🖤زخم دل🖤 is a Telegram channel that offers a space for deep reflection and sharing of emotions. The channel's description encourages its followers to take a deep breath and keep going, symbolized by an emoticon of a cigarette. The channel emphasizes the importance of staying silent but not giving up, with a touch of humor and self-deprecation. The owner, Hadi, creates a supportive and understanding environment where individuals can express their feelings and experiences without judgment. The channel's motto is 'Stay healthy until the day you don't care anymore.' Join 🖤زخم دل🖤 for a mix of heartfelt content, dark humor, and a sense of camaraderie. Follow the link @Zamhmdel to join the community and start sharing your journey towards healing. 🩹
15 Feb, 18:54
15 Feb, 17:51
15 Feb, 15:42
15 Feb, 06:02
15 Feb, 00:30
15 Feb, 00:28
15 Feb, 00:25
25 Jan, 17:34
25 Jan, 16:06
23 Jan, 05:59
11 Jan, 05:58
04 Dec, 13:51
04 Dec, 12:19
04 Dec, 10:04
04 Dec, 09:54
04 Dec, 07:14
04 Dec, 06:59
04 Dec, 06:40
04 Dec, 06:22
04 Dec, 06:22
03 Dec, 21:06
24 Nov, 14:40
24 Nov, 14:40
23 Nov, 21:01
23 Nov, 20:20
23 Nov, 14:31
18 Nov, 19:07
18 Nov, 17:27
18 Nov, 13:11
18 Nov, 08:16
16 Nov, 01:06
16 Nov, 01:01
15 Nov, 21:09
15 Nov, 20:48
15 Nov, 20:32
15 Nov, 19:39
15 Nov, 19:23
14 Nov, 19:06
14 Nov, 13:09
14 Nov, 10:56
14 Nov, 10:55
14 Nov, 10:52
11 Nov, 14:52
11 Nov, 13:22
11 Nov, 12:18
11 Nov, 12:12
11 Nov, 07:44
10 Nov, 20:21
10 Nov, 18:39
10 Nov, 13:32
10 Nov, 08:49
10 Nov, 04:35
09 Nov, 20:28
07 Nov, 06:45
06 Nov, 21:05
06 Nov, 19:12
06 Nov, 18:35
06 Nov, 18:35
06 Nov, 17:08
25 Oct, 20:50
25 Oct, 20:44
25 Oct, 20:36
25 Oct, 20:33
25 Oct, 20:31
25 Oct, 17:27
25 Oct, 16:22