Do you love synthwave, cloudrap, memewave, futurefunk, lofihouse, vaporwave, and lofihiphop? If so, you need to join the Telegram channel 'Vaporwave is not dead'. This channel is a hub for all things related to the vaporwave genre, from music to art to culture. Founded by @zerointernet, this channel brings together fans of vaporwave and similar genres in a vibrant and active community. Stay up to date with the latest releases, discover new artists, and connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for vaporwave. Don't forget to check out the official bot @vaporwaveita_bot for updates and information. Join the market @vaporwaveitagroup for all your vaporwave merchandise needs. And if you want to support the channel, donations are accepted at paypal.me/vaporwaveita. Embrace the nostalgic, dreamy sounds of vaporwave and join 'Vaporwave is not dead' today!
24 Dec, 23:01
12 Dec, 09:18
04 Dec, 19:22
04 Dec, 07:04
28 Nov, 10:00
10 Nov, 08:07
06 Nov, 07:51
31 Oct, 20:50
21 Oct, 10:01
16 Oct, 18:43
25 Sep, 12:26
21 Aug, 14:47