Youth Front @youthfront Channel on Telegram

Youth Front



Golden Dawn, new generation 🇬🇷🏴(en)

Contact: [email protected]

Youth Front (English)

Are you a young individual passionate about ideology, action, and revolution? Look no further than Youth Front, the Telegram channel dedicated to the new generation of Golden Dawn 🇬🇷🏴. With a focus on promoting the values of Golden Dawn and inspiring change through action, Youth Front is the perfect platform for like-minded individuals to come together and make a difference. Stay up to date with the latest news, events, and initiatives by joining our channel today. For more information, visit our website at or contact us at [email protected]. Join us in shaping the future and being part of a powerful movement for change.

Youth Front

13 Feb, 22:27

The bloody "right side of history"


Youth Front

11 Feb, 13:35

Недавне злочиначке акције Турске у Сирији, и Израела у појасу Газе (која и даље траје), само потврђују разбојнички и екстремистички карактер ових двеју држава, које су саздане на темељу масовног злочина и терора. Турска, на темељу исламистичких злочина над хришћанима, а Израел на темељу ционистичких злочина над хришћанима и другим нејеврејима. 🌟🌟

Цео чланак: Израел и Турска су криминалне државе!

Youth Front

04 Feb, 11:45

Поздравно писмо Србске Акције, прочитано на скупу ИМИА 2025, у Атини

Србска Акција пружа подршку друговима из Златне зоре који истрајавају у неговању успомене на тројицу грчких војника убијених од стране турских зликоваца. Наши заједнички непријатељи су и Турци и други исламисти, али и издајничке либералне владе наших држава, које својим млаким држањем, охрабрују исламисте. 

Злочин који се збио на острву ИМИА, представља злочин против наше православне цивилизације, и злочин против хришћанске Европе. Баш као и бројни злочини шиптарских и других исламиста над Србима, који трају до данас.
Ми се заједнички морамо борити против турског агресора и окупатора и његових исламских сателита широм нашег православног Балкана. И борити се против модерне мондијалистичке окупације и лажних елита наших држава, које су слуге Брисела и Вашингтона.
Морамо се борити за истину о свим злочинима против наше заједничке европске отаџбине, јер та истина је један од темеља сутрашње победе синова и кћери истинске Европе!

Нека је вечан спомен страдалим грчким јунацима!

Живела Грчка!

Живело србско-грчко братство!

Овом приликом, пружамо подршку нашим друговима из Златне зоре којима је полицијском тортуром, онемогућено да у предвиђеном обиму одрже горепоменути традиционални скуп сећања на тројицу убијених грчких војника. О детаљима у вези наведеног, можете прочитати у саопштењу грчких другова.
И овом проликом, пружамо подршку њиховом утамниченом вођи Николаосу Михалолиакосу!

Живела Златна зора! 🇬🇷

Слобода за Н. Михалолиакоса!

Youth Front

02 Feb, 18:07

Yesterday, we witnessed one of the largest suppression operations against Nationalist activism in Greece.

The, legally announced, annual rally in honour of our fallen Navy Officers and in solidarity with N.G. Michaloliakos was banned. Dozens of the local Youth Front activists were detained from various locations, even while laying a wreath to the monument of the fallen. At the same time, police set ambushes in every metro station to prevent any public mobilisation of our supporters!

Immediately, a protest was organised outside the "Security Ministry" by a group of the remaining free Comrades. There, the government's criminal policies were exposed in front of hundreds of passing citizens. Also messages of solidarity were read, from our brothers from "Serbian Action", "Double-headed Eagle" & NOP

All of our Comrades were released late after midnight as there were absolutely no possible charges.

Our message to our desperate enemies is clear: YOU WILL NEVER GET RID OF GOLDEN DAWN!


Youth Front

29 Jan, 18:01

Wolność dla Nikolaosa Michaloliakosa! Freedom for Nikolaos Michaloliakos!

Nikolaos Michaloliakos, przyjaciel Narodowego Odrodzenia Polski, pokazał przez lata ducha prawdziwego Politycznego Żołnierza. Jesteśmy pewni, że ostatecznie to on i Złoty Świt zatriumfują.

Polecamy w sklepie "Archipelag" i księgarni 3DOM pierwszą książkę wydaną w języku polskim, której autorem jest Nikolaos Michaloliakos.

#NOP #XA #ZłotyŚwit #Brotherhood #Poland #Greece #ThirdPosition #nationalism #WielkaPolska #MegaliHellas

Youth Front

28 Jan, 16:16


Nikolaos Michaloliakos is the most prominent Greek Nationalist of current age. He has been an active political figure and an astute Greek patriot since he was 16 years old and in 1980 he founded the most successful Nationalist organization in modern Greek history — «Golden Dawn».

At this moment he is being held in prison after already serving his sentence. His health is deteriorating because of horrible conditions that lead to his two hospitalizations. But against all laws he is being denied his release and is kept by the corrupt government in solitary confinement.

Benjamin Raymond is a non-violent political activist, founder of National Action and yet another victim of a corrupt System. He has been torn from his family and sentenced to 8 years of imprisonment under ungrounded charges that have been concocted and manipulated to put an innocent man behind bars.

The Russian Nationalist movement the «Two-Headed Eagle» and the Brotherhood of Academists wish to spread awareness about the fates of these men and push the message to demand freedom for the victims of corrupt Systems.

We urge all nationalists around the world to raise your voices and not let such crimes to be tolerated!

More information about Nikolaos

More information about Benjamin

Youth Front

27 Jan, 17:39


Comrades from the 2nd largest city of Greece organised a protest in solidarity with the political prisoner Nikolaos G. Michaloliakos.

Despite the attempts of a strong police force, the activists of Golden Dawn marched outside the courthouse with a banner reading "Freedom to N. Michaloliakos", powerful slogans and thousands of leaflets.

Comrade G. Hasiotis, member of our Political Council and experienced lawyer,
exposed the government abuses in a powerful speech.

➡️ Watch the VIDEO here
➡️ More footage on ANTEPITHESI.GR

Youth Front

26 Jan, 22:20

🔴IMIA March 2025 🇬🇷🏴

On the 1st of February, we are honouring the 3 Navy Officers who were killed defending Greek soil from the eastern enemy of Europe!

We are also marching in solidarity with the
political prisoner Nikolaos Michaloliakos!

ΣΑΒΒΑΤΟ 01/02/2025 19:00

➡️ Ενημέρωση από την ιστοσελίδα XRISIAVGI.COM για οποιαδήποτε εξέλιξη

Youth Front

26 Jan, 21:19

Youth Front pinned Deleted message

Youth Front

26 Jan, 21:12

Griechische Behörden halten Nationalistenführer Michaloliakos trotz ernstem Gesundheitszustand in Gefangenschaft

Dem Höhenflug der griechischen Partei „Chrysi Avgi“ (Goldene Morgenröte) folgte der jähe Absturz nach vorangegangenen Repressionen und drakonischen Urteilen gegen die Führung der Partei...weiterlesen

DER III. WEG: Folgt uns bei Telegram!

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Youth Front

24 Jan, 11:36

Free Nikolaos Michaloliakos!

The founder and a leader of Greek nationalist party Golden Dawn has been kept as a political prisoner for years.
Now the man's life is in danger and the government is trying to sabotage his recovery - this is an attempt of political assassination and continuation of persecution of nationalists in NATO occupied Greece!
We pray for his health and release, and for final victory of Greek nationalists over corrupt and servile Atlantist government.

Long live Golden Dawn, freedom for Nikolaos Michaloliakos! 🇬🇷

Youth Front

23 Jan, 20:24

Николаос Михалолиакос - политички затвореник!

У знак подршке нашим грчким друговима из Златне зоре, као и протеста због правног и физичког насиља мондијалистичког система у Грчкој над утамниченим вођом овог покрета - Николаосом Михалолиакосом, активисти Србске Акције израдили су и истакли пред амбасадом Грчке у Београду, транспарент са поруком којом позивамо на његово ослобађење.

Детаљно о политичком и монтираном судском процесу против Н. Михалолиакоса, као и о његовом политичком путу, можете прочитати у чланку грчких другова, који препоручујемо вашој пажњи.

Ми изражавамо чврсто уверење да ће уз Божију помоћ, Златна зора победити актуелни ционистичко-мондијалистички терор и прогон, те из свих искушења изаћи још снажнија.

Стоп мондијалистичком терору!

Слобода за Н. Михалолиакоса!

Живела Златна зора!
🇬🇷 😃

Youth Front

23 Jan, 19:32

🇷🇸 Испред Грчке амбасаде смо развили паролу у подршку Николаоса Михалолиакоса. Николаос је оснивач и вођа Грчког удружења Златна зора. Он се тренутно налази иза решетка због борбе за своју нацију. Грчка влада врши константну физичку и менталну тортуру над њим. Никад нећемо заборавити на чланове Златне зоре које су жртвовали своје животе за слободу Србског народа у Босни.
Златна зора победити мора!
Слобода за Николаоса Г. Михалолиакоса!

🇬🇧 In front of the Greek Embassy, we unveiled a slogan in support of Nikolaos Mihaloliakos. Nikolaos is the founder and leader of the Greek association Golden Dawn. He is currently behind bars for fighting for his nation. The Greek government inflicts constant physical and mental torture on him. We will never forget the members of Golden Dawn who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of the Serbian people in Bosnia.
Golden Dawn must be victorious!
Freedom for Nikolaos G. Mihaloliakosa!

Youth Front

23 Jan, 15:14

#Represión: El preso político griego y lider de Amanecer Dorado, Nikolaos Michaloliakos, ha sido hospitalizado por segunda vez mientras cumple condena.

En mayo de 2023, fue puesto en libertad tras cumplir su condena según la ley griega. Aún así, su liberación fue cancelada al cabo de un mes, tras una estratagema de la Fiscalía que negaba su puesta en libertad porque seguía sin arrepentirse. Las autoridades lo mantuvo en régimen de aislamiento durante semanas, poniendo en riesgo su salud.

En diciembre pasado, la Junta de Apelaciones rechazó la solicitud de liberación de su abogado, dictaminando una vez más que debería permanecer encarcelado y sufrir las mismas condiciones.

"El gobierno griego cree que puede asesinar a un preso político, violando incluso los “derechos humanos” de los que tanto le gusta hablar, sin tener que afrontar ninguna consecuencia" Amanecer Dorado

¡LIBERTAD para el

[email protected]

Youth Front

23 Jan, 15:14

Όλες οι σελίδες αυτής της νέας έκδοσης είναι προσεκτικά σχεδιασμένες ώστε να αποτελούν 12 μοναδικές αφίσες Εθνικιστικής Ιστορίας και Δράσης!

Youth Front

22 Jan, 11:28

Organisational Event for 2025 Action

Η Τοπική Οργάνωση Θεσσαλονίκης της Χρυσής Αυγής, τηρώντας την Ελληνική παράδοση, προσκαλεί όλους τους φίλους του Κινήματος σε ανοιχτή προς το κοινό εκδήλωση για την κοπή της παραδοσιακής βασιλόπιτας.

Παράλληλα, θα πραγματοποιηθούν σημαντικές ανακοινώσεις σχετικά με τις επερχόμενες Εθνικιστικές δραστηριότητες.

Έναρξη προσέλευσης 19:00

➡️Περισσότερες πληροφορίες: ANTEPITHESI.GR

Youth Front

20 Jan, 20:40


It is crystal clear that we are dealing with an assassination attempt!

Nationalists from all over Greece are donating blood for Michaloliakos’ treatment. An urgent protest has already been held outside the Board, and larger actions will soon take place.

The Greek government believes that they can murder a political prisoner, by violating even the “human rights” they so much like to talk about, without facing any consequences.

We ask our friends around the world to show that there will be no cover-up for that crime!

➡️Read the full statement in English on ANTEPITHESI.GR

Official Contact: [email protected]

Youth Front

09 Jan, 22:55

Συνεχίζονται οι δραστηριότητες του Εθνικιστικού πολυχώρου «ΣΑΡΙΣΑ» 🇬🇷🏴

Another year of activities passed with great success for the nationalist centre of Golden Dawn.

Every week, dozens of young Comrades are waiting for the opening hours, to receive action material, attend the historical and ideological speeches, but also to exchange thoughts and experiences in a unique free nationalist environment.

In fact, "SARISA" became a destination for nationalists from all over Greece!

Επόμενη ανοιχτή λειτουργία Παρασκευή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2025


Youth Front

07 Jan, 17:45

In memory of Jean-Marie Le Pen

"With his unwavering stance against mass immigration, political correctness and the destruction of national identity, he inspired many Nationalists who share the same values on Fatherland, Race and Tradition."

Youth Front

07 Jan, 13:38

Acca Larentia: ο Αγώνας είναι ωραίος ακόμη κι όταν πεθαίνεις 🏴

Franco, Francesco, Stefano: PRESENTI!

Το ιστορικό της δολοφονίας τριών Εθνικιστών φοιτητών από τους κομμουνιστές και την αστυνομία: ANTEPITHESI.GR

Youth Front

01 Jan, 20:08


From our northern borders to the southeastern Aegean, and until the last days of 2024, the activists of the Youth Front marked our words with Action!


Καθώς ανατέλλει το 2025, τα εμπορικά κέντρα πλημμυρίζουν από μάζες που πνίγουν τη ματαιότητα ενός ακόμα έτους σε προσφορές και «γιορτινά» παζάρια. Στον αντίποδα, εμείς οι Χρυσαυγίτες, έχουμε κάθε λόγο να κοιτούμε πίσω στον χρόνο με μια βαθιά ικανοποίηση, τελείως ανεξάρτητη από πρόσκαιρα και υλιστικά υποκατάστατα...

Δείτε την συνέχεια στην ιστοσελίδα ΑΝΤΕΠΙΘΕΣΗ

Youth Front

24 Dec, 19:10

Ένα ακόμα επιτυχημένο αγωνιστικό έτος φτάνει στο τέλος του και, ως Μέτωπο Νεολαίας, έχουμε κάθε λόγο να είμαστε ικανοποιημένοι.

Έτσι, προσκαλούμε όλους τους φίλους της Χρυσής Αυγής, ανεξαρτήτως ηλικίας, σε μια ακόμα «γιορτή-πρόκληση» (όπως την αποκάλεσαν πέρσι κάποιες φυλλάδες).

Περισσότερες πληροφορίες: ANTEPITHESI.GR

Youth Front

13 Dec, 09:59

Christmas Food Collection for families and elderly Greeks in need

Golden Dawn will try for one more year so that every Greek near us can celebrate these Holy days, without struggling for the absolute necessary.

You can support this action by making a donation through PayPal

Περισσότερες πληροφορίες: ANTEPITHESI.GR

Youth Front

09 Dec, 11:00

15/10/1983 – 09/12/2000

Ήταν μόλις 17ετων και αυτή είναι η «αντιναζιστική» δολοφονία που δεν έμαθες:

Youth Front

05 Dec, 13:52

Η Χρυσή Αυγή στο Μνημόσυνο της Χωροφυλακής Μακρυγιάννη

Our Comrades participated in the annual memorial service, held in honour of the officers and guerilla fighters that fought against the armed communist insurrection in Athens 1944.


Youth Front

04 Dec, 08:38

On Friday, the Nationalist centre "SARISA" of the Youth Front, organises a speech on the anti-communist guerilla movement of the "Forest Brothers". It is the unknown history of the unequal resistance in the Baltics, after they were surrendered by the "allies" to Stalin and the Soviet occupation.

Ημερομηνία: Παρασκευή 6 Δεκεμβρίου
Ώρα προσέλευσης: 19:00
Τοποθεσία: Καζαντζάκη 4 (5ος όροφος), Θεσσαλονίκη


Youth Front

02 Dec, 12:04

Εκείνος ο Δεκέμβριος του 1944

On December 1944, a generation hit by hunger and hardship, a generation that grew up in the midst of war and occupation, managed to take up arms against communist hordes and defend our ideals.
Today, how could we let Greece be destroyed without a single bullet shot?

Youth Front

01 Dec, 00:09

Corneliu Codreanu 🇷🇴⚡️🏴

Youth Front

26 Nov, 20:09


Youth Front

19 Nov, 19:05

Κυριάκος Μάτσης: Από τα έδρανα του ΑΠΘ στα βουνά του Πενταδάχτυλου – ΑΝΤΕΠΙΘΕΣΗ

Youth Front

12 Nov, 20:26

From Moscow to Lisbon, Nationalists fight back!

Youth Front activists joined a coordinated anti-globalist action alongside movements from Serbia[2], Russia, Hungary, Portugal, even Brazil, and with the support of Comrades from Italy and France!


Youth Front

12 Nov, 20:26

Youth Front

07 Nov, 22:01


The 1st of November holds great significance for every conscious nationalist and comrade, including like-minded men in Europe and worldwide.

In numerous countries, activist groups and youth organizations honored the memory of our fallen brothers with activism, protests, and tributes, affirming the unity among sincere movements for our Race. In fact, some of them traveled to Greece in order to participate in the ceremony that took place on Heraklion Avenue and lay a wreath at the scene of the murder...

Read more here:

Youth Front

04 Nov, 13:17

At the same time with the main ceremony in Athens, Comrades in several other cities of Greece gathered to honor out fallen brothers, Giorgos and Manolis.

Δείτε περισσότερα:

Youth Front

03 Nov, 19:47

Hundreds of Nationalists honoured the fallen Heroes of Golden Dawn!

Watch the VIDEO here:

Youth Front

02 Nov, 22:40

A Giorgos e Manolis

Youth Front

02 Nov, 13:14

On this day, 11 years ago, Manos Kapelonis and Giorgos Fountoulis, were killed in Athens, near the Golden Dawn offices.

Cowards who chose to strike down these Greek nationalists, choose a method of drive-by, fleeing after murdering the two patriots. Knowing full well that engaging them in fair combat would be futile.

All leftist cowards - anarchists, communists, liberals and other faggots cannot and will not extinguish the flame of Golden Dawn and will of the Greek nationalists!

Eternal memory to the fallen Heroes! 🧛‍♂️

Youth Front

02 Nov, 13:14

With suitable graffiti in Belgrade, activists of Serbian Action payed respects to two of Greek nationalists and activists of Golden Dawn - Jorgos Funtulis and Manolis Capelonis, which were exactly 11 years ago shot and killed in Athens, in front of premises of Golden Dawn office.

That cowardly crime, is an act of anarchist terrorists, which are factually supported by system's media and government in Greece. Namely, weeks before murder happened, intensified spreading of most terrible lies and fabrications about movement Golden Dawn occured, and to this day no one was punished or processed for that crime.
We are convinced that the sacrifice of Jorgos and Manolis is not futile, but that their blood which was spilled for Greece, will be a forever stimulus for the Greek national-revolutionary front.

Jorgos and Manolis - PRESENT!

Youth Front

01 Nov, 22:11

Today, Golden Dawn honoured its fallen Heroes against all state and leftist efforts!

Full photo & video coverage soon on


Πλήρης κάλυψη της εκδήλωσης σύντομα στην ιστοσελίδα Αντεπίθεση

Youth Front

28 Oct, 11:45

On October 28, 2018, Konstantinos Katsifas was shot dead by Albanian special police forces!

Konstantinos was murdered in a premeditated terror operation against the Greeks of Northern Epirus. He was targeted for his Nationalist spirit and action, both in the Greek state and in his occupied homeland, where he insisted on raising the Greek flag.

Every October 28th the government remains silent and no parliamentary party dares to make a single announcement!

Our Movement stands again against all these bearers of oblivion and betrayal! Dozens of Youth Front activists organised a powerful action in the center of Thessaloniki.

With stickers, banners and loud slogans, they spread Konstantinos' vision for the liberation of Northern Epirus in front of thousands of citizens, government buildings and consulates.

In Athens, Laconia and Rhodes, local comrades also raised banners and made graffiti


Youth Front

24 Oct, 23:56

Συνεχείς δράσεις σε Αθήνα, Πειραιά, Θεσσαλονίκη, Ρόδο και Καλαμάτα

Για πολλοστή φορά, Συναγωνιστές από διαφορετικές περιοχές της Ελλάδος δίνουν το παράδειγμα θέτοντας το Μέτωπο Νεολαίας στην πρωτοπορία του εθνικιστικού αγώνα!

Nationalist resistance, with the Youth Front

Banners, leaflets, graffiti and thousands of stickers! Comrades from all over Greece are spreading the message of Nationalism with weekly activism, paying extra attention to neighbourhoods affected by the hordes of illegal migrants.

More photos in

Youth Front

21 Oct, 11:08

On November 1, 2013, two young Greeks, two of our brothers, Manos Kapelonis and Giorgos Fountoulis, were killed by the bullets of coward murderes, in front of the offices of our Movement.

They were murdered because they were Nationalists of Golden Dawn, daring to stand up in an era of slaves, fighting for Fatherland, Faith, Freedom!

Golden Dawn does not forget its Heroes On the 1st of November 19:00, we call every Comrade to be at the site of the assassination. There, we will once again send the message of National Resistance!

Λεωφόρος Ηρακλείου 420
Παρασκευή, 1 Νοεμβρίου 2024
Έναρξη, ώρα 19:00

Youth Front

17 Oct, 11:24

The Nationalist centre "SARISA" is holding a lecture on the history of Greek guerrilla warfare in macedonia, during the turkish occupation.

Στο πλαίσιο της εκδήλωσης, θα ακολουθήσει ανοιχτή συζήτηση και ανακοινώσεις σχετικά με επερχόμενες δραστηριότητες του Κινήματος μας.

Περισσότερες πληροφορίες: ANTEPITHESI.GR

Youth Front

14 Oct, 09:59

One more victim of the anti-racist regime!

38-year-old Konstantina, a mother of two children, was killed on Friday in a hit-and-run by gypsies who were "racing" in a public road!

Our local Comrades raised banners against the cover-up of the "romani" criminality by the politicians, in Konstantina's village and the nearby city of Nafplion.

The anger of the local community is completely justified. We stand with them against the regime that lets our people suffer for the sake of a sick anti-racist mentality and a bunch of votes!


Youth Front

12 Oct, 16:31

The nationalist centre "SARISA" continues its activities with impressive success, attracting a large number of new Comrades.

The summer break was an opportunity for the activists of the Youth Front to dedicate many hours of volunteer work giving the necessary aesthetics to the new facilities of our centre. But, even after this expansion, SARISA remains packed every week!

More photos in

Youth Front

05 Oct, 21:34

On 28th of September, a group of Youth Front activists were unreasonably detained by "state security" forces outside a liberal institute.

Our comrades were legally protesting a degenerate event that was held with the support of "Ministry of Culture", featuring "drag shows" and illegal migrants alongside "activities for kids"!

Rightly so, the system fears the activities of our Movement.

Multiple times in the past few years, our unstoppable activism succeeded in informing the public about the true nature of these organisations, leading to the cancellation of such vile events, both in Athens and Thessaloniki.

We don't complain about such obstacles, on the contrary, we welcome them as evidence that we are still walking the path of Virtue!

Youth Front

12 Sep, 21:08

Νέα σχέδια διαθέσιμα στον Εθνικιστικό πολυχώρο ΣΑΡΙΣΑ! 🏴🇬🇷

Youth Front

12 Sep, 15:39

Youth Front pinned «THERMOPYLAE 2024: The flame of GOLDEN DAWN will never go out! Official video:»

Youth Front

12 Sep, 15:11

Back to school
Give this battle with us

Βασικές πληροφορίες, για τους αναγνώστες-Συναγωνιστές που θα βρεθούν και φέτος στα σχολικά θρανία:

Youth Front

09 Sep, 20:55

𝕬𝖌𝖆𝖎𝖓𝖘𝖙 𝕬𝖑𝖑 🇬🇷🏴

Official video

Youth Front

09 Sep, 18:38

THERMOPYLAE 2024: The flame of GOLDEN DAWN will never go out!

Official video:

Youth Front

08 Sep, 16:08

🇷🇸 Наши активисти у Грчкој са саборцима из Златне Зоре.

Ускоро опширније.

🇬🇧 Our activists in Greece with comrades from Golden Dawn.

More details soon.

Youth Front

30 Aug, 23:25

Thermopylae Memorial
Ceremony 2024:
Saturday, September 7


Youth Front

24 Aug, 14:59

On August 22, 1922, Irish Nationalist Michael Collins was killed. Military leader of the IRA during the Struggle for Irish Independence from the British colonialists (1919-1921) and Sinn Féin Nationalist MP. The man who single-handedly brought an Empire to its knees and who created Ireland as a state. He was shot by a fellow countryman during the Irish Civil War.

Youth Front

19 Aug, 15:13

White Boy Summer 🏴⛱️

Youth Front

14 Aug, 14:31

Solomos Solomou IMMORTAL 🇬🇷

Murdered by the Turks
Betrayed by the politicians

(more soon in

Youth Front

11 Aug, 16:16

Κανείς δεν γεννιέται Ήρωας… Ήρωας μπορείς να γίνεις μέσα σε μια στιγμή, σε μια απόφαση ενός δευτερολέπτου…. Αυτή την απόφαση πήρε και ο 24χρονος τότε, Τάσος Ισαακ… Δεν σκέφτηκε την δουλειά του, το σπίτι του, την οικογένεια του… Αφοσιωμένος σε ένα σκοπό, ταγμένος σε έναν Αγώνα… Ήθελε να στείλει το μήνυμα… "ΑΠΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΩΣΗ Η ΜΟΝΗ ΛΥΣΗ"…
Κάποια στιγμή είδε τους Συνοδοιπόρους του, τους Συναγωνιστές του παγιδευμένους στα συρματοπλέγματα, να ξυλοκοπούνται από αστυνομικούς του ψευδοκρατους και γκρίζους λύκους… Έτρεξε να βοηθήσει…
Ήταν 11 Αυγούστου του 1996 και ο Τάσος Ισαακ κοιτούσε στα μάτια πλέον τον Παλικαριδη, τον Αυξεντιου, τον Καραολη, τον Δημητρίου και όλους τους ΉΡΩΕΣ που έβγαλε από τα σπλάχνα της η Κύπρος…

Youth Front

05 Aug, 21:12

Youth Front hung banners in Athens for the events that are happening in Britain.


Youth Front

31 Jul, 20:00

Our youth does not forget the action and sacrifice of Ion Dragoumis! This year, as every year, commemorated him at the scene of his cowardly murder, in the centre of Athens, shouting "IMMORTAL"!
