Последние посты White Lives Matter Official (@whitelivesmatterofficial) в Telegram

Посты канала White Lives Matter Official

White Lives Matter Official
A world-wide, legal, peaceful & anonymous initiative that furthers the interests of White Children through real-life action.

Official chat: @WhiteLivesMatterOfficialChat

This initiative has no connection to any prior WLM 'groups'.
22,638 подписчиков
7,357 фото
3,904 видео
Последнее обновление 10.03.2025 15:15

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Последний контент, опубликованный в White Lives Matter Official на Telegram

White Lives Matter Official

10 Mar, 13:14


🇺🇦 Заявка з міста Київ

🌍 Submission from the city of Kyiv

White Lives Matter Official

10 Mar, 12:37


If you're out there watching from a distance we can use your help bro...
White Lives Matter Official

09 Mar, 21:12


A quick tutorial on how Michigan makes our banners using a projector...
A tip that is not mentioned in the video, using a bold font or lettering,
will make it easier to trace and paint.
White Lives Matter Official

09 Mar, 14:01


🇩🇪 Anonyme Einsendung

📥 Sendet uns eure Fotos und Videos an @WLM_EU_GERMANY_CONTACT oder an unseren @wlmsubmissionbot.

📨 Kontakt aufnehmen und Mitglied werden: @wlmcontactbot.

🖨 Woher bekommt man Aufkleber? Siehe Kapitel 3, in der Anleitung.

🖼 Die Anleitung und eine Auswahl an Motiven findet ihr hier in unserem Materialkanal:

Bei Fragen: @WLM_EU_GERMANY_CONTACT anschreiben, oder meldet euch in unserem chat.

White Lives Matter Official

08 Mar, 20:04


📍Харківська область

White Lives Matter Official

03 Mar, 16:05


Just north of the United States-Mexico border near Yuma, Arizona. Bringing the message of mass deportation now to ground zero of the demographic crisis, beside a bridge our ancestors built. Honor your heritage by defending our soil.

White Lives Matter Official

03 Mar, 12:15


📍Podkarpacie 🇵🇱

⚡️Zacznij działać z nami!
White Lives Matter Official

02 Mar, 20:11


Onze massa geproduceerde WLM borden werden ingezet bij het carnavalsfeest in Brabant. Alaaf!

White Lives Matter Official

02 Mar, 13:05


📍 Zürich

💬 @WLMContactBot - Get involved


🌐 @WhiteLivesMatterOfficial
White Lives Matter Official

01 Mar, 21:48


🇺🇦 Заявка з Чернівецької області

🌎 Submission from Chernivtsi region
