UY BOZORIM l Мирзо Улғбек тумани (Uzbek)
UY BOZORIM l Мирзо Улғбек тумани Telegram channel is a vibrant community dedicated to sharing information, news, and updates about the Mirzo Ulugbek district in Uzbekistan. Whether you are a resident of the district or simply interested in learning more about this historical and cultural hub, this channel is the perfect place for you.
The channel is managed by the dedicated admin @UB_ADMINUZ, who ensures that only relevant and accurate information is shared with the members. From local events and festivals to important announcements and community initiatives, UY BOZORIM l Мирзо Улғбек тумани covers it all.
Joining this channel will not only keep you informed about the latest happenings in the Mirzo Ulugbek district but also allow you to connect with fellow residents and enthusiasts who share your passion for this vibrant community. Don't miss out on the opportunity to be part of this engaging and informative channel! Join UY BOZORIM l Мирзо Улғбек тумани today and stay connected with the heart of Mirzo Ulugbek.