EEP TRD Office


የሰ.ኃ.ስ.ል. ቢሮ የውጭና የሃገር ውስጥ የስልጠናና የትምህርት ዕድል ማስታወቂያዎች መድረክ!!
We strive to create a learning organization!!

EEP Training & Development Office

[email protected]

EEP TRD Office

20 Oct, 17:50


EEP TRD Office

20 Oct, 17:50

ጥቆማ - ፪
Electric ን ጨምሮ በየትኛውም የሙያ መስክ ባለህበት ሆነህ የምትበቃበት፣ ውጤታማነትህን ተከትሎም Online certificate የምታገኝበት በርከት ያሉ ዌብሳይቶች አሉ፤

ለዛሬ ሁለት ዝነኛ ሳይቶችን እናስታውስህ... Coursera እና edX

ከስራ ፋታ ስታገኝ፣ የእረፍት ጊዜ እንዳይባክን ስትሻ እኒህ ሳይቶች ውስጥ ቆይ... 

EEP TRD Office

20 Oct, 17:31

ጥቆማ - ፩
የ Electric ርዕሰ-ጉዳይ ይመስጥሃል? ስለምን ማወቅ ትፈልጋለህ? የምትሰራው የት ነው? ኃይል ማመንጫ፣ ኃይል ማከፋፈያ፣ ኃይል መቆጣጠሪያ...

የትም ሁን፣ የትኛውም ስራ ላይ ተሳተፍ፤ ስለ ኤሌክትሪክ ልታውቅ የምትፈልገውን ሁሉ የምታውቅበት ስፍራ ይህ ነው... EEP Portal...

Subscribe አድርገው፤ ማንኛውንም Article በ email አድራሻህ ማግኘት ትችላለህ።

የትም ሆነህ ብቁ የምትሆንበት Portal ይኸው... 

EEP TRD Office

20 Oct, 17:18

Knowledge is like an ocean!

EEP TRD Office

19 Oct, 10:05

Final!! - Education Cost Refund Policy Beneficiaries Announcement

Dear Women Employees and Work Unit Heads,


As you may recall, we previously shared the list of this year’s beneficiaries for the Education Cost Refund Policy, requesting your feedback and any concerns you might have. We have since collected and reviewed all issues raised, both via email and physical submissions.

After a thorough review of the complaints, the Education and Training Committee has reached a decision and finalized the list of approved applicants for the refund process.

Please find attached the official memo and the final list of beneficiaries for your reference and further action.

Thank you for your cooperation.

HR Training and Development Office

We strive to create a learning organization.

EEP TRD Office

17 Oct, 14:17

In-House Training Instructors Registration
Dear all,

We are excited to announce that our office is now accepting registrations for in-house training instructors for the operations departments. Attached, you will find a memo outlining the announcement criteria along with the necessary registration formats.

We encourage all interested individuals to submit their registrations. For updates regarding this announcement, please follow us on our office Telegram channel.

Thank you and best of luck!

HR Training and Development Office
We strive to create a learning Organization!

EEP TRD Office

16 Oct, 15:12

Profile of Mr. Wondimu Negash

For those of you who may not be familiar with Mr. Wondimu, here is a brief profile of his accomplishments.

Mr. Wondimu first joined our training center 41 years ago and served for two years. Since then, he has built an impressive career as a senior systems engineer with over 25 years of experience in the defense electronics industry in the UK.

He is also a founding member of KMS Health, where he has contributed to developing technology that facilitates access to qualified healthcare providers. 

Additionally, Mr. Wondimu is a well-known mental health awareness advocate in both Ethiopia and the UK, having authored seven books in Amharic on neuroscience and mental health.

Mr. Wondimu is a founding and active member of organizations such as Ethiopians for Ethiopians (E4E) and United Ethiopians for Peace and Reconciliation (UE4PR). 

He is also deeply engaged in neuroscience coaching and research, with a focus on using neuroscience to promote peace and reconciliation. His public lectures, YouTube blog, and various engagements aim to foster better mental health and societal harmony through scientific understanding.

We are grateful for his dedication to mental health awareness and his valuable contributions to our session today.

Thank you.

TRD team.

EEP TRD Office

16 Oct, 15:11

Gratitude for Today's Mind talk Session


Today, our office held an insightful discussion session on the topics of Mind Function and the Chimp Model, based on the work of Prof. Steve Peters, and led by our former colleague, Mr. Wondimu. 

It was an uplifting session that explored how our brain functions and how we can effectively respond to our surroundings. We learned how our brain impacts our daily decisions in both our professional and personal lives.

As this month is dedicated to Mental Health Awareness, we were fortunate to have Mr. Wondimu with us to share his extensive experience on the subject. 

We want to extend my sincere gratitude to everyone who joined the session on such short notice, and a special thank you to Mr. Wondimu for his dedication to raising awareness about mental health.

We look forward to organizing similar sessions in the future by inviting other guest speakers from various backgrounds.

Thank you once again!

Best regards,

HR Training and Development Office

We strive to create a learning Organization!!

EEP TRD Office

10 Oct, 14:40

A Heartfelt Thank You!!

Thank you to everyone who contributed to making this graduation day more memorable and special. We deeply appreciate the support we’ve received from the management, work units, and individuals.

A special thanks to the TRD team for your dedication and commitment to making this day a reality.

To our graduates, congratulations! Please remember the valuable advice shared by your managers as you embark on your career journey.

We would also like to extend our gratitude to our esteemed guest, Ato Bogale Feyisa, whose deep knowledge and historical connection to our training center have enriched today’s celebration.

This event is particularly meaningful as it marks the first time in 30 years we have been able to hold a graduation in this hall, a space previously unavailable to us. 

Our graduates this year are fortunate to be part of this significant moment, and we thank the management team for their efforts in making it possible.

Thank you all once again.


HR Training and Development Office