Aptis | British Council @aptisuzbekistan Channel on Telegram

Aptis | British Council


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Are you looking to improve your English language skills and showcase your proficiency to the world? Look no further than the official British Council Aptis channel in Uzbekistan - @aptisuzbekistan! This channel is your one-stop destination for all things related to the Aptis exam, a renowned English language assessment tool offered by the British Council. Whether you are preparing for the exam or looking for tips and resources to enhance your English skills, this channel has got you covered.

Stay updated with the latest news, announcements, and resources related to the Aptis exam in Uzbekistan. Connect with other Aptis test takers, share your experiences, and learn from each other. The channel also provides valuable information on how to register for the exam, important dates, and contact details for further inquiries.

Join the Aptis community in Uzbekistan today and embark on your journey towards English language proficiency with the support of the British Council. Follow @British_Council_Uz for more updates, contact +998712050660 for assistance, and visit www.britishcouncil.uz for additional resources. Start your Aptis preparation now and unlock endless opportunities for personal and professional growth! 🌐✅📞

Aptis | British Council

21 Nov, 06:05

Sinf mashg’uloti: Fikrlash vaqti - boshqotirma

Bu mashg‘ulotda o‘quvchilar speaking topshirig’i oldidan kokteyl tayoqchalari bilan bog’liq boshqotirmani yechish uchun birgalikda ishlaydilar.

🔑 Boshqotirma qanday bajariladi:

🔸 Dastlab kokteyl tayoqchalari yordamida kvadrat va yulduzlar kabi oddiy geometrik shakllar yasaladi.
🔸 O’quvchilar shakllarni yasash jarayonida “take”, “place” va “add” kabi fe’llarni takrorlaydilar.
🔸 Keyin ular boshqotirmani yechish uchun ko’rsatmalarga amal qilishadi va uning yechimini bir-birlariga tushuntirib berishadi.

Yosh guruhi: kattalar yoki o'smirlar
Daraja: A1-B1 (Intermediate)

Batafsil ma'lumot uchun havola ustiga bosing.


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Aptis | British Council

21 Nov, 06:05

Classroom activity: Thinking time - a puzzle

In this activity, students work together to solve a cocktail stick puzzle, using plenty of ‘thinking time’ before the speaking task.

🔑 How it works:

Start by making simple geometric shapes like squares and stars with cocktail sticks.
🔸 Students repeat verbs like “take,” “place,” and “add” as they build.
🔸 Then, they follow instructions to solve a puzzle and explain the solution to each other.

Age group: adults or teenagers
Level: A1-B1 (Intermediate)

For more details, click the link.


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Aptis | British Council

18 Nov, 05:05

Grammatikadan bilimlaringizni sinab ko’rishga tayyormisiz? 🔍

Grammatikaga oid bilimingizni sinab ko’rish uchun ushbu murakkab savollarimizga javob bering! To'g'ri javoblarni tanlang va natijalaringizni quyidagi izohlarda yozib qoldiring.

Buni qanchalik yaxshi uddalashingizni ko’raylikchi! 💡


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Aptis | British Council

18 Nov, 05:02

Think you're up for a grammar challenge? 🔍

Put your grammar knowledge to the test with our tricky questions! Take a moment to choose the right answers and share your results in the comments below.

Let’s see how well you do! 💡


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Aptis | British Council

13 Nov, 13:35

📚 "Understand" so'zining sinonimlari bilan so'z boyligingizni yaxshilang!

Ba'zida "understand" so’zi gapda kerakli ma’noni ifodalay olmaydi. Keling, u bilan bir xil ma'noga ega boshqa so'zlarni ko'rib chiqamiz:

Comprehend: Biror narsaning ma’nosi va ahamiyatini to’liq anglash.
“It took a moment to comprehend the instructions, but then it was clear”.

Discern: Biror narsani tan olish yoki qabul qilish, ko’pincha chuqur anglab yetgan holda.
“She could discern the difference between the two paintings with ease”.

Grasp: Biror narsani aqliy tomondan anglash, to’liq tushunish.
“After reading the book twice, he finally grasped the main idea”.

Interpret: Biror nimani tushuntirish yoki izohlab berish.
“It was difficult to interpret the data without proper context”.

Perceive: Insaytlar va kuzatuvlar orqali biror narsani anglash.
“He perceived the underlying message behind the artist’s work”.

“Understand” so‘zining boshqa sinonimlarini bilasizmi? Quyidagi izohlarda ularni yozib qoldiring👇


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Aptis | British Council

13 Nov, 13:31

📚 Expand your vocabulary with synonyms for 'understand'!

Sometimes 'understand' doesn’t quite cut it. Let's explore more words that mean the same:

Comprehend: To fully grasp the meaning or significance of something. ‘It took a moment to comprehend the instructions, but then it was clear.’

Discern: To recognize or perceive something, often with a keen understanding. ‘She could discern the difference between the two paintings with ease.’

Grasp: To take hold of something mentally, to fully understand. ‘After reading the book twice, he finally grasped the main idea.’

Interpret: To explain or make sense of something. ‘It was difficult to interpret the data without proper context.’

Perceive: To become aware or conscious of something through insight or observation. ‘He perceived the underlying message behind the artist’s work.’

Do you know any other synonyms for 'understand'? Share them in the comments below 👇


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Aptis | British Council

01 Nov, 11:01

📚 Reading bo'yicha navbatdagi topshiriqni bajarish vaqti keldi!

Yana bir qiziqarli reading chellenjga tayyorlaning! Bu safargi matn maktabdagi birinchi kunni qanday o'tkazish bilan bog'liq. 🏫

Gaplarni to'g'ri tartibda joylashtirib chiqing va javoblaringizni quyidagi izohlarda yozib qoldiring. Biz esa to'g'ri javoblarni quyida yozib qoldiramiz!

Javoblar: 4, 3, 2, 5, 1


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Aptis | British Council

01 Nov, 11:01

📚 Time for another reading task!

Prepare for another exciting reading challenge! This time, the text focuses on how to navigate your first day at school. 🏫

Just arrange the sentences in the right order and share your answers in the comments below. We’ll reveal them as well!

Answers: 4, 3, 2, 5, 1


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Aptis | British Council

31 Oct, 11:05

Sevgi haqida gaplashishga nima deysiz? 💝

🗣Mavzu: Sevgi mavzusidagi she'rlar
Ushbu dars davomida o'quvchilar qo'shiq tinglash bilan boshlanadigan o'ziga xos yozma topshiriqni bajaradilar. Ular eshitgan so'z va iboralarini yozib oladilar, so'ngra guruhlarga bo'lingan holatda, sevgi mavzusida insonni hayajonga soladigan — nihoyatda sentimental va o'ziga xos she'rlar yozadilar. Ushbu yondashuv o'quvchilarning she'r yozish borasida ikkilanishlarini bartaraf etishga yordam beradi.

Dars so'ngida hamma o'zi yozgan she'rlarini aytib beradi.

🎯 Darsning maqsadlari:
- o'quvchilarni guruh loyihasi ustida birgalikda ishlashga undash
- o'quvchilarning kreativ uslubda yozish qobiliyatlarini yaxshilash
- o'quvchilarga kreativ uslubda yozish qiziqarli jarayon bo'lishi mumkinligini ko'rsatish

Daraja: upper-intermediate (A2-B2)
Vaqt: 50-60 daqiqa

Materiallar izohlarda berilgan.


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Aptis | British Council

31 Oct, 11:02

Can we talk about love? 💝

🗣Topic: Love poems
In this session, students will collaborate on a unique writing task that starts with listening to a song. They'll jot down words and phrases they hear, then work in groups to craft a love poem that’s intentionally “corny”—overly sentimental and playful. This approach helps to ease any reservations learners may have about poetry writing.

At the end of the lesson, everyone will share their delightful poems.

🎯 Aims of the lesson:
- to motivate students to work together on a group project
- to enhance students' creative writing abilities
- to demonstrate to students that creative writing can be enjoyable

Level: upper-intermediate level (A2-B2)
Time: 50-60 minutes

For materials, check the comments.


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