Hoziroq youtubega o’tib videoni ko’rishingiz mumkin🔥
Videoda juda ham ajoyib sovg’a joylashtirilgan👇🏽
Uzbicca a’zo bo’lish: @uzbicmanager 📈 Milliy biznes va sanoat tarmoqlarini rivojlantirish 🌐 Dunyo boʼylab 10.000lab mijozlar 🤝 Delegatsiya boʼlib chet-elga chiqish va eksportni yoʼlga qoʼyishnnUzbic Telegram channel is the ultimate platform for individuals and businesses looking to expand their presence in the national and international markets. With a focus on developing national business and industrial networks, Uzbicca aims to connect over 10,000 clients worldwide. By joining Uzbic, you get access to valuable resources and opportunities for business growth, including delegations to foreign countries for export opportunities. Don't miss out on the chance to join Uzbic and take your business to new heights!
16 Feb, 14:46
07 Feb, 15:06
06 Feb, 15:17
17 Dec, 12:07
17 Dec, 09:14
16 Dec, 13:58
28 Nov, 11:05
27 Nov, 11:18
08 Nov, 14:17
30 Oct, 14:09
22 Oct, 13:41
19 Oct, 14:50
17 Oct, 16:51
17 Oct, 13:56
11 Oct, 13:17