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🔆 Vedic and Associated Literature

📍 Shruti: "That which is heard"; the authoritative religious texts of Hinduism, including the four Vedas and their embedded texts: Samhitas, Brahmanas, Aranyakas, and Upanishads.

📍 Smriti: "Remembered texts"; includes Vedangas, Puranas, epics, Dharmashastras, and Nitishastra.

📍 Vedas: The four ancient Sanskrit texts:
Rig Veda
Yajur Veda
Sama Veda
Atharva Veda

📍 Samhita: A collection of hymns associated with the Vedas.
📍 Brahmanas: Ritualistic texts explaining Vedic sacrifices.
📍 Aranyakas: "Forest books" forming part of the Vedic corpus.
📍 Vedangas: "Limbs of the Veda"; auxiliary texts.
📍 Gayatri Mantra: Verses from the Rig Veda invoking wisdom and enlightenment.
📍 Puranas: Hindu texts containing the history of various dynasties.
📍 Itihasa-Purana: Texts claiming to refer to past events.
📍 Dharmasutras: The earliest Dharmashastras, written in aphoristic style.
📍 Dharma-Shastra: Texts codifying social and ritual duties within the Varna system.

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🔆 Hindustan Republican Association (HRA)

📍 Context
Uttar Pradesh launched centenary celebrations of the Kakori Train Action to educate youths on India's revolutionary past.

📍 About HRA
Founded in 1924, it was a revolutionary group aiming to achieve India's independence through armed struggle.
Goal: Establish a Federated Republic of India by overthrowing British rule.
Ideology: Socialism and use of force to end British rule.

📍 Transformation into HSRA (1928)
Renamed Hindustan Socialist Republican Association (HSRA) with socialism as a core goal.

📍 Key Activities
Kakori Train Action (1925): Revolutionaries looted a British treasury train to fund activities.
Avenging Lala Lajpat Rai’s Death (1928): Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, and Chandrashekhar Azad killed the police officer responsible.
Assembly Bomb Explosion (1929): Bhagat Singh and B.K. Dutt threw bombs in the Central Legislative Assembly to protest British rule.

📍 Founding Members
Ram Prasad Bismil, Ashfaqulla Khan, Sachindra Nath Sanyal, and Jogesh Chandra Chatterjee.

📍 Publications
The Revolutionary by Ram Prasad Bismil and Philosophy of the Bomb by Bhagwati Charan Vohra justified the use of force for independence.

Personalities In News

🔆 Important Religious & Philosophical Terms

📍 Religious Concepts
Ziarat – Place of pilgrimage.
Hagiography – Sacred biography.
Dana – Donation or votive offering.
Yajna – Sacrificial ritual.
Moksha – Liberation from the cycle of rebirth.

📍 Philosophical & Theological Beliefs
Monolatry – Belief in a supreme god while acknowledging other gods.
Monotheism – Belief in only one god.
Henotheism – Worship of multiple deities, but one is supreme at a given time. This Rig Vedic concept (coined by Max Müller) describes how different gods are praised as the highest in different hymns.
Astika Schools – Philosophies that accept Vedic authority (e.g., Nyaya, Samkhya).
Nastika Schools – Reject Vedic authority (e.g., Buddhism, Jainism, Charvaka).

📍 Ancient Sects & Schools
Ajivikas – Ancient sect linked to Makkhali Gosala.
Charvaka – Atheistic materialist philosophy (Lokayata).
Samana – Renunciant, seeker of truth.
Charana – Vedic school of study.

📍 Hindu Cosmology & Mythology
Kalpa – One Brahma day (4.32 billion years).
Kaliyuga – The fourth and final age of the aeon.
Yakshas – Deities of water, fertility, and forests.
Nagas/NaginisMale & female serpent deities.

📍 Societal Practices & Rituals
Samskaras – Rituals marking life’s important stages.
Sapindas – Relatives governed by marriage & inheritance laws.
DakshinaSacrificial fee given to priests.
Niyoga – Ancient practice where a widow cohabits with her brother-in-law to bear children.
Viragal – Hero stone, especially in Tamil Nadu.

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PYQ Book by Vishal Narwade Sir (IAS) - who cleared 6 prelims, 6 Mains, 6 interview & selected as IAS, IPS & IRS.

Mission 120+ in CSE Prelims

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1. Archaeological Site of Nalanda Mahavihara at Nalanda, Bihar
2. Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi, MP
3. Mahabodhi Temple Complex at Bodh Gaya, Bihar
4. Ajanta Caves Aurangabad, Maharashtra

NOTE: Heritage City Development Scheme (HRIDAY) and identification of 3 Buddhist circuits are some of the few initiatives by central government to harness the Buddhist pilgrims to both augment the Tourism and employment opportunities.


🏛️ Important Court Scholars & Their Patrons 📜

KalidasaChandragupta II (Vikramaditya)
AlberuniMuhammad Ghazni
FirdausiMuhammad Ghazni
Amir KhusroAlauddin Khilji
Abul FazalAkbar
Ashva GhoshaKanishka
Amara SimhaChandragupta II
Chand BardaiPrithviraj Chauhan
RavikirtiPulikesin II
DhanwantariChandragupta II
Tenali RamaKrishnadeva Raya

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📜 Eminent Personalities of Ancient India 🇮🇳

Alexander – Ruler of Macedonia, invaded India in 326 BC, reached river Beas.
Ajatashatru – Son of Bimbisara, established Pataliputra.
Arien – Greek historian, wrote about Alexander’s invasion.
Ashwaghosa – Wrote Buddha Charita, Sutralankar, and Sandaranand.
AmarSimha – Sanskrit scholar, wrote Amarakosha in Chandragupta’s court.
Aryabhatta – Explained solar & lunar eclipses, declared Earth is round, wrote Aryabhattiyam.
Bimbisara – Founded Magadha Empire (Haryanka Dynasty), first influential king.
Banabhatta – Court poet of Harshavardhana, wrote Harsha Charita & Kadambari.
CharakAyurvedic expert, wrote Charak-Samhita.
Amoghavarsha – Famous Rashtrakuta ruler.
Patanjali – Founded ‘Yoga Shastra’, Hindu philosophy school.
Dhanananda – Powerful Magadha king; Alexander did not invade Magadha due to his reputation.
Darius I – Persian ruler who invaded India in 6th century BC.
Gautami Putra Satakarni – Most famous Satavahana king (2nd century).

📜 Other Key Personalities

Harisena – Wrote Prayaga Prashasti (Allahabad Pillar Inscription of Samudragupta).
Kharavela – Ruler of Kalinga in 1st century AD, known for Hathigumpha inscription.
KanishkaKushan king, started Shaka Era, organized 4th Buddhist Council (Kundalvana, Kashmir).
KarikalaChola ruler, founded Puhar (Kaveri Pattinam).
Kautilya (Chanakya) – Wrote Arthashastra, compared to Machiavelli.
Kalidasa – Sanskrit poet; wrote Raghuvamsa, Abhijnana Shakuntalam, Meghadutam.
Kamban – Tamil poet (11th century), wrote Ramayanam in Tamil.
Mihir Bhoja – Famous Pratihara ruler (9th century).
Kalhana – Kashmiri poet & historian, wrote Rajatarangini.
Marco PoloVenetian traveller, visited India (13th century).
MenanderIndo-Greek king, embraced Buddhism, known as Milinda Panho.
Nagarjuna – Buddhist monk, propounded Madhyamaka philosophy.
Makkali GosalaFounder of Ajivika Sect (6th century BC).
MihirkulaHuna conqueror, defeated by Yashodharma.
SkandaguptaLast mighty Gupta ruler.

📜 Scholars & Scientists of Ancient India

SushrutDoctor, wrote Sushruta-Samhita.
Pulikeshi II – Powerful Chalukya king, defeated Harshavardhana.
Pushya Mitra Sunga – Killed last Mauryan ruler, founded Sunga Dynasty (185 BC).
Pliny – Roman historian, wrote Natural History, documented Mauryas of India.
PaniniSanskrit grammarian, wrote Ashtadhyayi.
VarahamihiraAstronomer, wrote Brihat Samhita.
SankaracharyaPropagated Advaita philosophy, born in Kaladi, Kerala.

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