ادور الحاجة اللي تستحقّ جهدي ✨
Welcome to سوسايه🤍🏹 Telegram channel! This channel, managed by the user @writes7, is a place where you can find beautiful and inspiring quotes. The title of the channel, سوسايه, translates to 'Sosayeh' in English, and it is a collection of heartfelt and touching quotes that will resonate with your soul. Whether you are looking for words of wisdom, motivation, or comfort, this channel has you covered. Join us and let your soul be nourished by the words that touch your heart. Come and be a part of our community where we share quotes that speak to the depth of our emotions and experiences. Remember, 'وَجهك يَواسي روحَـي'. Stay inspired with سوسايه🤍🏹!
01 Feb, 15:43
31 Jan, 18:08
31 Jan, 15:43
31 Jan, 15:41
07 Jan, 14:07
07 Jan, 14:05
27 Dec, 16:59
05 Dec, 16:14
28 Nov, 10:08
26 Nov, 17:42
25 Oct, 08:05