#آية_الله_العظمى_الشيخ_الوحيد_الخراساني (دام ظله الوارف )
يا علي مدد is a Telegram channel dedicated to spreading the teachings and wisdom of Imam Ali, the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad. The channel, with the username @y_ali_madad, was created on June 17, 2019, and has been serving its community since then. The channel admin has dedicated all the rewards and blessings of the content shared on the channel to the soul of their deceased parent, making it a place of remembrance and spiritual growth.
The channel regularly posts quotes, poems, and reflections on the teachings of Imam Ali, inviting followers to contemplate on their meanings and integrate them into their daily lives. The content shared is meant to inspire, uplift, and remind followers of the values of love, compassion, and wisdom that Imam Ali embodied.
Whether you are a devoted follower of Imam Ali or simply interested in learning more about his teachings, يا علي مدد is a channel that welcomes all those who seek spiritual enrichment and guidance. Join the community today and immerse yourself in the timeless wisdom of one of Islam's most revered figures.
20 Dec, 15:02
23 Nov, 00:08
18 Nov, 06:18
17 Nov, 20:39
17 Nov, 20:39
14 Mar, 05:14
03 Feb, 22:33
31 Jan, 18:53
22 Jan, 16:14
17 Jan, 18:30
17 Jan, 14:40
16 Jan, 13:02
15 Jan, 14:00
12 Jan, 23:04
12 Jan, 16:18
04 Jan, 15:24
03 Dec, 11:09
02 Dec, 11:20
28 Oct, 11:17
28 Sep, 20:52