Мои лексические фавориты (с примерами из подкаста):
e.g. But I really lacked a fundamental level of confidence and selfworth, which really got in the way of me getting to where I want to get to.
e.g. People become more confident because they take risks seese opportunities and persist in the face of challenges
e.g. I do a lot of speaking now with industry professionals who are the top of their career and at the forefront of the industry, and that would have terrified me a few years ago but over time I have done it more and more and I've repeated the action.
e.g. When I come out of that conversation or going into a meeting where I'm saying that I'm wanting to hold my ground on something and I'm wanting to say like actually no it's, this really building up my competence in terms of just knowing what I'm talking about.
e.g. As always I've only scratched the surface so if you want to dive deeper, I've included a reading list with some of my favorite books.
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