Wolkite University Information Center @wkuexams2 Channel on Telegram

Wolkite University Information Center


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● Information
● Freshman courses exam papers

If you are here to get WKU Freshman courses exam papers please check out the pinned post in this channel

Wolkite University Information Center (English)

Welcome to the Wolkite University Information Center! This unofficial Telegram channel, with the username @wkuexams2, is dedicated to providing valuable information to students and individuals interested in Wolkite University. Here, you can find a variety of resources including information updates and access to Freshman courses exam papers. If you are looking for WKU Freshman courses exam papers, be sure to check out the pinned post in this channel. Stay connected with us to stay informed and up-to-date with all the latest happenings at Wolkite University!

Wolkite University Information Center

17 Feb, 14:34


Wolkite University Information Center

13 Feb, 14:32

Wolkite University Information Center pinned «🚨 ስንቶቻችሁ ናችሁ ድሮ የተከፈተ ግሩፕ እንደሚሸጥ ምታቁት ማለትም በፈረንጆቹ ከ 2016-2023 ያሉ ወይም በዛ አመተምህረት የተከፈቱ ግሩፖች አሁን ተፈላጊነት አላቸው 👍 እና እኔም 🤓 ባልኳቹህ አመት ላይ የተከፈቱ ግሩፕ ያላችሁ ማለትም                     🔴2023           🔴2022           🔴2021           🔴2020           🔴2016-2019 ከላይ…»

Wolkite University Information Center

11 Feb, 13:32

Wolkite University Information Center pinned «🚨 ስንቶቻችሁ ናችሁ ድሮ የተከፈተ ግሩፕ እንደሚሸጥ ምታቁት ማለትም በፈረንጆቹ ከ 2016-2023 ያሉ ወይም በዛ አመተምህረት የተከፈቱ ግሩፖች አሁን ተፈላጊነት አላቸው 👍 እና እኔም 🤓 ባልኳቹህ አመት ላይ የተከፈቱ ግሩፕ ያላችሁ ማለትም                     🔴2023           🔴2022           🔴2021           🔴2020           🔴2016-2019 ከላይ…»

Wolkite University Information Center

08 Feb, 17:31

🚨 ስንቶቻችሁ ናችሁ ድሮ የተከፈተ ግሩፕ እንደሚሸጥ ምታቁት

ማለትም በፈረንጆቹ ከ 2016-2023 ያሉ ወይም በዛ አመተምህረት የተከፈቱ ግሩፖች አሁን ተፈላጊነት አላቸው 👍

እና እኔም 🤓 ባልኳቹህ አመት ላይ የተከፈቱ ግሩፕ ያላችሁ ማለትም

ከላይ በጠቀስኳቸው አመት ላይ የተከፈተ ግሩፕ ያላቹ ከታች በማስቀምጠው አካውንት በማምጣት መሸጥ ትችላላችሁ

ለመሸጥ  ➡️@Finolamo☑️

⚠️ እኔ የግሩፑ የተከፈተበት አመት እንጂ የMember ብዛት ሚፈጥረው አዲስ ነገር የለም

⚠️ Members ብዛት 0 ቢሆንም ይፈለጋል

⚠️ Chat ቢያንስ 10 በላይ ሊኖረው ይገባል (የድሮ)

ለመሸጥ ➡️ @Finolamo☑️

Wolkite University Information Center

21 Jan, 09:18


Wolkite University Information Center

17 Jan, 06:47

Hello everyone!

We appreciate your participation in our Wolkite University Telegram channel! However, we've noticed that engagement has been low. Your reactions to posts are incredibly important for the growth and development of this channel, especially when it comes to sharing our extensive collection of Wolkite exams from different years.

To help us post these exams consistently, we kindly ask you to react to each post using emojis (such as 👍, 😂, 😘, ❤️, 😍, 😊, 😁, ☺️, 😔, 😄, 😭, 💋, 😒, 😳, 😜, etc.). Your engagement not only shows support but also enhances the channel's visibility, ensuring our efforts are worthwhile.

Let’s work together to make this channel a vibrant resource for everyone! Thank you for your cooperation, and we look forward to sharing more exams soon!

Best regards


Wolkite University Information Center

17 Jan, 06:34

Share this to Remedial students


Wolkite University Information Center

17 Jan, 06:30

Dr Eyerusalem Getu Shared her experience as being medical student and General Practitioner(fresh Graduated doctor). please share. and heed what she uttered!


Wolkite University Information Center

17 Jan, 06:30

Dr Eyerusalem Getu Shared her experience as being medical student and General Practitioner(fresh Graduated doctor). please share. and heed what she uttered!

Dr H. Getaneh

Dental Medicine Lecturer @ Black Lion Hospital

Pharmacy Alumni Experience

🗣Pharmacist Mohammed

Medical Laboratory Alumni Experience


Wolkite University Information Center

17 Jan, 06:24

📚 Wolkite University
Communication English Language Skills
First Semester Midterm Exam

Join us on telegram
Username: @WKUEXAMS2

Wolkite University Information Center

17 Jan, 06:22

Join us on telegram
Username: @WKUEXAMS2

Wolkite University Information Center

13 Jan, 17:57

05/05/2017 ዓ.ም
በወልቂጤ ዩኒቨርሲቲ አዲስ ለተመደባቹህ የሪሜዲያል (REMEDIAL) ተማሪዎች በሙሉ

ወልቂጤ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ለሪሜዲያል (REMEDIAL) የተመደባችሁ ተማሪዎች የመግቢያ ጊዜ ጥር 26-27/2017 ዓ.ም መሆኑን አውቃችሁ በተጠቀሱት ቀናት በአካል በመገኘት እንድትመዘገቡ እያሳሰብን ትምህርት የሚጀመረው ጥር 28/2017 ዓ.ም መሆኑን አውቃችሁ ዝግጅት እንድታደርጉ እናሳውቃለን፡፡
ተማሪዎች ወደ ዩኒቨርሲቲው ስትመጡ የሚከተሉትን ይዛችሁ መምጣት ይጠበቅባችኃል፡፡
1ኛ. መሰናዶ ያጠናቀቃችሁበትን ሰርተፍኬት፣ ከ9ኛ እስከ 12ኛ ክፍል ትራንስክሪፕት፣ የ8ኛ ክፍል ካርድ ዋናውን ከማይመለስ አንድ ኮፒ ጋር እና አራት 3x4 ጉርድ ፎቶ ግራፍ፡፡
2ኛ. አንሶላ፣ ብርድ ልብስ እና የትራስ ጨርቅ ይዛችሁ መምጣት እንዳለባችሁ እናሳስባለን፡፡
3ኛ. ይህንን የመግቢያ ጊዜ አሳልፎም ሆነ ቀድሞ የሚመጣ ተማሪን ዩኒቨርሲቲው የማያስተናግድ መሆኑን እንገልፃለን፡፡
የወልቂጤ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ሬጅስትራር ዳይሬክቶሬት
የወልቂጤ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የተማሪዎች ህብረት

የተለያዩ መረጃዎችን ለማግኘት ከእኛ ጋር ቤተሰብ ይሁኑ!
ቴሌግራም 👉
የወልቂጤ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የተማሪዎች ህብረት 
ፌስቡክ     👉 
የወልቂጤ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የተማሪዎች ህብረት
ድህረ-ገፅ   👉  የወልቂጤ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የተማሪዎች ህብረት

ለየትኛውም አስተያየት እና ጥያቄ
ቴሌግራም ቦት 👉

ለአብሮነቶ ከልብ እናመሰግናለን

Wolkite University Information Center

11 Jan, 07:13

Mathematics mid exam for social sciences
Welkite University

Wolkite University Information Center

08 Jan, 15:59


Wolkite University Information Center

06 Jan, 12:02


Wolkite University Information Center

06 Jan, 09:54


በጣም ብዙዎቻቹ ስለ Remedial የሚገቡበት ቀን እየጠየቃቹ ነው እናም ምንም የተገለፀ ነገር የለም ተረጋጉና ጠብቁ::

Wolkite University Information Center

04 Jan, 15:07

Natural Freshman ተማሪዎች ይህን vedio ገብታቹ እዩትና Comment ላይ ሀሳባቹ አስቀምጡልኝ እዙሁ ከስር👇👇

Wolkite University Information Center

04 Jan, 14:51


Wolkite University Information Center

03 Jan, 07:08

👆👆Bahirdar University Geography mid exam with answer
👉 Comment, like, and share this video ,Comrades!!!

Wolkite University Information Center

03 Jan, 07:06


Wolkite University Information Center

03 Jan, 02:31


Wolkite University Information Center

02 Jan, 15:54


Wolkite University Information Center

02 Jan, 01:31


Wolkite University Information Center

01 Jan, 10:21

Betesebochachen techemari nger keflegachu yemtfelgut nger bcomment asawkun buy buy enodachualen!!!

Wolkite University Information Center

31 Dec, 18:53

Maths mid exam for social science

Wolkite University Information Center

26 Dec, 11:57


Wolkite University Information Center

20 Dec, 05:33


Wolkite University Information Center

14 Dec, 21:08

Enjoy our content? Advertise on this channel and reach a highly engaged audience! 👉🏻

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Start your promotion journey now!

Wolkite University Information Center

14 Dec, 14:15

👉Hurley logic
👉 Serway Physics

👆 Two Reference books that will help u a lot as freshman student

Put this reaction(👍) if u can't access then I will share u!

Wolkite University Information Center

14 Dec, 14:07

👉Wolkite University
👉Logic mid exam

Wolkite University Information Center

14 Dec, 14:00

👉Wolkite University
👉 English mid exam
👉 Full Exam Paper with perfect answer

Share with ur friends!

Wolkite University Information Center

14 Dec, 13:53

👆👆 Full part

Wolkite University Information Center

14 Dec, 13:42

Wolkite University Geography 2014E.C Final Exam full Paper

If u can't pay 50 stars u can send me other exam papers then I will send it to u in return
👉 @Finolamo
Just send me exam papers

Wolkite University Information Center

28 Nov, 09:29


Wolkite University Information Center

28 Nov, 09:26

Cafe Menu:

Wolkite University Information Center

21 Nov, 19:21

The Magic Behind GPA 4.00 is Revealed

"...Four(4.00) ማምጣት ይቻላል ወይ? አው ይቻላል..." ከቃለ መጠየቁ

👉ልምዱ ያጋራቹ ተማሪ Heyru Shamolo ይባላል በFreshman Course አራት ነጥብ በመስራት የህክምና ትምህርት የተቀላቀለ ሲሆን አሁን የ3ተኛ አመት ተማሪ ነው::
👉 Heyru ለሱ Success ረዱኝ የሚላቹ በጣም ብዙ ነገራቶች አጋርቷል በድምፁ ማግኘት ትችላላቹ::
👉ለጓደኞቻቹ አጋሯቸው

በቀጣይ ሁለተኛ የተመረጠው ይዤ እመለሳለሁ


Wolkite University Information Center

19 Nov, 13:13

ቀን፡- 10/03/2017 ዓ/ም
ለወልቂጤ ዩኒቨርሲቲ አዲስ የተመደባችሁ መደበኛ ተማሪዎች በሙሉ!!
በ2017 ዓ.ም የትምህርት ዘመን በመደበኛ መርሃ-ግብር በመጀመሪያ ዲግሪ ትምህርታችሁ ለመማር ከትምህርት ሚኒስቴር ወልቂጤ ዩኒቨርሲቲ አዲስ የተመደባችሁ እንዲሁም በ2016 ዓ/ም በወልቂጤ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ሪሚዲያል ፕሮግራም ትምህርታችሁን ተከታትላችሁ የማለፊያ ውጤት ያመጣችሁ ተማሪዎች ምዝገባ የሚካሄደው ህዳር 26 እና 27 ቀን 2017 ዓ.ም መሆኑን አውቃችሁ ቀጥሎ የተዘረዘሩትን በማሟላት በአካል በመገኘት በተጠቀሱት ቀናት ብቻ ሪፖርት እንድታደርጉ እናሳውቃለን፡፡
1ኛ) ከስምንተኛ እስከ 12ኛ ክፍል ያጠናቀቃችሁበት ሙሉ የትምህርት ማስረጃዎቻችሁ (ሠርተፊኬትና ትራንስክሪብት) ዋናውንና ፎቶ ኮፒ
2ኛ) አራት 3x4 መጠን ያላቸውን ፎቶ ግራፎች፤
3ኛ) ብርድልብስ፣ አንሶላ፣ የትራስ ልብስ እና የስፖርት ትጥቅ
• ይህንን የመግቢያ ጊዜ አሳልፎም ሆነ ቀድሞ የሚመጣ ተማሪን ዩኒቨርሲቲው የማያስተናግድ መሆኑን እንገልጻለን፤
• በ2016 ዓ/ም 1ኛ ሴሚስተር በውጤታችሁ መሠረት ዳግም ቅበላ የተፈቀደላችሁ ተማሪዎች በተጠቀሱ ቀናት እንድታመለክቱ እናሳስባለን፤
የወልቂጤ ዩኒቨርስቲ ሬጅስትራር ጽ/ቤት!!

Wolkite University Information Center

19 Nov, 07:33


Source: TikTok

Wolkite University Information Center

18 Nov, 05:08

The Poll is over and most you have chosen "Successful Strategies to score good grade..." and I will try to come up with it soon!

Stay Tuned!👇

Wolkite University Information Center

17 Nov, 08:16

Wolkite University Information Center pinned «For New fresh students only
What I should come first?

Wolkite University Information Center

17 Nov, 05:57

Announcement: Freshman Registration Update

As of now, there has been no official announcement regarding the registration date for freshman students. To stay updated and receive the latest information, please follow the university's official channels:

- WKU Registrar: WKU Registrar Channel
- WKU Students Union: WKU SU

Make sure to stay connected for important updates!


Wolkite University Information Center

13 Nov, 10:27

To vote in the above poll is allowed for New Wolkite University freshmen or remedial students. Seniors don't vote kindly, and I think there is a grammar mistakes in the title for the poll. However, I want to ask you, what should I post here in this Wolkite University community Telegram channel? All things that are in the poll will be posted according to the number of votes they receive, in order.


Wolkite University Information Center

13 Nov, 10:09

For students preparing to start their journey at university, here are some essential tips and advice to help them get ready:

1. Research the University:
- Familiarize yourself with the university’s programs, campus facilities, and resources. Knowing what is available can help you make the most of your experience.

2. Set Personal Goals:
- Define what you hope to achieve during your time at university, whether academic, personal, or career-related. Having clear goals can guide your focus and efforts.

3. Get Organized:
- Invest in a planner or digital calendar to keep track of important dates, such as application deadlines, orientations, and the start of classes.

4. Financial Planning:
- Understand your tuition fees, living expenses, and budget effectively. Consider scholarships, grants, or part-time work if needed.

5. Connect with Future Classmates:
- Join social media groups or forums related to your university or program. Meeting future classmates can help build a support network before starting.

6. Prepare Academically:
- Review foundational subjects relevant to your intended course of study. Consider brushing up on topics that may be challenging.

7. Pack Smart:
- If moving to campus housing, create a checklist of essentials to bring. Consider clothing appropriate for the local climate, study supplies, and personal items.

8. Familiarize Yourself with Campus Life:
- Look into student organizations, clubs, and activities you may be interested in. Engaging in campus life can enhance your overall experience.

9. Develop Study Skills:
- Start honing effective study habits, time management, and critical thinking skills. University studies often require a different level of independence and initiative.

10. Stay Open-Minded:
- Be prepared for new experiences and perspectives. University is a time for personal growth, and adaptability is key.

11. Health and Well-being:
- Establish healthy routines, including good sleep hygiene, nutrition, and exercise. Also, learn about the mental health resources available on campus.

12. Connect with Faculty:
- Once you start, don’t hesitate to introduce yourself to professors and academic advisors. Building relationships early can lead to valuable mentorship.


Wolkite University Information Center

12 Nov, 09:26

Wolkite University is situated in Wolkite(specificall in Gubre approximately 15Kms from Wolkite), now part of the Central Ethiopian Region,

- Wolkite University:

Here are details regarding some neighboring cities, along with approximate distances and coordinates:

1. Addis Ababa (the capital city)
- Distance: Approximately 157 km (98 miles) to the northeast.

2. Hawassa (capital of the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples' Region)
- Distance: About 95 km (59 miles) to the south.

3. Jimma (a city in the Jimma Zone of the Oromia Region)
- Distance: Roughly 131 km (81 miles) to the west.

4. Mizan Teferi (a town in the Bench Maji Zone)
- Distance: Approximately 171 km (106 miles) to the southwest.


Wolkite University Information Center

12 Nov, 05:35

Wolkite University photo 👆

ከተመቻቹ reaction አስቀምጡ
Part 2 loading...


Wolkite University Information Center

11 Nov, 03:35

1. Programs Offered:
- The university provides a variety of undergraduate and graduate programs across different disciplines.
- Fields of study typically include:
- Arts and social sciences
- Natural and applied sciences
- Business and economics
- Engineering and technology

2. Campus and Facilities:
- The campus is equipped with various facilities to support academic and extracurricular activities, including libraries, laboratories, lecture halls, and sports facilities.

3. Research and Community Engagement:
- Wolkite University emphasizes research and community services, encouraging students and faculty to engage in projects that benefit the local community and contribute to national development.

4. Student Life:
- The university fosters a vibrant student life, hosting cultural, sports, and student organization activities that promote diversity and inclusion.

5. Accreditation and Recognition:
- As part of Ethiopia's higher education system, Wolkite University is recognized by the Ministry of Education and has been accredited to ensure the quality of its programs.


Wolkite University Information Center

10 Nov, 10:35

🌟 Welcome to Our Community Channel!
This is unofficial channel and in this channel you may get:-
● Information
● Freshman courses exam papers

If you are here to get WKU Freshman courses exam papers please check out the pinned post in this channel


Wolkite University Information Center

10 Nov, 10:33

Wolkite University, located in the Gurage Zone of the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples' Region of Ethiopia, was established in 2010. The university offers a diverse range of undergraduate and graduate programs across various fields, including arts, sciences, business, and technology.

Wolkite University is committed to providing high-quality education, promoting research, and engaging with the community. The campus features modern facilities, libraries, and laboratories that create a conducive learning environment. With a focus on inChatGPTtion and practical experience, the university strives to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary for their future careers.

As a vibrant educational institution, Wolkite University encourages participation in extracurricular activities, fostering personal development and leadership skills. Freshman students are welcomed into a supportive community that values diversity and academic excellence, making it an ideal place to begin their higher education journey.


Wolkite University Information Center

09 Nov, 11:10

Game Changer photo 👆👆👆
ታሪኩ እንዲ ነው Pavel Durov( የቴሌግራም ዋና መስራች) ይህ የምትመለከቱት ምስል በራሱ channel ላይ ከቀናት በፊት ስለ Telegram አዳዲስ update ሲያስተዋውቅ ለቆት ነበር እናም Pavel በጣም ብዙ ተከታይ ያለውና 100% በTelgram ማህበረሰብ የሚታመን ሰው ነው::
ይህንም ተከትሎ በጣም ብዙ በtelegram እና በtwitter ያሉ የcrypto ገፆች/channel pavel ስለጠቀሰው አዲሱ project ዘግበውታ::

በዚህ የተነሳ ይህ የተባለለት project በአንድ ሳምንት ብቻ በጣም ብዙ Million ተከታዮች ማግኘት ችሏል::

በዚህ airdrop project መሳተፍ ከፈለጋቹ👇👇

Check out the photo in Pavel's official channel Here

Wolkite University Information Center

07 Nov, 08:40

Memefi Airdrop ( The underrated One)
● ገና ሊስት ከመደረጉ በፊት Lambo እና Ethereum እየሰጠ ይገኛል
● OKX exchange, Kukcoin, MECX ትዊተር ላይ Nov 22, 13:00 UTC. ላይ List እንደሚያደርጉ ገልፀዋል
● አሁላይ $0.02/$Memefi in okx pre-market

ጀምሩት Nov 15th minig ያበቃል👇

Wolkite University Information Center

06 Nov, 03:31

👉Bybit official mining App
👉 Verified


Wolkite University Information Center

05 Nov, 11:41

Plumpy'Nut (ፕላምፕሌት)
Price: 40 birr

For order DM


Wolkite University Information Center

05 Nov, 10:59

Original Minoxidil
Price: 1600birr 1499birr
For order DM


Wolkite University Information Center

05 Nov, 09:49

Top Airdrop projects

1. t.me/seed_coin_bot/app?startapp=725181182
2. https://t.me/cexio_tap_bot?start=1724928021836571

Wolkite University Information Center

02 Nov, 11:26


በዚ ግሩፕ ግቡና refferal link ካላቹ share ተደራረጕ

የምታቁት ሰው add አድርጉ
Let's build our crypto Community!

Wolkite University Information Center

02 Nov, 07:14

15,000,000 users within 4 days😳😳😳

Wolkite University Information Center

01 Nov, 10:57

Paws አንድ ሳምንት ሳይሞላው 12,000,000 users ደርሷል👇👇👇👇

Wolkite University Information Center

30 Oct, 12:47

Viktor🤝Vladmir Smerkis (🐐 , blum CEO)


Wolkite University Information Center

30 Oct, 08:33

Okay buddies!!
This channel is dedicated to guide you and just share the following random characters with your mates and feel free to put your questions in the comment.


Wolkite University Information Center

30 Oct, 05:23

Telegram ያጨናነቀው bot 👇

Wolkite University Information Center

29 Oct, 18:08

Is there anyone here, who is freshman Wolkite University student in 20217E.C
Thumbs up(👍)

Wolkite University Information Center

27 Oct, 05:29

Boom 💥 💥
Memefi pre-market =0.02dollar in okx wallet

Only 10days left to participate in this project

Wolkite University Information Center

26 Oct, 16:52

🧼 የእርድ ሳሙና (Pyary AYURVEDIC) 🧼
👉 ለብጉር
👉 ለፊት ላይ ሽፍታ
👉 ጥሩት ላለ የፊት ቆዶ

Price 150 birr
Available on hand at Wolkite University
Free delivery to dorm

For order DM


Wolkite University Information Center

26 Oct, 07:04

Tomarket Airdrop 5 days left 🍅🍅🍅

እድላቹ ሞክሩ

Wolkite University Information Center

20 Oct, 13:16

👉Available at Wolkite University
👉free dorm Delivery

Wolkite University Information Center

20 Oct, 13:15

Original Minoxidil
Price: 1600birr 1499birr
For order DM


Wolkite University Information Center

20 Oct, 13:15

Product :Protien Shake(Hyper Gain Mass)
Price : 4kg 7500 Birr

For order DM


Wolkite University Information Center

09 Oct, 10:31

TON Dating 😍

Telegram አዲስ TON Dating የሚባል Mini-app(bot) ይዘው መጥተዋል
👉 በዚህ Bot
ሙሉ person information የምታስገቡ ሲሆን መረጃው ትክክለኝነት በሰው check ይደረጋል
👉 Worldwide ከትክክለኛ ሰው ጋር በቀላሉ date ማረግ ትችላላቹ

Bot link :

Wolkite University Information Center

02 Oct, 07:20

በ2016 ዓ.ም አንደኛ አመት ለነበራችሁ ለወልቂጤ ዩንቨርሲቲ ተማሪዎች በሙሉ

በ2016 ዓ.ም አንደኛ አመት ለነበራችሁ ተማሪዎች በሙሉ የአንደኛ አመት ውጤት ከዚህ ሰዓት ጀምሮ ስለሚሰጥ Business and Economics library ፊት ለፊት ወደሚገኙ ክላሶች በመሄደ መቀበል እንደምትችሉ እንገልጻለን።

የወልቂጤ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የተማሪዎች ህብረት

የተለያዩ መረጃዎችን ለማግኘት ከእኛ ጋር ቤተሰብ ይሁኑ!
ቴሌግራም 👉
የወልቂጤ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የተማሪዎች ህብረት 
ፌስቡክ     👉 
የወልቂጤ ዩኒቨርሲቲ  የተማሪዎች ህብረት
ድህረ-ገፅ   👉  የወልቂጤ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የተማሪዎች ህብረት

ለየትኛውም አስተያየት እና ጥያቄ
ቴሌግራም ቦት 👉

Wolkite University Information Center

29 Sep, 08:13

የአርከቴክቼር ት/ት ክፍልን መቀላቀል ለምትፈልጉ የ2016 ዓ.ም የአንደኛ አመት ተማሪዎች ለነበራችሁ በሙሉ

የአርከቴክቼር ት/ት ክፍልን መቀላቀል ለምትፈልጉ የ2016 ዓ.ም የአንደኛ አመት ተማሪዎች ለነበራችሁ በሙሉ የምዝገባ መርሃግብር በቀን 19-20/01/2017 ዓ.ም ማለትም በዕለተ እሁድ እና ሰኞ፤ እንዲሁም Orientation ሰኞ 10:00 የሚከናወን ሲሆን የመግቢያ ፈተናው በቀን 21/01/2017 ዓ.ም በዕለተ ማክሰኞ ከ3:00 ጀምሮ የሚሰጥ ይሆናል።

ምዝገባ የሚከናወንባቸው ስፍራዎች
-የአርከቴክቼር ት/ት ክፍል ህንጻ በሁለተኛው ወለል ቢሮ ቁጥር 02
-በተማሪዎች ህብረት ጽ/ቤት
-የአርከቴክቼር ት/ት ክፍል Head office

የመግቢያ ፈተናው እና Orientation የሚከናወንበት ስፍራ
-arch building ground studio

ለምዝገባው በአካል መቅረብ ያልቻለ ተማሪ ከታች በሚቀመጥለት Username መመዝገብ የሚችል መሆኑን ለመግለጽ እንወዳለን።

@blizerr @meenna2

የወልቂጤ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የተማሪዎች ህብረት

የተለያዩ መረጃዎችን ለማግኘት ከእኛ ጋር ቤተሰብ ይሁኑ!

ፌስቡክ     👉 
የወልቂጤ ዩኒቨርሲቲ  የተማሪዎች ህብረት
ድህረ-ገፅ   👉  የወልቂጤ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የተማሪዎች ህብረት

ለየትኛውም አስተያየት እና ጥያቄ
ቴሌግራም ቦት 👉

ለአብሮነቶ ከልብ እናመሰግናለን

Wolkite University Information Center

27 Sep, 06:07

የ2017 ዓ.ም የሁለተኛ አመት ተማሪዎች የዶርም ድልድል።

የወልቂጤ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የተማሪዎች ህብረት                                                   

የተለያዩ መረጃዎችን ለማግኘት ከእኛ ጋር ቤተሰብ ይሁኑ!
ቴሌግራም 👉 የወልቂጤ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የተማሪዎች ህብረት 
ፌስቡክ 👉የወልቂጤ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የተማሪዎች ህብረት
ድህረ-ገፅ👉የወልቂጤ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የተማሪዎች ህብረት

ለየትኛውም አስተያየት እና ጥያቄ
ቴሌግራም ቦት 👉 @WKUSU_bot

Wolkite University Information Center

25 Sep, 05:14

Wolkite University Information Center pinned «💥Not Pixel አዲስ በ notcoin የተዘጋጀ ትልቅ Project💥 ለመጀመር ከታች ባለው ሊንክ ግቡ https://t.me/notpixel/app?startapp=f725181182 🔥Not Pixel አዲስ በ notcoin የተዘጋጀ ትልቅ Project ነው👻ባለፈው Notcoin አዲስ Game እያዘጋጀ ነው ብያችሁ ነበር፤ አሁን ተዘጋጅቶ አልቋል መስራት የምትፈጉ በደንብ ስሩት🔥 👻ይህ Project ልክ እንደ…»