammatikaga oid testimizga tayyormisiz?

Murakkab savollarimiz bilan grammatik ko’nikmalaringizni sinovdan o’tkazing! Ularni shoshilmasdan bajaring, to'g'ri javoblarni tanlang va quyidagi izohlarda o'z natijalaringizni yozib qoldiring.

Orangizdan qay biringiz grammatikani yaxshi bilishingizni sinab ko’rish vaqti keldi!


🔴 Aptis kanali | 🔵 Asosiy kanal

Aptis | British Council

20 Jan, 04:03

🔍 Think you’re ready for a grammar test?

Put your grammar skills to the test with our challenging questions! Take your time, choose the right answers, and share your score in the comments below.

Let’s see who’s the grammar master!


🔴 Aptis channel | 🔵 Main channel

Aptis | British Council

16 Jan, 06:07

“Contrast” so’zining sinonimlari bilan so’z boyligingizni kengaytiring!

Ba’zan “contrast” ma’nosini ifodalash uchun boshqa so’zlardan foydalanish mumkin. Quyida farqlarni ifodalashning boshqa yo’llarini ko’rib chiqamiz:

Compare: Ikki yoki undan ortiq narsalar o’rtasidagi o’xshashlik va farqlarni ifodalash.
The essay compares the economic policies of two neighboring countries”.

Differentiate: Narsalar o’rtasidagi farqlarni tan olish yoki ko’rsatish.
“It's important to differentiate fact from opinion when reading the news”.

Distinguish: Farqlarni sezish va ko’rsatish.
Can you distinguish between these two shades of blue?”

Highlight differences: O’zaro zid narsalarga e’tibor qaratish va ularga urg’u berish.
“The report highlights differences in teaching methods across schools”.

Oppose: Biror narsa bilan ziddiyatda bo’lish.
“Their views on the subject directly oppose each other”

💬 “Contrast” so’zining boshqa sinonimlarini bilasizmi? Ularni quyidagi izohlarda yozib qoldiring! 👇


🔴 Aptis kanali | 🔵 Asosiy kanal

Aptis | British Council

16 Jan, 06:06

Expand your vocabulary with synonyms for 'contrast'!

Sometimes 'contrast' can use a little variation. Let’s explore some other ways to describe differences:

Compare: To examine similarities and differences between two or more things.
‘The essay compares the economic policies of two neighboring countries.’

Differentiate: To recognize or show the difference between things.
‘It's important to differentiate fact from opinion when reading the news.’

Distinguish: To perceive or point out a difference.
‘Can you distinguish between these two shades of blue?’

Highlight differences: To emphasize or draw attention to contrasts.
‘The report highlights differences in teaching methods across schools.’

Oppose: To be in conflict or contrast with something.
‘Their views on the subject directly oppose each other.’

💬 Do you know other ways to say 'contrast'? Share your ideas in the comments below! 👇


🔴 Aptis channel | 🔵 Main channel

Aptis | British Council

02 Jan, 05:06

🍞 Reading bo'yicha yangi chellenjga tayyormisiz?

Non tayyorlash jarayonini o’z ichiga olgan ushbu vazifani bajaring.

Sizning vazifangiz: Gaplarni to'g'ri tartibda joylashtirish. Javoblaringizni izohlarda yozib qoldiring! 😎


🔴 Aptis kanali | 🔵 Asosiy kanal

Aptis | British Council

02 Jan, 05:03

🍞 Ready for a new reading challenge?

Tackle this task that outlines the process of making bread.

Your task: Put the sentences in the right order. Drop your answers in the comments! 😎


🔴 Aptis channel | 🔵 Main channel

Aptis | British Council

28 Dec, 11:05

🎨 Sinf mashg’uloti: Tinglang va chizing 🎧

Ushbu oddiy speaking mashg’uloti CEFR A2 darajasidagi o’quvchilarga aniq ko'rsatmalar berib, joy bilan bog’liq predloglarni o’zlashtirishga yordam beradi.

"At the top", "on the left" kabi iboralarga to’xtalib o’ting.
O’quvchilarga shakllar va chiziqlarni tanishtiring, so'ngra ular to'liq bo'lmagan iboralarni to’ldirishlari kerak bo’ladi.

Doskaga ikkita kvadrat chizing, ulardan biri o’z dizayniga ega bo’ladi va ushbu dizaynni yaratish uchun o’quvchilar ko'rsatmalariga amal qiling.
So’ng o’quvchilar o'z dizaynlarini chizadilar va keyin dizaynni ta’riflab beradilar va sheriklari uni chizishlari kerak bo’ladi.

Kengaytirilgan shakli:
O’quvchilar o'z dizaynlariga ta’rif yozadilar va tuzatishlar kiritish uchun daftar almashadilar.

Yosh guruhi: kattalar yoki o'smirlar
Daraja: A2 (pre-Intermediate)

Batafsil ma'lumot uchun havola ustiga bosing.


🔴 Aptis kanali | 🔵 Asosiy kanal

Aptis | British Council

28 Dec, 11:02

🎨 Classroom Activity: Listen and Draw 🎧

This simple speaking activity helps CEFR A2 students practice prepositions of place while giving clear instructions.

Review phrases like “at the top,” “on the left,” etc.
Introduce shapes and lines, then have students complete incomplete phrases.

Draw two squares on the board, one with a design, and follow student instructions to recreate it.
Students then draw their own designs and describe them to a partner for them to draw.

Students write a description of their design and exchange notebooks for corrections.

Age group: adults or teenagers
Level: A2 (pre-Intermediate)

For more details, click the link.


🔴 Aptis channel | 🔵 Main channel

Aptis | British Council

26 Dec, 05:05

📝 So'z boyligingizni sinovdan o’tkazishga tayyormisiz?

Ta'lim sohasiga oid atamalarni qanchalik yaxshi bilishingizni tekshiring va ulardan nechtasi sizga tanish ekanligini bilib oling! 🧠

Quyida to'g'ri javoblarni tanlang va natijalaringizni izohlarda yozib qoldiring! 👇


🔴 Aptis kanali | 🔵 Asosiy kanal

Aptis | British Council

26 Dec, 05:00

📝 Ready to put your vocabulary to the test?

Check how well you know educational terms and see how many you're familiar with! 🧠

Select the right answers below and share your results in the comments! 👇


🔴 Aptis channel | 🔵 Main channel

Aptis | British Council

21 Dec, 11:05

📚 “Concept” so’zining sinonimlari bilan so’z boyligingizni kengaytiring!

Ba’zan “concept” so’zi umumiy ma’noni anglatadi. Quyida o’xshash ma’noga ega boshqa so’zlarni ko’rib chiqamiz:

Framework: G’oya yoki tushunchani qo’llab-quvvatlash uchun foydalaniladigan struktura yoki tizim.
“The new policy provides a solid framework for decision-making”.

Idea: Biror bir narsaga oid fikr yoki taklif.
“He came up with a brilliant idea for improving the project”.

Notion: Biror bir narsaga oid tushuncha yoki ishonch.
“She had a clear notion of what the future of the company would look like”.

Principle: Ma’lum bir tizim uchun asos bo'lib xizmat qiladigan haqiqat yoki qonun.
“The principle of fairness is at the core of the new guidelines”.

Theory: Biror nimani tushuntirishga mo’ljallangan g’oyalar tizimi.
“The scientist proposed a new theory to explain the unusual results”.

“Concept” so’zining boshqa sinonimlarini bilasizmi? Ularni quyidagi izohlarda yozib qoldiring 👇


🔴 Aptis kanali | 🔵 Asosiy kanal

Aptis | British Council

21 Dec, 11:01

📚 Expand your vocabulary with synonyms for 'concept'!

Sometimes 'concept' might feel too general. Let’s explore some words that convey similar meanings:

Framework: A structure or system used to support an idea or concept. ‘The new policy provides a solid framework for decision-making.’

Idea: A thought or suggestion about something. ‘He came up with a brilliant idea for improving the project.’

Notion: An understanding or belief about something. ‘She had a clear notion of what the future of the company would look like.’

Principle: A fundamental truth or law that serves as the basis for a system. ‘The principle of fairness is at the core of the new guidelines.’

Theory: A system of ideas intended to explain something. ‘The scientist proposed a new theory to explain the unusual results.’

Do you know any other synonyms for 'concept'? Share them in the comments below 👇


🔴 Aptis channel | 🔵 Main channel

Aptis | British Council

19 Dec, 06:05

📖 Yangi reading chellenjimizga tayyormisiz?

Shaharlarda chiqindilarni boshqarish muammolarini qamrab olgan ushbu topshirig’imizni bajaring.

Sizning vazifangiz: Gaplarni to'g'ri tartibda joylashtirish. Javoblaringizni izohlarda yozib qoldiring! 😎


🔴 Aptis kanali | 🔵 Asosiy kanal

Aptis | British Council

19 Dec, 06:00

📖 Ready for a fresh reading challenge?

Take on this task that explores waste management issues in urban areas.

Your mission: Rearrange the sentences in the correct order. Share your answers in the comments! 😎


🔴 Aptis channel | 🔵 Main channel

Aptis | British Council

17 Dec, 06:00

💬 Siz yovvoyi hayvonlar uchun qanchalik qayg'urasiz? 🤔

Bu darsda o’quvchilar Braziliyada uy hayvonlarining noqonuniy savdosi haqida bilib olishadi. Ular savollarga javob berishadi, politsiya xodimi, hayvon savdosi bilan shug’ullanuvchi shaxs va veterinarning maqolalarini o’qishadi, so’ng guruhlarga bo’linib, jinoyat va jazo mavzusini muhokama qilishadi.

🔸 Uy hayvonlarining noqonuniy savdosiga oid xabardorlikni oshirish
🔸 Reading va speaking ko'nikmalarini rivojlantirish
🔸 Atrof-muhit bilan bog'liq so'z boyligini kengaytirish
🔸 O’quvchilarni o'z fikrlarini asoslab berishga undash

Daraja: upper-intermediate level (CEFR B2)
Vaqt: 45-60 daqiqa

Materiallar izohlarda berilgan


🔴 Aptis kanali | 🔵 Asosiy kanal

Aptis | British Council

17 Dec, 05:55

💬 How much do you care about wild animals? 🤔

In this lesson, students will learn about the illegal pet trade in Brazil. They’ll guess answers to questions, read articles from a police officer, animal trafficker, and vet, then discuss crimes and punishments in groups.

Raise awareness of the illegal pet trade
🔸 Develop reading and speaking skills
🔸 Expand vocabulary related to the environment
🔸 Encourage students to justify their opinions

Level: upper-intermediate level (CEFR B2)
Time: 45-60 minutes

For materials, check the comments.


🔴 Aptis channel | 🔵 Main channe

Aptis | British Council

08 Dec, 05:26

Oʻzbekiston xalqini Konstitutsiya kuni bilan muborakbod etamiz! 🎉

🇺🇿 Bugun biz konstitutsiyaning mamlakat taraqqiyot yo'lini shakllantirishdagi ahamiyatini e’tirof etamiz. Bu kun yanada porloq va inklyuziv kelajak sari intilishlarimizni yodga solib turadi. Sizga barcha ishlaringizda rivoj, farovon hayot va ulkan muvaffaqiyatlar tilab qolamiz.


Happy Constitution Day to the people of Uzbekistan! 🎉

🇺🇿 Today, we acknowledge the significance of the constitution in shaping the nation’s path forward. This day serves as a reminder of the collective aspirations for a brighter and more inclusive future. Wishing progress, prosperity, and success to all.

🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan

Aptis | British Council

05 Dec, 09:53

We are honoured to share a special message from our Patron, His Majesty King Charles III, on our 🔵 90th anniversary today, inspiring us to continue our work in the years to come.

🇬🇧 For nine decades, we've been building connections, understanding, and trust between people in the UK and countries worldwide through education, arts, and culture. Thank you to everyone who has been part of our journey.

Here's to the next 90 years! 👏


🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan

Aptis | British Council

02 Dec, 05:01

📖 Reading bo'yicha yangi chellenjga tayyormisiz?

Daraxtlar sharbatini yig'ish jarayoni bilan bog’liq qiziqarli topshiriqni bajaring! 🌳

Sizning maqsadingiz: Voqealarning to'g'ri ketma-ketligini hosil qilish uchun gaplar tartibini o'zgartirish. Javoblaringizni izohlarda yozib qoldiring 🥰

Omad tilaymiz!


🔴 Aptis kanali | 🔵 Asosiy kanal

Aptis | British Council

02 Dec, 04:55

📖 Are you ready for a new reading challenge?

Dive into an intriguing task focused on the process of sap collection! 🌳

Your goal: Rearrange the sentences to reflect the correct sequence of events. Share your answers in the comments 😎

Good luck!


🔴 Aptis channel | 🔵 Main channel

Aptis | British Council

29 Nov, 05:01

💬 What did you do yesterday? 🤔

In this lesson, students will dive into asking and answering about past experiences using ‘wh’ questions. Through games and a mingling activity, they'll practise the past tense while improving their speaking skills!

🔸 Revise ‘wh’ questions in the past
🔸Develop speaking skills through interactive activities
🔸Ready to chat about yesterday? Let’s get speaking!

Level: intermediate level (CEFR B1)
Time: 50-60 minutes

For materials, check the comments.


🔴 Aptis channel | 🔵 Main channe

Aptis | British Council

29 Nov, 05:01

💬 What did you do yesterday? 🤔

Ushbu darsda o’quvchilar "wh" savollardan foydalangan holda o'tmishdagi tajribalar bilan bog’liq savol-javob qiladilar. O'yinlar va turli xil aralash mashg'ulotlar orqali o’quvchilar o'tgan zamon mavzusini mashq qiladilar va nutqiy ko’nikmalarini yaxshilaydilar!

🔸O'tmish bilan bog’liq "wh" savollarni ko’rib chiqish
🔸Interfaol mashg'ulotlar orqali nutqiy ko'nikmalarni rivojlantirish
🔸Kechagi kun haqida suhbatlashishga tayyormisiz? U holda keling gaplashamiz!

Daraja: intermediate level (CEFR B1)
Vaqt: 50-60 daqiqa

Materiallar izohlarda berilgan.


🔴 Aptis kanali | 🔵 Asosiy kanal

Aptis | British Council

27 Nov, 05:05

📝 So'z boyligingizni sinashga tayyormisiz?

Ta'lim sohasi bilan bog’liq atamalar bo'yicha bilimingizni sinovdan o’tkazing va ularning qanchasini bilishingizni ko’ring! 🧠

Quyida to'g'ri javoblarni tanlang va izohlarda natijangizni yozib qoldiring! 👇


🔴 Aptis kanali | 🔵 Asosiy kanal

Aptis | British Council

27 Nov, 05:01

📝 Ready to challenge your vocabulary skills?

Test your knowledge of educational terms and see how many you already know! 🧠

Choose the correct answers below and let us know how you did in the comments! 👇


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Aptis | British Council

25 Nov, 05:05

📚 “Important” so’zining sinonimlari bilan so’z boyligingizni yaxshilang!

Ba’zan “important” so’zi kerakli ma’noni ifodalash uchun yetarli bo’lmaydi. Quyida uning alternativlarini ko’rib chiqamiz:

Essential: Nihoyatda zarur; biror narsa ish berishi uchun muhim.
“A good night’s sleep is essential for maintaining your health”.

Crucial: O'ta muhim, ko'pincha biror narsaning natijasi uchun hal qiluvchi ahamiyatga ega.
“The final decision in the meeting was crucial to the project’s success”.

Paramount: Har narsadan muhim; oliy.
“The safety of passengers is of paramount importance in the airline industry”.

Pivotal: Biror narsaning rivojlanishiga yoki natijasiga sezilarli ta'sir ko'rsatish.
“The meeting played a pivotal role in shaping the future of the company”.

Significant: Effekt yoki ta’sirga ega bo'lish uchun yetarlicha muhim.
“The significant changes in the policy will affect all employees”.

“Important” so’zining boshqa sinonimlarini bilasizmi? Ularni izohlarda yozib qoldiring👇


🔴 Aptis kanali | 🔵 Asosiy kanal

Aptis | British Council

25 Nov, 05:02

📚 Expand your vocabulary with synonyms for 'important'!

Sometimes 'important' doesn’t capture the full meaning. Let’s look at some alternatives:

Essential: Absolutely necessary; vital for something to work. ‘A good night’s sleep is essential for maintaining your health.’

Crucial: Extremely important, often decisive in the outcome of something. ‘The final decision in the meeting was crucial to the project’s success.’

Paramount: More important than anything else; supreme. ‘The safety of passengers is of paramount importance in the airline industry.’

Pivotal: Having a significant impact on the development or outcome of something. ‘The meeting played a pivotal role in shaping the future of the company.’

Significant: Sufficiently important to have an effect or influence. ‘The significant changes in the policy will affect all employees.’

Do you know any other synonyms for 'important'? Share them in the comments below 👇


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Aptis | British Council

22 Nov, 05:05

📚 Storytelling ko’nikmangizni sinovdan o’tkazishga tayyormisiz?

Biz Uilyam Bell haqida qisqa hikoyani tayyorladik, lekin gaplar tartibsiz holatda berilgan! Oson o’qiladigan, mantiqan bir-biriga bog’langan hikoyani yaratish uchun gaplarni to’g’ri tartibda joylashtiring.

Fikrlaringizni izohlarda yozib qoldiring va biz tez orada to'g'ri versiyani kanalga joylaymiz! 👀


🔴 Aptis kanali | 🔵 Asosiy kanal

Aptis | British Council

22 Nov, 05:01

📚 Ready to challenge your storytelling skills?

We've put together a short story about William Bell—but the sentences are out of order! Rearrange them to create a smooth, logical narrative.

Share your guesses in the comments, and we'll post the correct version soon! 👀


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Aptis | British Council

21 Nov, 06:05

Classroom activity: Thinking time - a puzzle

In this activity, students work together to solve a cocktail stick puzzle, using plenty of ‘thinking time’ before the speaking task.

🔑 How it works:

Start by making simple geometric shapes like squares and stars with cocktail sticks.
🔸 Students repeat verbs like “take,” “place,” and “add” as they build.
🔸 Then, they follow instructions to solve a puzzle and explain the solution to each other.

Age group: adults or teenagers
Level: A1-B1 (Intermediate)

For more details, click the link.


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Aptis | British Council

21 Nov, 06:05

Sinf mashg’uloti: Fikrlash vaqti - boshqotirma

Bu mashg‘ulotda o‘quvchilar speaking topshirig’i oldidan kokteyl tayoqchalari bilan bog’liq boshqotirmani yechish uchun birgalikda ishlaydilar.

🔑 Boshqotirma qanday bajariladi:

🔸 Dastlab kokteyl tayoqchalari yordamida kvadrat va yulduzlar kabi oddiy geometrik shakllar yasaladi.
🔸 O’quvchilar shakllarni yasash jarayonida “take”, “place” va “add” kabi fe’llarni takrorlaydilar.
🔸 Keyin ular boshqotirmani yechish uchun ko’rsatmalarga amal qilishadi va uning yechimini bir-birlariga tushuntirib berishadi.

Yosh guruhi: kattalar yoki o'smirlar
Daraja: A1-B1 (Intermediate)

Batafsil ma'lumot uchun havola ustiga bosing.


🔴 Aptis kanali | 🔵 Asosiy kanal

Aptis | British Council

18 Nov, 05:05

Grammatikadan bilimlaringizni sinab ko’rishga tayyormisiz? 🔍

Grammatikaga oid bilimingizni sinab ko’rish uchun ushbu murakkab savollarimizga javob bering! To'g'ri javoblarni tanlang va natijalaringizni quyidagi izohlarda yozib qoldiring.

Buni qanchalik yaxshi uddalashingizni ko’raylikchi! 💡


🔴 Aptis kanali | 🔵 Asosiy kanal

Aptis | British Council

18 Nov, 05:02

Think you're up for a grammar challenge? 🔍

Put your grammar knowledge to the test with our tricky questions! Take a moment to choose the right answers and share your results in the comments below.

Let’s see how well you do! 💡


🔴 Aptis channel | 🔵 Main channel

Aptis | British Council

13 Nov, 13:35

📚 "Understand" so'zining sinonimlari bilan so'z boyligingizni yaxshilang!

Ba'zida "understand" so’zi gapda kerakli ma’noni ifodalay olmaydi. Keling, u bilan bir xil ma'noga ega boshqa so'zlarni ko'rib chiqamiz:

Comprehend: Biror narsaning ma’nosi va ahamiyatini to’liq anglash.
“It took a moment to comprehend the instructions, but then it was clear”.

Discern: Biror narsani tan olish yoki qabul qilish, ko’pincha chuqur anglab yetgan holda.
“She could discern the difference between the two paintings with ease”.

Grasp: Biror narsani aqliy tomondan anglash, to’liq tushunish.
“After reading the book twice, he finally grasped the main idea”.

Interpret: Biror nimani tushuntirish yoki izohlab berish.
“It was difficult to interpret the data without proper context”.

Perceive: Insaytlar va kuzatuvlar orqali biror narsani anglash.
“He perceived the underlying message behind the artist’s work”.

“Understand” so‘zining boshqa sinonimlarini bilasizmi? Quyidagi izohlarda ularni yozib qoldiring👇


🔴 Aptis kanali | 🔵 Asosiy kanal

Aptis | British Council

13 Nov, 13:31

📚 Expand your vocabulary with synonyms for 'understand'!

Sometimes 'understand' doesn’t quite cut it. Let's explore more words that mean the same:

Comprehend: To fully grasp the meaning or significance of something. ‘It took a moment to comprehend the instructions, but then it was clear.’

Discern: To recognize or perceive something, often with a keen understanding. ‘She could discern the difference between the two paintings with ease.’

Grasp: To take hold of something mentally, to fully understand. ‘After reading the book twice, he finally grasped the main idea.’

Interpret: To explain or make sense of something. ‘It was difficult to interpret the data without proper context.’

Perceive: To become aware or conscious of something through insight or observation. ‘He perceived the underlying message behind the artist’s work.’

Do you know any other synonyms for 'understand'? Share them in the comments below 👇


🔴 Aptis channel | 🔵 Main channel

Aptis | British Council

01 Nov, 11:01

📚 Time for another reading task!

Prepare for another exciting reading challenge! This time, the text focuses on how to navigate your first day at school. 🏫

Just arrange the sentences in the right order and share your answers in the comments below. We’ll reveal them as well!

Answers: 4, 3, 2, 5, 1


🔴 Aptis channel | 🔵 Main channel

Aptis | British Council

01 Nov, 11:01

📚 Reading bo'yicha navbatdagi topshiriqni bajarish vaqti keldi!

Yana bir qiziqarli reading chellenjga tayyorlaning! Bu safargi matn maktabdagi birinchi kunni qanday o'tkazish bilan bog'liq. 🏫

Gaplarni to'g'ri tartibda joylashtirib chiqing va javoblaringizni quyidagi izohlarda yozib qoldiring. Biz esa to'g'ri javoblarni quyida yozib qoldiramiz!

Javoblar: 4, 3, 2, 5, 1


🔴 Aptis kanali | 🔵 Asosiy kanal

Aptis | British Council

31 Oct, 11:05

Sevgi haqida gaplashishga nima deysiz? 💝

🗣Mavzu: Sevgi mavzusidagi she'rlar
Ushbu dars davomida o'quvchilar qo'shiq tinglash bilan boshlanadigan o'ziga xos yozma topshiriqni bajaradilar. Ular eshitgan so'z va iboralarini yozib oladilar, so'ngra guruhlarga bo'lingan holatda, sevgi mavzusida insonni hayajonga soladigan — nihoyatda sentimental va o'ziga xos she'rlar yozadilar. Ushbu yondashuv o'quvchilarning she'r yozish borasida ikkilanishlarini bartaraf etishga yordam beradi.

Dars so'ngida hamma o'zi yozgan she'rlarini aytib beradi.

🎯 Darsning maqsadlari:
- o'quvchilarni guruh loyihasi ustida birgalikda ishlashga undash
- o'quvchilarning kreativ uslubda yozish qobiliyatlarini yaxshilash
- o'quvchilarga kreativ uslubda yozish qiziqarli jarayon bo'lishi mumkinligini ko'rsatish

Daraja: upper-intermediate (A2-B2)
Vaqt: 50-60 daqiqa

Materiallar izohlarda berilgan.


🔴 Aptis kanali | 🔵 Asosiy kanal

Aptis | British Council

31 Oct, 11:02

Can we talk about love? 💝

🗣Topic: Love poems
In this session, students will collaborate on a unique writing task that starts with listening to a song. They'll jot down words and phrases they hear, then work in groups to craft a love poem that’s intentionally “corny”—overly sentimental and playful. This approach helps to ease any reservations learners may have about poetry writing.

At the end of the lesson, everyone will share their delightful poems.

🎯 Aims of the lesson:
- to motivate students to work together on a group project
- to enhance students' creative writing abilities
- to demonstrate to students that creative writing can be enjoyable

Level: upper-intermediate level (A2-B2)
Time: 50-60 minutes

For materials, check the comments.


🔴 Aptis channel | 🔵 Main channel

Aptis | British Council

24 Oct, 05:05

🔍 So'z boyligingizni sinovdan o'tkazishga tayyormisiz?

Ta'lim sohasiga oid terminologiya bo'yicha bilimlaringizni yangilang va ularni qanchalik yaxshi bilishingizni sinovdan o'tkazing! 🧠

Quyida to'g'ri javoblarni tanlang👇


🔴 Aptis kanali | 🔵 Asosiy kanal

Aptis | British Council

24 Oct, 05:02

🔍 Are you prepared for a vocabulary quiz?

Refresh your knowledge of educational terminology and discover how familiar you are with them! 🧠

Select the right answers below 👇


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Aptis | British Council

22 Oct, 05:05

📚 "Support" so'zining sinonimlari bilan so'z boyligingizni kengaytiring!

Har doim "support" so'zidan foydalanish o'rniga, muloqot jarayoningizni yaxshilash uchun quyidagi alternativlardan foydalaning:

Advocate: Nimanidir jamoatchilikka tavsiya qilish yoki uni qo'llab-quvvatlash.
"She advocates for better access to education for all students".

Bolster: Kuchaytirish va qo'llab-quvvatlash.
"The new evidence bolstered his argument during the debate".

Endorse: Biror narsani ma'qullash va qo'llab-quvvatlashni bildirish.
"The celebrity endorsed the campaign to raise awareness for climate change".

Sustain: Doimiy qo'llab-quvvatlash.
"It’s important to sustain the efforts toward environmental conservation".

Uphold: Qiyinchiliklarga duch kelganda qo'llab-quvvatlash.
"The organization aims to uphold human rights for all individuals".

"Support" so'zining boshqa sinonimlarini bilasizmi? Quyidagi izohlarda ularni yozib qoldiring! 👇


🔴 Aptis kanali | 🔵 Asosiy kanal

Aptis | British Council

22 Oct, 05:00

📚 Expand your vocabulary with synonyms for support!

Instead of always saying ‘support,’ try using these dynamic alternatives to enhance your communication:

Advocate: To publicly recommend or support something. ‘She advocates for better access to education for all students.’

Bolster: To strengthen or reinforce. ‘The new evidence bolstered his argument during the debate.’

Endorse: To declare one's public approval or support. ‘The celebrity endorsed the campaign to raise awareness for climate change.’

Sustain: To provide ongoing support or nourishment. ‘It’s important to sustain the efforts toward environmental conservation.’

Uphold: To maintain or support in the face of challenge. ‘The organization aims to uphold human rights for all individuals.’

Do you have other synonyms for ‘support’ that you love? Share them in the comments below! 👇


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Aptis | British Council

17 Oct, 05:05

📚 Reading bo'yicha yangi chellenj!

Qiziqarli reading topshirig’iga tayyorlaning! Bu gal biz Odri Xepbernning qiziqarli hayot yo’lini o'rganamiz.

Sizning vazifangiz: Hodisalarning to'g'ri tartibini hosil qilish uchun gaplarni to’g’ri joylashtirish. Javoblaringizni quyidagi izohlarda yozib qoldiring va biz ham ularni quyida oshkor qilamiz!

Javoblar: 4, 2, 5, 1, 3


🔴 Aptis kanali | 🔵 Asosiy kanal

Aptis | British Council

17 Oct, 05:01

📚 Get ready for a new reading challenge!

Prepare yourself for an engaging reading activity! In this session, we'll explore the captivating life of Audrey Hepburn.

Your assignment: Rearrange the sentences to display the correct order of events. Share your answers in the comments below, and we’ll reveal them too!

Answers: 4, 2, 5, 1, 3


🔴 Aptis channel | 🔵 Main channel

Aptis | British Council

15 Oct, 05:05

Til bo'yicha yuqori darajaga ega o'quvchilaringizning nutqiy imkoniyatlarini rivojlantirmoqchimisiz? 🌟

O'quvchilarning qiziqishlaridan kelib chiqib ushbu qiziqarli mashg'ulotlarni o'tkazib ko'ring:

🔸Just a Minute: Ishtirokchilar bir daqiqa davomida toʻxtamasdan yoki so'zlarni qayta-qayta takrorlamasdan berilgan mavzu boʻyicha gapiradilar.

🔸Things in Common: Jamoalar to'rtta narsa orasidan bu guruhga taalluqli bo'lmagan narsani aniqlaydilar va qolgan uchtasining umumiy jihatlarini muhokama qiladilar.

🔸Slaves to Fashion: O'quvchilar kiyim-kechaklar suratlarini yig‘ib, ularni zamonaviy, qulay yoki har ikkala guruhga kiruvchi buyumlarga ajratadilar, bu tengqurlarning bir-biriga bo'lgan bosimi va marketing bo‘yicha munozaralarga sabab bo‘ladi.

🔸Let's Have a Holiday: Guruhlar taqdim etilgan reklamalar orasidan ta'til uchun joy tanlaydilar va o'z tanlovlarini tushuntiradilar hamda sayohat borasida xohish-istaklari va orzu qilgan maskanlari haqida suhbatlashadilar.

Batafsil ma'lumot va g'oyalar olish uchun saytimizga kiring! 🌐

Yosh guruhi: kattalar
Daraja: B2 (upper-intermediate)


🔴 Aptis kanali | 🔵 Asosiy kanal

Aptis | British Council

15 Oct, 05:01

Looking to enhance speaking opportunities for your advanced learners? 🌟

Try these engaging activities that blend fun with students' interests:

🔸Just a Minute: Contestants speak on a given topic for one minute without pausing or repeating themselves.

🔸Things in Common: Teams identify the odd one out among four items and discuss what the remaining three have in common.

🔸Slaves to Fashion: Students gather pictures of a popular fashion item and categorize them as fashionable, practical, or both, leading to discussions on peer pressure and marketing.

🔸Let’s Have a Holiday: Groups choose a holiday from provided adverts and explain their choice, sparking conversations about travel preferences and dream destinations.

For more details and ideas, check our website! 🌐

Age group: adults
Level: B2 (upper-intermediate)


🔴 Aptis channel | 🔵 Main channel

Aptis | British Council

11 Oct, 05:05

Grammatika bo’yicha testga tayyormisiz? 🔍

Grammatikaga oid murakkab savollarimiz bilan bilimingizni amalda sinab ko'ring! To'g'ri javoblarni tanlang va natijalaringizni quyidagi izohlarda yozib qoldiring.

Bu ishni qanchalik yaxshi uddalay olasiz? Keling, buni bilib olamiz!


🔴 Aptis kanali | 🔵 Asosiy kanal

Aptis | British Council

11 Oct, 05:01

Up for a grammar test? 🔍

Put your language skills to the test with our challenging grammar questions! Choose the correct answers and drop your results in the comments below.

How well can you do? Let’s find out! 💡


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Aptis | British Council

10 Oct, 06:05

📚 “Demonstrate” so’zining sinonimlari bilan muloqot jarayoningizni yaxshilang!

Har doim “demonstrate” so’zidan foydalanish o’rniga, ushbu so’zning quyidagi alternativlarini qo’llang:

Exhibit: Biror nimani aniq qilib ko’rsatish yoki namoyish etish.
“The gallery will exhibit the artist’s most famous work next month”.

Illustrate: Misollar keltirish orqali biror narsani tushuntirish yoki aniqlashtirish.
“Let me illustrate the concept with a real-life example”.

Reveal: Avval yashirin bo’lgan biror narsani ochiqlash va yaqqol ko’rsatish.
“The investigation revealed surprising new information”.

Showcase: Biror narsani ta’sirli yoki e’tiborni tortadigan tarzda taqdim etish.
“The event is a great opportunity to showcase your talent”.

Validate: Biror narsa toʻgʻriligini isbotlash.
“The research data helped to validate their claims”.

“Demonstrate” so’zining ma’nosini yana qanday alternativlar bilan ifodalash mumkin? Ularni izohlarda yozib qoldiring! 👇


🔴 Aptis kanali | 🔵 Asosiy kanal

Aptis | British Council

10 Oct, 06:00

📚 Master the art of communication with synonyms for demonstrate!

Instead of always using ‘demonstrate’, try out these powerful alternatives to elevate your language:

Exhibit: To clearly show or display something. ‘The gallery will exhibit the artist’s most famous work next month.’

Illustrate: To explain or clarify by giving examples. ‘Let me illustrate the concept with a real-life example.’

Reveal: To make something known or visible that was previously hidden. ‘The investigation revealed surprising new information.’

Showcase: To present something in an impressive or attractive way. ‘The event is a great opportunity to showcase your talent.’

Validate: To prove the truth or accuracy of something. ‘The research data helped to validate their claims.’

Can you think of other ways to say ‘demonstrate’? Share your favourites in the comments below! 👇


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Aptis | British Council

04 Oct, 05:05

🍰 Mazali chellenjni xohlaysizmi?

Biz an'anaviy ingliz trayflining retseptini tayyorladik. Ushbu yoqimli desertni tayyorlash bosqichlarini to'g'ri tartibda joylashtira olasizmi?

Sahifamizni kuzatib boring! To'g'ri ketma-ketlikni quyidagi izohlarda yozib qoldiramiz. Ushbu ajoyib desertni qanchalik yaxshi tayyorlay olishingizni bilib olish vaqti keldi! 🍮


🔴 Aptis kanali | 🔵 Asosiy kanal

Aptis | British Council

04 Oct, 05:00

🍰 Craving a tasty challenge?

We've put together a recipe for the traditional English trifle. Can you sort the steps to make this delightful dessert?

Keep an eye out! The correct sequence will be shared in the comments below. Let’s see if you can craft this scrumptious treat! 🍮


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Aptis | British Council

02 Oct, 05:05

Muzeylarni muhokama qilish ham qiziqarli bo'lishi mumkinmi?

🗣Mavzu: Noodatiy muzeylar
Ushbu dars rejasi B2 darajasidagi o'smir o'quvchilar uchun mo'ljallangan va so'z yasashga qaratilgan. Bu dars o'zakdosh so'zlar va ularning qo'llanilishi orqali o'quvchilarni FCE imtihoniga tayyorlashga yordam beradi.

🎯Darsning maqsadlari:
- asos so‘zdan yangi so‘z yasashni o‘rganish.
- FCE Use of English testining 3-qismi bilan tanishish.
- so'z yasash orqali so'z boyligini kengaytirish.

- dars rejasi
- mashq varag'i (1A, 1B, 2A+2B) – Eslatma: 2A+2B mashq varag‘ini ikkiga bo‘ling; har bir qismni turli o'quvchilar guruhiga tarqating.

Daraja: Intermediate darajasi (CEFR B2)
Davomiyligi: 80-90 daqiqa


🔴 Aptis kanali | 🔵 Asosiy kanal

Aptis | British Council

02 Oct, 05:01

Can discussion of museums be entertaining?

🗣Topic: Weird museums
This lesson plan is designed for teenage students at B2 level and focuses on word building. It helps students prepare for the FCE exam by exploring word families and their applications.

🎯 Aims of the lesson:
- learn how to create new words from a base word.
- get familiar with part 3 of the FCE Use of English test.
- expand vocabulary through word formation practice.

- lesson plan
- worksheets (1A, 1B, 2A+2B) – Note: Cut worksheet 2A+2B in half; distribute each half to different student groups.

Level: Intermediate level (CEFR B2)
Time: 80-90 minutes


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Aptis | British Council

01 Oct, 04:05

Happy Teachers' Day!

Today, we celebrate the dedication and impact of teachers across Uzbekistan. At the British Council, we’re proud to support educators who inspire and shape the future. Your hard work and commitment make a difference every day.

Thank you for all you do!

🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan