The pattern is so blindingly obvious it is beggars belief that, of all the forces currently active and putting themselves in the sphere of 'nationalism', the NRP and myself seem to be the only Party that actually recognises it.
The natural support base by sheer numbers for a genuine third option to the Marxism of the left and the capitalism of the right, is to be found in the working and middle class, deprived and ignored urban areas. For many of these people, immigration will be their single biggest concern. For others, it will be a concern but NOT their biggest concern. For some, it won't be a concern at all. Which further highlights the point that, again, is so blindingly obvious it is beggars belief how many 'leaders' can't see it: That you cannot win elections solely on the back of immigration policy.
Of the Twenty Demands of the National Agenda, only two of them deal with immigration, and that is all that is needed.