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Sh. Al-Albani [Eng] Telegram Posts

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The latest content shared by Sh. Al-Albani [Eng] on Telegram

Emphasis of the Messenger ﷺ on the Importance of Questioning - Sheikh Al-Albani

وقد جاء تأكيد هذا الأمر أو هذه الوسيلة في حديث في سنن أبي داود وغيره
This matter or this method has been emphasized in a hadith in Sunan Abī Dāwūd and others,

أن النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم كان قد أرسل سرية للجهاد في سبيل الله،
that the Prophet ﷺ sent a expedition for making Jihād in the path of Allah.

فلما لقي المسلمون الكفار وقاتلوهم وأمسى بهم المساء وناموا
When the Muslims met the kuffār (disbelievers) and fought them, the evening set and they slept.

أصبح أحدهم قد احتلم وبه جراحات كثيرة في بدنه،
One of them woke up having had a wet dream (i.e. nocturnal emission) and he was suffering from many injuries in his body.

فسأل من كان حوله هل يجدون له رخصة في ألا يغتسل، فقالوا له: لابد لك من الاغتسال،
So, he asked those around him if they find a concession for him not to make ghusl (ritual bath). they said to him: "It is a must for you to do ghusl."

فاغتسل الرجل فمات، بسبب الجراحات التي كانت أصابته،
The man made ghusl and died, because of the injuries that he was afflicted with.

فلما بلغ خبرُه رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم دعا على أولئك الذين أفتوه بالاغتسال فقال: ( قتلوه قاتلهم الله، ألا سألوا حين جَهِلوا، فإنما شفاء العَيِّ السؤال ).
When this news reached the Messenger of Allah ﷺ he made du'ā against those who gave the ruling for him to make ghusl and said: "They killed him may Allah kill them, do they not ask when they are ignorant, indeed the cure for not knowing is asking"

الشاهد من هذا الحديث قوله عليه السلام: ( فإنما شفاء العَيِّ السؤال ) أي شفاء الجهل السؤال.
The important point from this hadīth is his ﷺ saying: "Indeed the cure for not knowing is asking" meaning – the cure for ignorance is asking.

Emphasis of the Messenger ﷺ on the Importance of Questioning - Sheikh Al-Albani

Advice to earn ḥalāl and leave off ḥarām - Shaykh Al-Albānī (رحمه الله)

أنصح كل من ابتلي بمكسب فيه حرام، ممن يعوله أن يحاول الخلاص من مثل هذا المكسب لقوله عليه الصلاة والسلام: ( كل لحم نبت من السحت فالنار أولى به )

I advise everyone who is afflicted with earning an income that has ḥarām in it, (especially) those who are responsible for others, to strive to free themselves from such earnings due to the saying of the Prophet ﷺ:

"Every flesh that grows out of unlawful earnings, then the Hell-Fire is more befitting for it."

لا شك أن هذا الحديث والذي يتضمن هذا الحكم الشديد كسائر الأحكام الشرعية داخل في عموم قوله عليه السلام: ( ما أمرتكم به من شيء فأتوا منه ما استطعتم)،

There is no doubt that this ḥadīth, which inclides this severe ruling, like all the legislative rulings in Islām, falls under the general (meaning) in the statement of the Prophet ﷺ:

"Whatever I have commanded you to do, do as much of it as you can."

فما استطاع المسلم يبتعد عن هذه الحياة التي تبنى على مكسب حرام

Therefore, a Muslim should distance himself from a life that is built upon ḥarām earnings as much as possible.

فمن استطاع من الأبناء أن يكتسب قوت يومه بعرق جبينه فذلك خير له وأبقى .

So, whoever of his children is able to earn his livelihood by the sweat of his brow (i.e., by working hard), then that is better for him and long-lasting.

Advice to earn Halal and Leave off Haram - Sheikh Al-Albani

Do Angels Enter a House That Has School Books with Images (of Living Beings) in Them? - Sheikh Al-Albānī

هل تدخل الملائكة بيوتا فيها صور؟ علما بأن الصور موجودة في
الكتب المدرسية وغيرها
Question: Do angels enter houses that have images (of living beings), bearing in mind that images are present in school books as well as in other books?

بعد قوله صلى الله عليه واله وسلم الصريح البين لا تدخل الملائكة بيتا فيه صورة او كلب
Answer: After the plain, clear statement of his (i.e., the Prophet ﷺ): "The angels don't enter a house which has an image or a dog."

لا مجال لاحد ان يعاكس هذا الحديث ويقول تدخل الملائكة بيتا فيه سورة او كلب
there is no room for anybody to oppose this Ḥadīth and say that the angels do enter a house which has an image or a dog.

كل ما يمكن ان يقال التفريق بين الصورة اذا كانت ظاهرة وبينما اذا كانت مستورة غير ظاهرة
All that can be said is that there can be a  differentiation made between the images that are visible and those that are concealed and not visible.

ففي الحالة الاولى عليها يحمل ذاك الحديث
In the first case, the (above) Ḥadīth applies to it.

أما في الحالة الاخرى فيمكن ان يقال إنَّ هذه صور التي تستعمل في بعض الكتب المدرسية او المجلات
As for the second case, it can be said that: these images that are used in some school books and magazines,

إذا كان المقصود بها الوصول الى علم نافع وليس المقصود بها التسلية
if the objective behind it is to acquire useful knowledge and not for entertainment,

فتكون هذه الصور من حيث اقتناء الكتب التي فيها للمصلحة التي أشرت اليها جائزة الاستعمال
then, from the perspective of obtaining books containing these images for the benefit I mentioned, they are permissible to use.

ولكن لا يجوز ان تبقى هذه الصور ظاهرة فتمنع دخول الملائكة
However, it is not permissible to leave these images visible because they prevent the angels from entering (i.e., the house).

هذا الذي يمكن ان يقال في هذا السؤال
This is what can be said regarding this question

Do Angels Enter a House That Has School Books with Images (of Living Beings) in Them? - Sheikh Al-Albānī

Ruling of a Woman Mixing with Male Guests - Sheikh Al-Albani

السائل : هل يسمح للمرأة أن تتجاوز خدمة ضيوف زوجها، إلى مشاركتهم الطعام، بحضور الزوج مع التزام الأدب ؟
Questioner: Is it allowed for a women to go beyond serving the guests of her husband to taking part in sharing the food witb them in the presence of her husband with appropriate manners?

الشيخ : يعني كأنه يقول المخالطة.
Sheikh: It seems like he means free-mixing.

السائل: نعم.
Questioner: Yes.

الشيخ: نعم نحن نقول جواباً على هذا: لا،
Sheikh: Yes, we say the answer to this is: No.

ومن جهة أخرى نقول: لا يمكن التزام الأدب بين الجنسين مهما علوا وسموا،
From another point we say: There cannot be appropriate manners between the two genders no matter how honorable they are.

أما الجواب الجزمي بأننا نقول: لا، لأن مثل هذا الاختلاط لم يكن معهوداً في عهد السلف الصالح،
As for the decisive answer, we say: No, because such a kind of mixing was not known during the time of assalaf as-salih (the pious predecessors).

Ruling of Woman Mixing with Male Guests - Sheikh Al-Albani

What Should One Do if the Ruler Delays the Salah from Its Time - Sheikh Al-Albani

هذا يذكرنا بالحديث المعروف في صحيح مسلم (سيكون عليكم أمراء يؤخرون الصلاة عن وقتها)،
This reminds us of the well-known hadith in Sahih Muslim, "There will come upon you rulers who will delay the Salah from its time,”

وفي رواية ( يميتون الصلاة عن وقتها ، فإذا أدركتموهم فصلوا الصلاة في وقتها ثم صلوها معهم تكون لكم نافلة )
In another narration: "They will abolish the Salah from its time, if you come across them, pray the Salah in its time, then pray with them (also), it will be considered nāfilah (voluntary prayer) for you."

ففي هذا الحديث حرص الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم الشديد على عدم مفارقة الجماعة ولو كانت هذه الجماعة، جماعة أمراء ظلمة،
This hadith (shows) the intense diligence of the Messenger ﷺ not to oppose the Jamā'ah (congregation), even if this is a congregation of oppressive rulers.

يميتون الصلاة، يؤخرون الصلاة عن وقتها،
They abolish the Salah, they delay the Salah from its time.

فيقول لهم صلوا أنتم الصلاة طبعا لوحدكم،
So, he said to them pray the Salah (in its time), by yourselves.

ثم صلوها مع الجماعة فتكونوا قد جمعتم بين الفضيلتين،
Then, pray with the Jamā'ah then you will have combined two virtues.

الفضيلة الأولى أداء الصلاة في وقتها الأول والفضيلة الأخرى فضيلة صلاة الجماعة،
The first virtue is performing Salah at its starting time. The other one is the virtue of praying in Jamā'ah.

فهب أن هؤلاء كانوا يفعلون كذلك فهم كانوا يحققون هدفا شرعياً
So, if they had done that, then they would have fulfilled an Islamic objective.

What Should One Do if the Ruler Delays the Salah from Its Time - Sheikh Al-Albani