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Word Every Day
Expand your English vocabulary one word per day.

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Последний контент, опубликованный в Word Every Day на Telegram

Word Every Day

11 Feb, 12:00


ruminate • / ROO-muh-nayt / • verb

To ruminate is to think carefully and deeply about something.

• We ruminated over the implications of our decision.
Word Every Day

10 Feb, 12:00


vestige • / VESS-tij / • noun

A vestige is a trace, mark, or visible sign left by something lost or vanished.

• The ruins here are the last vestiges of the Roman occupation in this part of Britain.
Word Every Day

09 Feb, 12:00


ecstatic • / ek-STAT-ik / • adjective

Someone described as ecstatic is very happy or excited; the person feels or shows ecstasy—that is, rapturous delight.

• Greta and Sam were ecstatic when their daughter called to tell them that they were soon going to be grandparents.
Word Every Day

30 Jan, 12:00


audition • / aw-DISH-un / • noun

An audition is a short performance to show the talents of someone (such as an actor or a musician) who is being considered for a role in a play, a position in an orchestra, etc.

Auditions will be held next week for the spring musical.
• She had an audition for a small part but ended up landing a starring role.
Word Every Day

29 Jan, 12:00


facetious • / fuh-SEE-shuss / • adjective

Facetious is used to describe something, such as a remark or behavior, that is meant to be humorous or funny but is sometimes instead annoying, silly, or improper. It can also be used to describe someone who is joking, often implying that they are doing so inappropriately.

• The emcee delivered several facetious quips throughout the night that the audience found in poor taste.
• I was just being facetious—I didn't mean it seriously.
Word Every Day

28 Jan, 12:00


sward • / SWORD / • noun

Sward is a literary word that refers to an area of land covered with grass.

• The hikers emerged from the forest to find a green sward stretching out before them, and dotted with yellow and purple flowers.
Word Every Day

27 Jan, 12:00


edify • / ED-uh-fye / • verb

To edify someone is to teach them in a way that improves their mind or character.

• The commencement speaker hoped that her words would edify the graduates, and give them hope and encouragement.
Word Every Day

26 Jan, 12:00


circuitous • / ser-KYOO-uh-tus / • adjective

If something—such as a path, route, or journey—is described as circuitous, it is not straight, short, and direct, but rather takes a circular or winding course. Circuitous can also describe speech or writing that is not said or done simply or clearly.

• He took a circuitous route to town, stopping at several of his favorite shops even though it added minutes and miles to his trip.
• While either method will yield the correct answer, one is far less circuitous and therefore considered superior.
Word Every Day

25 Jan, 12:00


nomenclature • / NOH-mun-klay-cher / • noun

Nomenclature is a formal word that refers to a system of names that is used in specialized fields and especially in science. Nomenclature is also used more broadly as a synonym of name and designation.

• It took Faith, a trained herpetologist, a while to become familiar with the nomenclature used at the entomology conference.
Word Every Day

24 Jan, 12:00


divers • / DYE-verz / • adjective

Divers is an adjective meaning "numbering more than one."

• The tri-county fair offers divers amusements for the whole family.