Good luck finding legal help.
Welcome to 'South Africa, future of the West 🇿🇦' Telegram channel, also known as @za_future_of_the_west! This channel is dedicated to providing updates and reports on the current situation in South Africa. Please be aware that the content shared here may contain upsetting imagery related to riots, farm attacks, attacks on civilians, and news articles on the economic situation in the country. It is important to note that forwards shared on this channel are not endorsements. This channel is part of the @channelcollection on Telegram. If you are interested in staying informed about the ongoing events in South Africa and want to gain insights into the future of the country, this channel is a valuable resource for you.
13 Feb, 17:49
13 Feb, 17:10
13 Feb, 09:28
13 Feb, 09:25
12 Feb, 18:01
12 Feb, 18:00
12 Feb, 18:00
12 Feb, 14:15
12 Feb, 11:18
12 Feb, 09:04
12 Feb, 06:28
12 Feb, 06:28
11 Feb, 15:55
11 Feb, 14:55
11 Feb, 14:52
11 Feb, 08:35
10 Feb, 15:06
10 Feb, 11:58
10 Feb, 11:58
10 Feb, 11:35
10 Feb, 10:57
10 Feb, 04:31
09 Feb, 17:27
09 Feb, 17:22
09 Feb, 17:17
09 Feb, 15:01
09 Feb, 10:48
09 Feb, 10:47
09 Feb, 04:32
09 Feb, 04:29