YPG Press Office @ypginfo Channel on Telegram

YPG Press Office


Official Telegram account for People's Protection Units

YPG Press Office (English)

Welcome to the YPG Press Office, the official Telegram account for the People's Protection Units (YPG). If you are looking for reliable and up-to-date information on the YPG's activities, news, and announcements, then you have come to the right place. The YPG is a Kurdish militia group that has been actively involved in the fight against terrorism and the protection of Kurdish territories in Syria. This Telegram channel serves as a direct source of information from the YPG, providing followers with exclusive access to press releases, statements, and updates from the frontlines. By joining our channel, you will be able to stay informed about the latest developments in the YPG's mission to defend the Kurdish people and promote peace in the region. Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect with the YPG and show your support for their important work. Join us today on the YPG Press Office Telegram channel, @ypginfo, and be part of the movement for a better and safer future for all.

YPG Press Office

17 Feb, 06:31


YPG Press Office

17 Feb, 06:16


Şopdarê Kevneşopiya Ragihandina Azad Rêhevalê Me Egîd Roj Li Tişrînê Şehîd Bû

YPG Press Office

16 Feb, 12:29


YPG Press Office

26 Jan, 08:46

بيان القيادة العامة لوحدات حماية الشعب بمناسبة الذكرى العاشرة لتحرير كوباني

نحيي اليوم الذكرى العاشرة لتحرير كوباني، اللحظة الحاسمة في الحرب العالمية ضد تنظيم داعش الإرهابي. ففي عام 2015، وبعد أشهر من المقاومة البطولية والمتواصلة، تمكنت قوات وحدات حماية الشعب ووحدات حماية المرأة، وبالتعاون مع حلفائنا وشعب روجافا، من تحقيق نصر تاريخي بطرد تنظيم داعش من مدينة كوباني. في وقت كان فيه داعش ينشر الإرهاب في المنطقة والعالم، ويهدد أمن واستقرار العديد من الدول، شكل هذا الانتصار في كوباني نقطة تحول تاريخية. لقد كان دفاعًا ليس فقط عن روجافا، بل أيضًا عن كردستان والشرق الأوسط والعالم بأسره ضد أحد أعظم التهديدات في عصرنا.

كان تحرير كوباني أكثر من مجرد انتصار عسكري؛ لقد أصبح رمزًا عميقًا للمقاومة والوحدة وروح الصمود التي يتمتع بها الشعب الكردي ومجتمعات شمال وشرق سوريا المتنوعة. لقد أصبحت كوباني خط المواجهة في المعركة بين تطلعات الإنسانية نحو الحرية والكرامة وبين قوى الاستبداد والإرهاب. خلال الحصار، استغل تنظيم داعش الحدود التركية لنقل المقاتلين والأسلحة، مع وجود أدلة تشير إلى تورط تركيا في تسهيل عدوانهم. ورغم هذه التحديات، أصبحت كوباني المقبرة التي دُفنت فيها أسطورة داعش، وأثبتت أن التضامن والعزيمة والنضال المشترك لشعوبنا يمكن أن يهزم أقوى الأعداء.

وفي الوقت الذي نحتفل فيه بهذا اليوم التاريخي، لا يمكننا تجاهل التهديدات المستمرة التي تكرر تحديات حصار كوباني. فالهجمات التي يشنها النظام التركي حاليًا على مناطق تشرين وقرقوزاق تستمر في زعزعة استقرار منطقتنا، مما يخلق بيئة خصبة لإعادة تنظيم داعش وبث الفوضى من جديد. من خلال استهداف المناطق المدنية والبنية التحتية وأمن المجتمعات، تسعى هذه الاعتداءات إلى تقويض المكاسب التي تحققت بدماء وتضحيات عشرات الآلاف من الشهداء. إن هذه التصرفات لا تهدد استقرار المنطقة فحسب، بل تمثل خطرًا على المبادئ الأساسية للعدالة والإنسانية التي تمثلها مقاومة كوباني. لذا، ندعو المجتمع الدولي وكافة المنظمات والدول التي وقفت إلى جانبنا في محاربة داعش إلى اتخاذ موقف واضح وحازم ضد هذه الاعتداءات.

في هذه الذكرى العزيزة، نستذكر الشهداء الذين أناروا بدمائهم طريق النصر وألهموا مسيرتنا نحو الحرية والعدالة. إن إرثهم يدفعنا لمواصلة هذا النضال بإصرار وثبات، دفاعًا عن القيم التي ضحوا بحياتهم من أجلها.

القيادة العامة لوحدات حماية الشعب

YPG Press Office

26 Jan, 08:31

Daxuyaniya Fermandariya Giştî a YPGê bi boneya 10emîn salvegera rizgarkirina Kobanî

Ku: https://ypgrojava.org/daxuyani/daxuyaniya-fermandariya-gisti-a-ypge-bi-boneya-10emin-salvegera-rizgarkirina-kobani1737879843

En: https://ypgrojava.org/press-release/statement-by-the-general-command-of-the-ypg-on-the-10th-anniversary-of-the-liberation-of-kobani1737879711

YPG Press Office

25 Jan, 20:34

Wêneyên ji berxwedana dîrokî a Kobanî - Çileya 2015

YPG Press Office

25 Jan, 20:33

26ê Çileya 2015. Şervanên YPGê alaya xwe li ser girê Kaniya Kurda li ba dikin û rizgariya Kobaniyê radigihînin.

YPG Press Office

13 Jan, 16:12

Fermandarê Giştî yê Hêzên Sûriya Demokratîk birêz Mezlûm Abdî, di civînekê de pêşwazî li Dr. Hemîd Derbendî, nûnerê birêz Mesûd Barzanî kir.

Di civînê de rewşa dawî ya Kurdistanê û herêmê hat nirxandin. Di hevdîtinê de, Dr. Derbendî peyama piştgiriyê ya birêz Barzanî ragihand û tekez li ser girîngiya yekrêziya Kurdan û xurtkirina hewldanên hevbeş ji bo çareserkirina pirsgirêkên niha yên li Sûriyê kir.

Fermandarê Giştî yê Hêzên Sûriya Demokratîk spasiya xwe ji bo peyam û piştgiriya birêz Barzanî nîşan da û diyar kir ku di vê qonaxa hestiyar de, pêwîstî bi hewldanên hevbeş ên hemû aliyên Kurdî heye da ku aramî pêk bê û berjewendiyên gelê Kurd bên parastin.

YPG Press Office

13 Jan, 16:05

The Commander-in-Chief of the Syrian Democratic Forces Mazloum Abdi received Dr. Hamid Darbandi, the representative of President Masoud Barzani, in a meeting that focused on the latest developments in Kurdish and regional affairs.

During the meeting, Dr. Darbandi conveyed a message of support from President Barzani, emphasizing the critical importance of Kurdish unity and strengthening joint efforts to address the current challenges in Syria.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Syrian Democratic Forces expressed his gratitude for President Barzani’s message and support, underscoring that the current period demands collective efforts from all Kurdish parties to achieve stability and protect the interests of the Kurdish people.


YPG Press Office

31 Dec, 17:50

The YPG extends its New Year wishes to all those who stand for freedom and dignity. As we move into the new year, we reflect on the challenges and sacrifices of the past while remaining committed to protecting our people and defending our land.

The new year brings an opportunity to renew our dedication to the principles we hold dear. Together with those who believe in justice and equality, we will continue our efforts to safeguard the freedom and well-being of our people.

YPG Press Office

27 Dec, 14:27


YPG Press Office

21 Dec, 16:54

Update by the SDF Media Center

“After our forces successfully repelled attacks by Turkish-backed mercenaries on the Tishrin Dam from two fronts—resulting in heavy losses among their ranks and the destruction of multiple tanks and armored vehicles—the Turkish forces escalated their aerial and artillery bombardment in the area, leading to the loss of five of our fighters.”

YPG Press Office

20 Dec, 18:56


YPG Press Office

20 Dec, 17:02

The International Coalition's Civil Affairs Team has provided humanitarian aid to the Autonomous Administration in the Raqqa region to support the forcibly displaced people from the areas of Afrin and Al-Shahba. This assistance is particularly crucial during this challenging period for Syria, especially in north and eastern Syria. It also underscores the robust nature of the partnership with the International Coalition forces, which extends beyond military cooperation to encompass efforts to ensure security and stability in the region.

YPG Press Office

18 Dec, 12:06

تحديث بخصوص خرق الاحتلال التركي لجهود الهدنة ومواصلة الهجمات

على الرغم من جهود التهدئة التي تقوم بها الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، إلا أن الاحتلال التركي ومرتزقته واصلوا يوم أمس واليوم هجماتهم على مناطق عديدة في محيط كوباني وسد تشرين وعين عيسى.

ففي ساعات مساء يوم أمس الساعة السادسة، هاجمت مرتزقة الاحتلال التركي من ثلاث محاور منطقة سد تشرين بدعم وتغطية جوية من الطائرات المسيرة التابعة للاحتلال، حيث تصدى مقاتلو مجلس منبج العسكري لهم وأوقعوا في صفوفهم قتلى وجرحى مما اضطرهم إلى الفرار، الطيران المسير التابع للاحتلال قصف المنطقة ثمان مرات.

وفي منطقة جسر قرقوزاق وقرية بير حسو جنوبي مدينة كوباني، قصفت الطائرات المسيرة التابعة للاحتلال التركي بتمام الساعة الحادية عشرة ليلاً المنطقة بثلاث ضربات جوية، كما كثّف الاحتلال التركي قصف المنطقة بالعشرات من الضربات الصاروخية والمدفعية.

في عين عيسى، قصفت الطائرات المسيرة التابعة للاحتلال التركي مساء أمس سيارة في قرية هوشان، إضافة إلى قصف القرى الشرقي لعين عيسى والغربي لتل أبيض بالعشرات من قذائف الهاون والمدفعية.

صباح اليوم، شنت المجموعات المرتزقة بدعم جوي وبري من الاحتلال التركي هجوماً شاملاً من عدة محاور على منطقة سد تشرين، حيث تجري اشتباكات عنيفة بين قوّات مجلس منبج العسكري والمرتزقة في هذه اللحظات في المنطقة، وسط تحليق مكثف للطيران المسير التابع للاحتلال.

بمواجهة ذلك، ونتيجة لعدم التزام الاحتلال التركي ومرتزقته بالهدنة، والقصف المكثف من قبل الطيران المسير التابع للاحتلال ومدفعيته، أسقطت قوّاتنا مساء أمس طائرة مسيرة تركية نوع "بيرقدار TB2" في محيط جسر قرقوزاق، كما تتخذ قوّاتنا مواقع دفاعية للتصدي للهجمات والدفاع عن كافة مناطق شمال وشرق سوريا وفي مقدمتها كوباني.

إن دولة الاحتلال التركي ومرتزقتها تحاول استغلال الهدنة لمواصلة هجماتها ومخططاتها الاستعمارية وخداع الرأي العام، ولم يعد خافياً أنها تسعى وبكل غطرستها إلى احتلال المنطقة وتهجير أهلها.

المركز الإعلامي لقوّات سوريا الديمقراطية
١٨ كانون الأول ٢٠٢٤

YPG Press Office

17 Dec, 20:48

تحديث - يقصف جيش الاحتلال التركي في هذه اللحظات قرية بير حسو ومحيط جسر قرقوزاق جنوبي كوباني بالأسلحة الثقيلة.

YPG Press Office

17 Dec, 19:25

SDF Commander-in-Chief Mazloum Abdi

“Reaffirming our unwavering commitment to achieving a comprehensive ceasefire across Syria, we announce our readiness to propose the establishment of a demilitarized zone in the city of Kobanî, with the redistribution of security forces under U.S. supervision and presence.
This initiative aims to address Turkish security concerns and ensure the long-term stability of the region.”

YPG Press Office

17 Dec, 16:34

Update – The forces of Manbij Military Council repelled an attack by the Turkish occupation mercenaries from two axes on the Tishreen Dam this afternoon, where fierce clashes lasted more than two hours, during which a number of mercenaries were eliminated, forcing them to flee the area
Media Center of Manbij Military Council
December 17, 2024

YPG Press Office

16 Dec, 13:26

“In accordance with international agreements, we reaffirm our commitment to restoring the tomb of Suleiman Shah to its original location. We also emphasize our readiness to keep the route to the site accessible and to provide all necessary facilities for crossing the Qarah Qawzak Bridge towards the tomb.”

SDF Commander-in-Chief Mazloum Abdi

YPG Press Office

14 Dec, 17:31

“Today, the Kurdish National Unity in Syria holds historical significance and represents a response to the challenges of this critical phase. We call on all Kurdish parties to set aside partisan interests and genuinely engage with public calls for dialogue and unity.

We urge everyone to actively contribute to ongoing efforts aimed at establishing Kurdish national unity, enabling us to adopt a unified stance in support of dialogue in Syria and participate in shaping a democratic and diverse future for the country.”

SDF Commander-in-Chief Mazloum Abdi

YPG Press Office

14 Dec, 14:25

تنويه – نشر موقع الجزيرة نت خبراً كاذباً مفاده أن ماهر الأسد هرب إلى العراق مروراً بمناطق شمال وشرق سوريا، وادّع أن ذلك تم بتسهيل من قواتنا. هذه الأخبار كاذبة جملة وتفصيلاً وهي تأتي في سياق التحريض على قواتنا وشعبنا في شمال وشرق سوريا.
في الوقت الذي كان الحدود في الضفة الغربية لدير الزور مفتوحاً ومعبر القائم الحدودي بين سوريا والعراق يعمل بشكل فعّال، غادر أكثر من ثلاثة آلاف جندي وضابط من جيش النظام البعثي منطقة دير الزور والبادية السورية إلى العراق حيث استقبلهم الجيش العراقي وأحسن ضيافتهم ونقلهم إلى مناطق آمنة، ولم يكن هناك داعٍ لطرق التهريب كما يدعيه موقع الجزيرة نت.

كما ادعى الموقع أن الفرقة الرابعة في النظام البعثي السابق كانت شريكة لقواتنا في الاتجار بالمخدرات. هذه الادعاءات تنم عن حقد دفين من المحرِر تجاه مناطقنا وشعبنا. قوّاتنا، قوّات سوريا الديمقراطية كانت القوة الوحيدة التي حاربت خلايا النظام وتجار المخدرات الذين يتعاملون معه، وقامت بالمئات من حملات ملاحقة هؤلاء التجار ومصادرة وتلف موادهم.

نرجو من كافة وسائل الإعلام في هذا الوقت العصيب الذي تمر به سوريا وطناً وشعباً تحري الدقة والموضوعية في أخبارهم، وعدم اختلاف الأخبار البعيدة عن المنطق وأخلاق الإعلام.

المركز الإعلامي لقوّات سوريا الديمقراطية
١٤ كانون الأول ٢٠٢٤

YPG Press Office

13 Dec, 20:03

SDF fighters have cleared Tishreen Dam and surrounding area in southern Manbij from Turkish-backed terrorists

YPG Press Office

13 Dec, 20:02

Moments of clashes between SDF fighters and Turkish-backed terrorists in Qaraqozakh

YPG Press Office

12 Dec, 23:14

A message by SDF Commander-in-chief Mazloum Abdi to the people of Raqqa

“To the people of Raqqa,

We are closely following the unfortunate events that have taken place in our beloved city, Raqqa. Your safety and stability remain our top priorities, and any escalation or tension serves only the enemies of peace who seek to exploit these circumstances for their own interests.

We assure you of our commitment to addressing all issues through peaceful means and will not tolerate any violations. We also reaffirm our dedication to holding accountable any party proven to have acted unjustly or abused their authority.

The people of Raqqa deserve a dignified and secure life, and we will spare no effort to achieve this goal. We promise to take transparent and practical steps to address the current situation, ensuring that your voices are heard and considered in every decision made.

With the fall of our common enemy, the oppressive regime, the path is now clear for us to resolve all our issues through dialogue.

We firmly believe that Syria deserves a united future built on mutual understanding, free from grudges and divisions. A comprehensive national dialogue is the only way to fulfill the aspirations of the Syrian people for justice, dignity, and peace.”

YPG Press Office

12 Dec, 20:05

• Turkish-backed groups cannot make independent decisions.
• We do not pose a threat to Turkey’s security.
• Turkey’s ultimate aim is to push us out of the political process by escalating its attacks.
• Outside of Turkish-backed groups, no one desires war.
• In Syria’s new phase, the Kurdish position must be unified.
• We hope the Kurdistan Regional Government will also adopt a stance supporting Kurdish unity.
• Turkey is attempting to continue its aggressive efforts.
• We remain open to dialogue with Turkey.
• Threats persist, and the people must stand with their defensive forces.
• With the support of our people, we will overcome the challenges of this phase.

YPG Press Office

12 Dec, 20:03

• At the outset of the incident, HTS informed us that our territories are not their target.
• We have agreements with HTS regarding Aleppo and Deir ez-Zor.
• Efforts are underway to send a delegation to Damascus for some negotiations.
• Before the end incidents, Russia was informed by Turkey that the HTS would carry out offensives.

• There are less obstacles in the path toward resolving the Syrian crisis.
• Representatives of all parties and groups must have a seat in the political process.
• We continue to protect and defend our territories under the current circumstances.
• Moving forward, we will strive to bring a political resolution to the forefront.
• Today, more than ever, there is a need for unity among the peoples.
• There is an opportunity to address the issues in occupied territories.
• Until now, the Autonomous Administration had not been included in resolving the Syrian crisis and this has been the most important cause of failure of those processes.
• The participation of the Autonomous Administration in the political process will lead to a solution.

YPG Press Office

09 Dec, 15:33

مشاهد من عمليّات نوعية لقواتنا ضد مرتزقة الاحتلال التركي في منبج

Footage shows the qualitative operations of our forces against the Turkish occupation-backed mercenaries in Manbij

YPG Press Office

09 Dec, 15:26

UPDATE - Til Tamer

Til Tamer Military Council shot down a Turkish ANKA UCAV at around 4 pm today.

YPG Press Office

09 Dec, 12:31

#منبج - مشاهد من استهداف مرتزقة الاحتلال التركي في مدينة منبج وريفها

YPG Press Office

09 Dec, 08:45

الرقة - طائرة مسيرة تابعة للاحتلال التركي ترتكب مجزرة مروعة بحق عائلة كاملة في قرية المستريحة بعين عيسى شمال الرقة ، حيث فقد ١١ مدنياً لحياتهم بينهم ٦ أطفال.

YPG Press Office

09 Dec, 06:11

SDF fighters continue their operations against Turkish-backed terrorists in Manbij

YPG Press Office

08 Dec, 11:29

Update on the Recent Situation in Manbij

Over the past 12 days of events in Syria, Turkish occupation mercenaries, backed by aerial support, have launched dozens of attacks on the Manbij region and its surrounding areas. All these attacks have been thwarted by the forces of the Manbij and al-Bab Military Councils. In recent days, the intensity of the mercenaries’ attacks has decreased across all Manbij frontlines. However, violent clashes are currently ongoing from the Tukhar frontlines to Aoun al-Dadat, Arab Hassan, and al-Arima between our fighters and the mercenaries.

This afternoon, with the support of Turkish airstrikes and armored vehicles provided by the occupation, a group of mercenaries attempted to advance using armored vehicles at the southern entrance of the city. They fell into ambushes set by our forces. Meanwhile, to create psychological pressure on civilians, some mercenary cells moved within the city to spread fear and chaos. Intense clashes are also underway at the city’s entrance.

The Manbij Military Council, which has made thousands of sacrifices to protect the region from all terrorist organizations, has full confidence in the ability of its fighters to repel the attack. This confidence is shared with the people of Manbij, who have supported our fighters throughout all phases of the struggle against ISIS and mercenary groups.

Media Center of the Manbij Military Council
December 8, 2024

YPG Press Office

08 Dec, 10:45

Update: Intense clashes are taking place between the Manbij Military Council forces and Turkish occupation mercenaries at the southern and western entrances to the city of Manbij.

YPG Press Office

08 Dec, 10:45

تحديث - اشتباكات عنيفة بين قوات مجلس منبج العسكري ومرتزقة الاحتلال التركي على مداخل مدينة منبج الجنوبية والغربية

YPG Press Office

08 Dec, 06:16

Update by Deir ez-Zour Military Council

‘All circulating reports about the withdrawal of Deir ez-Zor Military Council forces from the city of Deir ez-Zor are false. The forces continue to carry out their duties in safeguarding the region and its people.’

YPG Press Office

07 Dec, 13:00

فجّرت قوات مجلس منبج العسكري سيارة محملة بالذخيرة عائدة لمرتزقة الاحتلال التركي حاولت التقدم باتجاه قرية جبلة الحُمر جنوب مدينة منبج، حيث أوقعت قتلى وجرحى في صفوف المرتزقة.

المكتب الإعلامي لمجلس منبج العسكري

YPG Press Office

07 Dec, 11:55


تصدى مجلس الباب العسكري لمحاولة هجوم لمرتزقة تابعة لاحتلال التركي في الريف الشرقي المحرر لمدينة الباب.

في تمام الساعة الثانية عشر من بعد ظهر اليوم السبت، تصدى مقاتلو مجلس الباب العسكري لهجوم قامت بها مرتزقة لاحتلال التركي في قرى جب مخزوم والحوتة وجبلة الحمرا وتل تورين .

حيث تم إفشال الهجوم وتم تكبيد المرتزقة خسائر ولاذوا بالفرار.

المكتب الإعلامي لمجلس الباب العسكري

YPG Press Office

07 Dec, 11:22

Statement by Manbij Military Council

Update: Turkish Occupation and Its Mercenaries Intensify Attacks on Manbij

The Turkish occupation forces and their mercenaries have escalated their attacks in and around the villages of Manbij for the second consecutive day. Turkish occupation drones carried out dozens of airstrikes, while their mercenaries launched hundreds of artillery shells and rockets to cover joint ground offensives by Turkey-backed mercenaries and Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham elements targeting villages south and west of Manbij.

Among these, the mercenaries launched an assault on the village of “Andabat,” near the Sajur crossing. Fierce clashes ensued between the Manbij Military Council forces and the mercenaries, who were ultimately forced to retreat under the strikes of our forces.

On the “Deir Hafir” axis, the Tabqa-Aleppo road, and other fronts around Manbij, the Turkish occupation army directly led the attacks. At least 20 drone strikes targeted these fronts, with the Turkish state monitoring the positions of the Manbij Military Council forces, providing information to their mercenaries, and directing their movements on the ground. Despite intense clashes that continued from last night into this morning, all such attacks were successfully repelled.

In response to these assaults, the Manbij Military Council forces, with support from local residents, have shown heroic resistance. They have managed to fend off the attacks amid ongoing heavy clashes across multiple fronts, particularly in the Arima region and south of Manbij.

Our forces affirm their legitimate right to defend Manbij and its people. We call on our community to adapt to the current circumstances, protect their region, and maintain its stability alongside our forces.

Media Center of the Manbij Military Council
December 7, 2024”

YPG Press Office

07 Dec, 11:22

تحديث – الاحتلال التركي ومرتزقته يصعدون من هجماتهم على منبج

صعّد الاحتلال التركي ومرتزقته من هجماتهم في محيط منبج وقراها لليوم الثاني على التوالي، حيث قصفت طائرات مسيرة تابعة لجيش الاحتلال التركي المنطقة عشرات المرات، كما قصف مرتزقتها المنطقة بالمئات من قذائف المدفعية والصواريخ، لتغطية هجمات برية مشتركة تنفذها مرتزقة تركيا وعناصر هيئة تحرير الشام على قرى جنوب وغرب منبج.

من ضمن ذلك، شن المرتزقة هجوماً على قرية "عندبات" القريبة من معبر الساجور، واندلعت اشتباكات بين قوات مجلس منبج العسكري والمرتزقة، اضطر المرتزقة في النهاية إلى الفرار تحت ضربات قواتنا.

وعلى محور "دير حافر" وطريق الطبقة – حلب، وعلى جبهات منبج، يقود جيش الاحتلال التركي بنفسه الهجوم. على الأقل استهدف نحو /20/ مرة هاتين الجبهتين عبر الطائرات المسيرة. كما أن دولة الاحتلال التركي ترصد جبهات قوات مجلس منبج العسكري، وتزود مرتزقتها بتلك المعلومات وتوجههم، وتحرّكهم على الأرض. فخلال الليلة الماضية وحتى صباح اليوم كانت الاشتباكات ضارية تم إفشالها جميعاً.

بمواجهة تلك الهجمات، تُبدي قوات مجلس منبج العسكري بمساعدة الأهالي مقاومة بطولية، حيث تم التصدي للهجمات في ظل استمرار الاشتباكات العنيفة على أكثر من محور بمحيط منطقة العريمة وجنوبي منبج.

تؤكد قواتنا على حقها في الدفاع المشروع عن منطقة منبج وأهلها، وندعو شعبنا إلى التصرف وفق الظروف الجديدة وحماية منطقته واستقرارها جنباً إلى جنب مع قوّاتنا.

المركز الإعلامي لقوّات مجلس منبج العسكري

٠٧ كانون الأول ٢٠٢٤

YPG Press Office

06 Dec, 15:08

Ji gelê me û raya giştî re

Geşedanên dawî yên li welatê me Sûriyê, ji bo ewlekariya gelê me û aramiya herêma me ya li Dêrezorê metirsiyeke mezin e. Bi taybetî vejîna çeteyên dewleta Tirk a dagirker û çeteyên DAIŞ’ê yên li çolistana Dêrezorê metirsiyek mezin e.

Li hemberî vê rewşê û ji bo ewlekariya gelê me, şervanên me yên Meclîsa Leşkerî ya Dêrezorê li bajar û rojavayê Firatê bi cih bûne. Armanca me ya sereke ew e ku em ewlekariya xwe û aramiya civaka xwe biparêzin. Em bi hemû hêza xwe li ser pêkanîna vê berpirsiyariya dîrokî ne.

Em spasiyên xwe pêşkêşî gelê xwe dikin ku bi germî pêşwazî li me kir û bi hemû derfetên xwe piştgirî da me. Em bang li hemû welatiyên xwe dikin ku bi şervanên xwe re bibin yek, da ku em bi hev re axa xwe biparêzin û li dijî her cure êrîşan li ber xwe bidin.

Meclîsa Leşkerî ya Dêrezorê
6 Kanûn 2024

YPG Press Office

06 Dec, 15:01

إلى شعبنا والرأي العام
التطورات التي تحصل في وطننا سوريا تشكل خطراً على أمن شعبنا ومنطقتنا في دير الزور. خاصة أن مجموعات المرتزقة التابعة للاحتلال التركي ومرتزقة داعش تنشط من جديد في بادية دير الزور. بناءً على ذلك ومن أجل حماية شعبنا، انتشر مقاتونا في مجلس ديرالزور العسكري في المدينة وغرب الفرات. هدفنا من هذا التقدم هو حماية أمننا وأمن شعبنا. لذا سنؤدي مهمتنا التاريخية هذه على أكمل وجه. نقدم جزيل الشكر لجميع شعبنا الذي رحب بنا وساعدنا بشتى إمكاناته. على كافة شعبنا أن يلتف حول مقاتلينا كي نحمي أرضنا جنباً إلى جنب ضد كافة الهجمات.

مجلس دير الزور العسكري
٦ كانون الأول ٢٠٢٤

YPG Press Office

06 Dec, 15:00

Press release by Deir ez-Zour Military Council

To Our People and the Public Opinion

The recent developments in our homeland, Syria, pose a significant threat to the security of our people and the stability of our region in Deir ez-Zor. In particular, the resurgence of Turkish-backed mercenaries and ISIS militants in the Deir ez-Zor desert presents a serious danger.

In response to this situation and to ensure the safety of our people, our fighters in the Deir ez-Zor Military Council have been deployed in the city and west of the Euphrates. Our primary objective is to safeguard our security and the well-being of our community. We are fully committed to fulfilling this historic responsibility to the best of our ability.

We extend our deepest gratitude to our people, who have warmly welcomed us and supported us with all available means. We call upon all our citizens to stand united with our fighters so that together, we can protect our land and resist all forms of aggression.

Deir ez-Zor Military Council
December 6, 2024”

YPG Press Office

06 Dec, 12:50


YPG Press Office

05 Dec, 21:28

Press Release by SDF Media Center

To all local and international media outlets operating in North and East Syria:

The General Commander of the Syrian Democratic Forces, Mazloum Abdi, will hold a press conference to address the latest developments in Syria, with a particular focus on the situation in North and East Syria.

YPG Press Office

05 Dec, 19:51

Rapid developments in the fight against the expansion of the terrorist organization ISIS. An official statement will be released soon

YPG Press Office

05 Dec, 18:33

Update – Our SDF forces are taking effective measures to stop the expansion of ISIS
The terrorist organization ISIS has recently declared control over significant portions of the Homs and Deir Ezzor desert, seizing numerous cities and strategic positions from the Damascus government forces. As the terrorist organization tries to continue its expansion to other unprotected areas, our forces have implemented comprehensive and controlled measures to counter these threats.
Our forces have taken extensive and controlled measures and will intervene effectively to counter any attempt by ISIS to expand into our areas and prevent a repeat of the 2014 scenario.
SDF Media Center
December 5, 2024

YPG Press Office

03 Dec, 20:05

Statement by the Media Center of the Manbij Military Council

Our forces successfully thwarted an infiltration attempt by Turkish occupation mercenaries in the northwestern countryside of Manbij.

At 10:00 PM on Tuesday, a group of Turkish occupation mercenaries attempted to infiltrate the area between the villages of Al-Sayyada and Al-Dandaniya in the northwestern countryside of Manbij.

Thanks to the vigilance of our forces, the Manbij Military Council successfully repelled the mercenary group, forcing them to retreat.

Media Center
Manbij Military Council

YPG Press Office

03 Dec, 04:39

Statement by Deir ez-Zor Military Council on recent developments in Khasham pocket

In light of the critical security situation caused by recent events in western Syria and extending to the desert region, and in recognition of the serious risks posed by imminent movements of significant ISIS cells attempting to establish territorial control in unprotected areas—particularly in northern and eastern Deir ez-Zor—we affirm that our forces have assumed responsibility for protecting the residents of the villages of Al-Salihiyah, Tabiyah, Hatla, Khasham, Marrat, Mazloum, and Al-Husseiniyah in eastern Deir ez-Zor.

This deployment is in direct response to the appeals of local residents amid escalating threats from ISIS, which seeks to exploit the unfolding events in the western part of the country.

Deir ez-Zor Military Council Leadership
December 3, 2024

YPG Press Office

03 Dec, 00:26

قواتنا، قوات مجلس منبج العسكري تحبط محاولة هجوم من قبل مرتزقة الاحتلال التركي على قرى مقاطعة منبج الغربية حيث اوقعت 10قتلى في صفوفهم، من ثم امطرت مرتزقة دولة الاحتلال التركي المنطقة بالعشرات من قذائف المدفعية.

المركز الإعلامي لمجلس منبج العسكري

YPG Press Office

02 Dec, 05:06

Statement by Commander-in-chief of Syrian Democratic Forces Mazlum Abdi

“The situation in northwestern Syria has rapidly and unexpectedly escalated, with our forces facing intense attacks from multiple fronts. Following the collapse and withdrawal of the Syrian army and its allies, we intervened to establish a humanitarian corridor connecting our eastern regions with Aleppo and the Tel Rifaat area to protect our people from potential massacres.

However, attacks by armed groups supported by the Turkish occupation have disrupted this corridor.

Our forces have bravely defended our people in Aleppo, Tel Rifaat, and the Shahba region. We are coordinating with all relevant parties in Syria to ensure the safety of our people and facilitate their evacuation from Tel Rifaat and Shahba to our secure regions in northeastern Syria.

Meanwhile, our forces continue to resist to protect our people in the Kurdish neighborhoods of Aleppo.”

YPG Press Office

30 Nov, 00:40

Kurdish civilians in Sheikh Maqsoud, #Aleppo, are preparing to defend their neighborhood in the event of an attack.

YPG Press Office

29 Nov, 20:59

Statement by Head of SDF Media Center Farhad Shami

“The attack plan targeting northwestern Syria has been strategically planned by the Turkish occupation forces, aiming to implement their greater agenda in collaboration with the Al-Nusra Front. This operation is being meticulously directed by Turkey, and understanding its full scope requires acknowledging Turkey’s pivotal role in the process.

The developments in northwestern Syria are highly sensitive. We are closely monitoring the developments with utmost attention. Regardless of the circumstances, our unwavering national and moral priority remains the defense of our people and our regions. Accordingly, we will intervene if necessary to protect them.”

YPG Press Office

29 Nov, 20:59


YPG Press Office

26 Nov, 17:41

بيان عملية قرية بويهج العجمي – مقتل 17 مرتزقاً
Di Çalakiya Gundê Biwêhic de 17 Çete Hatin Kuştin
Statement on The Successful Operation of Buwaihij Al-Ajmi | 17 Turkish-Backed Mercenaries Eliminated

YPG Press Office

26 Nov, 17:40

تحديث – مشاهد مصورة توثق العملية النوعية التي نفذتها قوّات مجلس منبج العسكري ضد نقاط مرتزقة الاحتلال التركي في قرية بويهج – العجمي غرب منبج، بتاريخ ٢٤ تشرين الثاني الجاري.

حيث تتضمن المشاهد لقطات تظهر شجاعة والمستوى العالي من القتال لقواتنا بمواجهة بقايا تنظيم داعش الإرهابي – مرتزقة الاحتلال التركي.
المشاهد توثيقية لعملية استمرت أكثر من نصف ساعة.
الفيديو بدقة عالية على الرابط التالي: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aU5F5DrSaQ

YPG Press Office

11 Nov, 08:27

In pictures: The fifth day of the Operation Enduring Security

YPG Press Office

11 Nov, 08:26

Operation Enduring Security | Day Five Update

For the fifth day in a row, Operation Enduring Security has continued search and comb operations within the al-Hol camp and its vicinity, disrupting and dismantling ISIS cells and eliminating conditions conducive to the resurgence of ISIS terrorist activities.

The forces concluded searches in the so-called “female migrants” section of the camp, along with comprehensive census and identity verification procedures.

Successful searches were conducted in the first section of Iraqi citizens in the camp, carried out smoothly with the cooperation of residents and civilian institutions.

Early morning raids were conducted targeting several terrorist hideouts within the camp, resulting in the capture of seven ISIS terrorists from different nationalities. Additional operations throughout the day led to the capture of four more, bringing the total number of terrorists captured on Day Five to eleven.

Extensive investigations were initiated into the torture and murder of a woman by members of ISIS’s so-called “Hisbah apparatus” within the “female migrants” section. Eight ISIS women have been interrogated as part of this investigation.

Today morning (Day Six), search operations have commenced simultaneously in the second and fourth sections of the camp, accompanied by targeted raids on suspected hideouts. Further updates on the results of these operations will be provided in due course.

The forces of Operation Enduring Security reaffirm their unwavering commitment to enhancing security and thwarting the ongoing threats posed by ISIS to the region and its inhabitants. The forces express sincere gratitude for the continued cooperation and support of the local population during search operations and the pursuit of terrorist elements.
Operation Room of Enduring Security
November 11, 2024

YPG Press Office

09 Nov, 14:04

Drone footage from the Enduring Security campaign shows the apprehension of an ISIS cell member attempting to escape within Al-Hol camp. The video captures the individual trying to evade a patrol unit by hiding in a tent before ultimately being detained by security forces.

YPG Press Office

09 Nov, 13:49

قوّات عمليَّة "الأمن الدّائم" تُلقي القبض على 7 عناصر لـداعش بمُخيَّم الهول
Operation Enduring Security | Seven ISIS Terrorists Captured in Al-Hol Camp

YPG Press Office

09 Nov, 13:47

Operation Enduring Security update by the Syrian Democratic Forces
Saturday, November 9, 2024

For the fourth day in a row, the operation room of Operation Enduring Security continues its comprehensive search and clearance campaign in and around the al-Hol camp, dismantling numerous terrorist cells both inside and outside the camp.

These operations involve extensive combing of large geographical areas and precise raids on terrorists’ hideouts.

On the third day, the participating forces conducted thorough searches in the city of al-Hol, its suburbs, and significant parts of the camp. As a result, 16 ISIS terrorists were captured and a quantity of weapons, ammunition, and military supplies were seized. The forces also uncovered two concealed trenches within the camp, used to hide weapons and personnel.

During these operations, some members of the ISIS terrorist cells attempted to escape and move within the sections of the camp. However, all such attempts were thwarted, and the operation forces successfully captured them and implemented necessary security measures.

Operation Room of Enduring Security
November 9, 2024

YPG Press Office

09 Nov, 13:44


YPG Press Office

08 Nov, 14:27


YPG Press Office

08 Nov, 14:26

from the combing operations inside al-Hawl camp

YPG Press Office

01 Nov, 07:57

Daxuyanî bi boneya 1ê Mijdarê Roja Kobanî ya Cîhanî

Ku: https://ypgrojava.org/daxuyani/bi-boneya-1-e-mijdare-roja-kobani-ya-cihane1730447433

En: https://ypgrojava.org/press-release/on-world-kobani-day-november-1st1730447245

YPG Press Office

27 Oct, 10:43


YPG Press Office

26 Oct, 17:00

القائد العام لقوّاتنا: أهداف الهجمات التُّركيَّة القضاء على الإدارة الذّاتيَّة وزعزعة استقرار مناطقنا
Our SDF Commander-in-Chief: The Turkish Attacks Aimes at Destroying the AANES and Undermining Security and Stability

YPG Press Office

25 Oct, 18:49


YPG Press Office

23 Oct, 12:37


YPG Press Office

17 Oct, 14:39


YPG Press Office

15 Oct, 15:12


Ji bo bîranîna lehengê berxwedana Kobanî, Apê Nemir

YPG Press Office

14 Oct, 14:44

Yek ji sembolên berxwedana Kobanî, Apê Nemir, tevlî karwana nemiran bû.


YPG Press Office

31 Aug, 09:15


YPG Press Office

29 Aug, 12:09


YPG Press Office

24 Aug, 08:44


YPG Press Office

03 Aug, 15:23


YPG Press Office

03 Aug, 02:14

On the 10th anniversary of the Sinjar massacre, we solemnly honor the memory of the Yazidis who lost their lives and the courageous freedom fighters who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect the Yazidi community. We reaffirm our unwavering commitment to defending the Yazidi people and all oppressed communities against any and all threats.

Link to full statement

Ku: https://ypgrojava.org/daxuyani/bi-boneya-salvegera-komkujiya-li-ser-gele-ezidi-li-singale1722646867

En: https://ypgrojava.org/press-release/on-the-anniversary-of-the-shengal-massacre1722647026

YPG Press Office

01 Aug, 11:37


YPG Press Office

21 Jul, 07:52

SDF fighters, joined by the General Command, came together to commemorate the anniversary of the Rojava revolution. Addressing fighters, Commander-in-Chief Mazlum Abdi reflected on the revolution's achievements, honored our fallen comrades, and affirmed the forces' readiness to defend against potential threats.

Şervanên Hêzên Sûriya Demokratîk, bi rengekî girseyî û bi tevlîbûna Fermandariya Giştî 19ê Tîrmehê, salvegera şoreşa Rojava pîroz kirin.


YPG Press Office

21 Jul, 07:13


YPG Press Office

19 Jul, 05:29


YPG Press Office

19 Jul, 04:20

Today, we proudly celebrate 12th anniversary of the Rojava Revolution. We honor our heroes and their sacrifices, which paved the way for freedom, equality and justice in Kurdistan, Syria and the Middle East. We celebrate the courage and resilience of our people.




YPG Press Office

11 Jul, 10:46

YPJ Konferansa xwe ya 4emîn li dar xist